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Hubbard B. — The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making
Hubbard B. — The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making

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Íàçâàíèå: The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making

Àâòîð: Hubbard B.


I own the very first (French) edition of Mrs. Barbara's book.

It is nice reading, but not so fun as some would say.

It has some advanced calculus level math ( Fourier transform ) and treats mainly Haar wavelets.

As an introduction to the subject it is quite adequate, but if you need/want something more go elsewhere.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 275

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 26.04.2014

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Kolmogorov, Andrei, divergent series      105
Kolmogorov, Andrei, equivalence of measure theory and probability theory      171
Kolmogorov, Andrei, information content      65 66
Kolmogorov, Andrei, KAM theorem      113
Kolmogorov, Andrei, turbulence      55
Kovalevskaya, Sophie      108
Kronland-Martinet, Richard      124 204
Kulikowski, Janus      187
Lagrange, Joseph Louis      11
Laplace, Pierre Simon      7 176
Lebesgue integral      182—183 217—219
Lebesgue, Henri      182—183
Lemarie, Pierre Gilles (later Lemarie-Rieusset)      45 138
Limits      219
LOG      see "logarithm"
Logarithm      117
Lord Kelvin, (on Fourier)      8
Low-pass filter      see "Filters"
Lucier, Bradley      59
Magnetic resonance imaging      53—54 70
Mallat, Stephane      see also "Multiresolution analysis" "Fast
Mallat, Stephane, Best Basis      81
Mallat, Stephane, choice of system of representation      88—89
Mallat, Stephane, dictionary analogy      86—88
Mallat, Stephane, early involvement with wavelets      38—42 45—47 137—138 140 145
Mallat, Stephane, Matching Pursuits      85—88
Mallat, Stephane, multiresolution analysis with Meyer      38—41 137—153
Mallat, Stephane, speed of computations      45
Mallat, Stephane, wavelet maxima      59—61 125
Malvar wavelets      78—80 81 83 87 201
Malvar, Henrique      80
Mandelbrot set      46 65 66 67
Marcelja, S.      187
Marr, David      26 39 76 162
Massopust, P.R.      164
Matching Pursuits      85—88 202
Mathematical analysis (described by Fourier)      14
Mathematical microscope      31 54
Mathematical Theory of Communications      18 81
Matrices in fast Fourier transform      118-123
Matrices in quantum mechanics      180
Matrices, matrix compression      70—71
Matrices, matrix multiplication      119—120
Maxwell, James Clark      xiii 7
Mean      172 174—175
Mean absolute deviation      172 173
Measure theory and probability      171 172 219
Mechain, Pierre      11
Medical applications      53—54 70 78
Mexican hat wavelet      194
Meyer wavelet      36—37 41 45 47 140
Meyer, Yves, applications of wavelets      3 54—55 71—74 203
Meyer, Yves, Best Basis      81—85
Meyer, Yves, Burt and Adelson pyramid algorithms      45
Meyer, Yves, choice of system of representation      4 75 77 89
Meyer, Yves, coefficients translating properties of functions      31—33 80 186
Meyer, Yves, continuous vs orthogonal transforms      35—36 74
Meyer, Yves, Daubechies      47
Meyer, Yves, early involvement with wavelets      24—25 34 36—39 41 47 77—78 80 137—138
Meyer, Yves, Fourier analysis      15 21 23 89
Meyer, Yves, function spaces, Weierstrass function      181 186
Meyer, Yves, history of wavelets      24—26 46—47
Meyer, Yves, interpreting coefficients      61 62 74 78
Meyer, Yves, iterations      46
Meyer, Yves, length of support      197
Meyer, Yves, Malvar wavelets and wavelet packets      77—80 85
Meyer, Yves, multiresolution analysis with Mallat      38—39 41 137—138
Meyer, Yves, orthogonality      36 74
Meyer, Yves, redundancy of continuous transforms      35 135—136
Meyer, Yves, white noise      57
Miracle of the low frequencies      138
Modane signal      55
moment      197
Momentum observable      178—179
Morlet wavelet      45 187 194
Morlet, Jean      26 28—31 34 56 74—75 187
Moser, Jurgen (and KAM theorem)      113
Mother wavelet      28 41 164
Multifractal      54 55—56
Multiresolution      31 48 see "Mallat
Multiresolution analysis, Mallat — Meyer      38—41 47 137—153 164
Multiresolution analysis, Mallat — Meyer, conditions necessary for      141—145
Multiresolution analysis, Mallat — Meyer, geometric interpretation of      140 147 149—150
Multiresolution analysis, Mallat — Meyer, history of      38—41 137—138
Multiresolution analysis, Mallat — Meyer, importance of      39—41 45 139—140
Multiwavelets      163—164
MUSIC      18 19 74 77 78—79 83—84 125 204
Natural scenes      190—192
Navier — Stokes equations      55 73
Newton, Isaac      7 8
Nichols, Charles      84
Noise      52 56 83 84 see "White
Non-orthogonal bases      126 133—135 163
Nonlinear      21—22 46 73—74
Nonstationary signals      77 85 87
Normalization      129 153 165 177 192
Nyquist, Harry      18
Observables      178—179
Octaves      19 31 34 191—192
Oil prospecting      26
Ondelettes      24
Operator      178—180 185
Orchard, Michael T.      69
Order of regularity      see "Regularity"
Orthogonal wavelets      80 125 192 see "Multiwavelets" "Stroemberg"
Orthogonal wavelets, coefficients hard to read      74 80
Orthogonal wavelets, sampling theorem and      34
Orthogonal wavelets, search for      36—37 47 140
Orthogonality      36—37 45 47 56 57 77 81 87 126—136 196
Orthonormality      129—130 192 232
P      see "Momentum observable"
Parisi, Giorgio      55
Parseval, theorem of      134 222 225 230
Partial differential equations      8 22 70 184
Phase      9 22—23 77 99—100
Picard, Dominique      57
Piecewise polynomial wavelets      163—164
Planck's constant (h)      177
Poincare, Henri, n-body problem      113
Poincare, Henri, pathological functions      10—11
Poincare, Henri, praise for Fourier      11
Pointwise convergence      106
Position observable      178—179
probability      171—175
Probability, equivalence with measure theory      171
Probability, governing speech      82
Probability, probability density      174 224
Probability, spaces      171 173—174
Pyramid algorithms      39 42 45 47 63 139 162
Pythagorean Theorem      129 183
q      see "Position observable"
Quadrature mirror filters      39 147 162
Quantization, compression and      69
Quantization, computing errors due to      134 196—197
Quantization, different definitions in signal processing and quantum mechanics      134
Quantization, vector quantization      69
quantum mechanics      15 17 29 47 49 51 171 173 175—179 182
Quasi-stationary signals      77
Random      65—67
Random function      172
Random variable      see "Random function"
Receptive fields      62 188
Reconstruction (of signal)      9 30 34 98 126 133—135
Redundance      35—36 80 81—82 135—136 191
Regularity (smoothness)      39 47 139 163 185 186 195 197—199
Representation, choice of      4 82 88—89 192 196 200 see
Resolution      31
Reynolds number      55 72
Riemann integral      216—219
Riemann sum      133
Riemann, Bernhard      216
Rioul, Olivier      4 170
Rioul, Olivier, choice of wavelet      194—199
Rioul, Olivier, comparing compression methods      70
Rioul, Olivier, regularity      197—199
Rioul, Olivier, speed of FWT and FFT      161
Rodet, Xavier      80
Rokhlin, Vladimir      70 71
Round-off errors      19 77 134
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (and digital notation for music)      74
Sampling theorem      151
Sampling theorem, digital technology and      18-20
Sampling theorem, limit on transmission of information      64
Sampling theorem, proof      221—223
Sampling theorem, wavelets and      34 35 41
Scalar product in infinite-dimensional function spaces      128—129
Scalar product in matrix multiplication      120
Scalar product of complex-valued vectors      136
Scalar product, computing coefficients      126 129—131 133—135
Scalar product, definition of      128
Scalar product, relationship with integrals      131—133
SCALE      31 80
Scaling function      40—44 137—140
Scaling function in fast wavelet transform      42—44 154—157 159—160
Scaling function, conditions for multiresolution      141—145
Scaling function, creating transfer function from      145—147
Scaling function, creating wavelet from      152
Scaling function, creating, from transfer function      145 148—149
Scaling function, creating, using iterations      146
Scaling function, miracle of the low frequencies      138
Scaling function, multiple, in multiwavelets      163—164
Schroedinger's equation      176
Schwartz, Laurent      107 182 184 186
Schwarz inequality      129 225
Selectivity in frequency      195 198—199
Self-similar Gabor functions      see "Gabor transforms"
Semmes, S.      36
Shannon, Claude      18 19 81 see
Shapiro, J.M.      69
Shiftable transforms      193
Short-time Fourier analysis      see "Windowed Fourier analysis"
Siegel, Carl L. (and problem with small divisors)      109
Simoncelli, Eero (and pyramid algorithms)      162
Sine      212
skeletons      124—125
Small divisors      109—113
Smoothing function      43 see
Smoothness, smooth wavelets      see "Regularity"
Solar system, stability of      107—113
Sparse distributed transform      189—190
Spatial frequency      16 96—97
Spectral theorem      180
Speech      39 77 79—80 82 84 89 125 203—204
Spline functions      45 138 164
Square summable      176 183 185 232
Standard basis      168
Standard deviation      172—173
Stationary signal      89
Steerable filters      193
Strang, Gilbert      117 152
Strichartz, Robert      41 52 181—182 185—186
Stroemberg, J.O.      37
Submarines      3 70
Symmetry, biorthogonal wavelets      69 196
Symmetry, image processing      196
Symmetry, symmetrical wavelets with compact support      163—164 196
TAPs      161
Tchamitchian, Philippe      125
Terminology, confusions in      80 81 124 134 179 189
textures      89 192 198
Theorie analytique de la chaleur      see "Analytical Theory of Heat"
Thresholding      see "Denoising"
Tight frames      196
Time information      22—24 97 99—100
Time-frequency decompositions      48—51 81 165—170 see
Time-frequency plane      205
Time-frequency wavelets      80
Time-scale wavelets      80
Todd, Neil      204
Torresani, Bruno      124—125
Transfer function      139 145
Translation      41
Translation invariance      35 59 88 193
Tukey, T.W.      64 117
Turbulence      72—74 197
Turbulence, coherent structures      72
Turbulence, Modane signal      55
Turbulence, Reynolds number as measure of      55
Turbulence, wavelets as tool for      55—56 59 71—73 189
Uncertainty principle      see "Heisenberg uncertainty principle"
Uniform convergence      106
Universe, large-scale structure of      54
Unser, Michael      198
Vanishing moments      32 39 45 47 161 197—198
Vanishing moments, condition for regularity      198
Variance      165 173
Vector quantization      69
Vectors, addition of      127 130
Vectors, angle between      129
Vectors, function as vector      128 183
Vectors, length of      129 133
Venice      21—22
Vetterli, Martin      118 170
Ville, J.      23
VIRGO      125
Vision      25 26 38—39 62—64 162 187—193 196
von Neumann, John      185
Watson, Andrew B.      188
Wave function      51 176
wave number      97
Wavelet coefficients in vision      188
Wavelet coefficients, computing      30—31 33 34—35 40 42—44 47 see
Wavelet coefficients, computing without wavelets      152
Wavelet coefficients, interpreting      31 52 61 74 78
Wavelet coefficients, sensitivity to variations      31—33 68
Wavelet Digest      240
Wavelet maxima      59—61 125
Wavelet packets      74 77—78 81 83 85 87 202
Wavelet transform      201 see
Wavelet transform, computing without wavelets      152
Wavelets      see also "Continuous wavelet transform" "Discrete "Fast "Multiresolution" "Wavelet "Daubechies "Malvar
Wavelets, biorthogonal      69 80 196—197
Wavelets, choice of      74—75 88 192 194—199 203—204
Wavelets, complex-valued      75
Wavelets, definition imprecise      36 80
Wavelets, fractal      163—164
Wavelets, frequency imprecise      31 198
Wavelets, history of      24—26 28—30 34 36—41 45 47 56—67 59
Wavelets, integral zero      32 36
Wavelets, intellectual contribution of      25 76 89
Wavelets, limitations      77
Wavelets, mother      28 41
Wavelets, multiwavelets      163—164
Wavelets, nonlinear problems and      72—74
Wavelets, not real      62 78
Wavelets, orthogonal transforms      36—37 41 61 62 80
Wavelets, piecewise polynomial      163—164
Wavelets, pure mathematics and      26 52 78 181 186
Wavelets, representation with      48—50 169
Wavelets, time-frequency      80
Wavelets, time-scale      80
Weak convergence      229
Weaver, John      53 70 78
Weaver, Warren, entropy      81
Weaver, Warren, information and meaning      67
Weaver, Warren, probabilities governing speech      82
Weaver, Warren, sampling theorem      18
Weierstrass, Karl      108—110 113 181
Wesfreid, Eva      80
Weyl, Hermann      185
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