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Miles R. — AspectJ Cookbook |
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! (unary) operator
!within(CallRecipe+) pointcut
&& (logical AND) operator
&& (logical AND) operator, combining pointcuts with
&& (logical AND) operator, short-circuit behavior
.ajproperties file
.lst files
Abstract Factory pattern
accept(Visitor) class
AccountPersistenceAspect aspect
acknowledge( ) method
adapter design pattern
advice 2nd
advice, accessing attributes and methods from within
advice, accessing join point context from within
advice, advising same join point within same aspect
advice, after( )
advice, after( ), change triggered
advice, after( ), execute advice after 2nd
advice, after( ), outputing tracing messages
advice, after( ), returning(<ReturnType\\> <Identifier\\>)
advice, after( ), returning(<ReturnValue\\>) form
advice, after( ), throwing
advice, after( ), throwing(<ExceptionType\\> <Identifier\\>)
advice, after( ), transactions
advice, apply to other aspects
advice, around( )
advice, around( ), constructor calls on Singleton interface classes
advice, around( ), join point triggers, executing advice around
advice, around( ), overriding original logic with
advice, around( ), return value required
advice, around(MainApplication) block
advice, aspects and pointcuts, relationship with
advice, before( )
advice, before( ), outputing tracing messages
advice, before( ), transactions
advice, capturing value of field being accessed
advice, capturing when executing 2nd
advice, executed
advice, executed, after join point raised exception
advice, executed, after normally returned join point
advice, executed, after specific join point
advice, executed, all pointcut conditions true
advice, executed, around join point triggers
advice, executed, before join point triggers
advice, executed, excluding join points from within
advice, executed, one pointcut condition true
advice, exposing orginal join point while being advised
advice, javadoc tags, applying to
advice, join points, excluding execution
advice, JoinPoint implicit object passed to block
advice, precedence, controlling order of
advice, triggering based on true result comparison
AdviceExecution aspect
adviceexecution( ) pointcut
AdviceSignature interface
after( ) advice
after( ) advice, change triggered
after( ) advice, execute advice after
after( ) advice, execute advice after, join point
after( ) advice, execute advice after, join point raised exception
after( ) advice, outputting tracing messages
after( ) advice, returning(<ReturnType\\> <Identifier\\>)
after( ) advice, returning(<ReturnType\\> <Identifier\\>), with primitive types
after( ) advice, returning(<ReturnValue\\>)
after( ) advice, throwing
after( ) advice, throwing(<ExceptionType\\> <Identifier\\>)
after( ) advice, transactions, and
ajc compiler [See compiler]
AJDT plug-in
AJDT plug-in, Version 1.1.11 or later
anonymous pointcuts
Apache Axis web service, using AspectJ
Apache Tomcat
AppleScript in a Nutshell (Bruce W. Perry)
application properties aspects
application scale aspects
ApplicationLoggingAspect aspect
applications, areas in
applications, areas in, declaring set of rules for
applications, Axis web service
applications, command-line
applications, command-line, deployment setup
applications, executable JAR file
applications, executable JAR file, deployment setup
applications, Java Servlet
applications, Java Servlet, deployed structure
applications, JSP
applications, JSP, deployment setup
applications, methods, introducing transactional behavior to
applications, programmatic constructs, controlling
applications, security policies, adding to existing
applications, targets
args([TypePatterns \\| Identifiers]) pointcut, capturing method call parameter values
args([Types \\| Identifiers]) pointcut 2nd
args([Types \\| Identifiers]) pointcut, exposing new field value
args([Types \\| Identifiers]) pointcut, key characteristics 2nd
around( ) advice
around( ) advice, constructor calls on Singleton interface classes
around( ) advice, join point triggers, executing advice around
around( ) advice, overriding original logic with
around( ) advice, return value required
around(MainApplication) advice block
aspect-oriented programming 2nd [See also join points; pointcuts]
aspect-oriented programming, advice
aspect-oriented programming, aspects
aspect-oriented programming, cross-cutting concerns
aspect-oriented programming, enterprise systems
aspect-oriented programming, history of
aspect-oriented programming, join points, supported
aspect-oriented programming, pointcuts
aspect-oriented programming, Xerox PARC and
AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT) plug-in [See AJDT plug-in]
AspectJ, ajc compiler [See compiler]
AspectJ, applications
AspectJ, applications, Axis web service
AspectJ, applications, command-line
AspectJ, applications, executable JAR file
AspectJ, applications, Java Servlet
AspectJ, applications, JSP
AspectJ, applications, targets
AspectJ, aspects [See also aspects]
AspectJ, aspects, objects, treated as
AspectJ, aspects, singletons by default in
AspectJ, best practices
AspectJ, build configurations
AspectJ, build configurations, file example
AspectJ, build configurations, multiple
AspectJ, command-line build area
AspectJ, compiler
AspectJ, compiler, Eclipse as
AspectJ, compiler, Eclipse download location
AspectJ, compiler, project forced rebuild
AspectJ, compiler, supplying files for
AspectJ, compiler, weaving
AspectJ, development environment, testing
AspectJ, Eclipse, compiling with
AspectJ, eclipse.org, open forum for
AspectJ, installing
AspectJ, Java Runtime requirements
AspectJ, javadoc generation
AspectJ, join points 2nd 3rd 4th [See also join points]
AspectJ, join points, supported
AspectJ, JoinPoint implicit object passed to block
AspectJ, pointcuts
AspectJ, pointcuts, for Java class and object initialization and construction stages
AspectJ, runtime API packages
| AspectJ, syntax example
AspectJ, testing, applying mock objects for
AspectJ, this variable
AspectJ, thisJoinPoint variable
AspectJ, thisJoinPointStaticPart variable
AspectJ, weaving
AspectJ, weaving, into JAR files
AspectJ, weaving, load-time, compile-time
AspectJ, Xerox PARC and
aspectjrt.jar, library
aspectjrt.jar, warning message when missing
aspectjrt.jar, within deployment/lib directory
aspects, AccountPersistenceAspect
aspects, active as behavior changers
aspects, advice, applying to
aspects, AdviceExecution
aspects, application properties
aspects, application scale
aspects, ApplicationLoggingAspect
aspects, AspectJ, singletons by default in
aspects, aTrack project (Ron Bodkin), resusable aspect libraries
aspects, behavior decoupling, generic and reusable
aspects, build configurations for, multiple
aspects, BusinessResourcePoolingAspect
aspects, CallRecipe 2nd 3rd
aspects, categorized as
aspects, ChainOfResponsibilityPattern abstract
aspects, classes
aspects, classes, adding interfaces to
aspects, classes, mulitple advised by
aspects, classes, transformed into during weaving process 2nd
aspects, CommandPattern abstract
aspects, CompositePattern
aspects, ConcreteClassAObserver
aspects, ControlClassSelectionAspect
aspects, CuckoosEggAspect
aspects, DecoratorPattern abstract
aspects, DefaultAlgorithmImplementation
aspects, DelegatingProxyPattern
aspects, DelegationProxy
aspects, developing simple
aspects, EmployeeIteration
aspects, EmployeeMemento
aspects, EmployeePersistenceAspect
aspects, FormatCallDepth 2nd
aspects, GraphicsComposite
aspects, HelloWorld type example
aspects, HelpChain
aspects, instantiation
aspects, instantiation, as singleton
aspects, instantiation, per-object-instance
aspects, instantiation, sharing across all applied areas
aspects, interatorPattern abstract
aspects, InventoryVisitor
aspects, Java classes, multiple applied to
aspects, javadoc tags, applying to
aspects, LazyFeatureLoading
aspects, LazyLoading
aspects, Logging abstract
aspects, MainApplication
aspects, MediatorPattern abstract
aspects, MomentoPattern abstract
aspects, MyAppPolicyAspect
aspects, objects, treated as
aspects, ObserverPattern
aspects, ObserverPattern abstract
aspects, passive as interceptors or observers
aspects, passive as interceptors or observers, logging 2nd
aspects, passive as interceptors or observers, tracing
aspects, patterns, applying as
aspects, PersistenceAspect
aspects, pointcuts and advice, relationship with
aspects, PrintableCharacterFlyweight
aspects, PrinterScreenAdapter
aspects, ProjectPolicyAspect
aspects, ProxyPattern abstract
aspects, resource pooling
aspects, ResourcePoolingAspect
aspects, SingletonPattern abstract
aspects, SortingStrategy
aspects, StrategyPattern abstract
aspects, TCPConnectionState
aspects, TextDisplayDecorator
aspects, TextPhraseBuilderDefaultImplementation 2nd
aspects, TracingAspect
aspects, TracingAspect, extending
aspects, TransactionAspect
aspects, varying selection of
aspects, VerifyMethodArgsAspect
aspects, VisitorPattern abstract
aspects, weaving
aspects, weaving, at load time
aspects, weaving, into JAR files
aspects, XWindowBridge
aTrack bug-tracking project
aTrack bug-tracking project, reusable aspect and pointcut libraries (Ron Bodkin)
attributes, private, encapsulation broken by get(Signature) pointcut
bar( ) method call 2nd 3rd
before( ) advice
before( ) advice, accessing identifiers with 2nd 3rd 4th
before( ) advice, examples
before( ) advice, executing advice before join point trigger
before( ) advice, foo( ) method enhancement
before( ) advice, outputting tracing messages
before( ) advice, transactions, and
Bodkin, Ron
Bodkin, Ron, aTrack project's reusable aspect and pointcut libraries
Bodkin, Ron, New Aspects of Security
Boolean pointcut logic
Border Control design pattern
Border Control design pattern, application's important packages
Border Control design pattern, BorderControllerAspect
Border Control design pattern, MainApplication
Border Controller design pattern
Border Controller design pattern, Cuckoo's Egg pattern collaboration
Border Controller design pattern, declaring sets of regions
Border Controller design pattern, reusable pointcut definition library
bridge design pattern
BubbleSorter class
bug-tracking project, aTrack
bug-tracking project, aTrack, reusable aspect and pointcut libraries (Ron Bodkin)
build configurations
build configurations, file example
build configurations, multiple
builder pattern
business logic classes
BusinessCard class
BusinessResource class
BusinessResourcePool class
BusinessResourcePoolingAspect aspect
call(Signature) pointcut
call(Signature) pointcut, capturing method call parameter values 2nd
call(Signature) pointcut, capturing method call targets
call(Signature) pointcut, for constructors
call(Signature) pointcut, inherited or overridden methods
call(Signature) pointcut, simple class example
call(Signature) pointcut, specific method capture example
call(Signature) pointcut, static and dynamic targets
callFooIntStringPointcut( ) pointcut
callIntersectionFooOrBar( ) pointcut
CallRecipe aspect 2nd 3rd
calls, constructors
calls, constructors, capturing
calls, constructors, class instantiation, controlling
calls, logging class, refactoring
calls, proceed( )
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