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Miles R. — AspectJ Cookbook |
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initializeComponent(Object) method
InitializerSignature interface
initializeSpecificPool( ) method 2nd
interfaces, AdviceSignature
interfaces, applying to a class
interfaces, CatchClauseSignature
interfaces, CodeSignature
interfaces, Colleague
interfaces, CommandInvoker
interfaces, CommandReceiver
interfaces, constructor calls on Singleton applied classes
interfaces, ConstructorSignature
interfaces, DecoratedComponent
interfaces, default implementation
interfaces, FieldSignature
interfaces, InitializerSignature
interfaces, JoinPoint
interfaces, JoinPoint.StaticPart
interfaces, LazyProxy
interfaces, maintaining behavior while extending methods
interfaces, Mediator roles as
interfaces, MemberSignature
interfaces, MethodSignature
interfaces, NonSingleton
interfaces, RealComponent
interfaces, Resource
interfaces, ResourcePool
interfaces, Runnable
interfaces, SharedInstance
interfaces, Signature
interfaces, signature specialized subinterfaces
interfaces, Singleton
interfaces, SingletonPattern abstract aspect roles as
interfaces, SourceLocation
interfaces, TextPhraseBuilder
interfaces, ThirdPartyComponentInterface
interfaces, Transaction
interpreter design pattern
interpreter design pattern, Hanneman, Jan
ints, getLine( ) public int
ints, getModifiers( ) public int
InventoryVisitor aspect
issingleton( ) aspect instantiation policy 2nd
iterator design pattern
IteratorPattern abstract aspect
JAAS authentication procedure for security policies
jar files
JAR files, executable
JAR files, executable, deployment setup
JAR files, weaving aspects into
Java classes, pointcuts for initialization and construction stages
Java Enterprise in a Nutshell (William Crawford, Jim Farley and David Flanagan)
Java in a Nutshell (David Flanagan) 2nd
Java runtime requirements
Java Security (Scott Oaks)
Java Server Pages (JSP)
Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook (Bruce W. Perry) 2nd
Java Servlet executable
Java Servlet executable, deployed structure
javadoc generation
JBoss implementation
join points 2nd 3rd
join points, adding additional security to
join points, advice execution, excluding from within
join points, capturing
join points, capturing, class initialization
join points, capturing, constructor call matches signature
join points, capturing, constructor execution
join points, capturing, exception handling
join points, capturing, object initialization
join points, capturing, object preinitialization 2nd
join points, capturing, within a class
join points, capturing, within a method
join points, capturing, within a package
join points, code signature, determining
join points, dynamic context information
join points, excluding result of advice execution
join points, getFileName( ) public String
join points, getLine( ) public int
join points, getWithinType( ) public Class
join points, ignoring during transaction life
join points, JoinPoint identifier
join points, JointPoint.StaticPart getStaticPart( ) public Joinpoint
join points, list of supported
join points, original join point, exposing while being advised
join points, originalJoinPoint identifier
join points, static context information
JoinPoint class
JoinPoint identifier
JoinPoint interface
JoinPoint interface, JoinPoint.StaticPart interface
JoinPoint.StaticPart getStaticPart( ) public Joinpoint
Kiczales, Gregor
Krestein, Mik 2nd
LazyFeatureLoading aspect
LazyFeatureProxy class
LazyLoading aspect
LazyProxy interface
LinearSorter class
logException(JoinPoint) abstract method
Logging abstract aspect
logging passive aspects
logging, API, plugging in
logging, different ways concurrently
logging, excluding from
logging, passive aspects
main(..) method, declaring location of
main(String[ ]) method
MainApplicatin.run( ) method
MainApplication aspect
MainApplication class
mainApplicationInitialization( ) pointcut
Manager classes
mappingColleagueToMediator lookup
Measuring the Dynamic Behaviour of AspectJ Programs (Ganesh Sittampalam)
mediator design pattern
mediator design pattern, common mediator requirement
mediator roles as interfaces
MediatorPattern abstract aspect
MemberSignature interface
memento design pattern
MementoPattern abstract aspect
method calls, capturing
method calls, capturing, bar( ) call 2nd 3rd
method calls, capturing, on execution
method calls, capturing, on execution, OthisO reference value 2nd
method calls, capturing, parameter values 2nd
method calls, capturing, targets
methods, acknowledge( )
methods, capturing all join points within
methods, characteristic regions, declaring
methods, close( )
methods, createMemento( )
methods, createNewFlyweight(...) abstract
methods, declaring abstract with work flow
methods, delegateRequest(..)
methods, extending behavior of, maintain public interface
methods, getRealComponent( )
methods, getResult( ), default implementation
methods, getState( )
methods, getStaticPart( )
methods, initializeComponent(Object)
methods, initializeSpecificPool( ) 2nd
| methods, Java System.out.println(..)
methods, logException(JoinPoint) abstract
methods, main(..), declaring location of
methods, main(String[ ])
methods, MainApplicatin.run( )
methods, notifyMediator(Colleague,Mediator)
methods, notifyOfChange(Subject)
methods, overloading from mismatched parameters
methods, parameters passed to, validating
methods, resourceReturnedToPool( )
methods, resourceReturnedToPool(Resource)
methods, setMediator(Colleague, Mediator)
methods, setMemento(Memento)
methods, setT(float)
methods, setupTransaction(Object[ ]) abstract
methods, stub run( )
methods, System.getProperty( )
methods, ThirdPartyFactory.getThirdPartyComponent( ) factory
methods, thisJoinPoint.getStaticPart( )
methods, transactional behavior, introducing
methods, transactions, specifying treatment as
MethodSignature interface
mock component unit testing
monitorMainApplicationProperty pointcut
monitorMyClassProperty( ) pointcut
MyAppPolicyAspect aspect
myClassConstructor( ) pointcut
myClassObjectCreation( ) pointcut
myExceptionHandlerPointcut pointcut
named pointcuts
New Aspects of Security (Ron Bodkin)
NoAspectBoundException class
NonSingleton interface
notifyMediator(Colleague,Mediator) method
notifyOfChange(Subject) method
objects, creating state change dependencies
objects, duplicate supported by prototype pattern
objects, getArgs( ) public Object[]
objects, getTarget( ) public Object
objects, getThis( ) public Object
objects, grouping together in a collection
objects, incorporating fine-grained with flyweight patterns
objects, overriding instantiation on constructor call
objects, reinstating original state
objects, request execution by heirarchy of
objects, requests, encapsulation as
objects, surrogate
objects, XWindow, sharing
ObjectStore role
observer design pattern
observer design pattern, heirarchical manner of
ObserverPattern aspect 2nd
org.aspectj.lang package
org.aspectj.lang.SoftException runtime exception class
OriginalClass class
originalJoinPoint identifier
packages, capturing all join points within
packages, characteristic regions, declaring
packages, org.aspectj.lang
parameters, checking
parameters, modularizing
parameters, passed to method
parameters, validating
patterns, abstract factory
patterns, applied as aspects
patterns, builder
patterns, chain of responsibility
patterns, command
patterns, Director aspect-oriented
patterns, factory method
patterns, interpreter
patterns, iterator
patterns, mediator
patterns, memento
patterns, observer
patterns, prototype
patterns, prototype, duplicate objects supported
patterns, singleton, thread-safe implementation
patterns, state
patterns, strategy
patterns, template method
patterns, visitor 2nd
PersistenceAspect aspect
persistStorage(ObjectStore) pointcut
pertarget(Pointcut) aspect instantiation policies
perthis(..) aspect instantiation policy
perthis(Pointcut) aspect instantiation policies
pointcutadviceexecution( ) pointcut
pointcutadviceexecution( ) pointcut, as parameter declaration
pointcuts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th [See also join points]
pointcuts, !within(CallRecipe+)
pointcuts, advice
pointcuts, adviceexecution( )
pointcuts, anonymous 2nd
pointcuts, args([TypePatterns \\| Identifiers]), capturing method call parameter values
pointcuts, args([Types \\| Identifiers]) 2nd
pointcuts, args([Types \\| Identifiers]), exposing new field value
pointcuts, aspects
pointcuts, aspects, to be advised, specifying
pointcuts, call(Signature)
pointcuts, call(Signature), capturing method call parameter values 2nd
pointcuts, call(Signature), capturing method call targets
pointcuts, call(Signature), for constructors
pointcuts, call(Signature), inherited or overridden methods
pointcuts, call(Signature), method capture example
pointcuts, call(Signature), simple class example
pointcuts, call(Signature), static and dynamic targets
pointcuts, callFooIntStringPointcut( )
pointcuts, callIntersectionFooOrBar( )
pointcuts, captureCallParameters(int,String)
pointcuts, captureCallTarget(MyClass)
pointcuts, captureThisDuringExecution(MyClass)
pointcuts, catchResourceConstruction( ) 2nd
pointcuts, catchResourceDestruction(Resource) 2nd
pointcuts, catchStaticCallers( )
pointcuts, catchThirdPartyConstructor( )
pointcuts, cflow(Pointcut) 2nd 3rd
pointcuts, cflowbelow( )
pointcuts, cflowbelow(Pointcut)
pointcuts, change(..) abstract
pointcuts, createURLCalledinMainMethod( )
pointcuts, evaluated as Boolean expressions
pointcuts, evaluated as Boolean expressions, combining using logical AND (&&)
pointcuts, evaluated as Boolean expressions, combining using logical OR (\\|\\|)
pointcuts, evaluated as Boolean expressions, join points not caught by
pointcuts, evaluated as Boolean expressions, runtime condition evaluates to true
pointcuts, exception logging abstract
pointcuts, exceptionsToBeLogged( ) 2nd
pointcuts, excludeNonSingletons( )
pointcuts, execution(Pointcuts)
pointcuts, execution(Pointcuts), inherited or overridden methods
pointcuts, execution(Pointcuts), static and dynamic targets 2nd
pointcuts, execution(Signature)
pointcuts, execution(Signature), capturing excuting methods
pointcuts, execution(Signature), capturing OthisO reference value
pointcuts, execution(Signature), for constructors
pointcuts, filteredExceptionCapture( )
pointcuts, filteredPointsToBeTraced(Object)
pointcuts, for Java class and object initialization and construction stages
pointcuts, get(Signature)
pointcuts, get(Signature), breaks encapsulation of private attributes
pointcuts, get(Signature), object's attribute, capturing when accessed
pointcuts, get(Signature), simple class, applied to
pointcuts, getConstrantPointcut( )
pointcuts, handler(TypePattern) 2nd
pointcuts, handler(TypePattern), class hierarchy, simple
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