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Eves H. — Mathematical Circles Revisited: A Second Collection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes
Eves H. — Mathematical Circles Revisited: A Second Collection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes

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Название: Mathematical Circles Revisited: A Second Collection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes

Автор: Eves H.


In this follow-up to his successful "In Mathematical Circles", Howard Eves once again presents a witty and insightful collection of stories pulled straight from contemporary and ancient mathematical history. Eves threads his way around the human element of mathematics — with the historical and cultural folklore that takes math beyond numbers — and introduces you and your students to a side of mathematics you may never have known existed.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель без номеров страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1971

Количество страниц: 207

Добавлена в каталог: 15.04.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Number(s), Ludolphine      40
Number(s), normal      44
Number(s), pi      see "Pi"
Number(s), simply normal      44
Number(s), Skewes'      32
Number(s), taboos      11
Number(s), theory      17 330
Number(s), tree      5
Numbers & Mathematics      16 see C.W."
Numeral systems, Babylonian      3
Numeral systems, Chinese rod      2
Numeral systems, Greek alphabetical      49
Ohman, O.      22
Olivier, C.P.      340
On Sir Isaac Newton      331 see A."
Oregon State University      240
Orr, A.C.      41
Orthocentric tetrahedron      280
OTHO, V.      39
Oui-ja board      138
Oui-ja board, curve      138
Ounce      83
Palm      79
Papuan Bible      5
Papuan body counting      4
Parabolas of Fermat      135
Paradoxes      163 164
Parallel postulate      18
Parallelotope      259
Parliament, burning of      67
Pascal, E.      135
Pave      259
Peak finger      7
Peano, Giuseppi      135 332
Peano, Giuseppi, curve      135 332
Peano, Giuseppi, method      137
Peano, Giuseppina      332
Pearls of Sluze      135
Peary, R.E.      139
Peck      82
Pegasus      42
Peirce, B.      19
Peirce, C.S.      19
Pell, J.      95 97
Pence      85
Penny      85
Pennyweight      83
Perch      79
Pernety, General      228
Perseus      135
Pesos      104
Petard, H.      137
PI      82 144
Pi by legislation      46
Pi, ancient Egyptian estimation      38
Pi, Biblical time      37
Pi, Brouwer's question      45
Pi, calculation by infinite series      42
Pi, irrationality of      43
Pi, Ludolphine number      40
Pi, mnemonics for      41
Pi, morbus cyclometricus      47
Pi, normalcy of      44 45
Pi, rational approximation      39
Pi, transcendentality of      43
Picard, C.E.      285
Picard, J.      86
Piece of eight      104
Pierce, F.      139
Pillar dollar      104
Pillars of Hercules      104
PinT      82
Pizarro, F.      210
Planchette      138
Plato      21
Pliny      64
Pnncipia Mathematica      335 see A.N." "Russell B."
Poe, E.A.      118 294
Poe, E.A., Eureka      188
Poinsot's spiral      135
Poisson, S.D.      339
Pole      79
Pollack, O.      104
Polya, G.      244 288 289 291 295 296 297 298 299 304 305 306 309 310 351 358
Polybius      59
Poncelet, J.V.      55
Pondiczery, E.S.      137
Pontryagin, L.S.      171
Pope, A.      331
Portland Evening Express      226
Post, E.L.      211
Pound, avoirdupois      83
Pound, sterling      85
Pound, troy      83
Princeton University      248
Principle of discovery      211
Principle of the smallest natural number      121
Prix Bordin      232
Probability and statistics      147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
Problem of neighboring domains      323
Problem solving, esthetics of      207
Problem solving, technique of      206
Proclus      18 see Book
The American Mathematical Monthly      46 137 243 244 245 250 288 291 304 309 351
The Cooper Union      270 321
The Mathematics Teacher      11 17 22 46 95 104 109 138 227 340
The Physical Review      268
They Arithmetic Teacher      227
von Ettinghausen, A.      339
von Helmholtz, H.      231 346
von Karmon, T.      351
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