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Davis P.J. — Mathematics of Matrices |
Предметный указатель |
Matrix, order of 3
Matrix, orthogonal 140 243 317
Matrix, permutation 20
Matrix, pseudopermutation 21
Matrix, row 4
Matrix, rows of 3
Matrix, singular 85
Matrix, skew symmetric 32
Matrix, square 4
Matrix, stiffness 121
Matrix, symmetric 20
Matrix, time independent 259
Matrix, transpose of 17
Matrix, triangular 20
Matrix, unit 19
Matrix, upper triangular 20
Matrix, zero 18
Maxwell, James Clerk 68
Method of models 300
Microscope, mathematical 323
Minor 179
Mirror image 142
Models, method of 300
Multiplication by the unit 45
Multiplication by zero 45
Multiplication of determinants 187
Multiplication on the left 44
Multiplication on the right 44
Multiplication rule, geometrical interpretation 194
Multiplication, associative law of 45
Multiplication, conformable for 35
Multiplication, cumulative 34
Multiplication, distributive laws of 45
Multiplication, matrix 9 22 32 41 43
Multiplication, scalar 29
n-dimensional parallelotope 242
n-dimensional space 239
n-dimensional space, geometry of 160
n-space, angles in 240
n-space, point in 240
n-space, transformation of 243
Negative powers 96
Nonassociative operations 319
Nonhomogeneous linear transformations 167
Nonsingular matrix 85
Normal form 227
Normal matrices 316
Null space 165
Number games 116
Number, complex 296
Number, pure imaginary 296
Numerical analysis 294
One to one function 127
Operation, binary 27
Operations, nonassociative 319
Order of matrix 3
Orthogonal matrix 140 243 317
Orthogonal vectors 218
Overdetermined system 59
Pantograph 329
Parallel vectors 216 241
Parallelogram law 209
Parallelogram theorem 221
Parallelotope, n-dimensional 242
Pascal triangle 8
Pauli, Wolfgang 318
Permutation 10 126
Permutation matrices, action of 63
Permutation matrix 20
Permutation matrix, inverse of 88
Perpendicular vectors 217 241
Pierce, Charles Santiago Sanders 337
Pivot 73 74
Plane, transformations of 132
Plotinus 306
Point in n-space 240
Polynomial, characteristic 266
Polynomial, matrix 52
Positive definite 323
Postmultiplication 44
Postulates for determinants 183
Powers, commutativity of 51
Powers, matrix 49
Powers, negative 96
Premultiplication 44
Principal diagonal 4
Problems, additional 313
Product, inner 32 33
Product, transpose of 54
Products of transformations 149
Progression 280
Progression, arithmetic 280
Progression, geometric 280
Projection 166
Proof in mathematics, role of 25
Properties of dominants 176
Pseudomagic square 321
Pseudopermutation matrix 21
pure imaginary number 296
Pythagoras 330 336
Quadratic form 64
Quadratic form, change of variables 65
Quaternions 319
Range of function 126
Real part 296
rectangular array 2
Recurrence 283
Recurrence equation 282
Recurrence formula 283
Reduction of matrices 99 105
Reflection 142
Reflection in the origin 209
Reflexive 16
Rigid motions 170
Role of proof in mathematics 25
| Roots, characteristic 269
Rotation 138
Row matrix 4
Row transformations, elementary 78
Row vector 4 6 32
Rows of matrix 3
Ruffini 330
Running summation 254
Russell, Bertrand 25 330
Scalar multiplication 29
Scalar multiplication of vectors 210
Scalars 30
Schwarz inequality 225
Second order device 260
Second order linear difference equation 288
Sense preserving transformations 200
Sense reversing transformations 200
Sets, convex 232
Shear 147
Signed area 196
Similarity transformation 146
Simple transformation 136
Simple transformations, table of 154
Simultaneous difference equations, linear 284
Simultaneous linear equations 57
Singular matrix 85
Skew symmetric matrix 32
Smoothing 255
Solution of linear equations 72
Space, n-dimensional 239
Spin matrices 318
Square matrix 4
Square roots, matrix 313
Stiffness matrix 121
Subscripts, double 6
Substitution, backward 73 77
Subtraction, matrix 27
Subtraction, vector 209
Summary laws of matrix arithmetic 112 113
Summation, running 254
Superposition, law of 249
Sylvester, James Joseph 1 328
symmetric 16
Symmetric functions, elementary 309
Symmetric matrix 20
Symmetry 305
Symmetry, bilateral 307
Symmetry, translational 307
System, overdetermined 59
System, underdetermined 58
Systems, equivalent 79
Table of simple transformations 154
Tabulations of information 9
Takakazu 336
Theory of elasticity 68
Theory of groups 306
Three by three matrix, inverse of 181
Time independent box 258
Time independent matrix 259
Trace 329
Transformation 42 125
Transformation of n-space 243
Transformation, fractional 328
Transformation, Galileo 153
Transformation, inverse 128 153
Transformation, linear 61 132 237
Transformation, Lorentz 335
Transformation, similarity 146
Transformation, simple 136
Transformations of plane 132
Transformations, degenerate linear 165
Transformations, linear 125
Transformations, linear homogeneous 158
Transformations, nonhomogeneous linear 167
Transformations, products of 149
Transformations, sense preserving 200
Transformations, sense reversing 200
Transitive 16
Translation 136
Translational symmetry 307
Transpose of matrix 17
Transpose of product 54
Triangle, Pascal 8
Triangular matrix 20
Triangular matrix, inverse of 90
Two by two matrix, inverse of 93
Undetermined system 58
Uniqueness theorems 86
Unit matrix 19
Upper triangular matrix 20
Variables, change of 40
Vector addition 208
Vector subtraction 209
Vector, column 4 6
Vector, components of 213
Vector, direction of 214
Vector, free 211
Vector, geometrical 207
Vector, length of 213
Vector, magnitude of 213
Vector, row 4 6 32
Vectors 207
Vectors and transformations 235
Vectors parallel 241
Vectors perpendicular 241
Vectors, inner product of 219
Vectors, orthogonal 218
Vectors, parallel 216
Vectors, perpendicular 217
Vectors, scalar multiplication of 210
Volume 242
Weierstrass, Karl 330
Witch of Agnesi 309
Writing matrices 5
Zero divisors 109
Zero matrix 18
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