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Mangano S. — XSLT Cookbook |
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nodes, indexes
nodes, optimizing selections
nodes, processing by position
nodes, selecting unique
nodes, set operations on nodes
nodes, set operations on nodes, set equality
nodes, set operations on nodes, using value semantics
nodes, storing node sets in variables
Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS)
nonbreaking space (&#A0;) characters
normalize-space( ) function
number of days between two dates, calculating
numbering text output
numbering text output, beginning with numbers other than one
numbering text output, globally
numbering text output, hierarchically
numbering text output, multiple ordered levels
numbering text output, non-numerical format
numbering text output, sequentially
numbering text output, within subcontexts
numbering text output, without xsl\:number elements
Numbers [See also math functions]2nd
numbers, as bit masks
numbers, base conversions
numbers, converting to Roman numerals
numbers, formatting
numbers, formatting, Arabic characters
numbers, formatting, as spreadsheets
numbers, formatting, decimal-format
numbers, formatting, European money format
numbers, formatting, fixed number of decimal places
numbers, formatting, formatting tokens
numbers, formatting, into columns
numbers, formatting, Roman numerals
numbers, formatting, U.S. money format
numbers, rounding
numbers, rounding, with format-number( )
numeric integration
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines)
OMG (Object Management Group)
Open-Hi-Lo-Close plots
operations, declaring
operations, set
optimizing, global variables
optimizing, node selections
output, debug
output, Saxon to multiple destinations
overriding, copy idiom 2nd 3rd
overriding, templates 2nd
packaging tests with stylesheets
page elements, web sites
pageNumber parameter
parameters, pageNumber
parameters, userScale
parsing functions
Perl, troubleshooting
permutations, calculating
Pie charts
pie charts, creating
pie charts, stylesheets
pipelines, splitting transformations
plots, four-qaudrant
plots, multiple
plots, Open-Hi-Lo-Close
plots, XY
polymorphism, computing sums of
populating HTML forms
ports, bindings
ports, services
PortType 2nd
position( ) function
postconditions, testing
postorder traversals
powers, calculating
preceding keyword
preconditions, testing
predicate templates
preorder traversals
pretty printers
processing encoded elements
programming, language classes
programming, literate
programs, cgi
properties, svgElement
properties, Visio
protocols, interprocess messaging
PSI (published subject indicators)
querying XML [See also W3C XML query-use cases]2nd
querying XML, joins
querying XML, recursive queries
querying XML, reference-based queries
querying XML, set operations
querying XML, set operations, set equality
querying XML, set operations, using value semantics
querying XML, structure-preserving queries
Rational Rose 2nd
re-namespacing elements and attributes
real XSLT
recursion, batching
recursion, divide and conquer
recursion, recursive queries
recursion, tail
recursive-aggregation 2nd
reference-based queries
regular expression matches, emulating
relational databases, interacting with
relationships, generalization
relationships, instanceOf
relationships, superclass-subclass
rendering binary messages
reorganizing XML hierarchies
reorganizing XML hierarchies, Muenchian Method
replacing search strings with replacement nodes
result-tree fragments
reusable templates
reversing strings
Roman numerals
Roman numerals, converting numbers to
Roman numerals, formatting
root topic
rounding numbers
rounding numbers, with format-number( )
routing messages
row major mappings, columnar reports
runtime, evaluating XPath expressions
Saxon, extensions 2nd
Saxon, output to multiple destinations
Saxon, StyleElement methods
Saxon, stylesheets
saxon\:output extension element
Scalable Vector Graphics [See SVG]
schemas, code generation
schemas, XSD
| scripting
scripting, extensions 2nd
scripting, invoking
search and replace
sections, TODO
selections, determining if two nodes are the same
selections, ignoring duplicate elements
selections, optimizing node selections
selections, selecting all but specific elements
selections, versus filtering
self-contained HTML transformations
service-based enterprise architecture
services, advertisements
services, building architecture
services, endpoints
services, ports
set differences of nodes, finding
set operations on nodes
set operations on nodes, EXSLT
set operations on nodes, set equality
set operations on nodes, using value semantics
set operations, implementing
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
shapes, creating
shapes, naming
shapes, Visio
skeletons, generating
SOAP (simple object access protocol)
SOAP, documentation
sorting algorithms
source code, XslText.java
source files, generating
source trees, extended information about
splitting, documents
splitting, transformations
spreadsheets, exporting data to XML
spreadsheets, importing
square root, calculating
ss\:Worksheet elements
Standard deviation, calculating
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
State interface
state machines
state machines, converting XMI
state machines, escapes
statistical functions 2nd
stereotypes, baseName
stereotypes, identification of
stereotypes, UML
stereotypes, variant
string-length( ) function
stringHeight( ) method
strings, aligning within other strings
strings, case, changing
strings, counting number of occurrence of a character
strings, duplicating
strings, EXSLT string functions
strings, extension functions
strings, padding 2nd
strings, removing
strings, removing, characters from
strings, removing, whitespace
strings, replacing search strings with replacement nodes
strings, reversing
strings, searching
strings, searching, divide and conquer 2nd
strings, searching, word delimiters
strings, splitting
strings, substrings
strings, substrings, finding from the ends of strings
strings, substrings, finding position of substrings within a string
strings, substrings, replacing
strings, substrings, testing if a string ends with a particular substring
strings, tokenizing
strings, URI-encoded
stringWidth( ) method
structure-preserving queries
structures, unit test data
str\:align( ) function
str\:concat( ) function
str\:decode-uri( ) function
str\:encode-uri( ) function
str\:padding( )
str\:replace( ) function
str\:split( ) function
str\:tokenize( ) function
stub code, generating
styles, events
styles, lines
stylesheets, creating
stylesheets, data-driven
stylesheets, debugging
stylesheets, DocBook
stylesheets, embedding in documents
stylesheets, Excel
stylesheets, identity transforms
stylesheets, managing whitespace
stylesheets, pie charts
stylesheets, polymorphism
stylesheets, skeletons
stylesheets, summary
stylesheets, template tags
stylesheets, templates
stylesheets, testing
stylesheets, testing, embedding
stylesheets, testing, structuring
stylesheets, tracing navigation
stylesheets, tree diagrams
stylesheets, Visio-to-SVG mappings
stylesheets, xml-stylesheet processing instruction
stylesheets, xsl\:message
styling documents
subclasses, sorting
subject Indicators
substring( ) function
substring-after( ) function 2nd
substring-before( ) function 2nd
substrings, finding from the ends of strings
substrings, finding position of substrings within a string
substrings, replacing within strings
substrings, testing if a string ends with a particular substring
SUM( ) function
summary stylesheets, implementing
superclass-subclass relationship
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 2nd
SVG, bar charts
SVG, boilerplate
SVG, Open-Hi-Lo-Close plots
SVG, pie charts
SVG, reusable generation utilities
SVG, tree diagrams
SVG, web pages
SVG, XY plots
svgElement property
switching code, generating
symmetrical set differences of nodes, finding
tables, grouping data
tables, processing encoded elements
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