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Mangano S. — XSLT Cookbook |
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tags, generic bounded aggregation functions
tags, generic element aggregation functions
tags, templates
Tail recursion
template-method pattern
Templates [See also boilerplate SVG]2nd
templates, axes
templates, boundary conditions
templates, generic bounded aggregation functions
templates, generic element aggregation functions
templates, integrating
templates, overriding 2nd
templates, reusable templates
templates, stylesheets
templates, tags
templates, UML associations
templates, X and Y axes
templates, xsl\:message
temporary tree variables
test data entry web CGI
test data entry web clients
testing, assertions
testing, boundary conditions
testing, fonts
testing, stylesheets
testing, stylesheets, embedding
testing, stylesheets, structuring
testing, troubleshooting
text output
text output, columnar reports
text output, converting to delimited data
text output, formatting wrapped text 2nd
text output, hierarchical displays
text output, indentation
text output, managing whitespace
text output, sequential numbering
TextLayout class
Time functions [See date-and-time functions]
TITLE header
TODO sections
tokens, formatting
tokens, str\:tokenize( ) function
tokens, tokenizing strings
tools, catchXSL!
tools, debugging
tools, stylesheets
tools, stylesheets, embedding unit test data
tools, stylesheets, structuring unit test data
tools, test data entry web CGI
tools, test data entry web clients
tools, UML
tools, xsl\:message
Topic Maps
Topic Maps, algorithms
Topic Maps, architecture
Topic Maps, authoring
Topic Maps, web sites
topics, classes
topics, root
topics, unconstrained
tracing stylesheet navigation
Transformation API for XML (TrAX)
transforms, identity
transforms, modes
transforms, splitting
transforms, stylesheets
transforms, XMI to XTM
transforms, XML to HTML
transforms, XML to HTML, data-driven stylesheets
transforms, XML to HTML, forms
transforms, XML to HTML, frames
transforms, XML to HTML, hyperlinked documents
transforms, XML to HTML, self-contained
transforms, XML to HTML, tables
transforms, XML to text [See text output]
transforms, XML to XML
transforms, XSLT
translate element
translate( ) function 2nd 3rd
translating, classes into topics
translating, Visio diagrams
traversals, binary trees
traversals, in-order
traversals, level-order
traversals, nodes, processing by position
traversals, ports and bindings
traversals, postorder
traversals, preorder
TrAX (Transformation API for XML)
trees, creating
trees, extended information about
troubleshooting, Perl
troubleshooting, testing
troubleshooting, xsl\:message
UML (Unified Modeling Language)
UML, associations
UML, authoring XTM Topic Maps
UML, generating code from
UML, Rational Rose
unconstrained topics
union (|) operator, using to compare nodes
unions of nodes, finding
unit test data
unit test data, embedding
unit test data, structuring
URI-encoded strings
userScale parameter
utilities, resuable SVG generation
values, semantics
values, variables
variables, $data
variables, $data1-public-data
variables, context-sensitive
variables, overriding
variables, result-tree fragments
| variables, storing node sets in variables
variables, temporary tree
variables, values
variants 2nd
VDX (Visio XML)
Vector graphics 2nd [See also SVG]
Visio XML [See VDX]
Visio, diagrams
Visio, document masters
visio-nurbs.xsl template
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing 2nd [See also querying XML]
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, PARTS (recursive-parts explosion)
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, R (access to relational data)
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, REF (reference-based queries)
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, SEQ (sequence-based queries)
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, TEXT (full-text searches)
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, TREE (queries preserving hierarchy)
W3C XML query-use cases, implementing, XML (Experiences and Exemplars)
weaving documents together
web pages, interactive SVG-enabled
Web Service Definition Language [See WSDL]
Web sites
web sites, CTW
web sites, layout
web sites, root topic
web sites, sorting algorithms
web sites, XTM Topic Maps
week number, calculating
whitespace, adding
whitespace, in stylesheets
whitespace, managing in text output
whitespace, newline characters, adding
whitespace, padding strings with spaces
whitespace, removing
whitespace, removing from strings
word delimiters
wrapped text, formatting 2nd
wrapping data
Writing [See also programming]
writing, functions
WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)
WSDL, architecture
X-axes, generating
Xalan Java 2 extensions
xinclude element
XMI, converting
xmi.id attribute
xmi.idref attribute
XML Metadata Interchange [See XMI]
XML, attributes
XML, attributes, converting to elements
XML, attributes, renaming
XML, converting
XML, converting to text [See text output]
XML, Documents
XML, elements
XML, elements, converting to attributes
XML, elements, renaming
XML, Excel
XML, graphics
XML, graphics, bar charts
XML, graphics, creating reusable generation utilities
XML, graphics, Open-Hi-Lo-Close plots
XML, graphics, pie charts
XML, graphics, transforming SVG boilerplate
XML, graphics, tree diagrams
XML, graphics, web pages
XML, graphics, XY plots
XML, hierarchies
XML, hierarchies, deepening
XML, hierarchies, flattening
XML, hierarchies, reorganizing
XML, querying [See querying XML]
XML, vector graphics
XML, XML-to-HTML transformations
XML, XML-to-HTML transformations, self-contained
XML, XML-to-XML transformations
xml-stylesheet processing instruction 2nd
XPath, enabling
XPath, expressions
XPath, expressions, evaluating
XQuery versus XMLT
XSD schemas
XslForEach class
XSLT, generating
XSLT, XQuery, versus
XslText.java source code
xslx\:et-context method
xslx\:templtext element
xsl\:copy element
xsl\:copy-of element 2nd
xsl\:decimal-format element
xsl\:element element
xsl\:for-each command
xsl\:include elements
xsl\:key element 2nd
xsl\:key element, in joins
xsl\:normalize-space element
xsl\:number element 2nd 3rd
xsl\:preserve-space element
xsl\:sort command 2nd
xsl\:strip-space element
xsl\:text element 2nd
XTM, Topic Maps
XTM, Topic Maps, authoring
XTM, Topic Maps, generating
XTM, Topic Maps, generating web sites from
xy plots
Y-axes, generating
ZIP files
| (union) operator, using to compare nodes
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