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Brandt D.A., Warner J.C. — Metallurgy Fundamentals |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
50% transformation line 190
Age hardening 242
Agitation 173—174
Air quenching 12 78 169
Alloy 19 238
Alloy steel 74—77
Alloy, phases 244—246
Alloy, strengthening 239
Alloying 238—239
Alloying, aluminum 254
Alloying, copper 261—265
Alumina 249
Aluminum see also "Aluminum alloys"
Aluminum alloys 249—258
Aluminum alloys, applications 252—254
Aluminum alloys, classifications 251—252
Aluminum alloys, properties 249 252 258
Aluminum bronze 263
Aluminum, alloying 254
Aluminum, cold working 254—255
Aluminum, manufacture 249—251
Aluminum-magnesium alloy 254
annealing 177
Annealing, nonferrous metals 241—242
Annealing, purposes 178—179
Annealing, types 179—182
Anode 60
Artificial aging 243
Artificial aging, aluminum alloy 255 257
As-quenched metal 255—256
atom 13—14 236
Austempering 214—215
Austenite 137 138—139
Austenite, microstructural analysis 157—158
Austenite, space lattice 122
Austenite, transformation temperature 124
Austenitic region 191
Axial strain 58
Bainite 158 192
Bainite region 192
Bainite, austempering 214
Ball mill 91
Balling drum 92
Basic oxygen furnace 98—100
Batch furnace 117
Bauxite 249
BHN see "Brinell hardness number"
Billet 108
Blast furnace 93—97
Blister copper 260
Bloom 108
Body-centered cubic structure 120—121 236
Body-centered tetragonal structure 122 237
BOF see "Basic oxygen furnace"
Bottle car 96
brass 19 263—264
Brine quenching 168
Brineli hardness number 24 26 37
Brinell hardness testing method 23—25
Brittleness 48
Bronze 19 262—263
C-curves 190
Carbon 19
Carbon steel 72—74
Carbon, cast iron 81
Carbon, precipitation 81
Carbon, steel 69—70
Carbonaceous materia] 222
Carbonitriding 227—228
Carburizing 221 224—225
CASE 219
Case hardening 10 219—233
Cassiterite 273
Cast iron 81—86
Cast iron, applications 83
Cast iron, composition 81
Cast iron, manufacture 113 115—117
Cast iron, types 83—86
Cast iron-making furnace 90—91
Casting, continuous 111 113
Castings 96—97
Cathode 60
Cementite 138
Checker chamber 104
Chemical properties 59—60
Close-packed hexagonal structure 121—122 237
Coarse pearlite region 191
Cobalt steel 80
Coefficient of thermal expansion 61—62
Coke bed 115
Cold working 179
Cold working, aluminum 254—255
Cold working, annealing after 241—242
Cold working, copper 265
Cold working, drawing and extrusion 240—241
Cold working, nonferrous metals 239—242
Cold working, rolling 239—240
Compound 14 16
Compressive strength 49—50
Conductivity, electrical 60
Conductivity, thermal 62
Continuous casting 111 113
Conversion scales (hardness) 40—44
copper 259—265
Copper alloys, designations 261
Copper alloys, properties 266
Copper matte 260
Copper ore 260
Copper, alloying 261—265
Copper, cold working 265
Copper, designations 261
Copper, manufacture 259—261
Copper, precipitation hardening 265
Copper, properties 259
Cortosion 59—60
Cortosion, stainless steel 79—80
Cortosion, wrought iron 86
creep 57
Crucible 117
Crystal 16 126
Crystal structure 119—128 236
Crystal structure, annealing and normalizing 179
Crystal structure, growth 124—128
Crystal structure, space lattice 120—123
Crystal structure, transformation temperatures 123—124
Cupola 115
Curved mold method 111—113
Cyaniding 228
Deformation 53—54
Deformation, prediction 55—57
Dendrite 125
density 63
DFH see "Diamond-pyramid hardness"
Diamond-pyramid hardness 27 28
Die casting, magnesium 268
Die casting, zinc 272—273
Dielectric strength 61
Drawing 209 240—241
Drop casting 250
Ductile cast iron 85
Ductility 48 53—54
Elastic deformation 54
Elastic limit 57
Elastic range 57
Elasticity 54
Electric arc furnace 100—102
Electric induction furnace 116—117
Electrical properties 60—61
Electrical solder 275
Electrochemical corrosion 60
| Electrolyte 60
Electron 13—14
Electrowinning 260
Element 14
Elongation 53
Endurance strength 52
Equilibrium diagram 244
Etching (steel sample) 160—161
Eutectoid point 146
Extrusion 240—241
Extrusion press 251
Face-centered cubic structure 121 237
Fatigue strength 52
Ferrite 137
Ferrite, microstructural analysis 153
Ferrite, properties 128
Ferrite, space lattice 122
Ferrite, transformation temperature 123—124
File hardness testing method 38—39
Filtering 17
Fine pearlite region 191
Flame hardening 228—230
flashing 272
Flexural strength 51—52
Flotation cell 91
Flow soldering 275—276
fretting 64
Full annealing 170—180
Furnaces, basic oxygen 98—100
Furnaces, blast 93—97
Furnaces, cast iron-making 90—91
Furnaces, electric arc 100—102
Furnaces, electric induction 116—117
Furnaces, open-hearth 102 104—105
Galvanic corrosion 60
Galvanizing 271
Gas carburizing 223—225
Gold 280—283
Grain size 126—127
Gram 16 126
Gray cast iron 81 83—84
Grinding (steel sample) 158
Hardness 21—48 see
Hardness testing methods 23—39
Hardness testing methods, Brineli hardness 23—25
Hardness testing methods, comparison 40
Hardness testing methods, conversion scales 40—44
Hardness testing methods, file hardness 38—39
Hardness testing methods, Knoop microhardness 28—29
Hardness testing methods, Mohs Scale hardness 37—38
Hardness testing methods, Rockwell hardness 30—32
Hardness testing methods, Rockwell superficial hardness 33
Hardness testing methods, Shore scleroscope hardness 35—36
Hardness testing methods, Sonodur hardness 37
Hardness testing methods, Vicker's microhardness 25—28
Hardness values, industrial I-T diagram 196—197
Hardness, conversion scales 40—44
Hardness, measuring 21—23
Heat 102
heat capacity 62—63
Heat treatable alloys 257
Heat treatment 163
Heat treatment, comparison of methods 184—186 216—217
Hematite 91
High-alloy steel 80
High-carbon steel 74
Hot metal 96—97
Hypereutectoid region 147
Hypoeutectoid legion 147
Impact strength 53
Induction hardening 230—232
Industrial I-T diagrams 195—197
Ingot processing 105—110
Inter metallic compound 283
Intergranular corrosion 60
Ion 13
Iron carbide 138
Iron ore 89 91—93
Iron ore, types 94
Iron oxide 59
Iron, crystal structure 123
Iron, transformation temperatures 323—124
Iron-carbon phase diagram 137—151
Iron-carbon phase diagram, lower transformation temperature line 139 141
Iron-carbon phase diagram, steel structure identification 144—146
Iron-carbon phase diagram, transformation regions 146—147
Iron-carbon phase diagram, transformation to martensite 144
Iron-carbon phase diagram, upper transformation temperature line 139 141
Iron-carbon phase diagram, using 141—144
Isothermal quenching and tempering 215
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram 187—207
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram, industrial 195—197
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram, limitations 189—190
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram, plotting 197—198
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram, regions of isothermal transformation 191—192
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram, steel identification 192—195
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram, temperature-time line 189
Isothermal transformation (I-T) diagram, using 190—195
Isothermal transformation, 1095 steel 201 204
Isothermal transformation, 1340 steel 199—200
Isothermal transformation, 1566 steel 204—205
Isothermal transformation, 9261 steel 200—201
Isothermal transformation, comparing 198—205
Karat 280
Kip 49
Knoop micro hardness testing method 28—29
Ksi 49
Lateral strain 58
Lead 71
Liquid carburizing 225
Localized heating 222
Low-alloy structural steel 75
Low-carbon steel 72
Lower transformation temperature 123—124 188
Machinability 65
Magnesium 267—269
Magnesium alloys, properties 270
Magnesium, die casting 268
magnetic properties 61
Magnetic separator 91
Malleability 54
Malleable cast iron 84—85
Manganese 71 75 80
Maraging steel 77
Martempering 213—214
Martensite, microstructural analysis 155 157
Martensite, properties 128
Martensite, space lattice 123
Martensitic region 191
Mechanical properties 47—52
Mechanical properties, ductility 48
Mechanical properties, hardness 47—48
Mechanical properties, strength 49
Mechanical properties, stress 49—52
Medium-carbon steel 74
Melting point 62
Metal 14
Metal, hardness 21—46
Metallic properties 14
Microhardness testing methods 25—29
Microstructural analysis 153—162
Microstructural analysis, austenite 157—158
Microstructural analysis, cementite-pearlite structure 155
Microstructural analysis, comparing light and dark structures 161
Microstructural analysis, ferrite 153
Microstructural analysis, ferrite-pearlite structure 154—155
Microstructural analysis, martensite 155 157
Microstructural analysis, pearlite 153—154
Mixture 17—18 238
Modulus of elasticity 55—56
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