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Brandt D.A., Warner J.C. — Metallurgy Fundamentals
Brandt D.A., Warner J.C. — Metallurgy Fundamentals

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Íàçâàíèå: Metallurgy Fundamentals

Àâòîðû: Brandt D.A., Warner J.C.


Provides instruction and information on the basic principles of metallurgy. Emphasizes the practical aspects of metallurgy. Explores the behavior of metals subjected to metallurgical processes and explains why certain material properties are desired and how these properties are attained.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 301

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.08.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Mohs Scale hardness testing method      37—38
Molding (steel sample)      159
Molecule      14
Molten salt bath quenching      168
Molybdenum      71 79—80
Moment of inertia      51—52
Naval brass      263
Neutron      13
Nickel      71 77 80 85 277—278
Nickel alloy      80
Nitriding      221 225—227
Nodular cast iron      85
Nodular iron      81
Nonferrous metal, alloying      238—239
Nonferrous metal, annealing      241—242
Nonferrous metal, atomic structure      236—238
Nonferrous metal, cold working      239—242
Nonferrous metal, precipitation hardening      242—246
Nonferrous metal, processing      235—248
Nonferrous metal, properties      236
Normalizing      177 183—184
Normalizing, purposes      178—179
Nucleus      13
Oil quenching      168—169
Open-hearth furnace      102 104—105
Oxidation      59
Pack carburizing      222—223
Pearlite      137—138
Pearlite, microstructural analysis      153—154
Penetration hardness      22
Percent elongation      54
Periodic table      14 15
phase diagram      244
Phases (alloys)      242 244—246 283
Phosphorus      72
Photomicography      153
Pig      96—97
Pig iron      89 96—97
Pig, aluminum      250
Pitting      60
Plastic deformation      54
Plastic range      57
Plasticity      54
Poisson's ratio      58
Polar moment of inertia      51
Polishing (steel sample)      160
Porosity      272
Pot line      250
Precipitated carbon      81
Precipitates      246
Precipitation hardening      242—246
Precipitation hardening, alloy strengthening      242—244
Precipitation hardening, aluminum      255—257
Precipitation hardening, copper      265
Precipitation hardening, identifying alloy phases      244—246
Precipitation hardening, magnesium alloy      268—269
Process annealing      10—11 180—182
Proportional limit      57
Proton      13
Psi      49
Quench and temper structural steel      77
Quenching      163 165—175
Quenching, air      12 78 169
Quenching, austempering      214—215
Quenching, basic      212—213
Quenching, comparison of techniques      169—171
Quenching, distortion      174—175
Quenching, isothermal      215
Quenching, martempering      213—214
Quenching, medium temperature      171
Quenching, mediums and techniques      167—169
Quenching, stages      163 165—167
Quenching, techniques      211—216
Quenching, timing      171 173
Red mud      249
Region of transformation      190
Regions of isothermal transformation      191—192
resonant frequency      37
Rockwell hardness testing method      30—32
Rockwell superficial hardness testing method      33
Roll mill      91
Rolling      239—240
Rolling mill      107—108
Rust      59
Scratch hardness      22
Shear strength      50
Shock resistance      53
Shore scleroscope hardness testing method      35—36
Silicon      80—81 86
Slab      108
Slag      95—96
Slag stringer      86
Slip plane      237—238
Slow cooling stage (quenching)      167
Soaking      106
Sodium aluminate      249
solder      275
Solid solution alloy      238
Solid solution hardening      239
Solid solution hardening, aluminum      255—257
Solute      18—19
Solution      18
Solution extraction      260
Solution heat treatment, aluminum      255—256
Solution, solid      18—19
Solutionizing      242
Solvent      18—19
Sonodur hardness testing method      37
Space lattice      120—123
Space lattice, austenitic iron      122—123
Space lattice, ferri tic iron      122
Space lattice, martensitic iron      123
Special alloy cast iron      85—86
Specific heat      63
Specific weight      63
Spheroidizing      182
Spring steel      80
Stainless steel      79—80
Steel      9 19 69—80 137
Steel foundry      91
Steel, alloy steel      74—77
Steel, alloying elements      71—72
Steel, carbon steel      72—74
Steel, chemical terms      19
Steel, comparison to iron      70
Steel, composition      69
Steel, high-alloy steel      80
Steel, improving hardness      148
Steel, manufacture      89—91
Steel, manufacture, pollution control      117
Steel, microstructural analysis      153—162
Steel, numbering system      69—70
Steel, sample preparation procedure      158—161
Steel, spring steel      80
Steel, stainless steel      79—80
Steel, structural combinations      158
Steel, structural forms      137—139
Steel, temperature change and mechanical properties      147—148
Steel, tool steel      77—79
Steel, types      72—80
Straightener      113
strain      54
Strand casting      111 113
Strength      49—53
Stress corrosion cracking      60
Stress, compressive      49—50
Stress, flexural      51—52
Stress, relationship to strain      55—57
Stress, shear      50
Stress, tensile      49
Stress, torsional      50—51
Stress, types      52—59
Stress-strain diagram      57
stripping      106
Sulfur      71 72
Superalloy      277—278
Supersaturated solution      245
Surface hardening      219—233
Surface hardening, applications      220
Surface hardening, basic methods      221—222
Surface hardening, carbonitriding      227—228
Surface hardening, comparison      232 233
Surface hardening, cyaniding      228
Surface hardening, flame hardening      228—230
Surface hardening, gas carburizing      223—225
Surface hardening, induction hardening      230—232
Surface hardening, liquid carburizing      225
Surface hardening, nitriding      225—227
Surface hardening, pack carburizing      222—225
Surface hardening, steel      219—220
Taconite      92
Tapping (blast furnace)      96
Teeming      106
Temper carbon particles      85
Temperature-time line      189
Tempered martensite      212—213
Tempering      11 209—218
Tempering, austempering      214—215
Tempering, basic      212—213
Tempering, comparison of methods      216—217
Tempering, desirability      211
Tempering, effects      209—210
Tempering, isothermal      215
Tempering, martempering      213—214
Tempering, purpose      209
Tempering, techniques      211—216
Tempering, temperature      210
Tempering, timing      210—211
tensile strength      49
thermal conductivity      62
Thermal properties      61—63
Time-temperature-transformation (T-T-T) diagram      188
Tin      273—277
Tin, properties      277
Tin, solder      275
Tinplate      274
Titanium      278—280
Titanium aluminide      283
Titanium nitride      283
Tool steel      77—79
Torsional strength      5U-51
Toughness      53
Transfer temperature range      147
Tundish      111
Tungsten      71 79
Tuyere      115
Uncharged atom      13
Unit cell      120—122 236
Upper transformation temperature      124 188
Vapor covering stage (quenching)      165
Vapor discharge stage (quenching)      165 167
Vapor formation stage (quenching)      165
Vicker's microhardness testing method      25—28
Water quenching      11—12 168
Wave soldering      275—277
Wear      63—65
Web      174
Weight      63
Weldability      65
White cast iron      84
Work hardening      239
Work hardening, aluminum      254—255
Wrought iron      86—87
Young's modulus      55
Zinc      269 271—273
Zinc, die casting      272—273
1 2
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