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Brown L., Dresden M., Hoddeson L. — Pions to quarks: Particle physics in the 1950s |
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Harwell conference (1947) 380
Haworth, Leland 156 162—163 169 175 178 181 183 501 503
Haxby, Robert 204—206
Haxel, Otto 522
Hayakawa, Satio 541
Hayward, Evans 273
Heavy meson 8
Heckman, Harry 265
Heilbron, John 11
Heinberg, Milton 120
Heisenberg, Werner 5 30 49 53 225 377 485 513 516—517 521—523 540 542 551—570 581—582 584—585 591 601 603—604 609 612 641 652 663 682—683 688 698 702
Heitler, Walter 60 62 378 540 542 564 566 569 668—669
Helicity 466—469 657
Hellmann, H. 419 425
Helm, Dick 131
Henderson, Joseph 128
Henning, Paul-Gerhard 226 242
Hepp, Klaus 533 624
Herb, Raymond G. 185
Hereford, F.L. 470
Herman, Robert 127
Hermann, Armin 17 53 508 514 519
Hernandez, Paul 302
Hertz, Gustav 49
Hewish, Antony 304
Heyn, F.A. 513
Hide, G.S. 181
Higgs coupling 637 642 699—700 703
Higgs, Peter W. 632 642 699
High-energy photon 112 see
Higinbotham, William 149
Hilberry, Norman 175
Hilbert space 609—610 613 618—619 625 663
Hildebrand, Roger H. 175 481
Hincks, E.P. 308 368
Hine, Mervyn 173—174 183 239 245
Hinshaw, Carl 505
Historical periodization 49—50
Hoddeson, Lillian 160
Hodoscope 246 252—254
Hodson, A. Leslie 83 442
Hofstadter, Robert 10 16 132 134 144—145 185—186 190—191 195 197—198 309 534 649
Hooper, J. 95
Horn, D. 710
Hornbostel, John 331
Horowitz, J.J. 379
Horowitz, Nahmin 267 276 278
Hough, Paul 151
Hsiao, C. 66
Hu, Ning 569
Hudson, Alvin 129
Hudson, R.P. 469
Hughes, Donald J. 478
Hulsizer, R. 159
Hulthen, Lamek 348
Husimi, Kodi 256
Hydrogen bond 127
Hyman, Mark 197 199
Hypercharge 632 636 640 655
Hyperon 80 99 275 320 335 370 391 394 447 486 632
Hyperproton see "Hyperon"
Ikeda, M. 660
Ilford, Ltd. 89 90 202 260
Iliac computer 204
Illinois, University of 130 202—203 206 209 582 604
Iloff, E. 264
Image tradition 214—215 237 240 242
Imperial College, London 438 530 632 635
Indiana, University of 74 76 203—204 208 211
Inequivalent representation 610—611
Infeld, Leopold 526
Infield 613—614
Inoue, Takesi 538
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 314 532—533 540—541 544 585 592
Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) 680—681
Institute for Nuclear Study, Tokyo 230 253 544—545
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (Tokyo) see "Riken"
Intermediate boson see "W particle" "Z
Intermediate energy physics 9
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 526 528
International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) 17 525—529 535
International Committee on Future Accelerators 647
International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) 512 528 542 646—647 658
Interuniversity institutes, Japan 542—545
Ioffe, A.L. 647
Ionides, Penelope 635
Ionization chamber 15 186 192
Iowa City conference (1956) 685
Iowa State University 203—204 208
Iowa, University of 203—204 209
Isobar, nucleon 9 112
Isospin 18 19 21 23 25 28 352—353 371 376 452 631—633 636 640 651 654—655 661 663 701 703
Isotopic spin see "Isospin"
Jackson, H.E. 120
Jackson, J.D. 479 591
Jacob, Maurice 375
Jahn, H.A. 375
James, G.D. 78 83
Jankus, V.Z. 135
Janossy, Lajos 6 58 60 62
Japanese submarine 555
Jason program 681
Jauch, Josef 204
Jelley, J.V. 196
Jensen, J.H.D. 375 560
Jewett, Frank 674
Joffe, Abram F. 418
Johnsen, Kjell 173—175
Johnson, Lawrence 203—204
Johnson, Lyndon B. 210
Johnson, R.P. 503
Johnson, T.H. 40
Joliot-Currie, F. 227
Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni 641
Jones, Lawrence 14 155 189 192—194 203—204 206—207 209
Jones, Steve 300
Jordan, Pascual 49 564 609 611
Jost, Res 533 566 622—624 683
Jungfraujoch 63 84 95 446 460 516
K meson see "Kaon"
Kaellen, Gunnar 379 614—616 623 668—669
Kafka, Franz 21
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute 553—554 560 562
Kallman, Hartmut 16 128 361
Kamefuchi, S. 616
Kaon 8 21—24 40 80 85 99—101 103—105 233—234 261—265 285 300—301 303 318—319 326—327 331 337 345 351 370 391 394 396 434—463 458—462 490 640 655 695
Kaon-pion resonance 21
Kappa ( ) meson 43 99 434—435 437 459—460
Karplus, Robert 588—589 681 683
Kastler, D. 619 624—625
Kato, T. 609
Kautz, Asher 129 190—191 198
KEK 546—547
Kemble, E. 671
Kemmer, Nicholas 526 529—530 532
Kenney, R.W. 192
Kepler, Johannes 631 688
Kerst, Donald 12 14 155 175 185 197 199 209
Kerth, Leroy T. 193 263 277
Keuffel, Jack Warren 224—227 229 234 242—243 257
Kibble, T.W.B. 632 699
Kiepenheuer, K.O. 200
Kiethley, Joseph 149
Kiev Conference (1959) 605 641 658
Kiev Conference (1967) 491
Kikuchi, K. 427
Kikuchi.Sei Shi 541 545—546
King, D.T. 95
Kinoshita, M. 89 102
Kinoshita, Toichiro 399 541
| Kirchner, F. 420 423
Kitagaki, Toshio 13
Klein — Gordon equation 617
Klein, Oskar 369 379 668
Knock-on electron 58
Knox, Robert 487
Koba, Ziro 542
Kobe University 544
Kodak, Ltd. 89 90 260
Kofoed-Hansen, O. 379
Kolomensky, A.A. 14 154—155 186
Konopinski, Emil 374 396
Korean War 541 672 680
Korsching, Horst 562
Koshiba, Masatoshi 541
Koslov, S. 461
Kowarski, Lew 508 513 516
Kramers, Hendrik 30 512 557—559 563 581—582 601 668—669 682
Krige, John 508 519
Krisch, Allan 375
Krohn, Vic 478
Kroll, Norman 681 683 702
Kronig, Ralph de Laer 30 557 570 581—582 601 682
Kruger, P. Gerald 202 204
Kruse, Ulrich E. 589
Kuerti, N. 469
Kumar, K. 698
Kurrelmeyer, Bernard 409 416—417 425 429
Kusch, Polykarp 311
Kyoto and Tokyo conference (1953) 542
Kyoto University 230 536—537 542 544—545
Ladenburg, Rudolf 127
Lamb — Retherford shift 567 608 682 684 686 702
Lamb, Willis 311 567 682—683 702
Lambda ( ) hyperon 20 27 59 80 100 222 240 242 262 301 303 318 320—321 331 334 337—338 345 351 370—371 374 400 452 454—455 460 473 510
Lambertson, Glen 287
Lancaster, Jack 176
Land, Edwin H. 197
Landau, Lev D. 25 27 373 376 398 400 464—465 601 603 605 652 698
Lande, Kenneth 193 335 463
Langmuir, Robert 151
Langsdorf, Alexander 15
Langstroth, G.O. 421—422 424
Lannutti, Joseph E. 264
Larkin, A.I. 641
Lasky, Cal 176
Laslett, Jackson 155 188 203—206 208—209
Lattes, C.M.G. 6 7 91 510
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) see "UCRL"
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 504
Lawrence, Ernest 9 11 50 129 153 162 167 170 173 181 185 199 218—219 291—292 302 304 311 349 498—501 504—505 544 639
Lawson, John D. 173 183
Lederman, Leon 22 27 51 235 311 319 334—335 347 398 463—464 473 528
Lee model 388
Lee, Tsung Dao 24—27 235 265 285 308 360 369 374 377 394 397—401 417 429 453 461 469 475 486 489 529 652 656—657 668 673 706
Lee, Y.K. 489
Left-right symmetry see "Parity"
Lehmann, H. 588 592 616—617 619 621 668
Leibniz, Gottfried 520
Leiden conference (1953) 352—353
Leighton, Robert B. 66 79 86 308 317 654
Leipzig, University of 553—554
Leitner, Jack 319
Leprince-Ringuet, Louis 63—64 81 263 349—350 459
Lepton 18 19 28 29 349 369 385 437 454 637 649 653 661 696 710
Lepton number 465 658—659 701—702
Levy, Maurice 28 386—388 485 526 699
Levy-Mandel, Robert 153
Leyden, University of 468 557—558
Lichtenberg, Donald 14 211
Lie group 633 635 698—699
Lilienthal, David 500
Lindemann, F.A. (Lord Cherwell) 514—515
Lindenbaum, Sam 166 240 295 463
Lindhard, J. 379
Linear accelerator 11 13 129—130 137 157 166 169—173 176—177 185 219 264 498 501
Lipkin, Harry J. 636
Liquid scintillator 191—192 195 234 309 361 363
Littauer, Raphael 120
Livermore Weapons Laboratory 168 172 183 501
Liverpool, University of 475
Livingood, John 175 204
Livingston, M. Stanley 11 13 89 152 162—163 170 172 181—182 186 203 262 499 514
Locher, A. 89
Lockspeiser, Ben 514—517
Lofgren, Edward 260—263
Logic tradition 214—215 224—225 227 231—232 237 240—242
Logunov, A.A. 590—591 624
Long-lived neutral kaon 22
Longitudinal polarization 26 27 410 414 423 429 469 475
Longmire, Conrad 681
Loop diagrams 30 601
Lorentz group 373 492 564
Los Alamos Laboratory 149—150 223 359 362 499—500 671—673 679—682
Low, Francis 533 582—584 589—590 593 604—605 616 668 680—681 685—686 698
Lowen, Irving 126
Lueders, G. 614 622 623
Luminescent chamber see "Scintillation chamber"
Lyman, E.M. 130
Ma, S.T. 566
MacCarthy, Joseph 672
Macfarlane, Alan 486 491
Macleod, G.R. 238—239 241 244
Madausky, Leon 229 286
Madras, University of 492
Maglich, Bogdan 304 492
magnetic moment 10 19 27 133 140 144 486
Magnetic spectrometer 130 133 191
Mahanthappa, Kalyana 491
Mahmoud, Hormoz M. 396
Majorana, E. 373 380
Manchester, University of 435—436 446 516 541
Mandelstam representation 491 580 592—593 604 652
Mandelstam, Stanley 580 604—605 652 668—669 673
Manfredini, A. 275
Manhattan Engineering District (MED) 11 16 50 180 218—219 223 498 500 676
Manhattan project see "Manhattan Engineering District"
Manley, John 499
Mann, Al 193
Mann, Douglas 220
Marin, P. 476
Marshak, Robert 9 24 41 73 91 351 398—400 453 478 485—491 526 528 540—541 641 647 654 656 661—662 672 684
Marshall, Fitz-Hugh 199
Marshall, John 9
Marshall, Leona 488
Martin, Paul 490
Maryland, University of 235
Mass spectrometer 126 301
Mass spectrum 349 379 632
Mass-spectral representation 137
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 74 80 81 112 149 193 218 235 264 436 447 541 584 677—680 697
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Radiation Laboratory 671—672
Materials-testing accelerator (MAT) 12 168 500—502 504—505
Mathews, Paul 487 529—533 702
Matthews, J. 159
Matveyev, A. 527
Mayer, Joseph E. 485
Mayer, Maria 307
McAllister, R.W. 132 135
McCone, John 526
McCormack, James 503
McIlwraith, C.G. 409 416 425 429
McIntyre, Jack 128—130
McMillan, Edwin 9 12 43 129 149 156 180 185 232 234 261 276 309 349 498—499
Medvedev, B.V. 621
Megalomorph 41 654
Menon, M.G.K. 80 435
Mercier, Andre 555
Mersits, Ulrike 519
Mesic atom 131 191 461 481
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