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Kaufmann A., Grouchko D., Cruon R. — Mathematical models for the study of the reliability of systems |
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Age 4 5
ARC 68
Basin curve 33
Binomial law 25
Binomial law, negative 26
Boolean lattice 59 64 146
Bridge structure see "Structure"
Cannibalization 171
Cardinality 61
Catastrophic failure 1
Coefficient of variation of lifetime 54 158
Coherent structure see "Monotone structure"
Component 56 71 114 169
Component of same reliability see "Reliability"
Component, state of set of 56 59 128 146
Composition of structures 90 26 170 40
Composition, latin (concatenation) 103
Composition, linear 96 113 127 143
Composition, monotone linear 129 150 155 171
Concavity 180
Conditions of use 5 114
Cut of graph 71
Cut of structure 16 17 73 23 159
Cut, minimal 63 75
Degenerate structure 66 75 131 144 158 171 193
Drift 1
Duality 65 79 151 190 199
Equivalence of structure functions and reliability networks 20 85 124
Erlang law 18
Eulerian function 17
Exponential law 16 29 40 148 155 159—162 165
Failure rate in interval 34
Failure rate, cumulative 12 34 39 154 158 160
Failure rate, decreasing (DFR) Chapter II 160
Failure rate, increasing (IFR) Chapter II 155 160
Failure rate, increasing, average (IFRA) 12 155 161
Failure rate, mean, between 0 and t 47 158
Failure, two types of Chapter VI
Function of system 191
Galton law 20
Gamma law 16
Geometric law 27
Graph 60 18 100 103
Graph, partial 70 73
Graph, r-fold 69 72
Guarantee 29
Gumbel law 23
Hyperexpontential law 148
Isomorphism between monotone structure functions and reliability networks 85 94
Iterative structure 40
Jensen's inequality 44
Lattice, Boolean 59 65 146
Lattice, free distributive 89 133
Length of path 70
Length of system 66 77 123 196
Lifetime 2 5 6 115 153 168
Limit of tolerance 1
Limit on functioning 30 39
Link 16 17 79 23 144 171
Link, minimal 63 75
Log-normal law 20
Matrix, latin 103
| Mean lifetime see "Moments"
Models 6
Module 124 170 203
Moments of survival law 13 31 42 49 53 153 158
Monotone in probability, system 28
Monotone structure 58 21 112 116 120 129 27 143 149 155 161 170 34 193 198 203
Moore-Shannon 122 135 196
Nonmonotone structure see "Structure"
Nonnew equipment 28
Normal law, truncated 22
Order of structure 57 89 124 128 135 143 144
Partial structure see "Structure"
Pascal law 25
Path 61 70 73 100 105 147 191
Path, elementary 70 100 103
Poisson law 25
Polya function 40 A1
Probability, conditional, of failure 11 36
Reduction of network 185
Redundance 58 Chapter
Redundance, active 162 Chapter 39
Redundance, passive 168
relays 190
Reliability 114—115
Reliability, function 25 125 133 145 180 187 38
Reliability, network 19—23 123 130 170 180 182 184 191
Reliability, system and component 119 27 144 163 187 39 203
Reliability, totally positive function A2
Reliability, type of see "Type"
Routes, method of 92
Series structure see "Structure"
Simple form of structure function 95 99 117 150 152
Simplification of structure function 95
State of set of components see "Component"
Structure 55 74
Structure, bridge 75 140 150
Structure, function 15—17 74 20—23 125 129 169 183 190
Structure, function, random 117 140 158
Structure, iterative 40
Structure, nonmonotone 58 64 95 116 128 140 146
Structure, parallel 57 78 127 140 160 162 169 180 184 198
Structure, parallel-series 79
Structure, series 57 77 127 140 159 162 173 177 184 198
Structure, series-parallel 79 162 195 202
Structure, type k of n 35 206
Subnetwork 94 124
Substructure 124 152 168 169
Survival (curves, function, law) Chapter I Chapter 29 31
Survival function 6 115
Survival function, logarithmic 12
switch 162
Totally positive function 40 A2
TREE 71 101
Type(s) of failure, two Chapter VI
Type(s) of probability law 7
Type(s) of reliability function 138 187 205
Type(s), k of n structure see "Structure"
USE 28
Useless component 82 83 86 101 131 140
Values, law of extreme 23 164
Weibull law 18 154 166 165 211
Width of system 66 77 123 159 196
Youth failure 33
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