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Levitz K., Levitz H. — Logic and Boolean Algebra |
Предметный указатель |
Absorption laws 23 75
Abstract approach 82
Algebraic manipulations 24—26 30
Algebras, Boolean 81—91
Alternative translations 7—8
Arrow law 23
Associative laws 23 74
Axioms (Boolean) 85
Basic equivalences 23—24
Basic inferences 49—50
Basic logical operations 1 15 40—42
Bi-implication 1
Boolean algebras 81—91
Braces, set 70
capital letters 9—10
Caps 84
Case inferences 50
cause-and-effect relationships 4
Circuit diagrams 53—56
Circuits, switching 53—67
Commutative laws 23 74 81
Complements (Boolean) 84
Complements (set theory) 71
Compound sentences 1 14—15
Conclusions 45
Conjunction 1
Conjunctive normal forms 29—35
Conjuncts 29—30 33
Consistency of data 76—79
Consistency, sentential 15
Contingencies 14
Contradictions 14 38
Contraposition, law of 23
Contrapositives 8—9
Converses 8—9
Data, consistency of 76—79
De Morgan's laws 23 75
Deduction 52
Detachments 50
Differences 71
Disjunction 1
disjunctive normal 35—40
Disjunctive normal forms 35—40
Distributive laws 23 75 81
Domination laws 23 75 81
Double arrow law 23
Double complement, law of 74
Double negation, law of 23
Duality 86—87
Duals 86
Elements 69
Empty sets 71
equal 69
Equivalence, logical 21—22 24—26 51
Equivalences, basic 23—24
Forms: conjunctive normal 29—35
Forms: logic 9—11 14 16—18 29 51
Hypothetical syllogisms 50
Idempotent laws 23 75
Identity (Boolean) 84
Identity laws 23 75 81
If and only if 1
If...then... 1
| Implication 1 8
Inconsistency, sentential 15
Inference patterns 45
Inferences 45
Inferences, basic 49—50
Inferences, case 50
Inferences, previously proven 50—52
Instances of inference patterns 45
intersections 71
Law of contraposition 23
Law of double complement 74
Law of Double Negation 23
laws 23
Logic forms 9—11 14 16—18 29 51
Logical equivalence 21—22 24—26 51
Logical operations, basic 1 15 40—42
Logical symbolism 1 9 16—17
Members 69
Negation 1
Normal forms: conjunctive 29—35
Normal forms: disjunctive 35—40
Operations, basic logical 1 15 40—42
OR 1
Parallel (switches) 54
Parentheses 9
Postulates (Boolean) 85
Power sets 72
Premises 45 51 71
Principle of duality 87
Proper subsets 69
Quantification theory 48
Replacement rule 24
Sentences, compound 1 14—15
Sentential consistency 15
Sentential inconsistency 15
Sentential validity 45—48 50—52
Series 54
Set braces 70
Set theory 69—80
Sets 69
Sets power 72
Sets, empty 71
Sheffer stroke 42
simplification 58—60
subsets 69
Substitutive instance 15
switches 53
Switching circuits 53—67
Syllogisms, hypothetical 50
Symbolism, logical 1 9 16—17
Symbols, variable 9—11 14 16 29
Tables, truth 10—11 16—18
Tautologies 14—15 33 45 51
Terminals 53
Theorems (Boolean) 87—91
Transitivity rule 24—25
Translations, alternative 7—8
Truth tables 10—11 16—18
Truth values 2—6 8 14
union 71
Universes 70
Validity, sentential 45—48 50—52
Values, truth 2—6 8 14
Variable symbols 9—11 14 16 29
Venn diagrams 72
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