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Suppes P.(ed.) — Handbook of Proof Theory.Studies in logic the foundations of mathematics.Volume 137.
Suppes P.(ed.) — Handbook of Proof Theory.Studies in logic the foundations of mathematics.Volume 137.

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Название: Handbook of Proof Theory.Studies in logic the foundations of mathematics.Volume 137.

Автор: Suppes P.(ed.)


This volume contains articles covering a broad spectrum of proof theory, with an emphasis on its mathematical aspects. The articles should not only be interesting to specialists of proof theory, but should also be accessible to a diverse audience, including logicians, mathematicians, computer scientists and philosophers. Many of the central topics of proof theory have been included in a self-contained expository of articles, covered in great detail and depth.

The chapters are arranged so that the two introductory articles come first; these are then followed by articles from core classical areas of proof theory; the handbook concludes with articles that deal with topics closely related to computer science.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 821

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2014

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Предметный указатель
Superarithmetic theory      504
Superexponentiation      37 81 138 139
Suppes, P.      467 469 780
Support, set of      23
Supremum      211
Surjection      445
Suslin Quantifier      384
Suslin, M.I.      384
Sutor, R.S.      767 780
Swaen, M.D.G.      459 471
Sweedler, M.E.      471
Switching Lemma      618
Symmetric sum      213
Syntactical Main Lemma      223
System F      394
Szabo, M.E.      75 144 778
Szegedy, M.      630
T-predicate, Kleene's      409
Tableaux proof      704
Tactic      709
Tactic tree proof      766
Tactical      709
tail      125 714
Tail model      480 490
Tait calculus      16—18 165 220 232
Tait, W.W.      16 17 77 126 153 164 165 175 206 220 232 254 269 271 282 295 315 338 339 359—361 370 377 381 391 397 405 459 472 655 673 674 682 723 725 728 745 785
Takeuti's conjecture      398
Takeuti, G.      16 44 54 57 76 77 80 97 108 123 126 131—133 138 145 147 187 189 206 267 335 398 405 571 574 600 601 625 634 636 657 682
Tarski's conditions      560
Tarski, A.      82 83 147 467 500 503 533 544 545 560 562 581 582 636 686 699 785
Tatsuta, M.      461 467 472
Tautological implication      4
Tautology      4 505
Tautology Lemma      233
Tautology rule      317
Taylor, P.      75 397 398 402 459 465 675 680 689 692 695 724 778
Teitelbaum, T.      708 784
Tennenbaum, S.      533 540
Term      26 31 220 642 703
Term model      357 358
Term, $\lambda$-calculus      68
Terminal      739
Tertium non datur      see "Excluded middle law
Tharp, L.H.      458 472
Thayer, F.J.      691 777
Theory      29 501
Theory delimiters      722
Theory of implication      600
Thiele, H.      462
Thin      708
Thomas, W.      544
Thompson, S.      691 785
Thread      221
Three-valued closure ordinal      653
Tiuryn, J.      766 780
Tofte, M.      766 782
TOL model      530
Tolerance      503 528—530
Tompkins, R.R.      472
Topos      421 441 451 452 457 461 719
Topos theory      719
Toran, J.      74
TRANSFER      525
Transfinite induction      see "Induction"
Transfinite recursion      211 281
Transitive      210
Transitivity      86
Translation      501
TREE      221
Tree of knowledge      722
Tree relation      222
Tree-like proof      see "Proof"
Tree-ordinal      154 191 386
Tree-ordinal, finite type theory $(OR_{1}^{\omega})$      386 387
Tree-ordinal, structured      154 198
Trichotomy      86
Troelstra, A.S.      64 66 68 74 77 80 339—342 349 350 352 357 366 402 403 405 408 411 412 421 423 424 431 433 434 436 445 448 450 461 465—467 471 472 500 541 546 721 748 766 780 785
Truth      28 501
Truth assignment      3 702
Truth complexity      219
Truth complexity, tc      224 297
Truth definition      137 139 142 220
Truth provability logic      487
Truth value      694
Truth value, contradictory      643
Truth value, false      643
Truth value, true      643
Truth value, undefined      643
Trybulec, A.      691 785
Tseitin, G.S.      20 77 459 472 595 628 636
Tucker, J.V.      190 207
Turan, Gy.      604 605 631 632
Turing, A.      87 99 103 104 106 146 161 354 380 495 546 579 588 619 626 686 688
Tychonoff, A.      8
TYPE      68 342 692 703
Type assumption      703
Type level      343 452
Type of a term      343 429
type structure      343
Type system      748
Type theory      726 767
Typed $\lambda$-calculus      755
Typed propositional formula      703
Typing context      703
Typing judgment      698 735
Ullman, J.D.      779
Unbounded quantifier      82
Unbounded set      211
Uncountable cardinal      304
Ungar, A.M.      723 785
Unification      55 59 567 648
Unification algorithm      60—61
Unification Theorem      60
Unifier      59 567 648
Unifier, most general      60 567 648
uniform      452
Uniform Continuity, Modulus of      433
Uniform, canonically      452
Uniformity Principle (UP)      442 453
Uniformity Rule (UR)      443
Union axiom      216 279
Union type      756
Unique factorization      90
Unit clause      24
unit type      700 735
Universal closure      32
Universe      27 394 398—400 744
Universe rules      744
Unpairing      429
Unrestricted quantifiers      215
Unsecured sequences      230 277 287 290
Untyped $\lambda$-calculus      755 759
Unwinding      338
Upward persistency      301
Uribe, J.      776
Uribe, T.E.      774
Urquhart, A.      101 144 340 364 365 401 434 461 463 603 607 630 635
Ursini, A.      542
Valentini, S.      484 545
Valid      28 32 448 478 535 647 702
Valid element      701
Valid formula      4
Valid inference      115
van Benthem, J.      546
van Dalen, D.      64 66 68 77 366 402 405 411 412 421 423 424 431 433 436 448 450 461 462 464—466 471 472 498 542 780 785
van Emden, M.H.      640 680
Van Gelder, A.      672 682
van Heijenoort, J.      75 77 403 777—779
van Leeuwen, J.      401 404 679 780
van Oosten, J.      407 434 438—441 457 460 469
van Rootselaar, B.      467
van Stigt, W.R.      727 785
van Vliet, J.      784
Vardanyan, V.A.      532 534 540 546
Variable      3 26 702
Variable, free and bound      31 703 704 734
Variant      648
Variant, term      42
Varpahovskij, F.L.      473
Vaught, R.L.      554 637
Vavasis, S.      775
Veblen function      214
Veblen hierarchy      383
Veblen normal form      214
Veblen, O.      214 304 310 383 392
Veltman frame      515
Veltman, F.      514 515 544
Venema, Y.      546
Verbrugge, R.      488 514 542 546
Very dependent      765
Very dependent function      764
Very dependent type      764
Very weak fragment      81
Vesley, R.E.      145 146 333 334 368 401—404 428 434 466—468 471 473 777 781
Visser frame      530
Visser, A.      480 485 487—491 494 495 505 513—515 521 522 528 530 541 544 546
von Neumann, J.      591 632 686
von Wright, J.      779
Voorbraak, F.      496 546
Vopenka, P.      589
Voronkov, A.      473
Vrijer, R.C.D.      690 782
Wadsworth, C.      690 691 709 778
Wainer, S.S.      74 80 143 164 175 189 190 193 203—207 242 333 334
Wansing, H.      546
Wattenberg, F.      768 785
Weak Continuity (WC)      434
Weak Extended Church's Thesis (WECT)      440
Weak fragment      81
Weak inference      11
Weak Koenig's Lemma (WKL)      371 374
Weakening Lemma      167
Weakening rule      11 93
Weakly $\omega$-consistent      119
Weakly compact cardinal      331
Weakly inaccessible      304
Weakly interpretable      503 528
Weakly introduced      43
Weakly positive      388
Wegman, M.N.      61 77
Wehmeier, K.F.      460 461 473
Weiermann, A.      190 199 201 204 207 241 247 249 253 266 300 333 335
Weingartner, P.      773
Weispfennig, V.B.      400
Well founded      221 222
Well founded, $Wf(\prec)$      272 286
Well ordered, $WO(\prec)$      274 286
Well-specified      485
Werner, B.      691 762 783
Westerstahl, D.      144 204
Weyl, H.      345 366 405
Weyrauch, R.      690 785
Whitehead, A.N.      31 77 685 687 694 785
Widgerson, A.      134 636
Wilkie, A.J.      80 114 118 137—139 143 147 583 621 626 629 635
Wilmers, G.M.      635
Wing, J.M.      691 778
Wirsing, M.      779
Witness      52
Witness comparison      496
Witness predicate      123 127
Witnessing Lemma      123 128 131 255
Witnessing substitution      52
Wittgenstein, L.      688 694 727 785
Wolfram, S.      690 785
Woods, A.      599 607 618 621 630 634
World      478
Wos, L.      23 25 63 75 77 78 690 786
Wrathall, C.      99 100 106 147
Wrightson, G.      25 74 75 77 78 691 784
Yannakakis, M.      133 145
Yao, A.C.-C.      618 636 637
Zach, R.      628 630
Zambella, D.      108 132 147 485 522 546
Zermelo — Fraenkel (ZF) set theory      589
Zermelo, E.      577 582 586 688 718
Zippel, R.      767 775 786
Zlatin, D.R.      767 776
Zucker, J.I.      190 207 723 786
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