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Kneebone G.T. — Mathematical Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics |
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Reduction of the decision problem 393
Referent 110 171
Reflective thinking 359 373
Reichenbach, H. (1891—1953) 55 370 399
Relabelling of bound variables 67 101 297
Relation 60 109 170 185
Relation (Bourbaki) 119
Relation collectivisante 302
Relative consistency 388 390 396
Relative product of relations 172
Relative types 168 319
Relativity of cardinal numbers 305
Relatum 110 171
Replacement, axiom of 291 294 302
Representability in a formal system 222 236 267
Representation of a class by a set 297 299
Restricted calculus of predicates 64 110 127 209 280
Restricted derivability (Schroeter) 383
Richard, J. 127 230
Richter, H. (1912— ) 399
Riemann, B. (1826—1866) 182 334
Rivista di Matematica (Peano) 145
Robinson, A. 397
Robinson, R.M. 392
Rosenbloom, P.C. (1920— ) 281 283
Ross, W.D. (1877— ) 21
Rosser, J.B. (1907— ) 56 128 239 385 391 397
Rule of inference 43 66
Rules (derived) for the logical calculus: Rule 69
Rules (derived) for the logical calculus: Rule IX 47
Rules (derived) for the logical calculus: Rule V 45
Rules (derived) for the logical calculus: Rule VII 49
Rules of composition 326
Russell's antinomy 112 ff. 127 165 286 314
Russell's definition of pure mathematics 156
Russell, Bertrand (1872— ) 27 90 91 111 156 189 356 374
Ryle, G. (1900— ) 360
Saccheri, G. (1667—1733) 182
Satisfiable formula 71 203
Schema 43 67 123 220
Schema 69
Schema de selection et reunion (Bourbaki) 302
Schmidt, H.A. (1902— ) 381 382
Schoenfiies, A. (1853—1928) 355
Scholastic philosophers and philosophy 7 9 26
Scholz, H. (1884—1956) 286 381
Schoolmen 7
Schroeder, E. (1841—1902) 187 ff. 288
Schroeter, K. (1905— ) 380 382 396
Schuette, K. (1909— ) 386
Scope 65
Scott, D. 307
Second number class of Cantor 246 387
Semantic 44 49 64 231
Semantic paradoxes 128 168
Semantics 128 ff. 380 398
Sense and denotation 178 183
Sense-data 319
Sentence 10
Sequent 300
Sequenzenkalkuel (Gentzen) 380
Set 108 284
Shanin, N.A. (1919— ) 395
Sheffer, H.M. (1883— ) 51
Shepherdson, J.C. 391
Shoenfield, J.R. (1927— ) 391
Sierpinski, W. (1882— ) 308
Significant form 4
Similarity of classes 161 172
Simple and complex propositions (De Morgan) 23
Simple conversion of a proposition 13
Simultaneous recursion 271
Singular proposition 11 171
Singular term 10
Skolem normal form 74
Skolem's paradox 304
Skolem, Th. (1887— ) 74 258 264 265 283 290 300 304 307 395 397
Sommerville, D.M.Y. (1879—1934) 183
Sorites 20
Space 194 333 343 349
Space-filling curve (Peano) 143 152
Species (Brouwer) 253
Specieuse 152
Specious present 344
Specker, E. (1920— ) 392 395
Speiser, A. (1885— ) 356
Spread (Brouwer) 252
Spread-law 252
Square of opposition 13
Stabler, E.R. (1906— ) 189
Station 350
Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen (Dedekind) 140 190
Stratification 114 166 294
Strenge Implikation (Ackermann) 398
Strict implication (Lewis) 54 398
Strings of marks (Post) 280
Stroke function of Sheffer 51
Stroke symbols (numerals) 204 ff.
| Structure 4 26 133 202 324 326 331 333
Stufenkalkuel 115 315
Subaltern propositions 13
Subcontrary propositions 13
Subidentity and superidentity 23
Subject-predicate form 9 26 59
Subset 288
Successor number 300
Suppes, P. (1922— ) 25 56 307
Suranyi, J. 393
Syllogism 15
Syllogism in Barbara 45
Symbolic resolution of existential axioms 106 130 299
Symmetrical relation 110
Syntactic 42 44 64 208
Syntactic variable 42 87 275 297
System (Dedekind) 159
Tabula rasa 344
Tarski, A. (1902— ) 56 128 237 380 390 392 397 398
Tautology 33 37 44 47
Taylor's theorem 53 327
Term 9 93 297
Tertium non datur 46 206 247 386
Theory of games 292 332 354
Theory of sets 284 ff.
Thiele, E.-J. 396
Thiele, H. 397
Thing 288 291 294
Thue, A. (1863—1922) 393
Total awareness 361
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein) 58 317
Transfinite induction 241 300 386
Transfinite recursion 300
Transposition, principle of 46
Truth 129 231
Truth-function 30 64
Truth-matrix 50
Truth-specification 71
Truth-table 30 40
Truth-value 29 178
Turing, A.M. (1912—1954) 277 ff. 279 394
Turquette, A.R. (1914— ) 56 397
Twoness 321
Type-free logic 386 387
Types 115 165 253 286 296 314
Typical ambiguity 168 169
Understanding (Kant) 340
Undistributed middle 16
Uniform convergence 62 70
union 54 108 298
Uniqueness formulae 93 269
Unit class 159 170
Unit set 299
UNIVERSAL class 109 169 299
Universal proposition 11
Universal quantifier 60
Universe of discourse 63 71
Unravelling of strands or threads 84 125 215
Urelemente (Zermolo) 291 319
Use and mention 88
Vacca, G. (1872— ) 151
Value of a variable 58
van der Waerden, B.L. (1903— ) 140 371
Variable 27 58 59 362
Veblen, O. (1880—1960) 227
Vectors 148
Venn diagrams 24
Venn, J. (1834—1923) 24 187
Verifiable formula 214
Vernunftdressur (Brouwer) 362
Vicious-circle principle 113 166
von Mises, R. (1883—1953) 371
von Neumann axioms for sets 239 292
von Neumann, J. (1903—1957) 292 ff. 305 307 332 354
von Staudt, G.K.C. (1798—1868) 225
von Wright, G.H. (1916— ) 398 399
Wajsberg, M. 396
Walton, Izaak (1593—1683) 31
Wang, Hao (1921— ) 190 308 391
Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? (Dedekind) 131 146 158 190 259
Weakened conclusion 17
Weierstrass, K. (1815—1897) 140
Well-formed formula 65 68 98 275 296
Well-formed term 98
Weyl, H. (1885—1955) 192 193 228 244 246 248 256 356 395
Whately, R. (1787—1863) 21 25
Whewell, W. (1794—1866) 363
Whitehead, A.N. (1861—1947) 27 157 226 341
Whittaker, E.T. (1873—1956) 342
Wilder, R.L. (1896— ) 189
Will to live (Brouwer) 320
Wittgenstein, L. (1889—1951) 58 317
Wolf, A. (1876—1948) 5
Word problem 393
Working mathematician 118 326 330
Zeno of Elea (495?—435? B.C.) 345 354
Zermelo — Fraenkel axioms 239 288 291 308 396
Zermelo, E. (1871—1953) 245 287 307
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