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Davis P., Hersh R. — The Mathematical Experience |
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Kronecker, L. 335
Kuhn, T. 65 350
Kuhnen, K. 153 157
L'Hospital, G.F.A. 241
Lakatos, I. 291 298 345 359 411
Lambert, J. 220
Landauer, T.K. 316
Langer, R.E. 270
Laplace, P. 68
Lawrentieff, M. 8
Lebesgue, H. 266
Lehmer, D.H. 384
Lehmer, D.N. 216
Leibniz, G.W. 238 326
Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci) 188 192
Levy, P. 62
Libbrecht, U. 12 188 195
Lichnerowicz, A. 396 399
Lipton, R. 379
Littleton, A.C. 93
Littlewood, J.E. 364
Lobachevsky, N.I. 220
Locke, J. 110 327
Logical positivism 342
Logicism 332 414
Luxemburg, W.A.J. 254
MacLane, S. 89
Maimonides, M. 117 155
Malcev, A. 249
Manin, Y.I. 386
Maoism, mathematical 87
Marsak, L.M. 65
Mathematical Association of America 12
Mathematical epistemology 397
Mathematical existence 35
Mathematical foundations 330
Mathematical imagery 310
Mathematical information 17
Mathematical instruments 13
Mathematical intuition 51
Mathematical Maoism 87
Mathematical models 46 77 375 379
Mathematical objects 35 140 319 351 393
Mathematical reality 362
Mathematical structures 140
Mathematical unorthodoxies 55
Mathematical utility 79
Mathematician, ideal 34
Mathematics as enigma 196
Mathematics by fiat 70
Mathematics in commerce 89
Mathematics in war 93
Mathematics, algorithmic 180
Mathematics, analog 302
Mathematics, analytical 302
Mathematics, applied 83
Mathematics, chronology of 9
Mathematics, classification of 20 29
Mathematics, conscious 301
Mathematics, creation of 291
Mathematics, definition of 6 399
Mathematics, dialectic 180
Mathematics, goals of 53
Mathematics, growth of 24 29
Mathematics, informal 347
Mathematics, non-analytic 301
Mathematics, physicist's view of 44
Mathematics, pure 85
Mathematics, saturation of 24
Mathematics, unconscious 301
Matrix 133 414
Mental objects 399
Merlan, P. 55
Metamathematics 336
Meyer zur Capellen, W. 17
Michener, E. 316
Mikami, Y. 12
Mill, J.S. 327
Millay, E. 150
Millo, R. de 379
Milton, J. 172
Model 70
Model, physical 375 379
Model, restricted set theory 231
Model, true sentences 247
Moebius function 364
Monk, J.D. 322
Moral issues 96
Morgan, A.de 90
Moser, L. 143
Moses, J. 17
Moyer, R.S. 316
Muller, M. 307
Murray, F.J. 17
n-dimensional space 135
Napoleon 94
Needham, J. 12 93 96
NeoPlatonism 52 54
Neugebauer, O. 12 172
Newman, J.R. 8
Newsom, C.V. 8 223
Newton, I. 75 77 238
Nicolas of Cusa 110 239
Niss, M. 12 23
Non-Cantorian set theory 223
Non-Euclidean geometry 217 330 415
Non-Euclidean geometry, comparison with Euclidean 222
Nonstandard analysis 45 237 415
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg) 110 112
Number mysticism 109
Numerical analysis 184
Order 172
Ostrowski, A. 18
PACIOLI, L. 10 90 171
Pancake problem 275
Papert, S. 291 301 316
Pappus' theorem 175
Parallel postulate 341
Partitions 209
Pascal, B. 241
Pasch, M. 160
Pattern 172
Peano, G. 137
Pedagogy 274
Peirce, C.S. 7
Perlis, A.J. 379
permutations 205
Pi 369
Pi hat ( ) 369
Piaget, J. 404
Pingree, D. 108
Plato 128 325
Platonism 41 68 318 341 362 370 393 406 415
Playfair's axiom 219
Poincare, H. 133 168 230
Polanyi, M. 316 350
Popper, K. 89 343 345 350 363 409 411
Prather, R.E. 191 195
| Prenowitz, W. 223
Prime divisors, ordinary arithmetic field 195
Prime number theorem 175 209 415
Prime numbers 210
Prime numbers, distribution of 363
Prime numbers, twin primes 213 215
Principle of impotence 165
probability 91 164
proof 7 34 39 48 111 147 306 347 354
Proof of consistency 221 230
Proof of programs 376
Prosthaphaeresis 19
Protagoras 54
Pseudoreal 251
Ptolemy, C. 75
Putnam, H. 327
Pythagoras 97 180
Pythagorean Theorem 147 221
Quadratic equations 11
Quine, W.V.O. 124 307
Rademacher, H. 56
Ramanujan, S. 57
Reason 326
Reid, C. 338
Religion 108
Resch, R.D. 316
Restle, F. 316
Riemann, B. 220 229 266
Riemann, hypothesis 210 363
Riemann, zeta function 214 364
Riesz — Fischer theorem 268
Robbins, H. 8
Robinson, A. 237 254 319 322 344
Rosenbloom, P. 355
Ross, S.L. 127
Russell's paradox 225 332 415
Russell, B. 2 113 130 138 323
Saadia Gaon 113 119
Saccheri, G. 220
Sachs, A. 12
Schmitt, F.O. 314 316
Schoenfeld, A.H. 286 291
Schwartz, L. 269
Scientific method 47
Scott, D. 322
Seidenberg, A. 109 112
Series 199 415 416
Set theory 331
Set theory, non-Cantorian 223
Shafarevitch, I.R. 52 55
Shockley, J.E. 190 195
Sjostedt, C.E. 223
Skolem, T.A. 248
Slagle, J.R. 291
Snapper, E. 8
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 12
Software 376
Sperry, R.W. 315 316
Spinoza B. 110 326
St. Gall Monastery 99
St. Louis Model (in economics) 92
Stabler, E.R. 8
Steen, L.A. 8 179
Steenrod, N. 276 284
Steinhaus, H. 143
Stevin, S. 90
Stibitz, G. 17
Stoltzenberg, G. 374
Straight line 126 158
Strauss, C. 316 403
string, stretched 158
Stroyan, K.D. 254
Struik, D.J. 12
Sun Tzu 187 191
Survival of the fittest 21 51
Swinnerton-Dyer, H.P.F. 386 388
symbols 122
Takeuti, G. 140
Taviss, I. 17
Thales 147 226
Theology, scholastic 113
Thompson, J. 209
Thorn, R. 316 318 322
Tolstoy, L. 63
Toulmin, R. 350
Toynbee, A. 54
Traub, J.F. 17 186
Trichotomy Law 334 370
Trigonometric functions 198
Trigonometric series 259
Tukey, J.W. 257
Tyche 163
Tymoczko, S. 383 387
U.S. Government 12
Ulam's dilemma 20
Ulam, S. 20 23
Ultrafilter 145
Unicorn 145
Unique factorization 208
Uniqueness theorems 119
Utility, common 83
Utility, mathematical 79
Van Ceulen, L. 10
Van der Waerden, B. 12
Veblen, O. 205
Verification 47
Viete, F. 10
von Helmholtz, H. 255
von Mises, R. 167
von Neumann, J. 18 20 25 89 351
Weierstrass, K. 238 245 331
Weinberg, J. 133
Weiss, E. 191 195
Weiss, G. 270
Weissglass, J. 89
Weyl, H. 60 108 112 230
White, L. 108
Whitehead, A.N. 18 123 130 138 323
Wiener, N. 95 269
Wigner, E.P. 49 76
Wikyuk 316
Wilcox, L. 8
Wilder, R.L. 65 151 195 198 399
Wittgenstein, L. 145 343
Worden, F.G. 316
Worrall, J. 353
Wronski, J. 57 60
Yamey, B. 93
Yates, F.A. 98
Zagier, D. 212 216 363
Zahar, E. 353
Zaring, W.M. 140
Zeno 155
Zeno's paradox 225
Zermelo — Fraenkel — Skolem axioms 136 162
Zermelo, E. 226
Ziman, J. 65
Zippin, L. 157
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