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Audichya A. — Mathematics: Marvels and milestones |
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Number of integrs 115
Number of points on unequal iines 115
Number of primes 59
Number, concept, extension of 53
Numbers, complex number, further extension of 75
numbers, complex numbers 54 73
Numbers, composite 56 57
Numbers, cube 113
Numbers, even 113
Numbers, hypercomplex 75
Numbers, irrational 53
Numbers, natural 71
Numbers, prime 56 57
Numbers, Pythagorean 66
Numbers, rational 53
Numbers, real 53
Numbers, square 113
Numbers, transcendental 54
Numbers, transfinite 118
Numbers, whole 53
One-one correspondence 114
One-sided surface 36
Operation 94
Osculating plane 153
Oswald Veblen 43
parabola 18 19 20 21
Parabola, accoustical property of 21
Parabola, reflection property of 20
Paradox 119 120 121
Paradox, Barber’s 119
Paradox, how removed? 121
Paradox, Russell’s 120
Paradox, Zeno’s 135 136
Parallel postulate 4
Plane curves, study of 150
Poincar 121
Point 3 25 30 34
Point as element 26
Point of inflexion 141
Prime, the greatest 59
Prime, the highest power in n of 64
Primes, distribution of 60
Primes, method of computing 59
Primes, twin 62 63
Primes, twin, property common to all 63
Progression, arithmetic 132
Progression, geometric 133
Progression, harmonic 133
Projection 15 16
Projective geometry 15 16
Proof theory 48
Pseudo-sphere 8 9 10 11
Pure and Applied Mathematics, interdependence of 183
Pure mathematics 183
Pythagorean numbers 66
Quadratic equation 71
Quaternions 74
Radian measure 135
Raindrops- why spherical 146
Rational and irrational points 160
Real analysis 177 178
Real Analysis, early worries of 178
Real Analysis, early worries of, how set right? 178
Real Analysis, topics studied in 177
Real variable 171 172
Rectangle with diagonals 40
Regular functions 171
Re’aumur 147
Riemann 6 8 11 12 159 160 178
Riemann integral 159
Riemann Integral, case of failure of 159
Riemannian geometry 1 6 8
Riemann’s hypothesis about zeros of zeta function 174
Riemann’s zeta function 173 174
Ring (s), commutative 99
Ring(s) 94 99 103
Rules of divisibility 57
Russell, Bertrand 120 121
Russell’s epigram 110
Saddle 11 154
Saddle point 154
Schwartz, Laurent 177
Sequence, Fibonacci 136
| Series 131 132
Series, convergent 131
Series, divergent 132
Series, for sin x 135
Series, hypergeometric 137
Series, hypergeometric, why so called 137
Series, infinite 131
Set 101 112
Set operations, complementation 112
Set operations, intersection 112
set operations, UNION 112
Set theory at elementary level 121
Set, as subset of itself 113
Set, associative property 95
Set, cardinality of a 113
Set, closure property of a 94
Set, comlementofa 106
Set, countable 117
Set, finite 113
Set, infinite 113
Set, null 106
Set, subset of a 106 112 113
Set, uncountable 117
Set, universal 106
Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg 38
slope 23 138 139
Space 13 25
Space as manifold 26
Space-filling curve 151
Space-time interval 25
Space-time, structure of 14
Star-like figure 40
Straight line 10 11 12
Straight line, as shortest distance 10
Symmetries 97
Tangent to a curve 139 147 152
Tartaglia 77
Tensor 180
Tensor analysis 180
Tensor analysis, applications of 180
Theorem of Pythagoras 5 67
Theory of distributions 176
Theory of groups, different branches of 98 99
Topological properties, inside and outside as 31
Topological properties, of figures 31
Topological properties, of surfaces 32
topology 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 40
Topology as mathematics of the possible 34
Topology as rubber sheet geometry 34
Topology as study of continuity 34
Topology, algebraic 33
Topology, branches of 33
Topology, combinatorial 33
Topology, fundamental concepts of 33
Topology, general 34
Topology, network problems in 38
Topology, point-set 33
Torsion 152 153
Torus 32 42
Tractrix 8
union 105
Union, Unique Factorization Theorem 62
Unsettled questions regarding primes 62
Validity of conclusions 109
Variable 126
Variable, dependent and independent 126
Vector (s) 100 180
Vector product not commutative 101
Vector space(s) 94 103 104
Velocity 139
Vertex 38
Vertex, odd or even 38
Vertices 38 39 40 41
Wave equation 170
Weierstrass 75
Wilson’s Theorem 65
Wireless waves, prediction of 170
Wolf Gang Haken 41
Zermelo 121
Zero divisors 102
Zeta function, Riemann’s 173
Zeta function, Riemann’s, hypothesis regarding zeros 174
Zeta function, Riemann’s, zeros of 174
Zukovskii, discovery of 173
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