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Mehta M.L. — Random Matrices
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Название: Random Matrices
Автор: Mehta M.L.
Аннотация: Since the publication of Random Matrices (Academic Press, 1967) so many new results have emerged both in theory and in applications, that this edition is almost completely revised to reflect the developments. For example, the theory of matrices with quaternion elements was developed to compute certain multiple integrals, and the inverse scattering theory was used to derive asymptotic results. The discovery of Selberg's 1944 paper on a multiple integral also gave rise to hundreds of recent publications.
This book presents a coherent and detailed analytical treatment of random matrices, leading in particular to the calculation of n-point correlations, of spacing probabilities, and of a number of statistical quantities. The results are used in describing the statistical properties of nuclear excitations, the energies of chaotic systems, the ultrasonic frequencies of structural materials, the zeros of the Riemann zeta function, and in general the characteristic energies of any sufficiently complicated system. Of special interest to physicists and mathematicians, the book is self-contained and the reader need know mathematics only at the undergraduate level.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 3rd edition
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 688
Добавлена в каталог: 01.07.2006
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Предметный указатель
-statistic 303
Abramowitz, M. 228 641
Airy function 452
Airy kernel 452 54 531
Andrews, G.E. 309 311 649
Angular momentum operator 36
Anti-symmetric 36 41 74 499
Anti-symmetric Hermitian matrices 48 59 237
Antiunitary operator 34
Aomoto's extension 310
Aomoto, K. 651
Artin, E. 283
Askey, R.A. 309 311 324 651
Asymptotic expansion 139 350 352 396
Asymptotic formula 65 67 337
Asymptotic series 336
Asymptotics of 336
Asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants 339
Averages with Laguerre or Hermite weights 323
Baik, J. 468
Balazs, N.L. 32
Balian, R. 7 62 649
Bateman, H. 141 142 228 285 354 355 362 420 475 476 511 512 556 572 640 641
Berry, M.V. 291
Bessel function 461
Bethe, H.A. 8 649
Bi-orthogonal polynomials 72 88 102 103 109 441 447 650
Bi-orthogonal polynomials, zeros of 106 443 448
Binary quadratic forms 27 642
Bohigas, O. 11 16 172 173 292 293 296 297 304 649
Bohr, A. 9
Brezin, E. 410
Brody, T.A. 10 16 307 649
Bronk, B.V. 449 451 492 652
Brownian motion 5 184 650
Brownian Motion Model 185 203 221 509
Bureau, F.J. 406
Caillol, J.M. 330
Camarda, H.S. 2 289
Cameron, A.G.W. 8 649
Carlson's theorem 226 314
Cauchy transform 423
Cayley — Klein parameters 330
Chadan, K. 341
Chandrasekhar, S. 183
Change of variables 636
Chaotic systems 1
Characteristic function 507
Characteristic polynomial 79
Chevalley, C. 38
Christoffel — Darboux formula 511
Chu, L.J. 137 138
Cicuta, G.M. 651
Cipra, B.A. 20 649
Circular ensembles 4 47 323
Circular orthogonal ensemble 646
Circular symplectic ensemble 646
Circular unitary ensemble 20 30 461 646
Class function 26 643
Cluster function 111 144 148 177 203 207 216 263 514 650
Cluster function, n-level 152
Cluster function, two-level 110 120 152 178
COE 646
Complex conjugate 39
Complex matrices 266 573
Computer proof 326
Confluences 627
Confluent alternant 104
Conjecture 7 494 653
conjugate 74
Conjugate quaternion 39
Conte, R. 622 623 654
Continuum model 231
Contour map 134 136
Convolution 634
Convolution integrals 558
Corbato, F.J. 137 138
Correlation 34 111 148 177
Correlation function 4 15 79 81 87 89 111 203 207 216 237 263 428 435 436 448
Correlation function, n-point 118
Correlation function, two-level 121
Cosgrove, C.M. 404
Coulomb gas model 182
Coupled matrices 426
Covariance of the consecutive spacings 301
Coxeter indices 325 648
Coxeter symbol 326
CSE 646
Cue 646 647 649
Davenport, H. 26 649
de Bruijn, N.G. 96 414
Deift, P. xiii 108 468
Delande, D. 32
Delannay, R. 6 485 490 652 653
Des Cloizeaux, J. 337 339 650 652 653
Desjardins, J.S. 2 4
Determinant 72 412 415 538 539 541 542 545 547 549
Determinants: probability densities 281 469
di Francesco, R. xiii 32 649
Diagonalization 577
Dietz, B. 520 652
Dieudonne, J. 38
Differential equations 384 394
Dirichlet series 29
Discriminant 26
Dual 40 75
Dyson, F.J. 4—6 47 64 73—75 111 183 191 295 300 385 406 408 525 649—652
Eckhardt, B. 649
Edelman, A. 266 279 281 588 594 651 654
Effetof, K.B. xiii 650
Eigenfunctions 33 125
Eigenvalues 4—6 125 126
Eliashberg, G.M. 15
Energy 228
energy levels 2 3 5 7 8
Energy statistic 298
Ensemble averages 187
Ensembles from GOE to GUE and beyond 245 256
Ensembles from GSE to GUE and beyond 250 260
entropy 64 65 228 232
Epstein zeta function 27
Ercolani, N.M. 107 441 650
Erdelyi, A. 511
Erdos, P. 460
Ergodic theorem 140
Ergodicity 140
Error function 484
Exceptional groups 326
Excess 303—305
Extensive quantity 232
Eynard, B. 103 650 652
F-statistic 302
Feshbach, H. 502
Finite reflection groups 325
Fission widths 9
Fixed strength ensemble 47 487
Flores, J. 10 16 307 649
Fokas, A.S. 108
Fokker — Planck equation 184
Form-factor 146
Form-factor, n -level 122 154 179
Form-factor, two-level 121 179
Forrester, P.J. 421
Fourier transform 110 144 154 514 526
Fox, D. 47
Fredholm determinant 133 134 335 336 340—342 352 382 436 448 452 454 457
Fredholm theory of integral equations 110
Free energy 65
French, J.B. 10 16 307 509 649
Frohlich, H. 5 15
Fyodorov, Y.V. 423 424 652
Garg, J.B. 2
Garvan, F.G. 326
Gaudin, M. 65
Gaussian 133
Gaussian ensemble 4 12 33 50 63 498 646
Gaussian ensemble of Hermitian anti-symmetric matrices 62
Gaussian ensemble with unequal real and imaginary parts 60
Gaussian orthogonal ensemble 7 12—14 36 58 146 480 482 483 607 608 645
Gaussian symplectic ensemble 7 38 58 477 646
Gaussian unitary ensemble 7 20 24 42 58 134 146 452 473 609 610 645
Gay, J.C. 32
Gel'fand — Levitan method 341 342
Gel'fand, I.M. 341
Generalization of the beta integral 327
Generating function 140 437 448 506
Gessel, I.M. 461
Ghosh, S. 103 360 362 363 650 652
Giannoni, M.J. 11 172 173 293 296
Ginibre, J. 266 267 281 573 651
Ginsparg, P. xiii 32 649
Girko, V.L. xiii
Global property 6 7
GOE 146 645 647
Good, I.J. 226
Gorkov, L.P. 15
Goursat, E. 134 385 454
Gradshteyn, I.S. 235 640
Gram's formula 516
Gromak, V.I. 404 406
GSE 646
GUE 468 645 647
Guhr, t. xiii 32 649
Haake, F. 520
Hacken, G. 2 289
Hamiltonian 3 33
Hamiltonian equations 624 654
Hammersley, J.M. 460
Haq, R.U. 16 292 297 304 649
Hardy — Ramanujan formula 8 649
Harer, J. 140
Harish-Chandra 648
Harvey, J.A. 4
Hastings, S.P. 532
Havens Jr., W.W. 2 4
Heilbronn, H. 26 649
Hermite polynomials 47 118 149 176 556
Hermitian 8
Hermitian matrices coupled in a linear chain 647
Hikami, S. 410
Hua, L.K. 285
Hughes, D.J. 4
Hurwitz zeta functions 29
Incomplete gamma function 269
Inflection point 450
information 61
Information theory 60
Integer moments 285 483
Integral equation 124 126
Integral representation 650
Integration over alternate variables 84—87 154 159 160 650
Inverse Mellin transform 475 479 482 484
Inverse power series 629
Inverse scattering 336 340
Ising model 6
Its, A.R 108 402
Itzykson, C. 644
Jacobi polynomials 354 355
Jacobian 51 193
James, A.T. 364
Jancovici, B. 651
Jensen, J.H.D. 2
Jimbo, M. 382 385 394 405
Joint probability density 43 58 62 565
Joint probability density of the eigenvalues 197 254
Jost, R. 344
Kahn, P.B. 47 650
Katz, N.M. xiii 30 32
Keating, J. 23 27 28 649
Kernel 119 124 125 436
Kerov, C.V. 460
Khinchin, A.I. 61
Kisslinger, L.S. 2
Kitaev, A.V. 108
Kostlan, E. 266 279 588 651 654
Kota, V.K.B. 16 509 649
Kramer's degeneracy 54
Kramer, H.A. 54
Kubo, R. 15
Kullback, S. 281
Laguerre polynomials 356
Landau, L. 14
Lang, J.M.B. 8 649
Laplace manner 85 127
Lax pairs 621 654
Le Caer, G. 6 485 490 652 653
Least square statistic 294
Lecouteur, K.J. 8 649
Leff, H.S. 47
Legendre polynomials 137 518
Level density 8 10 63 65 67 119 120 237 356 450
Level spacing 10 113 122 154 179 180 205 213 219 240
Levinson, N. 346
Levitan, B.M. 341
Lie algebra 648
Lie group 648 653
Lin, R. 622 623 654
Linear statistic 601
Liou, H.I. 2 289
Lipschitz condition 339
Little, J.D.C. 137 138
Local property 6 7
Logan, B.F. 460
Longest increasing subsequence 460
Luck, J.-M. 644
Lukashevich, N.A. 404 406
Luke, Y.L. 476 640—642
MacDonald, I.G. 44 325 651
Mahoux, G. 650 652
Marchenko method 341 347
Marchenko, V.A. 342
Matrices: Hermitian, unitary, symmetric, self-dual 498
Mayer, M.G. 2
McCoy, B.M. 6 352 405
McLaughlin, K.T.-R. 107 441 650
McLeod, J.B. 532
Mehta, M.L. 44 65 72 73 75 76 80 82 87 94 100 104 127—129 158 216 246 264 282 295 300 325 337 339 364 413 415 416 439 444 476 477 498 504 516 536 561 565 576 582 590 650 653
Meijer G-function 284 476 479 482 491 640
Mellin transform 284 470—473 491
Mello, P.A. 10 16 307 649
Metallic particles 5 15
Mezzadri, F. 24
Miwa, T. 382 385 394 405
Mixed sequence 495
Moment matrix 448
Moments 471
Moments of the characteristic polynomial 409
Monahan, J.E. 303
Montgomery's conjecture 21
Montgomery, H.L. 5 19 649
Moore, C.E. 4
Moore, E.H. 73
Mori, Y. 382 385 394 405
Morris, W.G. 320 651
Morse, P.M. 137 138 502
Moussa, P. 644
Mtiler-Groeling, A. xiii 32 649
Musette, M. 622 623 654
Mushkelishvili, N.I. 66
N -level correlation function 146 271