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Hinrichsen D., Pritchard A. — Mathematical Systems Theory I: Modelling, State Space Analysis, Stability and Robustness |
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Hermitian matrix 722
Hermitian matrix, inertia 314
Hermitian matrix, positive definite 276 317 723
Hermitian matrix, positive semi-definite 446 723
Hermitian matrix, signature 314 723
Hermitian matrix, spectral theorem 723
Hessenberg form 493
Hessenberg form, algorithm for reducing to 495
Hessenberg form, reduced 495
Hilbert space 116 753
Hille — Yosida theorem 672
Hoelder norm 455 554 718
Hoelder's inequality for functions 740
Hoelder's inequality for sequences 735
hold 168 170
Hold equivalent system 178
Hold, -order 170
Holomorphic function 376 727
Hooke's law 14
Householder reflection 493
Householder transformation 492—493
Householder vector 493
Hurwitz matrix of a complex polynomial 338
Hurwitz matrix of a real polynomial 338 340
Identity Theorem 376 420 728
Impulse response 126 128
Inertia of a complex matrix 295 719
Inertia of a Hermitian matrix 723
Inertia of an Hermitian matrix 314
Inertia, Sylvester's Law of Inertia 723
Initial growth rate 653 662 675 676
Initial growth rate of normal systems 656
Inners of a matrix 350
Input-output operator on 124 148
Input-output operator on 134 150 602
Input-output operator on 131 148 603
Input-output operator on 150
Input-output system 135 see
Input-output system, -stable 132 137
Input-output system, linear 136
Input-output system, time-invariant 136
Input-state map 119 124
Input-to-state map 101
Interconnection of linear systems 154
Interconnection of uncertain systems 535
Interconnection, feedback connection 161
Interconnection, parallel connection 160
Interconnection, series connection 160
Interlacing condition on the real line 303
Interlacing condition on the unit circle 345
Interval polynomial 389 641
Invariant set 197 213 237 238
Invariant set, weakly 197 237
Inverted pendulum 22 35 110 176
Jenkin's governor 306
Joint Liapunov function 704 708
Joint Liapunov function, joint Liapunov norm 676
Jordan curve theorem 725
Julia set 210
Jury matrix 350
Jury's Stability Criterion 350
Kharitonov polynomials 390 641
Kharitonov's Theorem 391
Kirchhoff's laws 52
Kreiss — Spijker Theorem 670
Kronecker product 486 489 720
Kronecker symbol 143
Kronecker's theorem 323
Kronecker's Theorem, topological version 325
Lagrange's equations 31
Lagrangian 31
Laplace transform 139 742
Laplace transform, inverse 142 742
Laplace's equation 41
Laplacian 41 71
LaSalle's invariance principle for flows 227
LaSalle's invariance principle for time-invariant flows 238
Laurent series 320 730
Laurent — Puiseux series 419
Legendre transformation 33 38
Liapunov equation, algebraic 283 665
Liapunov equation, differential, difference 273 668
Liapunov equation, generalized 357 359
Liapunov exponent 258 259
Liapunov function for flows 222
Liapunov function for time-invariant systems 236
Liapunov function for time-varying systems 231
Liapunov function of maximal robustness 704
Liapunov function, joint see "Joint Liapunov function"
Liapunov function, quadratic, for linear systems, time-invariant 282—290
Liapunov function, quadratic, for linear systems, time-varying 272—282
Liapunov operator 284 488
Liapunov operator, generalized 283 358
Liapunov transformation 262
Liapunov's direct method 217
Liapunov's direct method, instability theorems for flows 226
Liapunov's direct method, instability theorems, time-invariant linear 285
Liapunov's direct method, instability theorems, time-invariant nonlinear 245
Liapunov's direct method, instability theorems, time-varying linear 273 277
Liapunov's direct method, instability theorems, time-varying nonlinear 234
Liapunov's direct method, stability theorems for flows 223 227 248
Liapunov's direct method, stability theorems, time-invariant linear 285
Liapunov's direct method, stability theorems, time-invariant nonlinear 236
Liapunov's direct method, stability theorems, time-varying linear 273 276
Liapunov's direct method, stability theorems, time-varying nonlinear 232 233
Liapunov's indirect method 253
Liapunov's indirect method, exponential stability theorem 289
Liapunov's indirect method, instability theorem, time-invariant 288
Liapunov's indirect method, instability theorem, time-varying 281
Liapunov's indirect method, stability theorem, time-invariant 288 696
Liapunov's indirect method, stability theorem, time-varying 279
Lienard — Chipart Theorem 336 340
Lienard's equation 250
Limit cycle 203
Limit cycle, stable 204
Limit point 202
Limit set 202—204 208 209 214
Linear fractional transformation 538
Linear fractional transformation, sum, product, inverse 541
Linear operator, adjoint 662 757
Linear operator, bounded 124 756
Linear operator, closed 756 761
Linear operator, compact 756 761
Linear operator, normal 573 758 761
Linear operator, selfadjoint 758
Linear operator, unbounded 120 757
Linear system 100
Linear system, decomposition principle 100
Linear system, difference 103
Linear system, differentiable 101
Linear system, isomorphism 155
Linear system, morphism 155
Linear system, similar 35 156
Linear system, superposition principle 100
Linear system, time-invariant 102
Linear system, time-varying 101
Linearization 92
Linearization about a trajectory 280
Linearization about an equilibrium point 279 288
Lipschitz, continuous, locally Lipschitz 235 680 695
Lipschitz, gain 688 689
Lipschitz, global Lipschitz condition 688 695
Logarithmic norm see "Initial growth rate"
Logistic growth model 3 98 215
Lorentz force 44
Lorenz attractor 212 241
Lotka — Volterra model see "Predator-prey system"
Lumped parameter models 14
Markov parameter 125
Mass-spring system 13—17 94 157
| Mathieu's equation 274
Maximum principle 588 592
Maximum principle for holomorphic functions 733
Maximum principle for subharmonic functions 734
Maximum principle, extended 734
Maxwell's equations 43
Meromorphic function 376 377 729
Minimal set 203 209
Minkowski functional 659 756
Model uncertainties 517 see
Moebius map 268 343 617
Moebius transform of a polynomial 343 387
Momentum, angular 18 19
Momentum, linear 17
Monodromy theorem 733
Morera's theorem 728
Multi-model 518
Multiplication operator on , 149
Multiplication operator on , 148
Neglected dynamics 690 697
Network, combinational switching 56
Network, electrical 50—55
Network, sequential switching 56 80
Newton's second and third laws 13
Non-wandering set 207 208
Norm of input-output operator 602
Norm, absolute 404 717
Norm, compatible 450 716
Norm, dual 455 466 715 755
Norm, Frobenius 456 718
Norm, Hoelder 455 554 717
Norm, Liapunov 663
Norm, Liapunov, -Liapunov 663 676
Norm, Liapunov, strict 663
Norm, monotone 717
Norm, operator norm 716
Norm, p-norm of a function 739
Norm, p-norm of a sequence 715
Norm, p-norm of a vector 735
Norm, rank one consistent 455 463 559 718
Norm, sub-multiplicative 404
Normality of a matrix family at a point 420—422
Numerical range 662
Numerical stability 268
Nyquist plot 145 593
Observable, uniform 276 285
Ohm's law 39
Open mapping theorem 528 755
Orbit 78
Orthonormal 423 753
Orthonormal, basis 117 432 754
Oscillations, parasitic 185 271
Oscillator, linear 16 108 129
Oscillator, multivariable 698 699
Oscillator, nonlinear 111 250 290 706
Oscillator, perturbed, spectral value sets 522 529 557
Oscillator, perturbed, stability radii 593 697
Ostrowski matrix 622
Parity check machine 58 95
Pendulum 25 82
Pendulum, stability analysis 241
Periodic points 214
Periodic system 262 266
Periodic system, criteria for stability 256
Perron's example 259
Perturbation norm 450 456 688
Perturbations of polynomials of one coefficient 627
Perturbations of polynomials, complex structured 628
Perturbations of polynomials, complex unstructured 633
Perturbations of polynomials, minimum norm complex 632
Perturbations of polynomials, minimum norm real 633 645
Perturbations of polynomials, real structured 637
Perturbations of polynomials, real unstructured 642
Perturbations of polynomials, scaled unstructured 630 640
Perturbations of polynomials, unstructured 626
Perturbations of systems, affine 530
Perturbations of systems, block-diagonal 456 536
Perturbations of systems, block-diagonal, diagonal 458
Perturbations of systems, block-diagonal, multi-block 457 550 588
Perturbations of systems, block-diagonal, specified block multiplicities 463
Perturbations of systems, complex structure 453
Perturbations of systems, full-block 454
Perturbations of systems, full-block, complex 556 591
Perturbations of systems, full-block, real 561 596
Perturbations of systems, full-block, unstructured 569 609
Perturbations of systems, linear fractional 537 544 586
Perturbations of systems, minimum norm 699
Perturbations of systems, minimum norm, complex 558 559 593
Perturbations of systems, minimum norm, real 563 565 568 597 601
Perturbations of systems, neglected dynamics 690 697
Perturbations of systems, nonparametric, dynamic 688
Perturbations of systems, nonparametric, linear time-varying 688 709
Perturbations of systems, nonparametric, nonlinear time-invariant 688
Perturbations of systems, nonparametric, nonlinear time-varying 689
Perturbations of systems, off-diagonal 552 580 589
Phase increasing property, Hurwitz 299
Phase increasing property, Hurwitz, real case 300
Phase increasing property, Schur 341
Phase portrait 82 111 243 652
Phase response 145
Plancherel's Theorem 172 748
Poincare — Bendixson theorem 203
Poincare's recurrence theorem 208
Poisson stability 208
Poisson's equation 41
Polar Plot 145 146
Pole 146 308 521 729
Polynomial see also "Roots of a polynomial"
Polynomial with analytic coefficients 376
Polynomial, even and odd parts 302 639
Polynomial, Hermitian 357
Polynomial, Hurwitz 297 384
Polynomial, irreducible 377
Polynomial, leading coefficient 370
Polynomial, monic 370
Polynomial, positive pair 303
Polynomial, real and imaginary parts 311
Polynomial, recursive 322
Polynomial, reflection of Hurwitz polynomial 299
Polynomial, reflection of Schur polynomial 342
Polynomial, rotation of 342
Polynomial, Schur 340 384
Polynomial, symmetric, Hurwitz polynomial 299
Polynomial, symmetric, Schur polynomial 342
Positive definite, function 220
Positive definite, function, away from a closed set 219
Positive definite, matrix see "Hermitian matrix"
Positive system 247 601
Predator-prey system 4—6 243 518
Proper rational function, strictly 141 320
Pseudospectra 531 569 669
Pseudospectra, characterization 569
Pseudospectra, characterization for complex normal matrices 573
Pseudospectra, characterization for real normal matrices 576
Pseudospectra, lower bounds, complex case 573
Pseudospectra, lower bounds, real case 576
Pseudospectra, under similarity transformations 579 583
Puiseux series 382 401 528
Pulse amplitude modulation 169
QR algorithm 502
QR factorization 497
Quotient system 157
Rational dependence on parameters 521 539
Rational systems in the plane 209
Real perturbation values, lower 483
Real perturbation values, upper 483
Real representation of complex matrices 465 600 720
Realness locus 562 568 597 600 638
Recurrence 206
Recurrent point 209
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