Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Robinson A. — Complete theories |
Предметный указатель |
Ackermann, W. 126
Argument places, fixed 25
Argument places, free 25
Atomic (formula) 15
Axiom 4
Axioms, algebra of 8
Bernays, P. 17 126
Beth, E. W. 126
Cartesian space 12
Characteristic 5 78
Completeness 9 72
Completeness, partial 25 69
Conjunction 3
Consistent 7
Constants 3
Contradictory 7
Decidable 13
Deducible 7
defined 12
Diagram 6
Disjunction 3
Eckmann, B. 90 126
Elementary 4
Extension 6
Field (Commutative) 4
Field with valuation 47 79
Field, algebraically closed 4 38 79 98
Field, ordered 5
Field, real closed 5 43 77
functor 3
Goedel's theorem 7
Goedel, K. 7 126
Group (Abelian) 4 32
Group with operators 67
Group, completely divisible 32 77 124
Group, ordered 36 77
Group, torsionfree 32 77
Habicht, W. 91 126
Henkin, L. 126
Herbrand form 111
Herbrand, J. 3 111
Hesse, H. 126
Hilbert, D. 126
Implication 3
Indeterminate 83
Integral domain (With valuation) 62
Krull, W. 126
Lefschetz' principle 92
Lefschetz, S. 92 126
| Linear dependence 33
Lower predicate calculus (LPC) 3
Malcev, A. 126
Matrix 21
McKinsey, J.C.C. 127
Model 5
Model, completeness 13
Model, partial 25
Module 67
Mostowski, A. 127
Negation 3
Operator ring 68
Persistence 12
Predicate 3
Prime model 72
Prime model test 74
Primitive (Formula) 15
Provable 7
Quantification 3
Rank 33 51
Rasiowa, H. 126
Related sets 28
Relation 3
Relativisation 47 107
Robinson, A. 126
Robinson, R.M. 127
Semi-group 65
Sikorski, R. 126
Skolem, T. 107
Specialisation (of parameters) 95
Statement 3
Steinitz, E. 10
Structure 5
Structure, algebraic 8
Structure, partial 6
Szmielew, W. 127
Tarski A. 77 91 106 127
Transfer principles 92
Transform, bounding 109
Transform, bounding, general 119
Transform, continuity 108
Transform, syntactical 107
Valid 7
Valuation 47
Valuation group 47
Valuation ring 58
Variety 20 99
Variety, algebraic 98
Vaught's test 9
Vaught, R.L. 9 127
Waerden, B.L.V.D. 127
Реклама |