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Van Oystaeyen F. — Algebraic geometry for associative algebras
Van Oystaeyen F. — Algebraic geometry for associative algebras

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Название: Algebraic geometry for associative algebras

Автор: Van Oystaeyen F.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 287

Добавлена в каталог: 21.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\Sigma$-filtration      6
Affine group      211
Affine Schematic      15
Almost commutative      77
Archimedean      140
Associated graded ring      7
Auslander condition      117
Auslander Gorenstein regular      126
Auslander regular ring      120
Azumaya algebra in a category      239
Bernstein filtration      6
Braided category      226
Braided Hopf algebra      234
Braided tensor product      234
Chech cohomology      200
Clifford algebra      134
Cohen — Macaulay module      132
Coherent      53
Coherently filtered      89
Colour Lie Super Algebras      74
Comaximal      152
Compatible schematic      58
Condition $\chi$      192
Coproduct      209
Cover      244
Crossed module      229
Dense group      140
Derivation      6
Derivation ring      6
Dimodule      228
Directed set      244
Discrete group      140
Divisor      174
Dual quantum plane      215
Equivalent directed sets      244
Essential functor      266
Essential quantum sections      84
Exhaustive filtration      7
Faithfully projective      227
Filter in $\Lambda$      244
Filtered module      5
Filtered ring      5
Filtered sheaf      89
Finite cover      244
Finite object      227
Flabby      201
Focussed      251
Focussed distributivity      251
Formal group      210
Formally coherent      92
Frame      107
Fuchsian filtration      6
Gabriel topology      14
Gauge algebras      34
Gelfand Kirillov transcendence degree      111
Generalized Rees ring      124
Generator nitration      6
Generic algebra      12
Generic cover      263
Generic relation      254
Global cover      45
Gluing      47
Good reduction      152
Gr-Auslander regularity      123
Gr-maximal order      164
Grade number      117
Graded cohomology      190
Graded completion      88
Graded formal completion      92
Graded structure sheaf      46
Grading filtration      6
Grothendieck topology      44
Group functor      210
Group object      209
Hopf algebra in a category      234
Ideal of definition      93
Idempotent      247
Idempotently directed      252
Inner $\b{g}$-automorphism      233
interval      244
Invertible bimodule      123
Iterated Ore extension      25
Left dual      228
Left global dimension      103
Left gr-regularity      105
Left order      160
Left regular      105
Left topology      258
Limit poset      246
Linear module      132
Localization functor      14
Maximal order      160
Microlocalization      39
Monoidal category      226
Monoidal functor      228
Morita context      236
Morphism of formal schemes      92
Natural Transform      208
Noetherian formal scheme      92
Noncommutative Grothendieck Topology      46
Noncommutative scheme      51
Noncommutative site      46
Normalizing element      15
Operator nitration      6
Order      160
Ore extension      25
Ore set      14
Pattern topology      253
Perfect torsion theory      260
Picard group of a category      234
Place      144
Point Module      132
Point Variety      133
Polynomial identities      12
Positive element      139
Positive filtration      5 145
Presheaf over a skew topology      262
Prime filter      141
Progenerator      228
Property T      260
Quantized sections      88
Quantized Weyl algebras      76
Quantum group      214
Quantum matrices      215
Quantum matrix group      223
Quantum sections      42
Quantum space      35 214
Quantum structure sheaf      67
Quasi product      214
Quasi-coherent      53
Quotient category      17
Quotient ring      159
Rank      140
Rational point      211
Rees ring      7 145
Regular algebra      127
Regular ring      105
Residue skewfield      141
Right global dimension      103
Right order      161
Right topology      258
Rigid category      288
Rigid torsion theory      16
Ring of constants      174
Saturated kernel functor      23
Saturated Ore set      41
Schematic algebra      19
Schematic dimension      112
Separated nitration      7
Separated presheaf      262
Sheaf      47
Skew Grothendieck topology      256
Skew topology      252
Spectrum for a Skew topology      268
Stable functor      190
Stable identity      13
Stalk      263
Standard filtration      6
Strict exact      7
Strictly positive element      139
Sub-frame      107
Symmetric skew topology      255
T-ideal      12
Tensor functor      228
Torsion part      14
Totally ordered group      139
Uniform growth      109
Valuation      141
Valuation ring      141
Variety of algebras      12
Weakly modular irregularity      249
Weyl algebra      9
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