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Leighton R.B. — Principles of Modern Physics |
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Particle, free, one dimension, motion (wave packets) 144
Particle, free, one dimension, Schroedinger equation 141
Particle, free, one dimension, wave functions 141
Particle, free, one dimension, wave functions, boundary conditions on 142
Particle, free, one dimension, wave functions, normalization 142
Particle, free, three dimensions 157
Particle, Hamiltonian for (relativistic) 47 661
Particle, Lagrangian for (relativistic) 47 662
Particle, motion in electromagnetic field 46
Particle, motion in magnetic field 46
Particles 483 623
Particles, hyperons 483 649
Particles, mesons 483 616 633—641
Particles, scattering 485 504 see
Particles, scattering, method of partial waves 505
Particles, scattering, Rutherford 485
Pauli exclusion principle 236
Pauli neutrino hypothesis 531
Periodic boundary condition 159
Periodic system of elements, and electron configuration 251
Periodic system of elements, empirical form 233
Periodic system of elements, Schroedinger theory 246
Perturbation analysis, for energy-level shifts 118
Perturbation analysis, for energy-level shifts, first-order effect 119
Perturbation analysis, for transitions 120
Perturbation analysis, for transitions, first-order effect 124 125
Phase shifts 507
Phase space 92
Phonon 367
photoelectric effect 67
Photoelectric effect in X-ray absorption 424
Photoelectric effect, Einstein equation for 68
Photon 627
Photon gas 365
Pickup reactions 564
Planck constant 65
Planck distribution 64 349 366
Polarization of Bremsstrahlung 415
Positron in Dirac theory 666
Positron, properties 624
Positronium 624
Postulates of quantum mechanics 93—103
Postulates of quantum statistics 330
Postulates of special relativity 5
Postulates, exchange-symmetry 239
Potential 4-vector (electromagnetic) 43
Potential 4-vector (electromagnetic), transformation 46
Potential 4-vector (electromagnetic), wave equation 43
Potential barrier, finite 155
Potential barrier, semi-infinite 148
Potential scattering 504 563
Potential well, one dimension 152
Potential well, one dimension, energy eigenvalues for 153 154
Potential well, one dimension, scattering by 155 505
Potential well, one dimension, wave functions for 154
Potential well, spherical (scattering by) 504
Potential well, three dimensions, square (box) 159
Potential, centrifugal 436
Potential, Morse 440
Precession, Larmor 192
Precession, Thomas 192
Probability amplitude 93
Probability current 113
probability density 93
probability distribution 95
Probability, conservation 112
Probability, physical 245
Progressions (molecular spectra) 453
Propagation vector 158 216
Proper time 31
Proton, properties 627
Proton-proton cycle 709
Pseudoscalar mesons 621
Pseudoscalar, definition 25
Quantum electrodynamics 669
Quantum of action 65
Quantum states, of atoms, experimental observation 88
Quantum states, of atoms, in Schroedinger theory 107
Quantum states, of atoms, role in quantum theory 88
Quantum states, of hydrogen, in Bohr theory 72
Quantum states, of hydrogen, in Schroedinger theory 163 176
Quantum states, of hydrogen, in Sommerfeld theory 79
Quantum statistics, macroscopic distribution 330
Quantum statistics, microscopic distribution 330
Quantum statistics, postulate for 330
Quantum statistics, three distribution laws 335 339
Quantum theory, historical sketch 60
Radiation field, interaction of charges with 211 218—220
Radiation length (shower theory) 691
Radiation, from accelerated charge, non-relativistic 409
Radiation, from accelerated charge, relativistic 412
Radiation, quantum theory 211
Radiation, rate of, classical vs. quantum-mechanical 228—229
Radioactive equilibrium, secular 519
Radioactive equilibrium, transient 519
Radioactive mean life 518
Radioactive nuclides, artificial 523
Radioactive nuclides, natural 512
Radioactive series 512
Radioactive-decay law 513 516
Radioactivity, -particle, theory 524
Radioactivity, -particle, theory 529
Radioactivity, artificial 523
Radioactivity, discovery and early history 459
Radioactivity, growth and decay 513
Radioactivity, induced by cosmic radiation 697
Radioactivity, kinds 460
Radioactivity, positron 524
Range of nuclear forces 618
Range of stopping particle 501
Range-energy curves 733—735
Rare earths (shell structure) 252
Rayleigh-Jeans law 64
Rectification theory 388
Reduced mass 164 299 487
Relativistic electrodynamics 40
Relativistic energy 36—37
Relativistic kinematics 9
Relativistic mass 36
Relativistic mechanics 30—40
Relativity, general theory 52
Relativity, principle 1
Relativity, special theory 1
Renormalization of charge 677
Renormalization of mass 677
Residual mass 574
Residual nucleus 483
Resonance, nuclear magnetic 468
Richardson — Dushman equation 356
Rigid rotator 302 311 312
Rotation spectrum 306
Russell — Saunders coupling 259
Rutherford scattering, experiments 71
Rutherford scattering, law 71 485 490
Rutherford scattering, theory 485
Rutherford theory of atomic structure 71
Rydberg series 275
Rydberg unit 75
Saturation properties, chemical forces 297
Saturation properties, nuclear forces 551
Scattering of X-rays, modified (Compton) 432
Scattering of X-rays, unmodified (Thomson) 428
Scattering, as second-order process 231
Scattering, multiple Coulomb 494
Scattering, n-p 614
Scattering, p-p 614
Scattering, P-wave 509
Scattering, partial wave analysis 505
Scattering, phase shifts for 504 507
Scattering, Rutherford 71 485
| Scattering, S-wave 509
Scattering, surface 563
Schmidt lines 605
Schroedinger equation, introduced (postulate) 103
Schroedinger equation, time-independent 112
Schroedinger formulation of quantum mechanics 81
Schroedinger formulation of quantum mechanics, postulates for 91—103
Second sound 370
Selection rules 77
Selection rules and line intensities 90
Selection rules and matrix elements 125
Selection rules for harmonic oscillator 218 222
Selection rules for strangeness 657
Selection rules in decay 538
Selection rules, electric dipole 224 226
Selection rules, electric dipole, for j-j coupling 271
Selection rules, electric dipole, for LS coupling 271
Selection rules, electric dipole, for one-electron atom 229
Self-consistent field 247
Semiconductors, as rectifiers 391
Semiconductors, energy-band structure 384
Semiconductors, impurity 386
Semiconductors, intrinsic 386
semiconductors, N-type 387
semiconductors, P-type 387
Shell notation in X-ray spectra 418
Shell notation, for atoms 235
Shell structure, atomic 235
Shell structure, atomic, and Bohr orbits 235
Shell structure, atomic, notation 235
Shell structure, atomic, order of subshell states 249
Shell structure, atomic, Schroedinger theory 246
Shell structure, nuclear 600
Simultaneity 12 14
Solid-angle transformation equations 412 493
Solids, band theory 377
Sommerfeld theory of hydrogen 78
Space time 27
Spallation reactions 565
Spectra, regularities in 274
Spectral lines, breadth 282—283
Spectroscopic fine structure 202
Spectroscopic hyperfine structure 206
Spectroscopic notation 204 205
Spectroscopic selection rules 206 270 443 446 454
Spectroscopic series 76
Spectroscopic term classification 204
Spectroscopic terms 76
Spectroscopic terms for equivalent electrons 264—267
Spectroscopy, atomic 254
Spectroscopy, atomic, j-j coupling 268
Spectroscopy, atomic, LS coupling 259
Spectroscopy, atomic, regularities in 274
Spectroscopy, atomic, selection rules 206 270
Spectroscopy, atomic, Zeeman effect 276
Spectroscopy, molecular 305
Spectroscopy, molecular, electronic 311
Spectroscopy, molecular, electronic, band systems 314
Spectroscopy, molecular, electronic, selection rules 312
Spectroscopy, molecular, rotational 305
Spectroscopy, molecular, rotational, selection rules 306
Spectroscopy, molecular, vibration-rotation 307
Spectroscopy, molecular, vibration-rotation, selection rules 307
Spin, electron 184
Spin, electron, Dirac theory 667
Spin, electron, eigenfunctions 187 188
Spin, electron, operators 187 188
Spin, electron, Pauli theory 188
Spin, nuclear 206
Spin-orbit effects in nuclei 616
Spin-orbit fine structure 199
Spin-orbit forces 191
Stark broadening 285
State function defined 93
State of classical system 93
State of quantum-mechanical system 93
State, degenerate 116
State, quantized 107
Statistical weight 116 328 343
Statistical weight and degeneracy 116
Statistical weight for homonuclear molecules 322
Stefan constant 62
Stefan — Boltzmann law 62
Stern — Gerlach experiment 89
Straggling 501 503
Strange particles, hyperons 483 649
Strange particles, K mesons 641
Strangeness theory 653
Stripping reactions 564
Superfluid see "Helium"
Supernovae, element formation 714 716 718
Surface scattering 563
Surface transmutation 563
Surface-tension effects in nuclei 552
Target nucleus 482
Temperature in quantum statistics 339
Tensor fields 25
Tensors, addition 22
Tensors, contraction 23
Tensors, curl 26
Tensors, definition 22
Tensors, divergence 26
Tensors, four-dimensional 27
Tensors, four-dimensional, notation 29
Tensors, gradient 25
Tensors, multiplication 23
Tensors, notation 18
Tensors, summation convention 20
Tensors, symmetry 24
Tensors, transformation law 22
Terms, spectroscopic 76 264—267
Thermionic emission 355
Thomas — Fermi atomic model 362
Time dilation 5 11 12
Time, proper 31
Top, symmetrical, energy states 312
Transitions, first-order theory 120
Transitions, forbidden 125
Transitions, matrix element for 124
Transitions, radiative 211
Transitions, radiative, summary of properties 231
Tunnel effect 157
Uncertainty principle 86 93 105
Undetermined multipliers 335
Undetermined multipliers, evaluation 336
Undetermined multipliers, evaluation for dilute gas 338
Vacuum polarization 677
Valence and shell structure 250
Valence band 386
Van der Waals' forces 297 323
Variance (measure of uncertainty) 95
Vector potential, electromagnetic 43
Vectors, four-dimensional 27
Vectors, transformation law 17
Velocity, addition 14
Velocity, four-dimensional 32
Velocity, transformation 14
Vibrational progressions 313
Virtual process 673
Wave amplitude 85
Wave functions, defined 93
Wave functions, four-component 664
Wave packet, free-particle 144
Wave packet, group velocity 147
Wave packet, phase velocity 147
Wave properties of particles 81 104
Wave trains, as representation of particle beam 142
Wave trains, superposition 143
Wave-particle duality 367
Wavelength, de Broglie 81
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