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Leighton R.B. — Principles of Modern Physics |
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decay 529
decay, electron spectrum for 535
decay, inverse 532
decay, Kurie plot 536
decay, Kurie plot, lifetimes for 538
decay, Kurie plot, neutrino hypothesis 531
decay, Kurie plot, selection rules 538 642
decay, Kurie plot, statistical factor 535
decay, Kurie plot, theory 532
decay, Kurie plot, transitions in, allowed 540
decay, Kurie plot, transitions in, forbidden 541 542 see
Aberration 4 38
Absorption, X-ray 421
Absorption, X-ray, coefficients 422
Absorption, X-ray, photoelectric 424
Acceptor atom 387
Activity 518
Adiabatic approximation 289
Age, of carbonaceous materials 698
Age, of minerals 520
Age, of the earth 520
Alpha-particle model of nucleus 596
Alpha-particle radioactivity theory 524
Alternation of multiplicities (law) 268 276
Angular momentum of nuclei 467
Angular momentum, addition 198
Angular momentum, eigenvalues 177
Angular momentum, operators for 102
Angular momentum, operators for, commutation properties 102 195
Angular momentum, operators for, in rectangular coordinates 102
Angular momentum, operators for, in spherical coordinates 177
Angular momentum, orbital 177
Angular momentum, quantization 195
Angular momentum, quantization in Bohr theory 72
Angular momentum, quantization in Stern — Gerlach experiment 89
Angular momentum, quantization, experimental observation 89
Angular momentum, quantum numbers 177
Angular momentum, rotational, of molecules 299 310
Angular momentum, spin 185 667
Antineutrino 630
Antineutron 629
Antiparticle 624
Antiproton 628
Atmosphere, properties (table) 732
Atomic energy states 76
Atomic energy-level diagrams 77 91
Atomic mass units 464
Atomic masses (table) 736—783
Atomic number 478
Atomic structure 69
Atomic structure factors 451
Atomic structure, nuclear theory 71
Atomic structure, Rutherford theory 71
Atomic structure, Thomson theory 70
Atomic transitions 77 90
Atomic transitions, forbidden 90
Atomic transitions, selection rules for 271
Auger effect 427
Auger effect in nuclei 480
Autoionization 427
Balmer formula 75
Balmer series 74
Band structure (solids) 378
Band system (spectroscopy) 454
Band theory of solids 377
Barrier penetration see "Potential barrier"
Barrier-penetration theory of -decay 524
Baryon 652
Black-body radiation 60
Black-body radiation, classical interpretation 61
Black-body radiation, laws for, distribution (graph) 725
Black-body radiation, laws for, Planck 64
Black-body radiation, laws for, Planck, from quantum statistics 349 366
Black-body radiation, laws for, Rayleigh — Jeans 64
Black-body radiation, laws for, Stefan — Boltzmann 62
Black-body radiation, laws for, Wien displacement 62 see
Bloch function 394 401
Bohr correspondence principle 88 105
Bohr magneton 185
Bohr theory of hydrogen atom 72
Boltzmann factor 342
Bose particle 239
Bragg condition 437 447
Bragg reflection 402 437
Bragg spectrometer 449
Bremsstrahlung 408 674
Bremsstrahlung, atomic mechanism 415
Bremsstrahlung, distribution, angular 408 410
Bremsstrahlung, distribution, spectral 413
Bremsstrahlung, polarization 415
Bremsstrahlung, role in electron showers 690
Brillouin zones 400
Brillouin zones, influence on electrical properties 402
Canonical equations (Hamilton) 48 92 106—107
Canonical momenta 92
Carbon cycle 709
Center-of-mass system in nuclear reactions 492 493
Center-of-mass system, defined 39
Center-of-mass system, speed 39 49
Characteristic radiation see "X rays"
Charge density, defined 41
Charge density, transformation law for 42 46
Charge, continuity equation for 43
Charge-current, 4-vector 43
Chemical binding, directional character 298
Chemical binding, homopolar 288
Chemical binding, ionic (heteropolar) 288 295
Chemical binding, measure of character 296
Chemical binding, saturation properties 297
CM system see "Center-of-mass system"
Collision broadening (spectra) 285
Collision excitation of atoms 281
Complex atoms, energy-level diagrams 272
Complex atoms, Hamiltonian function for 256
Complex potential see "Nuclear models"
Compound nucleus 563 610
Compound nucleus, excitation energy 573
Compton collision 40 432
Compton cross section 433
Compton scattering 432
Compton scattering, viewed in space time 674
Conduction band 386
Conservation laws in nuclear reactions 567 see
Conservation, energy 37
Conservation, energy in radiative transitions 227
Conservation, mass-energy 37
Conservation, momentum 34 37 568
Conservation, momentum-energy 37 568
Conservation, parity 569
Conservation, probability 112
Correspondence principle 88 105
Cosmic radiation, "soft" component 697
Cosmic radiation, composition 681
Cosmic radiation, discovery and gross properties 680 689
Cosmic radiation, energy spectrum 682
Cosmic radiation, nuclear collisions by 682 684 687
Cosmic radiation, origin 699
Cosmic radiation, primary 681
Cosmic radiation, production of and by 523 697
Cosmic radiation, radioactivity induced by 697
Cosmic radiation, secondary 688
Cosmic radiation, secondary, electron showers 689 690
Cosmic radiation, secondary, general features 688
Cosmic radiation, secondary, nucleonic cascades 688
Coulomb barrier 524 567 583 584
Coulomb excitation 562 563 566
Covariance of Maxwell's equations 6
Covariance of physical laws 12 28
Critical energy 691
Cross section, definitions 577
| Cross section, differential 579
Cross section, geometric 580
Cross section, lab vs. CM 579
Cross section, partial 578
Cross section, resonance 577
Cross section, Thomson 429
Cross section, total interaction 578
Crystal lattice, direct 445
Crystal lattice, one-dimensional 392
Crystal lattice, primitive vectors 440
Crystal lattice, reciprocal 445
Crystal lattice, reciprocal vectors 445
Crystal lattice, spacing of atoms in 438
Crystal lattice, types 438 439
Crystal lattice, unit cell 438
Crystal planes, Miller indices 448
Crystal structure factors 451
Crystals, electron energy states in 378
Crystals, periodicity properties 391
Curie (unit of radioactivity) 518
Current density, 4-vector 43
Current density, 4-vector, transformation 46
Current density, defined 41
D'Alembertian operator 43
de Broglie wavelength 81
Degeneracy 116
Degeneracy and statistical weight 116
Degeneracy, removal 116 118
Delta function 109
Delta rays 501
Delta, Kronecker 21
Deuteron 611
Deuteron, ground-state wave function 613
diatomic molecules see "Molecules"
Diffraction (X-ray) 435
Diffraction (X-ray), Bragg conditions 437 447
Diffraction (X-ray), Laue equations 444
Dineutron 611
Dirac equation 664
Dirac theory for electrons 661
Disintegration constant 515
Displacement law 276
Donor atoms 387
Doppler broadening 284
Doppler effect (relativistic) 14 38
effective mass 400
Eigenfunction of a coordinate 108
Eigenfunction of energy, for independent systems 122
Eigenfunction of momentum, nonquantized 109
Eigenfunction of two or more quantities 110 111
Eigenfunction, definition 108
Eigenfunction, degenerate 116
Eigenfunction, orthogonal 114
Eigenfunction, orthogonal, expansion in terms of 115 122
Eigenfunction, permissible (conditions) 108
Eigenfunction, quantized 110
Eigenstates (stationary) 111
Eigenstates (stationary), transitions between 120
Eigenvalues, as only possible result of exact measurement 115
Eigenvalues, equation for 108
Einstein condensation 373
Einstein frequency condition 73
Einstein photoelectric equation 68
Einstein — Bose statistics, applications, liquid helium 368
Einstein — Bose statistics, applications, photon gas 365
Einstein — Bose statistics, distribution law for 335 339
Einstein — Bose statistics, general properties 342
Elastic system, classical treatment 212—214
Elastic system, quantum treatment 214
Electric dipole, selection rules 206 see
Electrodynamics, quantum 669
Electrodynamics, relativistic (classical) 40
Electrodynamics, relativistic (classical), field equations 40 44
Electromagnetic charge density 41
Electromagnetic current density 41
Electromagnetic equations 40 44
Electromagnetic field tensor 44
Electromagnetic force 40
Electromagnetic potentials 41 46
Electron 624
Electron capture 544
Electron configuration (notation) 236
Electron gas (energy distribution) 351
Electron showers (cosmic ray) 690
Electron spin see "Spin"
Electron, Dirac theory 661
Electron, equivalent 264 267
Electron, magnetic moment 185
Electron, magnetic moment, anomalous 677
Electron, radius (classical) 50
Electrostatic effect 550 553
Elements, formation of 710
Emission, induced 223
Emission, spontaneous 223 228
Energy loss (ionization) 494
Energy loss (ionization), primary 501
Energy loss (ionization), secondary 501
Energy units 48
Energy, relativistic 36
Energy, relativistic, conservation 37
Energy, relativistic, critical 691
Energy, relativistic, kinetic 37
Energy, relativistic, self- (rest) 37
Energy, relativistic, total 36 37
Energy, stellar 708
Equivalent electrons 264
Equivalent electrons, LS terms for 267
Ether hypothesis 3
Event (relativity) 10
Exchange correlation 258
Exchange forces 244
Exchange forces in nuclei 616
Exchange invariance of Hamiltonian 237
Exchange operator, properties 238
Exchange symmetry of wave functions 236
Exchange symmetry of wave functions, observable effects 239
Exchange symmetry of wave functions, rules for 236
Excitation of atoms, mechanisms 280
Excitation of nuclei 479
Exclusion principle, early form 236
Exclusion principle, exchange symmetry rules 236
Expectation value, change with time 106 111
Expectation value, defined 95
Fermi energy 341
Fermi gas 350
Fermi gas, energy distribution for 351
Fermi gas, nuclear model 699
Fermi level 341
fermi particles 239
Fermi theory of decay 532
Fermi theory of cosmic-ray acceleration 704
Fermi — Dirac statistics, applications 350
Fermi — Dirac statistics, applications, contact potential 354
Fermi — Dirac statistics, applications, electronic specific heat 360
Fermi — Dirac statistics, applications, electronic-energy distribution 351
Fermi — Dirac statistics, applications, theory of metals 350
Fermi — Dirac statistics, applications, thermionic emission 355
Fermi — Dirac statistics, applications, Thomas — Fermi atomic model 362
Fermi — Dirac statistics, distribution law for 335 339
Fermi — Dirac statistics, general character 340
Feynman diagram 672
Field oscillators 216
Field tensor 44
Field, electromagnetic, equations 40
Field, electromagnetic, equations, transformation 46
Field, electromagnetic, of moving charge 46
Field, electromagnetic, tensor 44
Fine-structure constant 200
Fission 597
Fission, stability against 555
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