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Friedman R., Morgan J.W. — Smooth four-manifolds and complex surfaces |
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#, connected sum of manifolds 12
, fiber connected sum of elliptic surfaces 161
, the set of points a which satisfy 250
, the automorphisms of the elliptic surface B preserving the section 76
, automorphisms of the quadratic form of M which are the identity on all classes coming from the boundary 185
, dimension of a maximal positive definite subspace of 12
, dimension of a maximal negative definite subspace of 12
, the set of all surfaces S in B(g,d) such that has generic branching behavior 64
, the set of isomorphism classes of elliptic surfaces in B(g,d) with nonconstant j-invariant 63
, the set of all surfaces S in B(g,d) such that S is nodal 64
, 261
, elements of even or odd degree in C(V) 375
, the largest dimension of a stratum with 261
, local degree at x of the map whose differential at x is Fredholm of index zero 350 351
, determinant line bundle associated to 238
, the Atiyah — Singer determinant line bundle 385
, the Bismut — Gillet — Soule determinant line bundle 391
, group of orientation-preserving self-diffeomorphisms of M 12
, the pullback of to 235
, the subgroup of D(M) induced by compactly supported orientation-preserving self-diffeomorphisms 185
, the image of in 235
, the Atiyah — Hitchin — Singer deformation complex for the ASD connection A 237
, the restriction of the fiber product over 258
, union of the strata of whose points have trivial background connections 263
, the curvature of the connection A 232
, the self-dual part of 255
, the semi-direct product 252
, the elements in fixing 397
, the homological invariant of the elliptic surface S 43
, the set of all elliptic surfaces without multiple fibers whose Jacobian surface is B 75
, a Kodaira fiber 60
, a Kodaira fiber which is a cycle of n rational curves 51 52
, the j-function of the elliptic surface S 43
, the canonical bundle of the manifold X 11
, the conjugate complex manifold corresponding to M 206
, scheme version of 337
, , deformation functors for stable or semistable bundles on C with trivial determinant 357
, , rigidified versions of , 363
, global moduli functor of L-stable bundles on S with and 334
, based version of 336
, global moduli functor of holomorphic structures on V 303
, local moduli functor of germs of deformations of V 304
, multiplicity of the irreducible component W in the complex space Z 349
, the set of isomorphism classes of line bundles on C of degree d 11
, projection onto the space of self-dual 2-forms 242
, the SU(2)-bundle over M with 226
, the geometric genus of S 18
, the plurigenus of S 18
, intersection form of the oriented 4-manifold M 12
, restriction of connections to the 2-manifold T 234
, restriction of connections for the quotient space of connections modulo the based gauge group 234
, reflection about 185
, the symmetric product of M 244
, the minimal model of the complex surface S 21
, set of elliptic surfaces locally isomorphic to S except over the and with the same basic elliptic surface 102
, thickened moduli space 247 257
, parametrized version of 260
, subset of whose measures do not have singular support at p 257
, based version of 257
, generalized connections with small curvature in a ball 434
, based version of 435
, parametrized version of X(P,g) 245
, thickened completion of the moduli space 260
, , parametrized versions of Y(P, g) and 246
, a based version of Y(P, g) 246
, set of points of whose associated measures do not have support on N 263
, based version of 263
, the intersection of with the set of those points whose center of mass is the north pole 250
, 253
, 253
, based version of 251
, -approximation to the fundamental class of in 260
, extended -map 272
, extended -map defined on the stable elements 271
, character variety of representations of it in SU(2) 366
-approximation to the fundamental class 260—262
, smooth divisor representing and lying in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of 268
, linear equivalence of divisors 11
, group of units in of norm one 375
, generalized Donaldson polynomial for M 411 412
, restricted Donaldson polynomial for M 278
, group generated by the reflections in the set 185 401
, the Kodaira dimension of S 19
, the operator 238
, coefficients of the dual element to in the expansion of 278
, the bundles of plus and minus spinors 235 376
, space of all irreducible connections on the principal bundle P 231
, space of all simple -connections on the vector bundle V 293
, space of all simple -connections on the vector bundle V 283
, space of all irreducible connections on the principal bundle P 230
, sheaf of holomorphic cross-sections of the elliptic surface B 77
, group of conformal contractions of 251
, the set of elliptic surfaces without multiple fibers with the invariants J and G 76
, the -gauge group of the bundle F 231
, the based gauge group of the bundle F 233
, the based complex gauge group 330
, the complex gauge group 293
, the complex gauge group of bundle isomorphisms of the vector bundle V 285
, , harmonic forms for the elliptic complex or 294
, , harmonic forms for the elliptic complex 324
, generalized connections whose singular support meets N 263
, the subsheaf of consisting of holomorphic sections of passing through the identity components of the reducible fibers 82
, the sheaf on the elliptic surface S 85
, the Kuranishi model for the space of deformations of the complex structure on V 295
, the moduli space of all irreducible g-ASD connections on P modulo gauge equivalence 236
, the parametrized moduli space of all connections on P where is the path 239
, the based moduli space of all g-ASD connections on P 237
, the image of in 256
, reducible ASD connections on the negative definite manifold N 431
, variety of representations of n in the Lie group G 366
, space of irreducible connections on P modulo gauge equivalence 232
, , based versions of and 233
, space of irreducible connections on P modulo gauge equivalence 230
, the divisor on corresponding to the smooth curve and the theta characteristic on C 344 345
, the divisor corresponding to 344
, universal elliptic curve over 37
, the upper half plane 36
, 40
, moduli space of stable bundles of degree zero on C 356
, the set of simple holomorphic structures on V 294
, scheme version of 337
, subset of of bundles with trivial determinant 356
, the moduli space of L-stable rank two holomorphic bundles with and 328
, the based moduli space corresponding to 330
, , sets of generic metrics 237 249
, the image of 1 under the -map 269
, the restriction of the extension of to a stratum 270
, the largest subgroup of the permutation group of the factors preserving the multiplicities 252
, the symmetric group on n letters 68
, universal cover of neighborhood of a fiber 54
-map 226—229 233—235 340—345 370 371 374 428—431 433 444 461 477—479 486 487 490
-map, extension of 228 263—273
, normalized degree or slope of the holomorphic bundle V with respect to a fixed Kaehler class or ample line bundle 322
, the map defined by slant product 233
, SO(3)-equivariant class in , where T is an embedded 2-manifold 235
, differential operator associated to the connection A 231
, the subset of such that either the background connection lies in or the singular support meets T 268
, /Torsion 12
, compact moduli space of equivalence classes of semistable bundles of degree zero on C 357
, subset of of bundles with trivial determinant 357
, the orbifold fundamental group of C 145
, the real spinor norm 397
, the top stratum of X(P,g) 261
, all complex surfaces S such that or and S is algebraic or is deformation equivalent to a (possibly blown up) Hopf surface 221
, the theta divisor of a Jacobian 345
, first Pontrjagin class of the universal SO(3) bundle over 232
, Donaldson polynomial for M 226 277
, stable Donaldson polynomial for M 271 273
, the classical j-function on the upper half plane 37
, generalized polynomial invariants arising from the connected sum with the negative definite manifold N 426
| , a theta function with characteristic 345
, space of all connections on the principal bundle P 230
, space of all -connections on the vector bundle V 293
, space of all -connections on the vector bundle V 283
, space of all connections on the principal bundle P 230
, the moduli space of all g-ASD connections on P modulo gauge equivalence 236
, space of all connections on P modulo gauge equivalence 231
, space of all connections on P modulo gauge equivalence 230
, the set of all holomorphic structures on V (usually assumed to have trivial determinant) 285
, the set of holomorphic structures on V with trivial determinant 301
, the moduli space of all g-ASD connections on P 236
, almost ASD connections on P which are almost flat away from certain points of concentrated curvature, and which lie in the span of the eigenvectors with small eigenvalues for the operator 255
, a multiple fiber whose reduction is a cycle of n rational curves 35
, the Dirac operator 235
, the Dirac operator coupled to the connection A 235
, the intersection form corresponding to the negative of the matrix for the root system 180
, the intersection form corresponding to the negative of the matrix for the extended root system 181 182
A(M), automorphisms of preserving the quadratic form of M 12
A(M, k), automorphisms of the quadratic form of M preserving k 393
ad P, adjoint bundle associated to the principal bundle P 230
ad V, vector bundle of trace zero endomorphisms of the vector bundle V 300
Adjunction formula 194 418 454 464
Almost complex structure 282 284 308 312—313 314
Analytic function on a Banach space 285—293
Anti-self dual (ASD) see "Connection anti-self-dual"
Artin ring 95 337 350
Artin, M. 32
ASD connections see "Connection anti-self-dual"
ASD Yang — Mills equations see "Yang — Mills equations"
Atiyah — Hitchin — Singer deformation complex 237 319
Atiyah — Singer determinant see "Determinant line bundle Atiyah
Atiyah's theorem on vector bundles over elliptic curves 447 448 452 456
Atiyah, M. 137
Averbuh, B.G. 32
B(g,d), the set of isomorphism classes of elliptic surfaces S with a section with Euler number 12d over a base of genus g 63
Background connection 228 229 244—247 249—251 253—255 257—261 263 265 266 430 434—436
Base change 33 38 47 53 95 98 99 115 116 163 164 338 382 452 462 465 466 482 483 488
Basic member 76 85 93 205
Basic surface see "Elliptic surface basic"
Bauer, S. 223 497
Bianchi identity 284 294
Bismut — Freed determinant 374
Bismut — Gillet — Soule determinant 374 389—392
Block 71—75
Blowing down 17 21 24—27
Blowing down in families 21 24—27 35
Blowing up 17 19 131 132 163
Blowup 4 5 10 17—20 23 27 28 36 51 59 131 132 137 154—157 163 164 181 221—225 394 411—416 418 426 491—498
Bogomolov — Miyaoka — Yau inequality 30 494 495
Bogomolov's inequality 367
Bogomolov, F. 366
Bombieri's theorem on the canonical map 33
Bombieri, E. 33
Borel measure 240
Botany 23
Bott, R. 137
Bounded homogeneous polynomial 285
Br B, the Brauer group of B 86
Brauer group 86 109 335
Bridge 72—75
Brieskorn, E. 33 115
Brussee, R. 499
C(V), Clifford algebra of V 374
c-generic 339
c-stable 271 276
c-suitable 436 438 446—448 450 451 453 454 468 476 477
Canonical bundle 2 10 11 16—20 24 25 130 160 341 343 376 394 406 410 418 450 477
Canonical bundle formula for an elliptic surface 16 36 49 50 129 130 454 464 475
Cartan matrix 179 187
Cartan's privileged neighborhood theorem 298
Case (A) 447 448 451 453—455 469 479 480 485 497
Case (B) 448 453—456 480 481
Castelnuovo — deFranchis theorem 20 30 494
Castelnuovo — Enriques theorem 20
Castelnuovo's theorem 2 25
Categorical quotient 362 364
Christoffel symbol 378
Clifford algebra 374 375
Clifford multiplication 375—377
Clifford's theorem 360
Closure of modules theorem 288 289
Compatible lift 41—47 67
Completion of the moduli space 239—246
Completion of the moduli space, thickened 247 260—263
Complex space 11
Complex space, defined by a Fredholm map 290—293
Complex space, defined by a Fredholm section 265 292 293
Complex torus 22 30—33 92 131 154 155 199 209 214 222 224 444 458 494 495
Cone bundle 228 247 251 253 255 258—260 265 271
Cone structure 248 251 253 258
Conformal length 432
Conjugate complex manifold 5 139 206 409
Connected sum 2 9 10 12 161 229 271 356 394 411—414 416—419 425 426 432 433 435
Connection, (0,1)- 283—285 294 300 301 307 314 324 327 331
Connection, background 228 229 244—247 249—251 253—255 257—261 263 265 266 430 434—436
Connection, compatible with the complex structure 280—283 313 320 323 333
Connection, Ehresmann 280 284 314
Connection, flat 88 249 251 366 369 379
Connection, Hermite — Einstein 323
Connection, Hermitian 281 323
Connection, integrable 284 285
Connection, irreducible 226 227 230 231 234 236 237 249 256 271 279 324—327 330 347 365 429 431 438
Connection, Levi-Civita 376
Connection, product 240 243 249 256 258
Connection, reducible 231 246 249 250 257 274 338 348 366 429—432 436 438—440
Connection, trivial 228 238 243 246 247 255—260 348 370 373 430 431 433 435
Connections, based, space of gauge equivalence classes 233 431
Connections, space of gauge equivalence classes 226 230—234
Contains in the sense of complex spaces 288
Curvature 230 232 282 283
Curvature, (0,2)- 284 285 293
Curvature, concentrated 228 254
Cyclic monodromy 195—197 201 202 205 209 210 214 215
d(c), one-half the expected dimension of the moduli space, namely 226
D(M), the subgroup of A(M) induced by 12
D(M,k), the subgroup of D(M) of elements fixing k 393 405
D*(M), the subgroup of D(M) of elements of real spinor norm one 393
Dabrowski, K. 133
Deformation equivalence 4 5 10 14—22 25 28 29 31—34 57 61 81 93 103 138—140 157 201 221—224 409 442 445 497
Deformation equivalence through elliptic surfaces 35 57 64—67 79 81 82 103—107 110—132 158 159 201 205—209 211 215
Deformation invariance of Kodaira dimension 20 26 27
Deformation invariance of the plurigenera 20 24 26 27 128—130
Deformation type 4—7 16 17 28 195 497
Deformation, unobstructed 301
Degree, local, for a Fredholm map of index zero 352 355
Dehn twist 167
Dehn — Nielsen theorem 146—154
Deligne — Mumford Theorem 125
Deligne, P. 401
Descent conditions 473
det , the holomorphic determinant line bundle 383
Determinant line bundle 238 340 352 355 374
Determinant line bundle, Atiyah — Singer 235 374 385—389 391
Determinant line bundle, Bismut — Freed 374
Determinant line bundle, Bismut — Gillet — Soule 374 389—392
Determinant line bundle, holomorphic 341 342 344 364 366 374 379—385 387—389 391
Diffeomorphism group, big 9 393 394 405—409 413 415 416 418 420 425 427 490 499
Diffeomorphism group, big, Donaldson polynomial of a 4-manifold with 9 393 406—408 490 499
Dirac operator 235 268 269 274 340 341 346—348 374—379
Directional derivative 420
Distribution, horizontal 232 280 282 331
Distribution, integrable 308
Distribution, involutive 308
Div, div, the zero set of the natural section of the inverse of the determinant line bundle 384
Dolgachev, I. 16 75 86
Donaldson polynomial invariant 4 226 227
Donaldson polynomial invariant, full 229 230 276 278
Donaldson polynomial invariant, generalized 411—413
Donaldson polynomial invariant, restricted 278
Donaldson polynomial invariant, stable 229 271—273 276
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