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Bjorner A. — Oriented Matroids
Bjorner A. — Oriented Matroids

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Название: Oriented Matroids

Автор: Bjorner A.


Oriented matroids are a very natural mathematical concept which presents itself in many different guises, and which has connections and applications to many different areas. These include discrete and computational geometry, combinatorics, convexity, topology, algebraic geometry, operations research, computer science and theoretical chemistry. This is the first comprehensive or accessible account of the subject. This book is intended for a diverse audience: graduate students who wish to learn the subject from scratch, researchers in the various fields of application who want to concentrate on certain aspects of the theory, specialists who need a thorough reference work, and others at points in between. A list of exercises and open problems ends each chapter, and the work is rounded off by an up-to-date and exhaustive reference list.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Комбинаторика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 560

Добавлена в каталог: 19.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Irreducible      71
Isomorphic      259
Isotopy      269 344 363
Join      160
Jordan curve theorem      251
Jordan — Brouwer separation theorem      225
k-connected      185
k-skeleton      203
Knot theory      262
Krein — Milman theorem      382
Kruskal — Katona relations      199
Las Vergnas (face) lattice      161 164 377 391
Las Vergnas conjecture      305 483
Las Vergnas sphere      218
Lattice      160
Lawrence construction      386
Lawrence lifting      386
Lawrence polytope      387 389 391 394 415 485
Length      159
Levi’s intersection property      470
Lexicographic extension      293 344 407
Lexicographic single element extension      469
Lexicographic subdivision      410
Lexicographic triangulations      411
Lifting subdivision      410
Line at infinity      253 258
Line shellings      206
Linear extension      176
Linear ordering      160
Linear program in standard form      438
Linear programming      26 4l7 445
Linear programming duality      26 422
Linear pseudosphere      227
Linear subclass of cocircuits      284
Linear subclass of hyperplanes      284
Link      210 262
Little oriented matroid      37 265
Local perturbation      297 298
Local realizability      140
localization      285
Localization theorem      288
Loop      13 103 165
MacLane matroid $ML_8$      224 273 274
MacPhersonian      78 296 482
Manifold      93
Manipu      464
Markov chain      487
Matroid      101
Matroid bundle      482
Matroid poly tope      22 31 377
Matroid stratification      81
Maximal covector      146
Maximal vector      146 148
Maximization problems      422
Meet      160
Miller arrangement      245
Minimal non-orientable      273 274
Minimal Radon partitions      8
Minkowski sum      52
Minor      110 123 164 42]
Minorable      222
Mneev’s universality theorem      89 363 368 370 407
Modular (co) circuit elimination      137
Modular line      38 273
Modular pair      136 239 282
Moebius function      181 193 215
Moebius geometries      29
Moebius torus      488
Molecule      33
Moment map      91
Monochromatic line      249 273
Move      36 266
Mutation      269 271 296—305 483
Mutation graph      269
NEAR      299
Near-pencil      279
Negative elements      101
Negative side      227
Negative signed set      102
Negative Steinitz-type theorem      406 481
Neighborly matroid poly topes      401
Newman’s theorem      210
Non — Desargues matroid      296
Non — Pappus (oriented) matroid P(9)      86 246 296 348
Non — Steinitz conjecture      406 481
Non-degenerate cycling      430 451 467
Non-degenerate pivot      443 444
Non-degenerate program      421
NON-FANO      111
Non-realizable      24 27
Normal cell complex      82 202
Number or oriented matroids      305
octahedron      380
OM-Grassmannian      78 321
Open cells      201
Open intervals      160
Opposite of a signed set      102 158
Opposite poset      160
Optimal basis      29
Optimal cocircuit      28 430
Optimal solution      424 426 427
Optimality test      456
Optimization of triangulations      484
Optimization problem      428
Order complex      200 482
Order dual      160
Order ideal      160
Ordinary vertices      272
Orientability      330
Orientable matroid      103 272 329
Oriented matroid program      27 421 442
Oriented matroid programming      419 445
Oriented matroid search problems      417
Oriented matroid stratification      90
Oriented matroid tableau      437
Orlik — Solomon algebra      93
Orthogonal      14 115
Orthogonal signed sets      115
Orthogonality axioms      118
Painting axioms      119
Parabolic subgroup      79
Parallel elements      166 473
Partial chirotope      34
Partially ordered set      159
Path      474
Permutohedron      56 68 96
Perturbation      292
Phase I, II      430 443 453 456 479
Piecewise linear (PL) map      210
Pivot algorithms      417
Pivot rule      428 448 451 452
Pivot steps      443
PL d-ball and d-sphere      210
PL topology      209 234
Plane at infinity      420
Pluecker coordinates      80 339
Pluecker embedding      79
Poincare polynomial      93
Point configuration      5
Pointed matroid      196
polar      392—394
Polarity      45
Polarity principle      264 277
Polyhedral complex      202 488
Polyhedral subdivision      408
Polyhedron      420 436
Polytopes      24 376
POSET      159
Poset of regions      49
Positive circuit/cocircuit      122
Positive elements      101
Positive side      227 473
Positive signed set      102
Positive spanning set      415
Positive tope      161
Principal extensions      293
Projective arrangement      47
Projective closure      423
Projective configuration      83
Projective plane      273
Projective realization space      83
Projectively unique      83
Proper k-coloring      280
Pseudocircle      248 250
Pseudoconfiguration of points      20 236
Pseudoflat      245
Pseudohemispheres      226
Pseudohyperplanes      234 245
Pseudoline      15 252
Pseudoline arrangement      43 275
Pseudosphere      18 226 233
Pseudosphere arrangement      43 225
Pure complex      203
Pure poset      159
Quasicrystal      485
Quotient map      319
Radon partition      104 142
Radon's theorem      382
Random walk      487
Rank      6 47 103 159 167
Rank 2 oriented matroid      248 285
Rank function      159 168
Rank of an arrangement      228
Rank preserving weak map      323
Real closed fields      353
Real hyperplane arrangement      10 46
Real projective d-space      234
Real projective plane      250 253
Realizability problem      17 20 356 371 485 486
Realizable      46 51 259 466
Realization      6 23 339
Realization space      81 90 339 480
Recursive coatom ordering      207
Reduced decomposition      267 268 270
Reduced Euler characteristic      181
Reduced expressions      185
Reduced systems      302
Reduction sequence      343
Reflection arrangement      65 185
Reflection group      65 70 185
Regions      48 73 161 196 221
Regular cell complex      193 201
Regular cell decomposition      201 228 252
Regular matroid      331
Regular n-cube      51
Regular poly topes      71
Relatively complemented      168 216
Relatively open      48
Reorientation      3 102 104 134 165
Reorientation equivalent      11 55
Repetition-free arrangements      227
Residence      343
Restricted Edmonds — Fukuda rule      458 469
Restriction of a sign vector      101 165
Reverse perturbation      299
Rhombic tiling      485
Rhombododecahedron      53
Rigid      380 391 401 402 406
Ringel pseudolines      260
Ringel’s conjecture      41
Ringel’s homotopy theorem      267 269
Ringel’s oriented matroid Rin(9)      349 350
Ringel’s pseudoline arrangement      349
Root system      71
Row selection      456
RS(8)      20 246 361
Rubber band algorithm      486
Salvetti complex      94 98
Schoenflies theorem      226 248
Schubert cells      83
Schubert matroid      84
Schubert varieties      83
Search techniques      417
Secondary poly tope      412
Secondary poset      409
Semialgebraic set      358 368 486
Semimodular inequality      136
Semispace      37
Separation set      5 158
Shellability      205 207
Sign reversal      102 104
Sign vector      102 237
variant      345
Signature      102 283
Signed arrangement of pseudospheres      19 227 233
Signed basis graph      132
Signed circuit      1 6 8 12 21
Signed cocircuit      2 7 22
Signed incidence vectors      222
Signed set      101
Signed subset      1 102
Simple arrangement      252
Simple oriented matroid      166
Simple vertex      60
simplex      71 161 202
Simplex algorithm      26 418
Simplex criterion      441
Simplex pivot      444 446
Simplex pivot rule      418 452
Simplicial arrangement      252 259 279
Simplicial complex      202
Simplicial cone      420
Simplicial lattice      183
Simplicial oriented matroid      161
Simplicial region      49 301 304
Simplicial tope      161
Single element extension      281 421 485
Single element lifting      281 485
Sink      429
Smallest subscript rule      418 452
Solvability sequence      355
Spaces of oriented matroids      482
Sphere      201
Spherical arrangement      47
Sphericity theorems      177
Stable pair of circuits      335
Stably equivalent      368 480 481
Stacked polytope      384
Standard (d - 1)-sphere      200
Standard d-ball      200
Standard form for linear programs      434
Star      173 189 217
Steinitz problem      212 403—408 481
Steinitz’s Theorem      24 403 488
Stellar subdivisions      384
Stereoisomers      34
Straighten      249
Stratum      81 90
Stretchable      15 17 259 263
Strong deformation retract      215
Strong elimination      107 143
Strong map      112 318—324 483
Subcomplex      203
Subdivision      209 408—411
Submatroid      110
Subthin poset      213
Subtopes      169
Supersolvable      77
Support      101 158
Suvorov arrangement Suv(14)      363
1 2 3
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