Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Zeidler E. — Applied Functional Analysis: Applications to Mathematical Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Theorem 1.D, the Leray — Schauder principle 65
Theorem 1.E, the method of sub- and supersolutions 69
Theorem 2.A, main theorem on quadratic minimum problems 121
Theorem 2.B, the Dirichlet principle 138
Theorem 2.C, the Ritz method 141
Theorem 2.D, the perpendicular principle 165
Theorem 2.E, the Riesz theorem 167
Theorem 2.F, dual quadratic variational problems 170
Theorem 2.G, nonlinear monotone operators 173
Theorem 2.H, the nonlinear Lax — Milgram theorem 175
Theorem 3.A, complete orthonormal systems 202
Theorem 4.A, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear, symmetric, compact operators 232
Theorem 4.B, the Fredholm alternative for linear, symmetric, compact operators 237
Theorem 5.A, the Friedrichs extension of symmetric operators 280
Theorem 5.B, the abstract Dirichlet problem 282
Theorem 5.C, the eigenvalue problem 284
Theorem 5.D, the Fredholm alternative 306
Theorem 5.E, the abstract heat equation 310
Theorem 5.F, the abstract wave equation 310
Theorem 5.G, the abstract Schroedinger equation 323
Thermodynamic equilibrium 360
Thermodynamical quantities 353
Time evolution 329
Time evolution of quantum systems 330
Time-dependent processes in nature 298
Time-dependent scattering theory 398
Time-independent scattering theory 404
Tonelli's theorem 439
Total energy 321 336
Totally ordered 442
tr, trace of the linear operator A in a Hilbert space 347
Trace class operators 347 421
Transformation rule for integrals 435
Transition amplitude 397
| Transition probabilities 397
Trefftz method 170
Triangle inequality 7
Triangulation 49
Trigonometric polynomials 204 206
Two-soliton solutions 407
U(p), neighborhood of the point p 15
Unbounded operator 300
Unbounded orbits 421
Uncertainty inequality 330
Uncertainty principle 343
Uniformly continuous 27
Uniformly continuous one-parameter group 299
Uniqueness implies existence 237
Unitary operator 212 219 272 330
Variational equation 140
Variational lemma 117
Variational problem 125 140 281 287
Vertices 46
Vibrating string 315
Volterra integral operator 95
Volume potential 183
von Neumann algebra 359
Wave equation 182 185 309
Wave operators 369
Waves 406
Weierstrass approximation theorem 84
Weierstrass classical counterexample 176
Weierstrass theorem 37
White dwarfs 357
Wiener path integral 381 386
X*, dual space 75
Zorn's lemma 442
|x|, Euclidean norm, 109
Реклама |