Авторизация |
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Dunkl C.F., Xu Y. — Orthogonal Polynomials of Several Variables |
Предметный указатель |
Spherical coordinates 35
Spherical harmonics 33
Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I. 61 378 380
Stanley, R.P. 321 325 371 380
Stegun, I. 276 372
Stein, E.M. 60 224 266 284 380
Stokma, J.V. xii
Stokman, J.V. 381
Stroud, A. 136 381
Structure constant 9
Suetin, P.K. 61 69 135 381
Summability of orthogonal expansion for Hermite polynomials 274
Summability of orthogonal expansion for Jacobi polynomials 279
Summability of orthogonal expansion for Laguerre polynomials 274
Summability of orthogonal expansion on the ball 266
Summability of orthogonal expansion on the simplex 271
Summability of orthogonal expansion on the sphere 262
Surface area 36
Sutherland, B. 371 381
Symmetric group 142
Szegoe, G. x 29 259 265 275 381
Tamarkin, J. 73 135 380
Thangavelu, S. 276 279 286 381
Thill, M. 74 373
Three term relation 75
Three term relation for OP on the disc 88
Three term relation for OP on the square 85
Three term relation for OP on the triangle 86
Three term relation, commutativity conditions 89
Three term relation, rank conditions 77
| Torus 313
Total degree 30
Totik, V. 284 378
Tratnik, M.V. 223 377 381
Uglov, D. 371 381
Ujino, H. 371 379 381
Van der Corput — Schaake inequality 58
van der Corput, J.G. 58 373
van Diejen, J.F. 371 374
Vasilescu, F. 135 379
Verlinden, P. 136 381
Veselov, A. 174 373
Vilenkin, N.J. xii 62 381 382
Vinet, L. 335 371 374 378
Voit, M. 371 380
Volkmer, H. 223 382
Vretare, L. 254 382
Wadati, M. 371 379 381
Weight function, admissible 132
Weight function, centrally symmetric 82
Weight function, quasi-centrally symmetric 84
Weight function, S-symmetric 127
Weiss, G. 60 224 266 284 380
Withers, W.D. 254 376
Xu, Y. 61 62 94 135 136 223 253 254 281 284-286 373 378 382 383
Yamamoto, T. 371 377 383
Yan, Z.M. 371 383
Young tableau 309
Zernike, F. 62 383
Zygmund, A. 260 383
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