Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Pareigis B. — Categories and functors |
Предметный указатель |
Preservation property 69
Problem see universal problem
PRODUCT 29 81 85 86 158 250
Product, amalgamated 83
Product, category 39
Product, cofiber- 83
Product, empty 31
Product, fiber 82—85
Product, finite 84
Product, free 31
Product, tensor 33 56 152
Product, со- 29 33 81 83 159
Progenerator 211
Progenerator, R-S- 214
Projection 31 78
Projection, functor 39
Projective limit 81
Projective module, relatively 196
Projective object 141 195
Projective object, finite 210
Projective object, relatively 141
Pullback 82
Pullout 83
Quantifier 248
Quasigroup 145
Quotient object 20 21
Quotient object, difference 28
Quotient object, lattice of 170
Quotient object, normal 28
Quotient topology 49
R-S-progenerator 214
RANGE 3 253
Reduced representative 132
Reflector 74
Reflector, со- 74
Reflexion property 69
Reflexive subcategory 75 114
Reflexive subcategory, со- 74
Regular space 74
Relative epimorphism 118
Relatively free object 141
Relatively injective object 141
Relatively projective module 196
Relatively projective object 141
Relatively split epimorphism 141
Relatively split monomorphism 141
Remak 190 193 202 208
Representable functor 10 11 14 40 47 105
Representable functor, theorem 109
Representable subfunctor 105
Representation functor 44 116 235
Representative, reduced 132
Representing object 11 47
Right adjoint functor 51 91
Right derived functor, zeroth 233
Right exact functor 179
Right root 81
Right zero morphism 22 23
Ring 4 146
Ring, alternative 147
Ring, anticommutative 146
Ring, Artinian 217
Ring, associative 4 146
Ring, center of 215 216
Ring, commutative 74 115 146
Ring, endomorphism 163
Ring, full matrix 219
Ring, homomorphism 4
Ring, Jordan 147
Ring, Lie 146
Ring, local 190 202
Ring, monoid 56 149
Ring, Noetherian 206
Ring, radical 146
Ring, semisimple 217
Ring, simple 217
Ring, unitary 146
Root, left 81
Root, right 81
Schmidt 190 193 202 208
schur 220 221
Section 29
Semigroup 145
Semisimple ring 217
Sequence, exact 166
Sequence, short exact 166
Set 2 247
Set of generators 110
Set, artinian power 21
Set, correspondence of 6
Set, empty 251
Set, noetherian power 21
Set, open 5
Set, ordered 3 б
Set, pointed 3
Set, power 21
Set, preordered 81
Set, underlying 129
Set, variable 247
Short exact sequence 166
Simple object 174
Simple ring 217
Simple ring, semi 217
Skeleton 19
Skew-field 219
Small category 6 8 10 24
Small category, locally 21 112
Small category, locally со- 22
| Socle 245
Solution set 106
Solution set, universal 58 60
Sphere 155
Split epimorphism, relatively 141
Split monomorphism, relatively 141
Square, cartesian 82
Square, cocartesian 83
Standard construction 62
Standard construction, dual 62
Statement, exact categorical 237 240
Statement, full exact categorical 214 242
Stone — Cech compactification 114
Subalgebra 130 138
Subcategory 9
Subcategory, coreflexive 74
Subcategory, reflexive 75 114
Subfunctor, representable 105
Subgroup 21 50
Subobject 20
Subobject, chain of 21 181
Subobject, difference 28
Subobject, directed family of 182
Subobject, large 197
Subobject, lattice of 170
Subobject, maximal 21
Subobject, minimal 21
Subobject, normal 28
Subobject, order of 21
Subspace, topological 21 49
Sum, direct 159
Sum, fiber- 83
Supremum 81
Surjective algebra homomorphism 142
Surjective map 14 253
Symmetric algebra 148 156
Tensor algebra 148 156
Tensor product 33 56
Tensor product of algebraic theories 152
Theorem meta- 240 242
Theorem metatheorem of class formation 251
Theorem of Beck 72
Theorem of Krull — Remak — Schmidt — Azumaya 190 193 202 208
Theorem of Matlis 208
Theorem of Mitchell 242
Theorem of Morita 210 213 217
Theorem, dual 13
Theorem, exchange 209 245
Theory of groups 125 126 155
Theory, algebraic 120 121 136 145
Theory, consistent 121 136
Theory, free 123
Theory, morphism of 121
Theory, tensor product of 152
Three-by-three lemma 172 236
Topological group 155
Topological space 5
Topological space, compact 74 114
Topological space, discrete 8 112
Topological space, hausdorff 8 15 18 74 114
Topological space, locally arcwise connected 74
Topological space, locally connected 74
Topological space, normal hausdorff 74 114
Topological space, pointed 5
Topological space, regular 74
Topological space, totally disconnected 74
Topological subspace 21 49
Topology, coarsest 87
Torsionfree abelian group 74 156
Torsiongroup 74
Totally disconnected space 74
Transfinitely generated object 205
Transformation, natural 6 9
Tripel 62
Tripel, со- 62
Tychonoff 114
Underlying set 129
union 33 34 170
Union, со- 34
UNIT 48 190
Unit, non- 190
Unitary associative ring 4
Unitary module 4 147
Unitary ring 146
Unitary ring, homornorphism 4
Univers 2
Universal algebra 120
UNIVERSAL class 251
Universal enveloping algebra 149
Universal problem 27 31 56 58 59
Universal solution 58 60
Universally directly connected category 59
Universally inversely connected category 60
Upper bound 255
Urysohn 114
Variable bound 248
Variable class 247
Variable set 247
Variable, free 248
Vector space 4
Watts 204
Well ordered set 255
Yoneda Lemma 41 42 46
Zero morphism 22 23
Zero object 22 23 158
Zeroth right derived functor 233
Zorn 199 203 209 255
Zuerich 120
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