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Vein R., Dale P. — Determinants and their applications in mathematical physics |
Предметный указатель |
Ablowitz and Segur 237
Adjoint and adjugate 36
Adjunct functions 102
Algebraic computing 226
Backlund transformations 337
Beckenback 153 157
Bessel functions 336
Brand 169
Browne and Nillsen 169
Burchnall 153
Burgmeier 97
Carlson 154
Cauchy, v 48 154 336
Caudrey 223
Cayley v
Chalkley 152
Chaundy 154
Cofactors, alien 12 22
Cofactors, derivatives of 23 35 100 118
Cofactors, double-sum relations 34 112
Cofactors, expansion 20
Cofactors, first 3 12
Cofactors, operations on 24
Cofactors, second and higher 19
Cofactors, simple and scaled 23
Column vectors 7
Computers and computing 226
Continued fraction 201
Cordoneanu 104
Cramer 13 24
Cusick 178 186
Cyclic dislocations 16
Cyclic permutations 23
Dale 236 241 246 318
DAS 153
Derivative of cofactors 23 35 100 118
Derivative of determinants 15
Derivative with respect to an element 12 20 24 27 43 88 111 185 192 268
Determinantal solutions 235
Determinants containing blocks of zero elements 30
Determinants whose elements are Appell polynomials 115 119
Determinants whose elements are binomial and factorial numbers 142
Determinants whose elements are differences 106
Determinants whose elements are other determinants 227 230
Determinants whose elements are prime numbers 232
Determinants, adjoint or adjugate 36
Determinants, arbitrary 102
Determinants, basic properties 8
Determinants, bordered 46 48 67 129 181 232
Determinants, Casorati 169 303
Determinants, Cauchy expansion 36 48
Determinants, centrosymmetric 85
Determinants, circulants 79
Determinants, continuants 201
Determinants, definition 3
Determinants, derivative 15
Determinants, equivalent 212
Determinants, expansion, Cauchy 46
Determinants, expansion, Laplace 25
Determinants, expansion, simple 13
Determinants, factors, centrosymmetric 85
Determinants, factors, circulants 79
Determinants, factors, skew-symmetric 67
Determinants, factors, symmetric Toeplitz 87
Determinants, Fredholm 240
Determinants, Hankel 104
Determinants, Hessenberg 90
Determinants, Hilbert 123
Determinants, hybrid 37 55
Determinants, Laplace expansion 25
Determinants, Matsuno 192
Determinants, nondistinct 211
Determinants, notation vi
Determinants, persymmetric 105
Determinants, product of two, three 5 33 34
Determinants, recurrent 91
Determinants, simple expansion 13
Determinants, skew-centrosymmetric 90
Determinants, skew-symmetric 65
Determinants, symmetric 64
Determinants, symmetric Toeplitz 87
Determinants, Toeplitz 87
Determinants, Turanian 109
Determinants, value identically 1 83
Determinants, value identically 9 15 98 260 262
Determinants, Vandermonde 52
Determinants, Wronskian 271 280
Determinants, Yamazaki — Hori 232
Differences 328
Double-sum relations 34 112
Ehlers 339
Equations, Appell 314
Equations, Benjamin — Ono 241 281
Equations, Dale 236 246
Equations, Einstein 241 287
Equations, Ernst 241 245 302
Equations, Kadomtsev — Petviashvili 240 277
Equations, Kay — Moses 237 249
Equations, Korteweg — de Vries 239 263
Equations, Matsukidaira — Satsuma 239 258
Equations, Milne — Thomson 256
Equations, Toda 237 252
Ernst 241 287 302
Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions 330
Expansion, Cauchy 46
Expansion, Laplace 25
Expansion, of cofactors 20
Factors, centrosymmetric 85
Factors, circulants 79
Factors, skew-symmetric 67
Factors, symmetric Toeplitz 87
Fiedler 214
Freeman 240
Frost and Sackfield 173
Generalized geometric series 172 323
Generalized hyperbolic functions 81
Generating functions 321 322
Geronimus 153
Gradner, Greene, Kruskal, and Miura 240
| Grassmann 1 25
Gravitational fields 235
hilbert 123 241
Hildebrand 318
Hirota 169 240 244 295
homogeneous functions 108 330
Hori 116 129 135 244
Identities, Cauchy 36
Identities, Cusick 178
Identities, double-sum 112
Identities, equivalent determinants 212
Identities, Hirota operator 221
Identities, hybrid determinant 37 55
Identities, Jacobi and variants 38
Identities, matrix 165 233
Identities, Matsuno 187
Identities, multiple-sum 311
Identities, Vandermondian 60 63
Integral equations, Fredholm 240
Integral equations, Gelfand, Levitan, and Marchenko 236
Inverceanu 84
jacobi v 38
Kac 237
Kajiwara 169 238
Karlin 109 153
Kaufman 84
Kerr 244
Kronecker delta function 304
Kyriakopoulos 244
Lamb 240
Langmuir waves 238
Laplace v
Laplace expansion 25
Lattice theory 235
Laurent series 335
Lawden 153 157 165
Leibniz v 221
Littlewood 187
Liu 169
l’Hopital 52
Matsuno 187 192 241 281
Milne–Thomson 169 238
Mina 99
Minors, complementary 19
Minors, first 12
Minors, rejecter and retainer 18
Minors, second and higher 19
Muir and Metzler v 78 177 341
Nakamura, A. 240
Nakamura, Y. 243 245
Neugebauer 244
Nimmo 240
Numbers, binomial and factorial 212
Numbers, complex 79 256
Numbers, Eulerian 325
Numbers, prime 232
Numbers, Stirling 217 306 324
Numbers, v- 137
Ohta 169 246
Operations, row and column 10
Operators, associated with cofactors 24
Operators, Hirota 221
Pandres 174
permutations 307
Pfaffians 73
Pipes 84
plasma 238
Polynomials, Appell 314
Polynomials, characteristic 94
Polynomials, Euler and Eulerian 157 323
Polynomials, Hermite 322
Polynomials, homogeneous 112
Polynomials, identical 212
Polynomials, Laguerre 153 321
Polynomials, Lawden 157
Polynomials, Legendre 154 322
Polynomials, orthogonal 153 321
Polynomials, symmetric 54 326
Poppe 240
Product of two, three determinants 5 33 35
Reciprocal differences 238
Reciprocal power series 92
Recurrence relations 264 265 321 322
Rejecter and retainer minors 18
Relativity theory 235 241
Rodrigues 127 154 174 321 322 323
Rosler 174
Row vectors 7
Rujisenaars 245
Sasa 244 295
Sato 244
Satsuma 170 239 244 295
Scaled cofactors 23
Schmidt 84
Schrodinger 237
Seidel 153
Servomechanisms 325
Soliton theory 235
Stein 174
Sum formulas for elements and cofactors 13
Sum formulas for Hankelians 108
Sum formulas, Laplace 32
Szego 153
Taylor 221 318
Toda 237 252
Tomimatsu 244
Trahan 18
Van Moerbeke 237
Vandermonde v
Vectors, row and column 7
Vein 84 244 316 318
Wadati 240
Waves 235 237
Yahya 174
Yamazaki, M. 116 129 135 232
Yamazaki, S. 238
Yebbou 178
z-transform 325
Zacharov, Musher, and Rubenchick 238
Zeitlin 324
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