Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Flegg G., Hay C., Moss B. — Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician |
Предметный указатель |
Adam, Jehan 12 29 339 355
Adelard of Bath 1 9
Al-jabr w'al mugabalah (al-Khoewarizmi) 4
Al-Khayyami (Omar Khayyam) 5
al-Khoewarizmi, Mohammed ibn-Musa 4—7
Alcuin 197—198 233
Algebra (Bombelli) 356
Algorismus proportionum (Oresme) 93 131
Anglicus, Johannes 234
Apollonius 3
Archimedes 3 23 153 333 337
Aristotle 9—10
Arithmetic (Boethius) 2 6 339
Arithmetica (de Moya) 344
Arithmetica (Diophantus) 77
Ars magna (Cardano) 223
Ars Magna (Lull) 237 339
Aryabhatiya 3
Augustine, St. 342
Bachet de Meziriac 197 225 230 232—233
Baker, Humphrey 348
Ball, W.W. Rouse 225 233
Bede 197
Berlin Papyrus 77
bernoulli 350
Berthelemy des Romans 12 23 210 218 220—221 337 339
Blasius of Parma 337
Boethius 1—2 6 9 15 23 27 59 63 68 144 337 339 353
Bombelli, Rafaele 332 344 347 349 352 356—358
Bonasoni 347
Bradwardine, Thomas 337
Brahmagupta 4
Buteon 18 109 346—348 351 357
Campanus 23 193 195 337 339 359
Cardan(o) 223 334 347 349 351—352 356—357
Charles VIII, King 293
Chaucer 43
Chiarini 336
Civitas Dei (St. Augustine) 342
Colbert, Jean Baptiste 17
Compendion del abaco (Pellos) 341 348
Consolations of Philosophy 1
Cotgrave 219
D'Alembert 350
De divina proportione (Pacioli) 336
De institutione arithmetioa (Boethius) 144
de la Roche, Estienne 13 16 18—19 34 49—50 71 108 143 145 172 198—199 201 206 209—210 215 217—218 233 293—294 314 332 336—337 339 341—348 351—352 357
de Moya, Joan Perez 344
De numeris datis (Jordanus) 10
De numero indorum (al-Khoewarizmi) 4
De proportionaibus proportiomun (Oresme) 131
Descartes 349—352 356—358
Diophantus 5 77 349 354 359
Dominicus de Clavasio 10
Elements (Euclid) 2—4 6 9 47 193
Euclid 2—4 6 9 11 15 23 47 58 193 337 339 354 359
Euler 350
Eutocius of Ascalon 2 25
Fermat 60 349—350
Ferrari 350
Ferro 350
Flos (Leonardo of Pisa) 7
Friscobaldi, Philippe 17 342
Gardner, Martin 233
General trattato di numeri et misure 154
Gerbert 5
Gibbon, Edward 1
Gosselin 18 347
Grammateus 356
Greek Anthology (Metrodorus) 2 25
Hariot 351 357
Heilbronner 18
Hugh of St. Victor 234
Huguetan, Gilles 16 293 342
| Introductio (Nicomachus) 2 63
Isodorus of Miletus 3
Jahannes de Muris 9
Jewish War, the (Josephus) 228
John of Seville 195
Jordanus de Nemore 1 10 12 337
Josephus 228
Justinian, Emperor 205
Lagrange 350
Laplace 350
Larismethique noullement composee (de la Roche) 13 16—19 293—294 339 342—343 351—352
legendre 350
Leibniz 237 350
Leonardo da Vinci 336
Leonardo de Villa 17 20
Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) 1 6—12 24 28 32 43 145—146 195 332—334 337 339 347 350—352
Liber abaci (Leonardo of Pisa) 7—8 24 27 80 145 195 332—334
Liber Quadratorum (Leonardo of Pisa) 7 334
Logistica (Buteon) 346
Louis XI, King 293
Louis XIV, King 17
Louis XV, King 17 21
Lull, Ramon 23 237 337 339
l’Hopital 350
Mathematical recreations and problems (W.W. Rouse Ball) 225
Metrodorus 2 25
Mueller, Johann see "Regiomontanus"
Napier, Sir John 19 153 352—353
Newton 350
Nicomachus 2 63
Nine Chapters 70
Oeuvre tressubtile (Ortega) 294
Omar Khayyam see "Al-Khayyami"
Oresme, Nicole 1 10—11 24 93 131 340 353—354
Ortega 294
Oughtred 357
Pacioli, Luca 11—12 16—17 19 24 146 195 205 217 318 331—332 334—342 347—349 353 356—357
Pamiers manuscript 348
Panzer 18
Pappus 349 354
Pascal 350
Peletier 351
Pellos, Francesco 341 348
Piero della Francesca 337
poisson 350
Practica Geometriae (Leonardo of Pisa) 7 9 334
Prestet, Jean 59
Problemes plaisans et delectables (Bachet de Meziriac) 197 230 233
Propositiones ad acuendos guvenes (Bede or Alcuin) 197 203
Prosdocimo de Beldomandi 337
Pythagoreans 63
Quadrivium 2
Rabelais 15
Ramus 349
Record(e), Robert 205
Regiomontanus 10—11 148—149
Rhind papyrus 70 77
Robert of Chester 1 4 6
Rubaiyat (Omar Khayyam) 5
Rudolff 357
Sacrobosco 6 339
Schreiber 356
Siddhanta (Brahmagupta) 4
Simplicius 2
Stevin, Simon 356—358
Stifel 351 357
Suxma de arithmetica, geometrica et proportionalita (Pacioli) 11 16 19 24 146 332 334 336—338
Sylvester II, Pope see "Gerbert"
Tartaglia, Nicolas 154 351—352
Treatise of algorithm (John of Seville) 195
Treatise on algebra both historical and practical (Wallis) 348
Trenchant Jan (Jean) 28 294
Viete 349—351 358
Wallis, John 18 348 350—352 357
Well-spring of science, the (Baker) 348
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