Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Chudnovsky V., Jenks R.D. — Computers in mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Accessory parameter 101 134 137—143 145 148—149
ALTRAN 355 361 363—364
Analytic continuation 129—131 133 169—170
Automated reasoning 83
Automated theorem proving 83 85 88 98—102
Basic hypergeometric series 42
Clebsch — Gordon decomposition 348—349
Complexity of computations 109 112 118 121 123 130 132 159 166
Complexity of computations, algebraic computational 159 164 167
Complexity of computations, binary-splitting method 115 117
Complexity of computations, bit 124 128 133
Complexity of computations, bit-burst method 129 131 132
Complexity of computations, boolean 110 112
Complexity of computations, factorization 121 173—174
Complexity of computations, logical 169
Complexity of computations, operational 109 112—113 115 118—120
Complexity of computations, Pade approximations 133
Complexity of computations, parallel polynomial root finding 174 175
Complexity of computations, parallel power series computation 136
Complexity of computations, polynomial multiplication 136
Complexity of computations, polynomial root finding 158 160 172—174
Complexity of computations, power series computation 111 112 120 122 136
Complexity of computations, solution of linear differential equations 110 122—124 128 129 132
Complexity of computations, sparse polynomial root finding 171 172
Computation of pi 263
Conjecture by Grothendieck — Katz 151—153
Conjecture by Hardy — Littlewood 243
Conjecture by Macdonald 45 55 59 77
Conjecture by Macdonald — Morris 77
Conjecture by Siegel 150
Conjecture by Tate 154
Conjecture by Whittaker 111 143 146—148
Continued fractions 273 312
Dyson — Gunson — Wilson identity 43 56 60—62
Expert Systems 99
Factorization 121 154 155 261 311 315—317 319 370 371
Factorization by Pollard rho-methed 121 319
Factorization by Shanks' quadratic form decomposition 121 137
FORMAC 351 355 359—361 363—364
Formal groups 150 153—154 156
Fusion, inertial confinement 325
Grobner bases 383 384 386—392 394 402
| Hard hexagon model 18
Homotopy, regular 321 322 324 334 336—338 345
Hypergeometric series 39 42
Lame equation 137—139 152 153
Lattice bases reduction algorithm 288—291 294
Linear programming 233 240
Machine learning 101
Macsyma 61 85 87 364
Modular forms 18 156
Monodromy group computation 133 138—140 143 149
Monte-Carlo method 35
Negapolylogs 282—283
Pade approximation 111 134 135 151 152 164 175
Path invariance 262—264 267—268 274
Polynomial factorization 285—286 302—305
Polynomial factorization, Berlekamp 304
Polynomial factorization, bivariate 295 297
Polynomial factorization, Kaltofen algorithm 182
Polynomial factorization, Lenstra algorithms 286
Polynomial factorization, Lenstra — Lenstra — Lovasz 288—291 294
Polynomial factorization, multivariate 299 304
Polynomial factorization, Zippel algorithm 287
Polynomial for sparse polynomials 167—173
Polynomial, Gaussian 20 23 27—28
Polynomial, root finding 109 111 160—166 172—173
Primality testing 154 155
Proof checking 84
q-Trigonometry 279 281
Reduce 75—76 363—364
Rewrite rule 84
Risch algorithm 35 376 379
Salamin — Brent algorithm 124
Scratchpad 18 20—22 29—31 78 110 115 138 141 143 149 364
Selberg's integral 38 45 55—57 65 67 68 72 75 78
Selberg's integral, q-extension 45—46 48 51
Summation, Euler — Maclaurin 221
Sums of cubes 243—244
Telescopy 269—271
Theta constant 157
Theta function 17 23 175
Uniformization 110 134 137 139 140 142 144 146—148 152
Univac 1 236 364
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