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Tyson E. — Mutual funds for dummies
Tyson E. — Mutual funds for dummies

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Íàçâàíèå: Mutual funds for dummies

Àâòîð: Tyson E.


Mutual funds aren't for fools — they're for smart investors at all income levels who are looking for the best and most efficient ways to build and manage smart and sound portfolios. Although the basic principle behind mutual funds is simple enough — taking money from many, many people, and investing it jointly in stocks, bonds, or other securities — learning the how's and why's of successful investing can be an intimidating process. From investment basics to establishing and maintaining your mutual funds portfolio, financial guru Eric Tyson, author of the best-selling Personal Finance For Dummies® and Investing For Dummies®, guides you safely through treacherous waters with insight, experience, and welcome doses of humor. Along the way, you'll discover the best sources for picking great mutual funds. You'll also find out about sorting through the differences between bond, stock, and money market funds; making your tax loads less taxing; and using your computer at home or at work to track your mutual fund investments. Ready to get bullish on mutual funds? Mutual Fund$ For Dummie$, 2nd Edition, is the best plain-speaking guide to the mutual funds market for investors of all interests and income levels.

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Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 406

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.06.2006

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Money market funds, Vanguard's Money Market Reserves Prime Portfolio Fund      173
Money market funds, yield and      170—171
Morgan Stanley EAFE      304
Morningstar Mutual Funds      346
Morningstar No-Load Funds      346—351
Morningstar programs      355—356
Mortgage bonds      184
Mortgages      207
Municipal bonds      17 145 184 192—194
Municipal tax-free, intermediate-term bond funds      199
Municipal tax-free, long-term bond funds      201—202
Municipal tax-free, money market funds      176—178
Municipal tax-free, short-term bond funds      196—197
Mutual Fund OneSource program      125
Mutual funds      30
Mutual funds, accessibility of funds      39—40
Mutual funds, alternatives to      52—56
Mutual funds, bankruptcy and      37—38
Mutual funds, benefits of      31—40
Mutual funds, buying      See buying funds
Mutual funds, closed-end funds      41—42
Mutual funds, commission free funds      See no-load funds
Mutual funds, custodians      38
Mutual funds, defined      12
Mutual funds, disadvantages of      50—51
Mutual funds, diversification      35
Mutual funds, efficiency of      34
Mutual funds, equal treatment of investments      36
Mutual funds, history of      33
Mutual funds, individual funds compared to companies      40—41
Mutual funds, individual securities versus      43—49
Mutual funds, magazine coverage      343
Mutual funds, newspaper coverage      343
Mutual funds, no-load funds      See no-load funds
Mutual funds, open-end funds      41—42
Mutual funds, operating expenses      51
Mutual funds, prerequisites to investing in      59—64
Mutual funds, professional management of      31—33
Mutual funds, regulation of      36
Mutual funds, risk level, selection of      36—37
Mutual funds, risky investments      51
Mutual funds, sales pressure and      38
Mutual funds, sector funds      See sector funds
Mutual funds, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) review of      36
Mutual funds, security of your investment      39
Mutual funds, taxable distributions      51
Mutual funds, time limitations and      40
Mutual funds, TV coverage      343
Mutual funds, value of      34
Mutual funds, volatility of investment      51
Mutual Series funds      226
Neuberger & Berman: Guardian, Partners, and Focus      229
Newsletters, investment      See investment newsletters
No Transaction Fee (NTF) funds      125—126
No-Load Fund Analyst      352
No-load funds, described      34
No-load funds, NTF funds compared      126
No-load mutual funds, major companies, list of      112
No-load mutual funds, wrap accounts compared      53—54
Non-retirement account applications, address section      266—267
Non-retirement account applications, check-writing option      268
Non-retirement account applications, comprehensive account application forms      269
Non-retirement account applications, dividend and capital gains payment option      267
Non-retirement account applications, filling out      264—269
Non-retirement account applications, investment section      267
Non-retirement account applications, method of payment section      267
Non-retirement account applications, registration of account      264 266
Non-retirement account applications, signing form      268
Non-retirement account applications, wiring and fund express option      268
Non-retirement account withdrawals      322
Novelty funds      92
Online discount brokers      129
Open-end funds      41—42
options      23
Orange County investment fund      27
Overseas investments      18—19
Ownership investments      15—16
Ownership investments, disadvantages of      16
Ownership investments, examples of      15
Ownership investments, profits generated by      15
Ownership investments, risk and      16
Performance discussion, annual report's      102 104—106
Performance of funds      301—305
Performance of funds, risk-adjusted      345
Personal checking accounts, money market funds and      163
Personal Finance For Dummies      60 66
PIMCO Fund      121
PIMCO High Yield Fund      201
PIMCO Low Duration Fund      195—196
PIMCO Total Return Fund      198
PIMCO Total Return HI Fund      238
PIMCO Total Return II Fund      198
Plan administrator      283
Portfolio Turnover RATE      99
Portfolios, asset allocation      See asset allocation
Portfolios, beginner sample portfolio      240—242
Portfolios, beginning investors      155
Portfolios, debtor sample portfolio      244—245
Portfolios, designing      137—138
Portfolios, discount brokers, use of      152
Portfolios, dollar-cost averaging      156—157
Portfolios, education funding sample portfolio      251—252
Portfolios, evaluating      306
Portfolios, existing investments      157—158
Portfolios, families included in, number of      152—153
Portfolios, funds included in, determining number of      152—153
Portfolios, high return sample portfolio      249—250
Portfolios, investing strategies      147—151
Portfolios, lump sum investing      156—157
Portfolios, multiple goals sample portfolio      246—247
Portfolios, near retirement sample portfolio      254—256
Portfolios, retirement sample portfolio      256—257
Portfolios, rollover IRA sample portfolio      253
Portfolios, sample portfolios      240—261
Portfolios, student sample portfolio      242—244
Portfolios, sudden wealth sample portfolios      258—261
Portfolios, taxation and      See taxation
Pre-investment activities      32—33
Precious metals      20
Precious metals funds      235—236
Price, Michael      226
Primary beneficiaries      279
Principal      14
Principia      356
PrincipiaPlus      356
Private money managers      54—55
Profile prospectus      94
Prospectus      92
Prospectus, changes to      94
Prospectus, cover page      93—94
Prospectus, financial highlights      97 98 99
Prospectus, fund expenses      94 96 97
Prospectus, fund profile      94 95
Prospectus, investment objectives and risks      99—100
Prospectus, Net Asset Value (NAV)      97
Prospectus, Portfolio Turnover Rate      99
Prospectus, profile prospectus      94
Prospectus, Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets      99
Publicly held companies      17
Questions investors should ask, advisor recommendations      376
Questions investors should ask, annual fees      374
Questions investors should ask, company retirement plans      375
Questions investors should ask, cost of fund      373—374
Questions investors should ask, direct investment issues      375
Questions investors should ask, index funds      375
Questions investors should ask, number of funds, reason for      373
Questions investors should ask, Social Security system and funds      374
Questions investors should ask, Vanguard, structure of      376
Quicken Financial Planner      357
Ratings      344—346
Ratings, credit ratings      183—184
Ratings, Morningstar      345 346—351
real estate      19
Real estate investment trust (REITs)      234
Real growth rate      211
Repurchase agreements      169
Retirement account applications, account service options      279
Retirement account applications, beneficiary designation      279
Retirement account applications, investment method section      278
Retirement account applications, IRA registration section      276
Retirement accounts      65—71
Retirement accounts, 401(k) plans      67
Retirement accounts, 403(b) plans      67—68
Retirement accounts, annuities      71
Retirement accounts, before transferring      279
Retirement accounts, benefits of      66
Retirement accounts, early withdrawal of funds      319—320
Retirement accounts, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)      See Individual Retirement Accounts(IRAs)
Retirement accounts, Keogh plans      68—69
Retirement accounts, minimizing taxes      319—320
Retirement accounts, options for      67—71
Retirement accounts, penalty-free withdrawals      319—320
Retirement accounts, pre-transferring account activities      279—282
Retirement accounts, prioritization of accounts      71
Retirement accounts, Section 457 plans      68
Retirement accounts, SEP-IRAs      68 283
Retirement accounts, tax-deductibility of      66
Retirement accounts, tax-deferred investment growth      66
Retirement accounts, taxation and      147
Retirement accounts, time effective methods of establishing      281
Retirement accounts, transfer forms      283—286
Retirement accounts, withdrawals      319—323
Retirement planning software      356—357
RETURN      23—24 297—301
Reuters Money Network      358
Reverse splits      295
Risk      24—25
Risk, assessment of      63
Risk, choosing funds, as factor in      85—90
Risk, selection of risk level      36—37
Risk-adjusted performance      345
Rollover IRAs      278
Roth IRA      70—71
Russell 2000 index      303
Sales loads      76—82
Savings accounts      16
Savings, determining current      61
Schwab 1000 Fund      224 228
Schwab International Index Fund      224
Schwab Money Market Fund      174
Schwab Value Advantage Money Market Fund      174
Schwab's StreetSmart      357
Section 457 plans      68
Sector funds      35 233—236
Sector funds, Fidelity Investments      119
Sector funds, precious metals funds      235—236
Sector funds, REITs      234
Sector funds, utility funds      235
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)      33
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), deregulation of brokers' commissions      111—112 113
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), prospectus, review of      See prospectus
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), review of mutual funds      36
Selling funds      305—306
Selling mutual fund shares      313—314
Selling mutual fund shares, accounting methods      315—316
Selling mutual fund shares, average cost method      316
Selling mutual fund shares, basis, computing      314—316
Selling mutual fund shares, first-in-first-out (FIFO) method      316
SEP-IRAs, applications for      283
SEP-IRAs, described      68
Share price      297 299
Short selling      56
Short-term bond funds      182 195—197
Short-term savings goals, money market funds used for      162
Signature guarantee      331
Silver      See precious metals
Socially responsible funds      236—238
Software      354
Software, Ascent      356
Software, checkbook software programs, use of      354—355
Software, Fidelity's Online Xpress      357
Software, investment research software      355—356
Software, Morningstar programs      355—356
Software, Principia      356
Software, PrincipiaPlus      356
Software, Quicken Financial Planner      357
Software, retirement planning software      356—357
Software, Schwab's StreetSmart      357
Software, trading software      357
Special interest groups, buying funds from      115
Specialty funds      See sector funds
Specific identification method      315—316
Splits      295
Standard & Poor's 500 Index      303
statements      See fund statements
Stock funds      210—211
Stock funds, aggressive growth funds      217
Stock funds, appreciation      215
Stock funds, asset allocation funds      218—219
Stock funds, balanced funds      217 218
Stock funds, capital gains distribution      147 215
Stock funds, diversification and      213—215
Stock funds, dividends      215
Stock funds, Dodge & Cox Balanced Fund      221
Stock funds, Dodge & Cox Stock Fund      225
Stock funds, dollar-cost averaging      213
Stock funds, equity-income funds      217
Stock funds, expenses      84
Stock funds, Fidelity Asset Manager Fund      222
Stock funds, Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund      227
Stock funds, Fidelity Equity-Income Fund      227
Stock funds, Fidelity Fund      227
Stock funds, Fidelity Low Priced Stock Fund      228
Stock funds, Fidelity Puritan Fund      222
Stock funds, Fidelity Stock Selector Fund      227
Stock funds, global funds      217
Stock funds, growth stocks      216—217
Stock funds, growth-and-income funds      217
Stock funds, historic returns      211—212
Stock funds, hybrid funds      218—222
Stock funds, income funds      217
Stock funds, index funds      222—224
Stock funds, international funds      217 230—233
Stock funds, Lindner Dividend      222
Stock funds, list of      388—390
Stock funds, Morningstar page      350—351
Stock funds, recommendations      218—236
Stock funds, regular savings and      213
Stock funds, returns      215—216
Stock funds, risk and      36 213—215
Stock funds, Schwab 1000 Fund      224
Stock funds, Schwab International Index Fund      224
Stock funds, size of company and      216
Stock funds, socially responsible funds      236—238
Stock funds, T.Rowe Price Balanced Fund      222
Stock funds, T.Rowe Price Spectrum Growth Fund      225
Stock funds, taxation and      146—147 228
Stock funds, U.S. focused stock funds      224—230
Stock funds, U.S. stocks      217
Stock funds, value stocks      216—217
Stock funds, Vanguard Balanced Index Fund      223
Stock funds, Vanguard Index 500 Fund      223
Stock funds, Vanguard Index Total Stock Market Fund      223
Stock funds, Vanguard Tax-Managed Balanced Fund      219
Stock funds, Vanguard Total International Fund      224
Stock funds, Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund      220
Stock funds, Vanguard Wellington Fund      221
Stock funds, Vanguard's Funds of Funds      220—221
Stock market      209—210
Stock mutual funds      248
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