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Tyson E. — Mutual funds for dummies
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Название: Mutual funds for dummies
Автор: Tyson E.
Аннотация: Mutual funds aren't for fools — they're for smart investors at all income levels who are looking for the best and most efficient ways to build and manage smart and sound portfolios. Although the basic principle behind mutual funds is simple enough — taking money from many, many people, and investing it jointly in stocks, bonds, or other securities — learning the how's and why's of successful investing can be an intimidating process. From investment basics to establishing and maintaining your mutual funds portfolio, financial guru Eric Tyson, author of the best-selling Personal Finance For Dummies® and Investing For Dummies®, guides you safely through treacherous waters with insight, experience, and welcome doses of humor. Along the way, you'll discover the best sources for picking great mutual funds. You'll also find out about sorting through the differences between bond, stock, and money market funds; making your tax loads less taxing; and using your computer at home or at work to track your mutual fund investments. Ready to get bullish on mutual funds? Mutual Fund$ For Dummie$, 2nd Edition, is the best plain-speaking guide to the mutual funds market for investors of all interests and income levels.
Рубрика: Экономика и финансы /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 2nd edition
Год издания: 1998
Количество страниц: 406
Добавлена в каталог: 17.06.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Fees, operating fees 91—92
Fidelity Asset Manager Fund 222
Fidelity Cash Reserves Fund 174
Fidelity Daily Income Trust Fund 174
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund 227
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund 227
Fidelity funds 227 367
Fidelity Investments 117—119
Fidelity Investments as discount broker 128
Fidelity Investments, Magellan accounting error 311
Fidelity Investments, stock funds and 226—229
Fidelity Low Priced Stock Fund 228
Fidelity Puritan Fund 222
Fidelity Real Estate Fund 234
Fidelity Spartan Municipal Money Market Fund 177
Fidelity Stock Selector Fund 227
Fidelity Utilities Fund 235
Fidelity's Online Xpress 357
Fidelity's Spartan Money Market Fund 174
Fidelity's Spartan U.S.Treasury Money Market Fund 176
Financial advisor, buying funds from 114
Financial advisor, commission-based advice and 130—131
Financial advisor, control of account 379—380
Financial advisor, fees 380—381
Financial advisor, house brands and 77
Financial advisor, investing decisions, method of making 381—382
Financial advisor, liability insurance 384
Financial advisor, limited power of attorney 379
Financial advisor, management style 379
Financial advisor, money managers 377—378
Financial advisor, pre-hiring considerations 131—133
Financial advisor, protection of your investments and 133—134
Financial advisor, qualifications 383—384
Financial advisor, reasons for hiring 129—130
Financial advisor, references 384
Financial advisor, salesperson, working with 133—134
Financial advisor, selection of 131—133
Financial advisor, track record 382—383
Financial advisor, training 383—384
Financial advisors 129
Financial goals 64—65
Financial goals, bond funds used to meet 187
Financial goals, college savings 72—74
Financial goals, determining 60—61
Financial goals, emergency reserve 65
Financial goals, home, saving for a 71—72
Financial goals, prioritization of 55
Financial goals, retirement accounts See retirement accounts
Financial intermediaries 31
Financial planning 13
Financial planning, alternatives to mutual funds 64
Financial planning, asset allocation 63—64
Financial planning, college expenses 62
Financial planning, consumer debts 59—60
Financial planning, current investment holdings, review of 63—64
Financial planning, goals, determining financial 60—61
Financial planning, income and 61—62
Financial planning, insurance coverage 60
Financial planning, risk assessment 63
Financial planning, savings, determining current 61
Financial planning, spending and 61—62
Financial planning, tax bracket determination 63
Financial planning, tax-deferred retirement account savings 62
First-in-first-out (FIFO) method 316
Form 1099-B 317—318
Form 1099-DIV 308—309
Form 1099-DIV, 28 percent rate gain 310
Form 1099-DIV, federal income tax withheld 312
Form 1099-DIV, foreign tax paid 312
Form 1099-DIV, mid-term capital gains 310
Form 1099-DIV, nontaxable distributions 311
Form 1099-DIV, ordinary dividends 309
Form 1099-DIV, short-term capital gains distributions 309
Form 1099-DIV, total capital gains distributions 310
Form 1099-R 321—323
Forms, applications See application forms
Forms, comprehensive account application forms 269
Forms, discount brokerage accounts transfer forms 273—276
Forms, Form 1099-B 317—318
Forms, Form 1099-DIV See Form 1099-DIV
Forms, Form 1099-R 321—323
Forms, retirement accounts transfer forms 283—286
Forms, tax forms See tax forms
Freedom Funds 229
Fund companies, list of 385
Fund families 90—91
Fund managers 90—91
Fund statements, account value column 294—295
Fund statements, date of transaction 292—293
Fund statements, dollar amount column 294
Fund statements, interested party 331
Fund statements, older accounts, statements from 334
Fund statements, price per share column 294
Fund statements, share amount column 294
Fund statements, share balance column 294—295
Fund statements, share price column 294
Fund statements, shares owned column 294—295
Fund statements, shares transacted column 294
Fund statements, trade date 292—293
Fund statements, transaction description 293
Fund supermarkets 368
Futures 23
Garzarelli, Elaine 342
Givens, Charles 342
Global funds 217
Gold See precious metals
Government debt, investment in 168—169
Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) 17
Granville, Joe 342
Gross, William 195—196
Growth of mutual fund industry 365—366
Growth potential, overseas investments and 18
Growth stocks, described 216—217
Growth stocks, taxation and 146
Growth-and-income funds 217
Guaranteed-investment contracts (GICs) 206—207 248
Harry Hacker's Mutual Fund Investing 342
Hedge funds 55—56
High-yield bond funds 184
Holding funds 305—306
Home, saving for 71—72
Hulbert Financial Digest 338—340
Hulbert, Mark 339—340
Hybrid funds 154—155 218—222
Income funds 217
Index funds, active versus index (passive) fund managers 149—151
Index funds, popularity of 366—367
Index funds, taxation and 151
Index funds, Vanguard Group 116
Indexes, U.S. stocks 303
Indexes, U.S. stocks, Bonds 302
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) 70—71
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), rollover IRA sample portfolio 253
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), rollover IRAs 278
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), Roth IRA 70—71
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), SEP-IRAs 68
Individual securities, drawbacks 46—47
Inflation, lending investments and 14
Inflation, precious metals as hedge against 20
Inflation, Treasury bonds, inflation-indexed 193—194
Inflation-indexed Treasury bonds 193—194
Insurance brokers, buying funds from 115
Insurance coverage 60
Interest rates 14 188 254
Interested party, designating 331
Intermediate-term bond funds 182 197—199
International bonds 185
International funds 217 230—233
International stock benchmarks 304—305
International stock funds, asset allocation and 142
International stock funds, Fidelity Investments 118
International stocks 217
Internet sites 358—361
Internet sites, Fidelity 362
Internet sites, marketing departments and 360
Internet sites, Morningstar 361—362
Internet sites, Quicken 357
Internet sites, SchwabNow 361
Internet sites, T.Rowe Price 362
Internet sites, Vanguard 357 361
Investing strategies, active versus index (passive) fund managers 149—151
Investing strategies, market timing versus buy and hold investing 148—149
Investing with less than $100 243
Investment adviser's thoughts, annual report's 106
Investment clubs 49
Investment Company Act of 1940 33 38
Investment holdings, annual report's 107—109
Investment news programs 357—358
Investment newsletters 338—339
Investment newsletters, disreputable newsletters, examples of 340—343
Investment newsletters, Hulbert Financial Digest 338—340
Investment newsletters, money management services and 340
Investment newsletters, No-Load Fund Analyst 352
Investment personality 141—143
Investment research software 355—356
Investments, annuities See annuities
Investments, best performers, jumping on bandwagon of 370
Investments, bonds See bonds
Investments, corrections, waiting for 372
Investments, decline of funds 370
Investments, diversification and 26—27
Investments, economic issues and 371
Investments, FDIC insurance, lack of 370
Investments, financial mistakes, examples of 9—11
Investments, individual securities as preferable 371
Investments, lending investments See lending investments
Investments, life changes and 258
Investments, life insurance 21
Investments, limited partnerships (LPs) 10 21—22
Investments, money market accounts 16
Investments, money to invest, not enough 369
Investments, obsessing over funds 372
Investments, options, list of 16—22
Investments, overseas investments 18—19
Investments, ownership investments See ownership investments
Investments, performance top-ten lists 372
Investments, precious metals See precious metals
Investments, questions investors should ask See questions investors should ask
Investments, real estate See real estate
Investments, return on 23—24
Investments, risk and 24—25
Investments, savings accounts 16
Investments, selling history 113
Investments, stocks See stocks
Investments, thoughts to overcome before making 370
Issuers of funds 184—185
Jack White & Company 127—128 174
Keogh retirement plans 68—69
Keogh retirement plans, applications for 283
Keogh retirement plans, defined-benefit plan option 70
Keogh retirement plans, money-purchase pension plan option 70
Keogh retirement plans, paired plan option 70
Keogh retirement plans, profit-sharing plan option 70
Keogh retirement plans, Social Security integration 69
Keogh retirement plans, vesting schedules 69
King, Richard 233
Lending investments 13—15
Lending investments, disadvantages of 13—14
Lending investments, inflation and 14
Lending investments, types of 14
Life changes, investments and 258
Life insurance 21
Limited partnerships (LPs) 10 21—22
Lindner Dividend 222
Living trust 266
Load funds 76—82
Load funds, Jack White & Company 128
Load funds, major companies, list of 112
Load funds, protection of your investments and 133—134
Long-term bond funds 182 200—202
Losses, not tracking 330
LPs (limited partnerships) See limited partnerships (LPs)
Lurito, Stephen 229
Lynch, Peter 45
Managed accounts 52—54
Managers Intermediate Mortgage Fund 87—88
Margin call 270
Margin trading 270
Marginal tax rate 144
Market capitalization 18
Market timing, buy and hold investing versus 148—149
Market timing, described 338—339
Marketing solicitations 333—334
Martin, Bill 236
Matterhorn Growth Fund 88
Money market accounts 16
Money market funds 248
Money market funds, accessing funds 166
Money market funds, Alliance Capital Reserves Fund 174
Money market funds, American Century-Benham Capital Preservation Fund 176
Money market funds, as emergency cash reserve 162
Money market funds, bank savings accounts compared 160—161
Money market funds, bankers' acceptances as investment of 169
Money market funds, benefits of 160—161
Money market funds, Benham Government Agency Fund 176
Money market funds, business accounts and 163
Money market funds, CDs as investment of 167—168
Money market funds, check-writing privileges 40 161
Money market funds, checks, lost or stolen 165—166
Money market funds, choosing 169—178
Money market funds, commercial paper as investment of 167
Money market funds, convenience as factor in choosing 171
Money market funds, defined 160—162
Money market funds, derivatives and 168
Money market funds, discount brokerages and 175
Money market funds, expenses 84
Money market funds, expenses and 170—171
Money market funds, FDIC insurance 164—165
Money market funds, Fidelity Cash Reserves Fund 174
Money market funds, Fidelity Daily Income Trust Fund 174
Money market funds, Fidelity Spartan Municipal Money Market Fund 177
Money market funds, Fidelity's Spartan Money Market Fund 174
Money market funds, Fidelity's Spartan U.S.Treasury Money Market Fund 176
Money market funds, government debt as investment of 168—169
Money market funds, history of 159—160
Money market funds, initial minimum investment required to open 173
Money market funds, investments by 167—169
Money market funds, Jack White 174
Money market funds, local branch offices as factor in choosing 172
Money market funds, marketing practices 170
Money market funds, municipal tax-free money market funds 176—178
Money market funds, personal checking accounts and 163
Money market funds, recommendations 173—178
Money market funds, repurchase agreements as investment of 169
Money market funds, risk and 37 163—166
Money market funds, Schwab Money Market Fund 174
Money market funds, Schwab Value Advantage Money Market Fund 174
Money market funds, short-term savings goals 162
Money market funds, T.Rowe Price Summit Cash Reserves Fund 174
Money market funds, tax-free money market funds 145 171 172
Money market funds, taxable money market funds 173—174
Money market funds, taxation and 171
Money market funds, U.S.Treasury money market funds 175—176
Money market funds, USAA Mutual Money Market Fund 174
Money market funds, USAA Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund 177
Money market funds, USAA's Treasury Money Market Fund 176
Money market funds, uses for 162—163
Money market funds, Vanguard Money Market Reserves U.S.Treasury Portfolio Fund 175
Money market funds, Vanguard Municipal Money Market Fund 177
Money market funds, Vanguard's Admiral U.S.Treasury Money Market Portfolio Fund 175