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Melissinos A.C. — Principles of modern technology |
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Potential difference in p-n junction 17
potential energy 282
Potential well 175
Power 165
Power, amplification 21
Power, level, in reactor 187
Power, radiated 173
Power, spectral density 100
Poynting vector 119
Precession, of gyroscope 311
Preemptive strike 217
Pressure blast 210
Pressure, of gases 262
Pressurized water reactor 184
probability distribution 97
Program counter 76
Program, computer 75
Prompt radiation 210
Prompt-critical reactor 186
Propagation angle 146
Propagation, of wave 141
Propeller action 259
Propulsion dynamics 258
Propulsion parameters, shuttle 274
Proton 174
Pumping, optical 151
Q-switched laser 159
Quadratic measure 99
Quadrature 99
Quality factor (Q) 157
Quantum noise 104
RAD 189
Radar 127
Radial coordinate 144
Radiation 121
Radiation impedance 123
Radiation length 190
Radioactive material 186
Radioactive nucleus 176
Radioactivity 189 237
Random access memory (RAM) 65
Rate, of information 115
RBE 189
Reactivity, in nuclear fusion 193
Read only memory (ROM) 65
Recombination 14
Reconnaissance satellite 222 226
Redundancy 112
references 326
Reflected power 127
Reflection 128
Reflection loss 156
Reflector, propulsion 306
Refraction 128
Refractive index 83 129
Refractive index of plasma 132
Refractive index, fiber optics 146
Refractive index, imaginary 131
Refueling of reactor 186
register 55
Register, general 77
Register, instruction 77
Register, shift 56
Relative entropy 112
rem 189
remanent magnetization 69
Reproduction factor 183
Reset 53
Resistive load 35
resistivity 13
Resolution, optical 224
Reverse bias 18
Reversible process 166
Reynolds number 252 274
Ring laser gyroscope 313
Rocket engine 260 262 265
Rocket flight 241
Rocket propulsion 221
Roentgen 189
Rotation rate, of gyro 313
Sagnac effect 314
Sampling frequency 94 115
Sampling theorem 95
satellite communications 136
Satellite reconnaissance 222
Saturation current 34
Saturation, forward 40
Saturn encounter 299
Saturn swing-by 296
Schmidt trigger 52
Semi-major axis 284
Semiconductor 9
Semiconductor, n-type 10
Semiconductor, p-type 10
Servo system 309
Set 53
Shannon's equation 113
Shear 251
Shelter, radioactive 213
Shift register 56
Shock wave 256
Shot noise 102
Sidebands 89 90 92
Sievert (Sv) 190
Signal power 115
Signal to noise ratio 105
Silicon 3
Silicon dioxide 26 32
Slingshot trajectory 293
Snell's law 129 146
Solar constant 171 197
Solar energy 197
Solar flux 173
Solar sail 306
Solar system 276
Solid angle 230
Solid state laser 74
Source 30 32
Sources of energy 165
Space shuttle 270 272
Space Travel 239
| Space vehicle 294
Spatial coherence, laser 160
Spatial distribution, laser radiation 159
Specific force 309
Specific impulse 261 266
Spectral density, power 100
Speed of sound 256 324
Spin, nuclear 177
Spontaneous emission 150
Square pulse 88
Staging, of rocket 269
Standard deviation 98
Standing wave 140
Standing wave in optical cavity 158
Stars 276
Stars, travel to 304
Stefan — Boltzmann law 170
Stick diagram 56
Stimulated emission 149 150
Stochastic process 107
storage, data 64
Strategic Defense Initiative 228
Strategic nuclear arsenals 218
streamline 241
Strontium-90 213
Subtraction 47
Sum bit 45
Sun, interior 193
Supersonic exhaust 264
Supersonic flight 255
Supersonic flow 323
Tangential electric field 139
Tape, magnetic 72
Telecommunications 81
Telephone 96
Television 90
Temperature of gases 262
Thermal neutrons 182 186
Thermal noise 103
Thermal power 185
Thermonuclear weapon 210
Threshold, lasing 155
Throat, of rocket engine 263
Thrust 222 266
Thrust to weight ratio 268
Time domain 86
TNT 206
Toroidal field 195
torque 282
Total differential 244
Total reflection 130
Total time derivative 282
Trajectory, of shuttle 272
Transfer orbit 286 290
transistor 3 20
Transistor, field-effect 29
Transistor, manufacture 25
Transistor, production 27 36
transmission line 139 142
transportation 239
Trapping 146
Trigger circuit 52
Trigonometric function 317
Trinity test 207
Tritium 196 209
Triton 192
Truth table 37
TTL (transistor-transistor logic) 34
Turbojet 260 261
Turbulence 255
Turbulent flow 250 253
Twos-complement 62
UHF 84 91
Uplink 138
Uranium 182
Uranium reserves 188
Uranus 315
UV (ultraviolet) 84
V2 rocket 217 258
Valence band 135
Van Allen belts 135
Varactor 92
Vector diagram 292
Velocity of progagation of light 118
Velocity, equation 281 285
Velocity, increment 269 287 288
Venturi tube 277
VHF 84
Virial theorem 277
viscosity 250
Viscosity of selected fluids 252
Viscous flow 323
Viscous fluid 241
VLSI (Very large scale integration) 31 37
Vortex 247
Vortex, flow 249
Voyager-2 291 300
Voyager-2, grand tour of the planets 295
Voyager-2, mission 296
Waist, laser beam 160
Watt 165
Wave equation 118 324
Wave vector 119 140
waveguide 139
Waveguide, dielectric 146
Waveguide, rectangular 142
Wavelength 83
Weak interaction 178
Weapons, biological 235
Weapons, nuclear 183 204
White noise 101
Whole body exposure 191
Wiggler magnet 232
Winston cone 200
Word message 108
World War II 204
X-ray 84 189
X-ray, laser 231 237
Yagi antenna 125
Young's modulus 325
Zipf's law 109 110
Zirconium tubes 184
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