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Melissinos A.C. — Principles of modern technology |
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Floppy disk 72
Fluid flow 241
Fluid mechanics equations 321
Focal distance 126
Focal length 224
forward bias 19
Fossil fuels 167 198
Fourier coefficient 86
Fourier decomposition 85
Fourier transform 316
Free electron laser 231
Free neutron decay 178
frequency 83
Frequency of letters 107 109 116
Frequency, deviation 91
Frequency, domain 86
Frequency, modulation 91
Frequency, optical 131
Frequency, plasma 134 135
Frequency, spectrum, laser 159
Frictional force 245
Fuel, fossil 167 198
full-adder 46 47
Fusion, inertial 196
Fusion, nuclear 179
Fusion, rate 194
Fusion, reactor 192
Gain, amplifier 105
Gain, laser 154
Gallium arsenide 3
Gamma rays 178
Gas constant 265 325
Gas laser 155
Gate 32
Gaussian distribution 97 98
Gaussian integral 99
General register 77
Generating station, energy 202
Geostationary Orbit 136
Germanium 3
Global consequences, of nuclear war 215
Graphite as moderator 187
Gravitation 281
Gravitational attraction 292
Gray (Gy) 190
Gray code 60
Greenhouse effect 173 174
Ground resolution 225
Grounded base 22
Grounded emitter 23
Group velocity 131 142
Gyro axis 311
Gyroscope 308 310
Gyroscope, single degree of freedom 312
half-adder 45
Harmonic 85 119 316
harmonic oscillator 284
Head, magnetic tape 70
Heat radiation 210
Heating 167
Heavy nuclei 181
Heliocentric velocity 288 315
Helium-4 174
Hexadecimal 58
Hohman ellipse 287
hole 5
Hollerith code 60
Hydrazine 271
Hydroelectric power 167
Hyperbola 278 279 284
Hyperbolic excess velocity 291
Hyperbolic orbit 298
I-V curve, for diode 19 201
ICBM 216 236
Impedance, coaxial cable 145
Impedance, free space 123
Impedance, input 24
Impedance, output 25
Implosion 207
Implosion bomb 208
Impurities, in semiconductors 9
Incompressible fluid 241
Induced drag 249
Inertial force 252 308
Inertial fusion 196
Inertial guidance 307
Information content 109 110 113
Information rate 115
information storage 68
Information transfer 106
Input impedance 24
Input/Output (I/O) 78
Insolation 199
Instruction register 76
Integrated circuit 29
Intensity of radiation 153
Interstellar mission time 302
Interstellar travel 301
Intrinsic carriers 8
Inverter 34
Inverter, construction 36
Inverter, truth table 36
Ionosphere 132
Ionosphere, layers 135
Irreversible process 166
Island, n-type 27
Isotope, long-lived 213
J-FET 31
Jet engine 260
Johnson noise 103
Joule 165
Junction transistor 20
Jupiter 296
Kepler's law 276
Kilocalorie 206
Kinematics, interstellar travel 302
kinetic energy 282
Kinetic energy weapons 229
Kirchoff's law 171
Laminar flow 241 253
Larmor's equation 121
Laser 149
Laser in orbit 230
Laser, mirrors 156
Laser, radiation 156
Latch 52
Latitude effect 172
Launch, horizontal 270
Lawson criterion 195
Lethal flux 229
Lid 210
Lifetime, laser 157
Lifting force 247
Light year 302
Limited test-ban treaty 233
Line of vortices 248
Line shape 153
Liquid Drop model 181
Liquid oxygen 269
Liquid propellant rocket 262 264
load command 55
Logic gates 37
Logic operation 45
Low orbit 286 314
Low velocity flow 322
Luminosity, Sun 171
Mach number 257
magnetic disk 71
Magnetic field 117
Magnetic permeability 117
| Magnetic storage 67
Magnetization, remanent 69
Magneto-optic effect 74
Main engines, of Shuttle 272
Majority carriers 11
Manufacture of transistors 25
MARS 281
Mars, -earth distance 115
Mars, orbit 291
Mass excess 181
Mass ratio rocket 268
Matrix element 153
Maxwell's equations 117
Mean free path 183
Mean square value 97
Megabyte 71
Megaton 211
Memory array 65
Memory, random access (RAM) 65
Memory, read only (ROM) 65
Mercury 314
Metallic boundary 141
Metric ton 167
Microelectronics 1
Microwaves 125
Minority carriers 11
Minuteman III 222
Mirrors, laser 156
MIRV 217
Mixing, of signals 90
MKS system 117
Mobility 13
Mode in optical fiber 147
Mode in waveguide 141
Mode of oscillation, laser 158
Mode, highest 148
Mode, TEM laser 159
Moderator 182
Modulation, frequency 91
Monostable circuit 52
MOS (metal oxide silicon) 30
MOS planar geometry 32
Motion, in central field 281
Multiplexer 49 50
Multiplication 48
Multiplication, factor 183 185 205
Multistage rocket 266
Muon catalysis 196
Mutual assured destruction 216
MX missile 227
n-p-n transistor 20
n-type island 27
N-type semiconductor 10
NAND gate 38 46
NASA 270
Neutrino 178
Neutron 174
Neutron, fast 209
Neutron, flux 185 187
Neutron, rich elements 191
Newton's constant 223 276
Nitrogen tetroxide 271
NMOS transistor 35
Node 141 157
Noise in communication channel 96
Noise, 1/f 100
Noise, figure 105
Noise, Johnson 103
Noise, power 114
Noise, quantum 104
Noise, resonant 100
Noise, shot 102
Noise, temperature 105 114
Noise, thermal 103
Noise, white 100 101
Non-linear behavior 19
Non-proliferation agreement 234
NOR gate 39
Normal stress 251
Nozzle 262 275
NRZI coding 71 72
Nuclear arsenals 216
Nuclear binding 179
Nuclear bomb 304
Nuclear exchange, major 214
Nuclear explosives 211
Nuclear fission 179
Nuclear force 174
Nuclear fusion 179
Nuclear reactor 183
Nuclear waste disposal 191
Nuclear weapons 204
Nuclear winter 174 215
Nucleon 174
number systems 58
Nutation 311
Octal number 59
Oil reserves 188
Ones-complement 62
Optical frequency 131
Optical gyroscope 313
OR 38 42
Orbiter 263
Ordered energy 166
Oscillation period 224
Output impedance 25
Overpressure 210
p-n junction 14
p-n-p transistor 21
P-type semiconductor 10
parabola 125 279
Parabolic orbit 286
Parabolic reflector 125
Parity Generator 63
Parsec 302
Parseval's theorem 320
Pauli principle 176
Payload 222
Payload, ratio 268
Payload, velocity 269
Perfect conductor 139
Periodic function 85 316
Periodic signal 86
Permeability, magnetic 117 128
Phase reversal 89
Phased array 124
Photon flux, laser 155
Photovoltaic cell 200
Pioneer 291 300
Planck distribution 171
Planck's constant 152
Planck's equation 169
Plane of incidence 129
Plane wave 160
Planets 277
Planets, grand tour 295
Planets, inner, outer 278
plasma 133
Plasma in fusion 195
Plasma, frequency 134 135
Plutonium 182
Plutonium, production 187
Point source 161
Polar coordinates 281
Polar orbit 136 223
Polarization 120 130
Polycrystalline silicon 32
Population inversion 151
Position vector 285
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