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Название: Selected Topics in Integral Geometry
Авторы: Gelfand I.M., Gindikin S.G., Graev M.I.
The miracle of integral geometry is that it is often possible to recover a function on a manifold just from the knowledge of its integrals over certain submanifolds. The founding example is the Radon transform, introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, many other transforms were found, and the general theory was developed. Moreover, many important practical applications were discovered. The best known, but by no means the only one, being to medical tomography.
This book is a general introduction to integral geometry, the first from this point of view for almost four decades. The authors, all leading experts in the field, represent one of the most influential schools in integral geometry. The book presents in detail basic examples of integral geometry problems, such as the Radon transform on the plane and in space, the John transform, the Minkowski-Funk transform, integral geometry on the hyperbolic plane and in the hyperbolic space, the horospherical transform and its relation to representations of $SL(2,\mathbb C)$, integral geometry on quadrics, etc. The study of these examples allows the authors to explain important general topics of integral geometry, such as the Cavalieri conditions, local and nonlocal inversion formulas, and overdetermined problems in integral geometry. Many of the results in the book were obtained by the authors in the course of their career-long work in integral geometry.
111 , as a homogeneous space111 , as a hyperboloid111 , Fourier transform131141 , Fourier transform, inversion formula134142 , Fourier transform, Plancherel formula135142 , Fourier transform, representation theory137138143 , Fourier transform, symmetry relation133142 , Fourier transform, transform related to paraboloids141 , horosphere128129 , horospherical function129 , horospherical function on the manifold of triples130 , horospherical function, expression130 , horospherical function, zonal129 , horospherical transform119120 , horospherical transform, inversion formula124 , horospherical transform, symmetry relation121 , integral transform, line complex associated with horospheres120 , integral transform, related to paraboloids126 , integral transform, related to paraboloids, and an integral transform on the hyperbolic space127 , integral transform, related to paraboloids: inversion formula127 , integral transform, related to the line complex associated with horospheres: inversion formula123 , Laplace — Beltrami operator128 , manifold of horospheres113 , manifold of horospheres, associated line complex117 , manifold of horospheres, embedding in projective space116 , manifold of paraboloids118 , orbits and sections112 , paraboloid129 , zonal horospherical function129 Abel transform2 Admissible line complex7173 Admissible line complex, description76 Admissible line complex, geometric structure75 Admissible submanifolds of hyperplane sections in 147 Asgeirsson for the hyperbolic space101 Asgeirsson for three-dimensional space9 Asgeirsson on the Euclidean plane3 Asgeirsson relations for the hyperbolic plane85 Back front13 Bivector59 Bivector dual64 Cavalieri's conditions14 Electron microscopy18 Forward front of the wave13 Fourier integral on 88 Fourier integral on 103 Fourier transform in the hyperbolic space104 Fourier transform in the hyperbolic space, inversion formula104 Fourier transform in the hyperbolic space, Plancherel formula105 Fourier transform in the hyperbolic space, relation to the horospherical transform104 Fourier transform in the hyperbolic space, representation theory106 Fourier transform in the hyperbolic space, symmetry relation105 Fourier transform on $\mathbb{R}^2$86 Fourier transform on S(H)49 Fourier transform on the hyperbolic plane88 Fourier transform on the hyperbolic plane, inversion formula89 Fourier transform on the hyperbolic plane, Plancherel formula91 Fourier transform on the hyperbolic plane, relation to representation theory92 Fourier transform on the hyperbolic plane, relation to the horocycle transform8992 Fourier transform on the hyperbolic plane, symmetry relation90 Fourier transform on the Schwartz space49 Homogeneity condition14 Horocycle79 Horocycle functions88 Horocycle functions, zonal86 Horocycle transform83 Horocycle transform, group-theoretic meaning92 Horocycle transform, inversion formula8586 Horocycle waves107 Horosphere97103128129 Horosphere oriented distance98 Horosphere, center98 Horosphere, parallel98 Horospherical function103 Horospherical function on 129 Horospherical function zonal103 Horospherical transform98103 Horospherical transform on 128 Horospherical transform on , inversion formula100101 Horospherical transform, inversion formula125 Horospherical transform, inversion formula, on 103 Horospherical waves109 Huygens principle13 Hyperbolic plane7980 Hyperbolic plane, area element8081 Hyperbolic plane, geodesics62 Hyperbolic plane, horocycle7981 Hyperbolic plane, horocycle, center81 Hyperbolic plane, horocycle, oriented distance82 Hyperbolic plane, horocycle, parallel81 Hyperbolic plane, invariant distance8081 Hyperbolic plane, lines82 Hyperbolic plane, motions7980 Hyperbolic plane, Poincare model79 Hyperbolic plane, Riemannian metric80 Hyperbolic space96 Hyperbolic space of an arbitrary dimension102 Integral geometry for line complexes in 71 Integral geometry on the torus21 Integral transform for spheres in 157 Integral transform for spheres in , inversion formula159 Integral transform for spheres in , operator 157 Integral transform of differential forms53 Integral transform, related to completely geodesic surfaces in 102 Integral transform, related to completely geodesic surfaces in : inversion formula102 Integral transform, related to geodesics on the hyperbolic plane93 Integral transform, related to geodesics on the hyperbolic plane: inversion formula96 Integral transform, related to geodesics on the hyperbolic plane: relation to the projective Radon transform96 Integral transform, related to hyperplane sections of 146 Integral transform, related to lines on the hyperbolic plane93 Inversion formula for a complex of lines intersecting a curve in 71 Inversion formula for the Fourier transform in the hyperbolic space104 Inversion formula for the horocyde transform8586 Inversion formula for the horospherical transform on 100101 Inversion formula for the horospherical transform on 103 Inversion formula for the Radon transform for the complex affine space40 Inversion formula for the Radon transform for the projective space32 Inversion formula for the Radon transform for the projective space of arbitrary dimension38 Inversion formula for the Radon transform in three-dimensional space8 Inversion formula for the Radon transform of arbitrary dimension11 Inversion formula for the Radon transform on the affine plane10 Inversion formula for the Radon transform on the Euclidean plane23 Inversion formula for the Radon transform, even-dimensional case11 Inversion formula for the Radon transform, local11 Inversion formula for the Radon transform, nonlocal11 Inversion formula for the Radon transform, odd-dimensional case11
Inversion formula on 152 Inversion formula, local38 Inversion formula, nonlocal38 Isotropic cone75 John transform434568 John transform in 67 John transform in , image68 John transform in , inversion formula68 John transform in 6063 John transform in , image63 John transform in , the affine John transform61 John transform in the affine space45 John transform in the affine space, image46 John transform of 1-forms on 58 John transform of 1-forms on , image58 John transform of 1-forms on , kernel58 John transform of 2-forms on 56 John transform of 2-forms on , image57 John transform of 3-forms on 54 John transform of 3-forms on , image55 John transform of differential forms53 John transform, as an intertwining operator66 John transform, group-theoretic meaning6566 John transform, image48 John transform, inversion formula50 John transform, operator 47 John transform, operator , complex case68 John transform, operator , the differential form 47 John transform, relation to Gauss hypergeometric function45 Kirchhoff formula13 Laplace — Beltrami operator on 128 Laplace — Beltrami operator on 88 Laplace — Beltrami operator on 103 Line complex71117 Line complex, admissibility conditions73 Line complex, admissibility conditions in 76 Line complex, critical plane76 Line complex, critical point76 Lorentz group ()111 Manifold of lines in 59 Manifold of lines in 47 Manifold of lines in the space43 Manifold of lines on the plane1 Manifold of one-dimensional subspaces47 Manifold, homogeneous coordinates115 Manifold, left translation115 Method of horocycle waves107 Method of horospheres93 Method of plane waves12 Minkowski — Funk transform for the three-dimensional sphere34 Minkowski — Funk transform on two-dimensional sphere22 Minkowski — Funk transform on two-dimensional sphere, inversion formula24 Operator for the John transform47 Operator for the John transform, analogs52 Operator for the John transform, analogs in complex case69 Operator for the John transform, complex case68 Operator in 157 Operator on 149 Operator on , inversion formulas152 Operator on , local and nonlocal151 Paraboloid129 Plancherel formula for the Fourier transform91 Plane waves12 Pluecker coordinates59 Poisson formula12 Pullback52 Pushdown52 Radon transform for the complex affine space38 Radon transform for the complex affine space of arbitrary dimension: Fourier transform39 Radon transform for the complex affine space of arbitrary dimension: inversion formula40 Radon transform for the projective plane3038 Radon transform for the projective plane, image37 Radon transform for the projective plane, inversion formula35 Radon transform for the projective space3032 Radon transform for the projective space of an arbitrary dimension38 Radon transform for the projective space of an arbitrary dimension: inversion formula38 Radon transform for the projective space, image35 Radon transform for the projective space, inversion formula32 Radon transform for the projective space, the affine Radon transform32 Radon transform for the projective space, the Minkowski — Funk transform32 Radon transform in three-dimensional affine space9 Radon transform in three-dimensional space7 Radon transform in three-dimensional space, Fourier transform9 Radon transform in three-dimensional space, inversion formula8 Radon transform of 1-forms on the plane25 Radon transform of 1-forms on the plane: inversion25 Radon transform of 2-forms in three-dimensional space28 Radon transform of 2-forms in three-dimensional space: inversion formula28 Radon transform of 2-forms on the plane26 Radon transform of 2-forms on the plane: image27 Radon transform of 3-forms in three-dimensional space29 Radon transform of 3-forms in three-dimensional space: inversion30 Radon transform of arbitrary dimension10 Radon transform of arbitrary dimension, combined inversion formula11 Radon transform of arbitrary dimension, inversion formula11 Radon transform on the affine plane5 Radon transform on the affine plane, inversion formula10 Radon transform on the Euclidean plane1 Radon transform on the Euclidean plane, image1518 Radon transform on the Euclidean plane, inversion formula3 Radon transform on the Euclidean plane, Paley — Wiener theorem1518 Radon transform, "complex"11 Radon transform, discrete1921 Radon transform, inversion formula, local1114 Radon transform, inversion formula, nonlocal914 Radon transform, inversion formula, using the moments17 Radon transform, Poisson formula19 Radon transform, relation to Fourier series21 Radon transform, relation to the Fourier transform5 Radon transform, tomography problems4 Radon transform, wave equation on the plane1213 Rapidly decreasing function on a vector bundle47 Reconstruction of unknown directions18 Right regular representation138 Symmetry relation for the Fourier transform on 133142 Symmetry relation for the Fourier transform on the hyperbolic plane90 Symmetry relation for the hyperbolic plane86 Symmetry relation for the hyperbolic space101 Two-dimensional Fourier series21 Ultrahyperbolic differential equation43 Wave equation for the hyperbolic plane106 Wave equation for the hyperbolic space109 Wave equation, three-dimensional13 Wave equation, two-dimensional12 X-ray transform43 Zonal horocycle functions38 Zonal horospherical function103 Zonal horospherical function on 129