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Mach E. — The Principles of Physical Optics: An Historical and Philosophical Treatment |
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"Fits", "interval" of 141 149
Abbe 73 278
Aberrations, spherical and chromatic 76
Absorption coefficient 119
Accommodation 43
Achromatic lenses 109
Achromatic prisms 109 115
Acoustics, development of 272
airy 84 246 247 250 296 300 301
Albedo 16
Alhazen 8 29 39 42 47 51
Ampere 203
Amplitude, Fresnel's vector diagram of 292
Angstroem 118 119 126
Anomalous dispersion 121 184
Arago, F. 23 27 146 148 157—159 164 168 169 190 194—205 208 210 239 247 285 301
Aristophanes 50
Aristotle 8 42 46 84 130 272
Armati, Salvino degli 51
Atmospheric refraction 40
Bacon, Francis 272
Bacon, Roger 49
Balduin 130
Bands, Knox's 174
Bands, Talbot's 246 296
Barrow, J. 57
Bartholinus 186 187 260 261
Beats 274
Beccari 130 131
Becquerel, A.E. 131 132
Beer, A. 17
Bernoulli, Daniel 258 273
Bernoulli, Jacob 57
Bernoulli, Johann 35 57 274
Billet 167
Biot 193—195 200—202 204 205 208 226 239
Biprism 166
Blind spot 47
Borelius, Guilelmus 52
Bouguer 13 14 17
Boyle, R. 85 127 136 259
Bradley 23 24
Brauner, B. 130 304
Brewster, D. 85 87 103—105 118 127 145 168 175 194 195 199—201 208 209 251 296
Brougham, Henry 276
Browne, W. 57 60 61
Bruecke, E. 8
Bunsen R. 20 118 126
Calcite, axial system of colours with 200
Calcite, Huygens' experiments with 187
Calcite, refraction in 186
Calcite, rhombohedron 260
Canton 131
Cardinal points 71
Casciorolo 130
Cassini 23 47
Catoptrics 28
Cauchy, A.L. 121
Cavalieri 57
Cellini, Benvenuto 49
Cesariano 12
Chladni 273
Christiansen, C. 121 122
chromatic aberration 76
Chromatic polarization 200
Clarke, S. 87
Coherence 183 303
Colour 85 103
Colour and musical notes, comparison of 273 275
Colour blindness 108
Colour scale, diatonic 94
Colour theories 103 140
Colour, dependence of, on incident light 101
Colours of bodies 96
Colours of thick plates 199
Colours of thin plates 198
Colours pigment 87
Colours, axial system with topaz and Calcite 200
Colours, mixtures of 94
Comb experiment, Newton's 95
Compensators, Arago and Jamin 165
Conjugate points 67
Copernicus 22 49
Cornu 26 292
Cosine square law 194
Cotes 66
Czapski 73
D'Alembert 273
dal Borgo, Pietro 11
Dalton, J. 108
Damianus 8 10 20 21 28
de Chaulnes, Duc 298
de Dominis, Marcus Antonius 84 85
de l'Hopital 57
De la Hire 57
de Mairan 274
de Saxonia, Theodoricus 84
de Spina, Alexander 51
Delambre 23
Descartes 4 8 20 21 32—36 39 40 46 49 54 84 85 103 137 264 265 267 268 273
Deviation, minimum 88
Diffraction 7 272
Diffraction at circular aperture 285
Diffraction at circular screen 285
Diffraction at gratings 291
Diffraction at single slit 279
Diffraction at straight edge 284
Diffraction at two slits 289
Diffraction by telescope objective 301
Diffraction effect of size of light source on 303
Diffraction phenomena, investigation by Fraunhofer 222 287
Diffraction, diagrammatic representation of 279
Diffraction, discovery by Grimaldi 133
Diffraction, grating spectra 293
Diffraction, Grimaldi's experiment with 146 278
Diffraction, importance of, in optical instruments 300
Diffraction, theory of, Schwerd's 289
Dioptrics 48
Dispersion curves 113
Dispersion of a prism 113
Dispersion of different kinds of glass (Fraunhofer) 109
Dispersion, anomalous 121 184
Dispersion, epibolic or internal 128
Dispersion, theory of, Cauchy's 121
Dispersion, theory of, Newton's 109
Dollond, J. 109 112
Doppler 251
Doubly refracting substances, experiments with 186 197
Dove 57 246
Draper 120
Du Hamel 22
Duerer, A. 11
Elementary waves 256 264
Emissive power 119
Epicurus 8
Ether, conception of, Fresnel's 203
Ether, conception of, Huygens' 258
Euclid 3 4 8—10 21 28 29 39 41 50
Euler, L. 57 66 109 119 144 273
Exner 177
Experimentum crucis, Newton's 89
Eye as photoscope 18
Eye, anatomical description of, first 42
Eye, function of 43
Eye, nature of 41
Eyes, luminous, of animals 8 10
Faraday 9
Fermat 34 35 38 258
Fizeau 25—27 167 173 176—178 180 183
Fluorescence 128
| Fluorescence, apparatus for demonstrating 129
Focal length 57
Focal length of system of lenses 66
Focal length, formula for lens or mirror 57
Focal lines 56 270
Fontana, Franciscus 52
Foucault, L. 26 27 79 80 119 173 301 302
FOURIER 216 217 258
Fraunhofer, J. 104 109—115 118 120—123 222 240 247 287 289—291 295 296 300
Fresnel, A. 5—7 25 146—150 153—155 157—160 162 164 166 168 169 171 172 174 176 183 195—198 201—208 210—216 218 225 226 231—238 240 241 243 246 247 252 275—282 284—287 289 291 292 300
Fringes, diffraction 146
Fringes, interference 139 164
Fundamental points 71
Galileo 20 21 26 48 49 52 53 216 273
Galileo, Vincenzio 273
Galla, La 130
Gauss 67 69 71 73
Geissler 111
Gilbert 49
Giotto 51
Glass, lack of homogeneity in 79
Goethe, J.W. 2 108
Govi, G. 29 41 45
Grassmann 106
Grating spectre 293
Gratings, diffraction 291
Gregory, D. 57
Grey 75
Grimaldi 4 85 88 133—136 138 143 145—147 153 155 159 161 162 164 273 275 278 279 303
Gruithuisen, F.v.P. 8
Hagenbach 129
Halley, E. 57 60 61
hankel 73
Hartley 144
Hauey 195
Heinrich, P. 131
Heinzel, R. 51
Heliodor 8 20
Helmholtz, H.V. 104—106 126 127 278
Hering, E. 44 107
Herschel, J.F.W. 128 200 301
Herschel, W. 301
Hittorf, J.W. 118 126
Holtz 132
Homocentric law 59 68
Hooke, R. 4 87 108 136—138 143 147 153 155 162 174 256 273 274
Horrebow 23
Huygens 5—7 21 32 33 38 39 48 52 54—58 60 79 80 83 108 187—189 205 255—264 268 269 271 273 274 276 278
Iceland spar, axial system of colours with 200
Iceland spar, Huygens' experiments with 187
Iceland spar, refraction in 186
Illumination 13
Illumination, intensity 16 19
Illumination, surface 83
Image space 65
Image, point 43
Image, retinal 46
Images, diffraction or interference, effect of size of light source 303
Images, diffraction, in optical instruments 300
Index of refraction 4 38
Index of refraction of Fraunhofer lines 112
Intensity of illumination 13
Interference and structure of light 182
Interference at large path differences 173 176 181
Interference curves, Haidinger and Lummer 179
Interference effect of size of light source on 303
Interference experiment, Brewster's 168
Interference experiments with circularly and elliptically polarized light 241
Interference of polarized light 195 222
Interference principle, Young's 275
Interference refractometer, Jamin's 168
Interference, apparatus, Fizeau 178
Interference, apparatus, Fresnel and Arago 165
Interference, apparatus, Jamin 168
Interference, apparatus, Michelson 181
Interference, apparatus, Zehnder and Mach 170
Interference, fringes 139 164
Jamin 165 168—170 172 223 224 289 297
Jaumann 27
Joannides, Z. 52
Joubin, M.P. 178
Kepler, J. 11—13 15 17 20 21 28—32 39 43—49 53 54 56—59 63 64 70 187 261 264
Ketteler 172
Kircher, A. 11 49 52 85 127 130
Kirchhoff, R. 118—120 126
Klingenstjerna, S. 109
Klotz 50
Knochenhauer 300
Knox 174
Koenig 278
Krupka, C. 185
Kuehnert 51
Kundt, A. 121—125 184
Lagrange 66 67 73 81 83 273
Lambert 11 14—20
Lang, V. 240
Layard 51
Least time, principle of, Fermat's 34 38 258
Leeuwenhoek 48
Leibnitz 33
Lens aberrations 54 76
Lens Billet's split 167
Lens constructions 60
Lens formulae 54 64
Lens, Huygens' investigations with 54
Lenses, achromatic 109
Lenses, acoustical mirrors and 278
Lenses, focal length of 57 66
Lenses, properties of, apparatus for demonstrating 75
Leonardo da Vinci 11 12 15 49
Leroux 121
Lessing 50
Light emission, process of 250
Light intensity 13 217
Light interference and structure of 182
Light particles 192
Light rays, longitudinal asymmetry of 3
Light rays, polarization of 189
Light sensation 1
Light, comparison with sound 273 275
Light, experiments with circularly and elliptically polarized 241
Light, instantaneous propagation of, idea of,13, 20 22 255
Light, kinds of 4
Light, polarized 186
Light, propagation of, in quartz 221 240
Light, properties of, Huygens' explanation of 255
Light, quantity of 16 19
Light, rectilinear propagation of 3 8 10
Light, relation between emitted and absorbed 119
Light, relation between natural and polarized 245
Light, relation between velocity and intensity of 179
Light, velocity of 21 255
Light, velocity of in moving media 178
Light, wave-form of, Fresnel's mechanical basis for 215
Lines in solar spectrum, fixed 109
Lines in spectrum, dark 104 120
LINUS 87 108
Lippich 179 248 250
listing 71
Lloyd, H. 167
Lommel 129 130
Lord Rayleigh 287
Lucas 109
Lummer 20 177 180
Mach, E. 100 101 106 107 124 134 175 184 304
Mach, L. 101 170 172 304
Magnification, telescope 82
Malp ghi 48
Malus, E.L. 109 190—193 195 201 202 204—206 208 217 219 231 246 307 312
Marcus Marci 4 85
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