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Mach E. — The Principles of Physical Optics: An Historical and Philosophical Treatment |
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Marggraf 131
Mariotte, E. 47
Marquardt, J. 51
Mascart 84 128
Maurolycus 11 43 56
Maxwell, J.C. 3 105
mersenne 273
Merz 112
Messys, Quinten 51
Metre, Michelson's evaluation of the 182
Michelson, A. 180—183 302 303
Microscope, invention of 52
Minimum deviation 88
Mirror experiments, Fresnel's 154 166
Mirror experiments, Malus' 191 205
Mirror experiments, Newton's 298
Mirrors and lenses, acoustical 278
Mirrors, focal lengths of 57
Mobile polarization, Biot's theory of 226 331
Moebius 65 66 70 71 73 81
Mueller, J. 42 44 47 107 128
Mueller, J.J. 179
Muenchen, K. 185
Neumann, C. 67
Newton, I. 4 5 85—89 91—104 106 108 109 115 121—123 127 129 138—153 155 157 159 161—164 166 169 173—178 180 184 188—190 199—202 205 206 215 217 226—229 264 298 299
Nicol 220
Nicol prism 220
Nodal points 71
Noerrenberg 227
Object point 43
Object space 65
Ohm 166
Oldenburg 87
Osnobischin, G.v. 124 184 304
Ovals, Cartesian 265
Panum 44
Panunce 12
Pardies 87 256
Paulus, C. 73
Pecquet 47
periodicity 4 133 216
Perspective 11
Phosphorescence 130
Phosphoroscope 131
photometers 15
Photometry 13
Photoscope 17
Picard 47
Pierre, V. 129
Pigment colours, Newton's experiments with 87
Piola 66
Plateau 107
Plato 8
Pliny 50
Pluecker, J. 118 126
Plutarch 84
Poggendorff 12 173
poisson 174 273 285 286
Polarization 186
Polarization apparatus 227 244
Polarization by total reflection 206
Polarization rotatory, in liquids 200
Polarization rotatory, in quartz 239
Polarization, circular 207
Polarization, elliptic 208 241
Polarization, mobile 226 331
Polarized light, analysis of 253
Polarized light, experiments with circularly and elliptically 241
Polarized Light, Interference of 195 222
Polarized light, relation between natural and 245
Polo, Marco 52
Porta, G.B. 11 12 43 49
Prechtl 77
Priestley 75 138
Principal planes 69
Principal points 67
Principal points, negative 72
Principal section of Calcite rhombohedron 260
Principle of least time, Fermat's 34 38 258
Principle, Fresnel's 281
Principle, Huygens' 256
Principle, Young's interference 275
Prism, direct-vision 116
Prism, Nicol 220
Prism, quartz 220
Prisms, achromatic 109 115
Prisms, refraction and dispersion in 113
Propagation of light, instantaneous, idea of 13 20 22 255
Propagation of light, rectilinear 3 8 10
Propagation of light, velocity of 21 255
Ptolemy 8 20 28—30 39 41 42 44 45 51 272 273
Pythagoras 272
Quarter-wave plate 234
Quartz plates 222 239 242
Quartz prism 220
Quartz wedge 227
Quartz, depolarization by 251
Quartz, elliptic polarization in 241
Quartz, propagation of light in 221 240
Quartz, rotatory polarization in 239
Quincke, G. 121 172
Rays, longitudinal asymmetry of light 3
Rays, ordinary and extraordinary 260
Reciprocal law 29 31 39
Reflection 10 28
Reflection by image-forming surfaces 264
Reflection experiment, Malus' 219
Reflection, Huygens' explanation of 258
Reflection, law of, Alhazen's 29
Reflection, total 31 90 258
Refraction 28 255
Refraction and colour 86
Refraction and dispersion of a prism 113
| Refraction by coaxial surfaces 67
Refraction by image-forming surfaces 264
Refraction tables, ancient 39
Refraction, apparatus 36
Refraction, atmospheric 40
Refraction, double 186 197
Refraction, epibolic 128
Refraction, explanation of, Huygens' 257
Refraction, investigation of, by Kepler's method,30, 261
Refraction, law of, Descartes' 32
Refraction, law of, Fermat's 34
Refraction, law of, Huygens' 54
Refraction, law of, Kepler's 31
Refraction, law of, Snell's 32
Refraction, ordinary and extraordinary 260
Refractive index 4 38
Refractive index of Fraunhofer lines 112
Refractive index, formula for, Fraunhofer's 114
Refractometer, interference, Jamin's 168
Resolution of telescope 302
Retinal image 46
Reusch 64 115
Rheita 54
Rhomb, Fresnel 206 232
Rings, Newton's 139
Ritchie 15
Ritter 146
Roemer, O. 3 20 23 27
Roscoe 118
Rosenberger 85 87
Rotation of plane of polarization 200 239
Rumford 15
Sauveur 273
Scheiner 46 54
Schneider, R.v. 50
Schoene, R. 28 29
Schopenhauer, A. 2 108
Schott 46
Schwerd, F.M. 289 291 292 300 301
Seebeck, A. 108 194 200
Seidel 17
Sellmeier, W. 126
Sight 9 41
Smith, R. 57 62 66
Snell 32 33 35 36 268
Soret 286
Sorge 273
Sound and light, comparison of 273 275
Sound, velocity of 273
Spectacles 51
Spectra, grating 293
Spectrophotometry 20
Spectrum, lines in 104 109 120
Spherical aberration 76
Spherical refracting surfaces, laws of 58
Spiral, Cornu's 292
Split lens, Billet's 167
Steeg u. Reuter 223
Stefan 173 246 247
Steiner 73
Steinheil 17
Stevin 49
Stokes, G.G. 119 128—130 247 248 299
Surface illumination 83
Surfaces, coaxial refracting, system of 67
Surfaces, reflecting and refracting 264
Swammerdam 48
Talbot 174 246 296 297
Tangent law, Brewster's 195
Tartini 273
Telescope 53 81
Telescope, image, brightness of 83
Telescope, magnification of 82
Telescope, Soret's 286
Telescopic observation, limit of direct 302
Thomsen 20
Tigautius 85
Toepler 73 78 80
Topaz, axial system of colours with 200
Toricelli 255 259
Total reflection 31 90 258
Total reflection, polarization by 206
Tschirnhausen 56 76
Tumlirz 20
Twilight, theory of 17
Unpolarized light, nature of 248
van der Willigen 175
van Eyck, Jan 51
Velocity of light 21 255
Velocity of light in moving media 178
Velocity of light, relation to intensity 179
Verdet 248
Vision 9 41
Vitello 29 39
Vitruvius 12 272
Wallis, John 272 273
Wave plate, quarter- 234
Wave-lengths, determination of 146 296
Wave-lengths, evaluation of the metre in terms of 182
Waves, elejnentary 256 264
Waves, spheroidal 261
Waves, wedge-shaped, Huygens' 257
Wheatstone 24 27
Wickhoff, F. 51
Wilde 3 4 8 10 20 85
Wollaston 104 109 115 121 146 200 201
Wood, R.W. 287
Wrede 173
Wuellner 126
Young, Thomas 5 104—106 142 144—150 153 155 162 164 175 176 196 197 201—203 210 259 273—277 279 280 298 300
Zehnder 170
Zoellner 17
Zone plate 286
Zoth, O. 42
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