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Misra J.C. — Biomathematics: Modelling and Simulation
Misra J.C. — Biomathematics: Modelling and Simulation

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Название: Biomathematics: Modelling and Simulation

Автор: Misra J.C.


Provides information on modelling and simulation in biomathematics. This book is of interest to researchers who are interested in the various areas of the field, and to graduate students in related areas, as well as lecturers. Some of the chapters have been written by distinguished experts in the field.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 524

Добавлена в каталог: 21.01.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absorbing state      67-69
Acceptance probabilities      63
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome      1 37 38 59
Action potential      231
Action potential propagation      245
Adaptive mesh refinement      262
Adhesive      140
Age-structured      416 437 441
AIDS      see Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Anatomy      465
Angiogenesis      149
Anisotropy      467 472
Antiretroviral therapy      78
APL      2000 75
Asymptotic states      408 426
Atherosclerosis      281
Automaticity      233
Baum — Welch algorithm      26
Bifurcation diagram      425-427
Bioelectromagnetic phenomenon      315
Bioengineering      305
Biomechanical      151
Biomechanical model      306
Biomechanics      451
Birth-and-death process      429
Blood flow      279
Bone remodelling      452 466 471
Bulk viscosity      163
Cable equation      237
Calories      379
Carrying capacity      404 406 444
Catheters      285
CD$4^{+}$ count      62 78
Cell migration      150
Cell motility      151 163
Cell-cell interactions      150
cells      149
Census      417 418 420
Chaos      425 426 445
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation      7
Characteristic curves      438
Characteristic time      390
Clustal — W      5 27
Cohomology category      360
Cohomology group      361 372
Collagen fibrils      149
Competition      409 410 413
Condition prediction      45
Conditional probability      65
Connective tissue      150
Consumer-resource      427
Contact inhibition      153
Core conductor model      237
Couple formation      63
Coupled individuals      61
Crank Nicholson method      258
creep      455 460
Decision-making, planning model      47
Deductive approach      39 40
Demography cycles      442 444
density      151
Descriptive analysis      41 45
Deterministic      60
Difference equations      71
Differential equation      90 97
Diffusion      229
Diffusion coefficient      152 433 434
Dipole source      264
Discrete choice modelling      37 47 48
Discrete logistic map      425
Discrete/continuous model      48
Discriminant analysis      46
Dispersion kernel      433
Displacement      163
DNA      195 208 212 218
DNA sequence alignment      5 27
Domain decomposition      261
Doubling time      403 406
Dynamic energy budget      447
Dynamic programming      24
ECM remodeling      152
Eco-economics      447
Ectoderm      137
Eigenvalues      60
Electrical analog      234
Electrode array      316
Electrotonic conditions      242
Embedded differential equation      60 72
Embryogenesis      149
Embryonic      137
Emigration      421 423
Endoderm      137
Endogenous variables      43 45 46 52
Energy conservation      380
Energy density      379 388
Energy expenditure      381
Environment      38 48
Excitability      231
Exogenous variables      43 45-47
Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm      22 23 29
Explanatory power      41
Explicit forward Euler method      258
Extra-marital contact      62 74
Extra-marital sexual contact      63
Extracellular matrix      149
Factorial      33 34
Fat ratio      386
Felsenstein 84 model      12
Fertility coefficient      417 420 428
Fertility function      437 439
Fertilization index      306
Fibroblast      149
Fick laws      436
Field distribution      316
Finite difference      255
Finite electrode      317
Finite elements      255
Finite volume      255
Fisher equation      436
Fixed points      407 408
Flow-through experiment      87 104 109 128
Flux vector      163
Forbes      387
Forward-backward algorithm      24
Functional electrical stimulation (FES)      316
Gamete transport mechanism      307
Gene conversion      27 30 32
Glycogen      386
Green’s function      317
Growth rate      402 403 406 407 409 425
HA ART therapy      81
Hamiltonian formulation      359
Hapto taxis      151
Harris — Benedict      385 392 395 396
Hartman — Grobman theorem      409 412
Harvesting      447
Healing      150
Heteroscedasticity      53
Heterosexual      59
Heterosexual community      60
Heterosexual population      61
Heterosexual spread      60
Heterosexual transmission      59
Hexane      88 104 114 121
Hidden Markov model      16 17 19 21
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)      59 60
HIV      see Human immune deficiency virus
HIV disease      59
HIV treatment      59 75
HIV-1      1
HIV/AIDS      59 60
HIV/AIDS treatment      79 81
HKY      85
Homogeneous Markov chain      6 7
Homology category      360
Homology group      361 373
Hopf bifurcation      430
Human immune deficiency virus (HIV)      37 38 59
Human skeletal system      454 479
humanoid robots      359
Hypothesis testing      42
Image series expansions      319
Immigration      422-424
Indicator function      73
Inductive approach      39 40
Infection-free equilibrium      60 74
Infectious diseases      38
Inherent net reproductive number      418 422 423
Inhomogeneity      474 479
Inhomogeneous      155
Initial stress      150
Input impedance      248
Interaction-oriented approach      48
Invariant circle      430
Ion pumps      229
Jacobian methodology      77 82
Kimura model      7 8 12 27
Kinetic gating model      234
Knots      197 202 213
KolmogorofF form      407
KolmogorofF — Petrovskii Piskunov equation      436
Kreitzman      386 387
Kronecker’s delta      67 68
Kullback — Leibler divergence      22
Lagrangian formulation      359
Land-use      44 50
Large arteries      282
Latent risk      64 66 69 70 74
Leap frog      139
Length constant      243
Leslie      401 416-419 424 444
Life cycle model      64 66
Life expectancy tables      38
Likelihood      9 12 22
Limit cycles      415
Linear subthreshold conditions      242
Linearization of the system      74
links      197 214
Linolenic acid      89 114 132
Lipid bilayer      228
Lipid-modeling substance      88 133
Logistic equation      404 410 436
Logistic growth      163
Logit specification      50 52
Long-range effect      432
Lotka growth rate      442
Lotka — Volterra      413-415
Lower quasi-diagonal      69
Luid compartment model      234
Lumped mass      138
Lyapunov      408
Lynx-hare      415
Magnetic-field-induced transition      87
Malthusian growth      403 406 442 444
Marital contact      62
Marital sexual contact      62
Mass action law      404 405
Mathematical methods      38
Mathematical model      43 44 85 104
Mathematical or formal reasoning      37 41
Mathematical patterns      37
Mathematical reasoning      37
Matrix deformation      150
Maximum likelihood      12 21 29
McKendrick equation      437-443
Mechanics      137
Membrane kinetics      233
Mesenchymal morphogenesis      150
Mesoderm      137
Message-passing algorithm      11
migrating      150
Mitosis      443
Model      12
Modified backward Euler method      262
Molecules      137
Moment method      319
Monopole source      263
Monte Carlo simulation      75 77
Morphogenesis      139
Mortality modulus      437
Mortality rate      73
Mosaic sequences      13
Multi-dimensional parameter space      61
Multigene family      27
Multinomial Logit      48
Mutualism      409 410 413
Myofibroblasts      150
Neisseria      1 28 32
Nernst potential      230
Net fertility number      418
New-boms      419
Newtonian flow      177 187
Non — Newtonian flows      180
Non-homogeneous media      316
Non-linear difference equations      60 71
Nucleotide substitution      6 8
Nullclines      408 411
Operator splitting      262
oscillations      415
Osseous tissues      467 476
Oxidation      88 104 113
Pacemaker cells      232
Paramecium caudatum      404 424
Peristalsis      167 174 177 188 307
Photoinduced free radical reaction      85
PHYLIP package      13 26 29
Phylogenetic tree      2 3 9 10
Piezoelectricity      466 479
Plateau      231
Poisson’s ratio      152
Polypartnerism      43
Portuguese population      420 421
Predictive accuracy      42
Predictive analysis      41
Predictive power of a model      45
Prey-predator      409 410 412 413
Protease inhibitors      60
Purine      5 8
Puzzle      29
Pyrimidine      5 8
Quasi-periodic      427 444
Quasi-periodicity      425 431 445
Random-mixing      80
Rate of HIV infection      38
Reaction dynamic      88 102 122
Reaction rate      114
Recombination      1 13 21 28
Recombination in HIV-1      13 15
Reflux      168 179 183 189
Refractoriness      233
Reorganization      141
Repolarization      231
Resource dependent      427 429
Resting membrane potential      229
Reynolds number      175 183 189
Ricker map      424 434 435
Riemannian geometry      360 367
Robust      415
Saturation cell density      153
Schema of scientific explanation      41
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