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Goldberg S.I. — Curvature and homology |
Предметный указатель |
Manifold, analytic 3
Manifold, completely parallelisable n-dimensional 89
Manifold, differentiable 4
Manifold, integral 48—49
Manifold, locally affine 27
Manifold, maximal integral 243
Manifold, of class 3
Manifold, orientable (differentiable), of dimension n 4 19
Manifold, symplectic 259
Manifold, topological 3
MAP see also Mapping
Map of class k 3
Map, closed conformal 265
Map, differentiable 17
Map, holomorphic 182
Map, induced 18 102
Map, natural 241
Map, regular 18
Mapping see also Map
Mapping, gradient of 11
Mapping, sense-preserving 4
Maurer — Cartan, equations of 133
Maurer — Cartan, forms of 133
Metrical connection 51
Metrical connection in a complex manifold 159—161
Minimal hypersurface (of ) 125
Module 57
Module, left -module 57
Module, right -module 57
Myers' Theorem 243
Natural base 6
Nerve (of a covering) 272
Non-singular matrix, real representation of 153
Normal topological space 301
Open covering (countable), locally finite 276
Open covering (countable), refinement of 273
Open covering (countable), simple 284
Open covering (countable), strong refinement of 277
Operator, co-differential 72—73
Operator, elliptic 242
Operator, exterior product 96
Operator, local 15
Operator, of type (a,b) 169
Orthogonal p-forms 71 170
Orthogonality relations 73—74
Orthonormal frames 32
p-boundaries 276
p-cocycles 59
p-cycles 58 61 276
p-form 14
p-form of constant length 112
p-form with coefficients in a complex line bundle 233
p-form, adjoint of 70
p-form, closed 15
p-form, co-differential of 72
p-form, covariant derivative of 193
p-form, exact 15
p-form, exterior 14
p-form, harmonic complex 176
p-form, integral of, over a domain 19
p-form, integral of, over a manifold 20
p-form, integral of, over a singular p-chain 62
p-form, integral of, over a singular p-simplex 62
p-form, l-form see Linear (differential) form
p-form, L-invariant 108
p-form, period of 64
p-form, vectorial 1-form 42
p-th Homology group of a complex 58
p-th Homology group, singular, of a differentiable manifold 61 276
p-vector, decomposable 13
p-vector, exterior 13
Paracompact manifold 291
Parallel displacement along a curve 25
Parallel vector field 87
Partition of unity subordinated to a covering 20 301—302
Partition of unity subordinated to a covering, locally finite 20
Pfaffian form 46—47
Pfaffian system 47
Pfaffian system, completely integrable 47
Pfaffian system, first integral of 47
Poincare lemma 280
Poincare polynomials 144
Pole of a geodesic coordinate system 40
Polyhedron 60
Potential function 68
Principal fibre bundle 53—55
Principal fibre bundle, base space of 53—55
Principal fibre bundle, fibre of 54
Principal fibre bundle, structural group of 53—55
Projective transformation (of a Riemannian manifold) 121
Projective variety 146
Properly discontinuous group 184
Pure differential (form) 67—68
Pure forms 152
Quotient complex structure 184
r-distribution 48
Real analytic coordinates 147
Real finite-dimensional vector space, complex structure on 151
Real finite-dimensional vector space, complexification of 150
Real operator 152 166
Real projective plane 4
Real tensor 150
Real vector 150
Regular differential form 68
Regular topological space 302
Ricci curvature see Curvature
Ricci curvature tensor 38 165
Ricci directions 38
Ricci identity 113
| Ricci tensors 166—167 see
Riemann sphere 149
Riemann surface 184
Riemann surface of an algebraic function 66
Riemann surfaces, equivalence of 84
Riemannian geometry 30—35
Riemannian homogeneous manifold 111
Riemannian manifold 30
Riemannian manifold, -pinched 92
Riemannian manifold, conformally flat 116
Riemannian manifold, locally convex 125
Riemannian manifold, locally projectively flat 123
Riemannian metric 30
Riemannian metric, complete 55
scalar see Scalar invariant
Scalar invariant 6
Scalar product 169—170; see also Vector fields Tensors
Schur, F. 37
Self-dual (linear) operator 80
Separable topological space 2
simplex 56—57
Simplex, dimension of 56
Simplex, faces of 272
Simplex, p-simplex 56—57 272
Singular homology 60—62
Singular p-chain 61
Singular p-chain, finite 61
Singular p-simplex 61
Singular p-simplex, faces of 61
Singular p-simplex, support of 61
Space form 85
Spherical space 84
Star isomorphism 68-71 see
Star operator 66 70 78—80 169—170
Star operator, inverse of 97
Stokes' theorem 21—22 62—63 284
Structural group 11 53
Structure, almost complex 156
Structure, almost hermitian 192 259
Structure, almost Kaehlerian 259
Structure, complex (analytic) 147
Structure, conjugate complex 155
Structure, differentiable of class k 2
Structure, equations of 29 160 161 165
Structure, hermitian 154
Structure, induced complex 147
Structure, induced, of class A 4
Structure, integrable almost complex 157
Structure, left invariant almost complex 190
Structure, real analytic 147
Submanifold 18
Submanifold, closed 18
Submanifold, invariant 192
Submanifold, open 18
Surface, geodesic (at a point) 35
Surface, regular closed 2
Symplectic group 144
Symplectic manifold see Manifold
Tangent bundle 9—11 55
Tangent space (at a point) 6
Tensor algebra (over a vector space) 45
Tensor bundles 9—12
Tensor field 11
Tensor field, holomorphic of type 211
Tensor product of modules (over non-commutative ring with unit) 58
Tensor product of vector spaces 41—42
Tensor space 7
Tensor space, pure 152
Tensorial p-form (at a point) of type (r, s) 42
Tensors 5—9
Tensors, (local) scalar product of 86
Tensors, commuting 154
Tensors, components of 7
Tensors, conjugate of 150
Tensors, contraction of 8
Tensors, contravariant 7
Tensors, covariant 7
Tensors, of type 152
Tensors, of type (r, s) 7 8
Tensors, positive definite 8
Tensors, product of 7—8
Tensors, self adjoint 155
Tensors, skew-symmetric 7
Tensors, symmetric 7
Tensors, transvection of 39
Torsion forms 160
Torsion tensor (of an affine connection) 26 163
Torus 89—90
Totally geodesic hypersurface 125
Transition functions 11 54
Unit covering 3
Unitary frame (at a point) 158
Variety in see Minimal hypersurface
Vector fields 11
Vector fields, covariant derivative of 24
Vector fields, covariant differential of 24
Vector fields, induced by a 1-parameter group 99
Vector fields, scalar product of 30
Vector of bidegree (or type) (0, 1) 152
Vector of bidegree (or type) (1, 0) 152
Vectorial 1-form 42
Vectors, curl of 11—12
Vectors, homogeneous of degree p 13
Vectors, length of 30
Vectors, parallel tangent 25
Vectors, parallel tangent, along a curve 25
Weyl conformal curvature tensor 116
Weyl projective curvature tensor 122
Zero tensor 7
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