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Penney D.E. — Perspectives in Mathematics |
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Square formed from rectangle 12—14
Square formed from rectangle, formed from several squares 14—16
Square formed from rectangle, reassembled into given polygon 16—17
Squaring the circle 18
Stein, Sherman 144 318
Steinitz's theorem 127
Steinitz's Theorem, proof 128—133
Steinitz, E. 127 143
Stoll, Robert R. 182 315 317
Straight line segment 255
Subgroup 95
Subgroup, improper 96
Subgroup, normal 104
Subgroup, proper 96
Tarski, A. 19 22
Ternary system 311
Texan rectangle 7
Thirds 78
Thirds, improving 81
Thomas, J.M. 144
Thorpe, John A. 51
| Tietze, Heinrich 143 317
Torus 30 116
Transposition 74
Triangle reassembled into parallelogram 11
Trisection of angle 18
Unbounded figure 6
Uspenskii, V.A. 143
Valentine, F.A. 279
Venn diagrams 151—152
Wall, H.S. 81 317
Well-ordering Axiom 190
Well-tempering 76—77
Wheeler, Brandon W. 318
Wilder, R.L. 315 318
Williams, J.D. 317
Wilson's theorem 204 205
Wolf interval 74
Yaglom, Y.A. 279
Young, G.S. 317
Zermelo axiom 263
Zuckerman, H.S. 218 316
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