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Ewald W.B. — From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 2
Ewald W.B. — From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 2

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Название: From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 2

Автор: Ewald W.B.


Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is widely taken to be the starting point of the modern period of mathematics while David Hilbert was the last great mainstream mathematician to pursue importatn nineteenth century ideas. This two-volume work provides an overview of this important era of mathematical research through a carefully chosen selection of articles. They provide an insight into the foundations of each of the main branches of mathematics - algebra, geometry, number theory, analysis, logic, and set theory - with narratives to show how they are linked. Classic works by Bolzano, Riemann, Hamilton, Dedekind, and Poincare are reproduced in reliable translations and many selections from writers such as Gauss, Cantor, Kronecher, and Zermelo are here translated for the first time. The collection is an invaluable source for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the foundation of modern mathematics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 709

Добавлена в каталог: 22.12.2013

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Предметный указатель
Keferstein, Hans      789 790
Kelvin, William Thomson      366 662 663 958 970
Kepler, Johannes      532 560 581 1158
Kerry, [?]      968
Keynes, John Neville      619
Kirchhoff, Gustav      710 897 963 1108 1109 1111 1165
Klein, Christian Felix      4 5 7 11 152 154 511 542 549 649 652 941 956—971 982 1012 1013 1088 1098 1187 1198
Kline, Morris      7 61 367 375
Kluegel, Georg Simon      155 156 161 227 228 255
Kneale, William      444
Koenig, Julius      924 1092 1106 1197 1060 1075
Koenigsberger, Leo      663
Koepcke, [?]      961
Kossak, Ernst      766 897
Kovalevski, Sonja      1013
Krause, Albrecht      717 718 719 720
Kreisel, Georg      1089 1116 1136 1166 1167 1169 1170
Kronecker, Leopold      5 8 11 727 739 754 762 763 787 790 797 838 897 941—955 956 966 1077 1081 1082 1084 1097 1112 1115 1116 1119 1120 1151 1156 1164 1167
Kummer, Ernst Eduard      562 569 570 754 762 764 782 783 838 872 941 942 1097 1101 1164
Kuratowski, Kazimierz      609
L'Huilier, Simon      225
Lacroix, Silvestre Franyois      94 228 232 315 428 432 433 434 443
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis      155 171 225 226 227 228 233 289 296 316 326 364 373 429 434 443 503 515 516 518 561 568 654 764 1108 1109 1164 1246 1247
Lambert, Johann Heinrich      5 6 8 12 61 94 135 152—167 170 171 187 193 194 216 296 297 301 307 314 316 331 349 446 649 753 1089
Land, J.P.      685—688 717 720 723—724
Landau, Edmund      754 763
Latham, Robert Gordon      491
Le Sage, George-Louis      537
Lear, Edward      436
Lebesgue, Henri      9 1077 1080—1083 1086 1167 1199 1265
Legendre, Adrien-Marie      154 235 296 297 429 516 561 565 566 569 652 1119 1164
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm      1 5 11 12 16 17 18 39 41 42 61 64 70 94 108 111—112 124 125 133 156 171 191 225 307 315 316 327 427 429 431 432 433 434 435 446 447 448 449 518 544 584 595 609 890 891 892 893 894 918 941 966 974 1023 1052 1160 1266
Leonardo da Vinci      713
Leowenheim, Leopold      4 609
Leucippus      903
Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph      948
Levi-Civita, Tullio      1198 1187
Lewis, Clarence Irving      574 608
Lie, Marius Sophus      961 970 972 982 1007 1008 1009 1010 1013
Liouville, Joseph      564 841 844 848
Lipschitz, Rudolph      649 677 702 766 779 866 898 952
Littlewood, J.E.      1234 1257 1262
Livy      106
Lloyd, Humphrey      527
Lobatchevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich      153 157 158 297 298 303 306 531 547 549 649 672 689 701 982 996 1010 1011 1103 1187 1198
Locke, John      12 16 17 19 23—25 28 57 116 123 148 156 194 196 693 890
Lotze, Rudolf Hermann      704
Luce, Arthur Aston      14 16 38
Lucretius      903
Ludlam, William      317
Lueroth, Jacob      867
Lusin, Nikolai      880
MacCullagh, James      408
Maclaurin, Colin      11 13 58 61 93—122 129 168 169 170 225 315 316 317 318 492 561 838
Maillard, [?]      572
Mancosu, Paolo      10
Manning, Thomas      317
Mannoury, Gerrit      1171
Martin, Donald      880
Marx, Elanor      445
Mascheroni, Lorenzo      1102
Maseres, Francis      316 317 318 322 336 363 449
Maurolycus, Francesco      560
Maxwell, James Clerk      320 366 584 643 646 662 663 673 1108 1112 1158
Melanchthon      460
Mendeleev, Dimitri Ivanovich      577
Meray, Charles      1012
Mercator, Nicholas      170 173 553 561
Mersenne, Marin      560 1097
Metternich, Matthias      228 299 300
Michelsen, Johann Andreas      182 187 188 197
Michelson, Albert Abraham      1160 1161
Mill, John Stuart      362 452 536 544 545 576 639 727 1026
Minkowski, Hermann      946 957 970 1087 1088 1101 1164
Minnigerode, B.      843
Mirimanoff, Dimitry      1209 1217 1218
Mitchell, Oscar Howard      608 611 622 623 624
Mittag-Leffler, Goesta      887 943
Moebius, Augustus Ferdinand      423
Moigno, Francois Napoleon Marie      432 434 1236 1235
Molyneux, Samuel      16 19 20 54
Molyneux, William      16 19
Monge, Gaspard      555 561 562
Monna, A.F.      1078
Montague, Richard      1209 1211
Mooij, Jan      972
Moore, Gregory H.      880 925 923 1075 1078 1218 1208
Morris, Charles W.      194
Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys      1158
Motte, Andrew      59
Mourey, C.-V.      400 432 433
Mueller, Aloys      1122
Mueller, Carl Reinhard      300
Mueller, J.H.T.      897
Mueller, Johannes (Regiomontanus)      560 693 694
Napier, John      372 385 560
Napoleon      691
Navier, Claude L.M.H.      434
Neumann, Carl Gottfried      969
Newcomb, Simon      1004
Newman, M.H.A.      1116 1166 1167 1169
Newton, Isaac      1 5 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 37 41 43 44 53 58—92 93 94 95 96 97 106 115 123 124 125 127 129 132 148 168 170 225 315 316 317 318 333 363 372 376 425 426 427 428 430 431 434 435 443 449 460 517 518 521 532 537 556 560 561 562 660 661 726 750 838 941 959 966 1007 1158 1160 1162 1163 1167
Nicholas of Cusa      916
Nieuwentijdt, Bernard      17 18 61 64 125
Noether, Emmy      650 754 762 763 788 836 843 847 870 871 877 1264
Noether, Max      564 650
Occam, William of      335 578 584
Ohm, Martin      283 385 386 387 422
Osgood, William Fogg      1238
Owen, Richard      513
Paciolus, Lucas      559
Padoa, Alessandro      1036
Pappus      637
Parmenides      918
Parsons, Charles      790 1022 1197
Pascal, Blaise      560 562 1097
Pasch, Moritz      5 9 158 766 794 961 962 1089
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich      662
Peacock, George      4 94 315 316 318 319 320 321 322 323 325 330 331 332 336 340 345 348 349 363 364 368 376 386 387 399 400 418 422 432 442 443 446 449 450 572
Peano, Giuseppe      2 5 9 11 168 442 448 609 787 789 956 962 967 1023 1028 1029 1030 1036 1041 1042 1053 1054 1059 1089 1106 1168 1174 1187 1199 1214 1275
Peirce, Benjamin      4 362 364 376 542 571 576 583 584 594—597 634 638 958
Peirce, Charles Sanders      2 4 5 6 11 21 132 168 171 194 249 250 333 334 335 362 363 448 449 510 542 571 572 574—648 662 121 753 787 789 838 958
Peirce, James Mills      576
Peripatetics      48—49
Pfaff, Johann Friedrich      654
Philo of Alexandria      639
Pieri, Mario      1053 1054 1055 1057 1066
Planck, Max      662 1110 1158
Platner, Ernst      181 215
Plato      1 44 57 153 293 455 518 537 543 558 639 916 918 1266
Playfair, John      547
Pluecker, Julius      563 957
Plutarch      105 106
Poincare, Jules Henri      3 5 8 9 11 152 511 838 897 924 941 945 962 970 972—1074 1075 1091 1097 1106 1112 1116 1120 1151 1156 1164 1166 1167 1169 1188 1199 1208 1265 1266
Poisson, Simeon-Denis      434 443 968
Polya, George      1234
Polybius      106
Poncelet, Jean Victor      1016
Popper, Karl      38 574 575
Post, Emil Leon      608
Price, Bartholomew      436
Pringsheim, Alfred      1235 1239
Proclus Diadochus      153 159 164 177 638
Ptolemy      153 317 559 561
Puerbach, Georg      560
Puiseux, Victor      520 564
Putnam, Hilary      6 1170
Pythagoras      1 210 272 445 518 916 1163 1266
Queen's College, Oxford      61
Ramanujan, Srinivasa      1234
Ramsey, Frank Plumpton      1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1260 1263
Ramus, Peter      177 195 491
Rang, B.      1208
Raphson, Joseph      19
Reed, David      8 10 780
Regiomontanus      see "Mueller Johannes"
Reichenbach, Hans      575 982
Reid, Constance      1089
Reilly, Sydney      445
Reinhold, Erasmus      560
Riccardi, Pietro      153
Richard, Jules      924 1021 1060 1061 1063 1071 1072 1073 1106
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard      3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 133 152 154 157 158 168 298 365 366 515 520 523 531 539 542 544 545 547 549 553 563 564 568 644 649—661 663 664 673 674 675 676 677 699 701 718 723 753 754 838 839 859 867 870 897 944 956 963 969 982 996 1012 1013 1084 1108 1110 1113 1120 1149 1160 1162 1187 1198 1272
Riesz, Friedrich      1234
Roeber, Friedrich      437 438
Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad      1158
Roesling, Christian Lebrecht      228
Rogosinski, Werner W.      1234
Rohn, Karl      1115
Rolle, Michael      125
Rosenhain, Georg      567
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson      534
Russ, Steven      8 10 172 176 227
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William      2 3 11 168 169 321 442 444 448 574 575 581 609 754 789 879 923 924 972 1021 1023 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1037 1038 1039 1040 1042 1043 1044 1045 1048 1051 1052 1053 1054 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1067 1071 1073 1075 1106 1113 1121 1156 1168 1174 1187 1199 1208 1212 1243 1247 1248 1249 1250 1253 1254 1255 1256 1259 1260 1261 1262
Rutherford, Ernest      1158
Saccheri, Gerolamo      154 155 156 301
Salisbury, John of      578
Scaliger, Joseph      106
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph      293 662 941
Schering, Ernst      949
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich      579 690 708 948 949
Schleiermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel      690
Schlick, Moritz      664 690 694
Schluessel, Christoph      154
Schmidt, Arnold      1088
Schoenfinkel, Moses      943 1087 1089
Schoenflies, Arthur M.      9 942 943 1072 1075 1166 1169 1174
Scholz, Arnold      1233
Scholz, Erhard      651
Schopenhauer, Arthur      686 703 725 1186 1191
Schroeder, Ernst      2 4 335 363 448 608 609 619 620 729 788 790 795 938
Schroedinger, Erwin      364
Schubert, Hermann      572 926 955
Schultz, Johann      135 182 197 174
Schumacher, H.C.      293 297 298 302 303 531 649
Schwab, J.C.      299 300
Schwarz, Hermann Amandus      806 969
Schweickart, Ferdinand Karl      155 301 303
Scott, Joseph F.      95
Scotus, John Duns      578 584
Scriba, Christoph      155
Seidel, Philipp L.      1235 1238 1241
Selle, [Christian Gottlieb?]      212
Seneca      176 457
Servois, Francois-Joseph      314 315 322 326 327 349 399 419 443
Shaw, George Bernard      445
Sheffer, Henry      598
Siculus, Diodorus      106
Sieg, Wilfried      1089 1136
Sierpinski, Waclaw      609 880 1210
Sigwart, Christoph      917
SIMPSON, THOMAS      426 428
Skolem, Thoralf      4 609 1217 1220
Smith, Henry John Stanley      566
Socrates      543 645
Sophists      159 160
Spanheim, Ezekiel      106
Spencer, Herbert      527 533 535 536 538
Spinoza, Baruch      249 256 539 890 891 892 918 941
Spivak, Michael      651
Spottiswoode, [?]      514 516
St. Evremond, [?]      112—113
Staeckel, Paul      157 158 298
Stammler, Gerhard      13
Stegemann, Max      965
Stein, Howard      754 766
Stewart, Dugald      639
Stokes, George Gabriel      320 513 963 1235—1242
Stolz, Otto      171 794
Stott, Leonard      445
Struik, Dirk J.      59 123
Sturm, Charles      516
Suslin, Mikhail      880
Sylvester, James Joseph      4 332 362 363 364 366 443 510—522 542 556 582 958 962
Synge, John L.      364
Tait, Peter Guthrie      635
Tannery, Jules      794 1084 1085 1078
Tarski, Alfred      3 597 1209 1210 1211 1218 1223
Tartaglia, Nicolo      559
Taurinus, Franz Adolf      301
Taylor, Brook      316 325 328 373 433 437
Taylor, Geoffrey      445
Tchebycheff, Pafnuti      964
Thales      173
Thomae, Karl      867 869
Thomson, William      635
Tobias, Wilhelm      666 674
Todhunter, Isaac      428
Tolstoy, Leo      1164
Tomlinson, [?]      536
Torricelli, Evangelista      39—40 53 114
Trendelenburg, Friedrich      941
Troelastra, Anne Sjerp      1169 1170 1197
Turing, Alan Mathison      3
Turnbull, Herbert      95
Tyndall, John      512 513 514
Valentiner, [Hermann?]      564
van Dalen, Dirk      1167
van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert      449 1088 1264
van Heijenoort, Jean      1 6 8 608 789 790 923 924 926 1075 1087 1089 1091 1116 1136 1148 1168 1169 1170 1197
Van Orman Quine, Willard      349 609 789 924
van Rootselaar, Bob      1218
van Stigt, Walter      10 1167 1169 1170 1174 1175
Varignon, Pierre      61
Vaught, Robert Lawson      1211
Veblen, Oswald      170
Veblen, Thorstein      582
Venn, John      608 611 614
Veronese, Giuseppe      9 555 1023 1187
Vieta, Francois      317 352 356 559 560
Vilant, Nicholas      317
Vincentio, Gregory a Sto.      114
Viviani, Vincenzo      1097
von Beethoven, Ludwig      690
von Esenbeck, Nees      293
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang      514 690 710 712 713
von Haller, Albrecht      916
von Helmholtz, Hermann      3 4 5 7 11 94 152 154 298 523 531 535 584 649 662—752 790 859 1009 1102 1162 1163 1010
von Holland, Georg Johann      157
von Humboldt, Alexander      948 949
von Humboldt, Wilhelm      690
von Lindemann, Ferdinand      1087
von Netto, Eugen E.      867 870
von Neumann, John      838 1089 1092 1135 1154 1209 1210 1213 1214 1217 1218 1227 1232 1254 1263
von Savigny, Friedrich Karl      690
von Staudt, Karl Georg Christian      637 958 1005 1007
von Waltershausen, W. Sartorius      298 516 649 949
Vorlaender, Karl      135
Waismann, Friedrich      1250
Wallace, Alfred Russel      535
Wallace, [?]      435
Wallis, John      17 70 114 154 155 307 401 419 559
Walton, John      62 435
Wang, Hao      754 790 1217
Warda, Arthur      135
Warnock, Geoffrey      21
Warren, John      323 330 365 375 399 400 405 407 572
Weber, Heinrich      650 651 754 766 806 834 897 942
Weber, Wilhelm      650
Weierstrass, Karl      4 5 10 11 168 170 171 226 564 565 568 727 766 793 838 840 847 849 887 897 898 899 929 941 942 944 956 958 964 966 1013 1091 1098 1099 1113 1169 1235 1238 1247
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