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Watanabe O. (ed.) — Kolmogorov Complexity and Computational Complexity |
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-complete for C 27
Admissible place selection 68
Advice function 48
Algorithmically random see Random
Almost every language 50
Almost everywhere (a.e.) 47
Approximation space 89
Baire category 13
Borel - Cantelli Lemma 50
BP-operator 38
Bunch 89
Characteristic sequence 48
Characteristic string 47
Circuit 29; see P/Poly
Ciruit, circuit complexity 10 17
Ciruit, circuit-size complexity 52
Ciruit, P-uniform circuit 18
Ciruit, polynomial-size circuit 29
Ciruit, self-producible circuit 30
Ciruit, uniform circuit 17 18
Collectives 67
Collision set 60
complete 48
Complete, NP-complete 27
Complexity core 57
Computation of an n - DS 49
Concordance relation 88
Consistent 56
Context-free language 10
Cryptographic protocols 79
Cylinder 48 67
Data compression 10
Dense 47
Dense, dense set 12 14 17
Dense, nowhere-dense set 13
density 12
Density, density function 49
Density, density system ( - DS) 49
description 87
Description mode, acceptable mode of description 90 92
Description mode, complexity with respect to a description mode 87
Description mode, mode of description 87
Descriptional complexity 85
Dyadic rationale 48
Encoding 87
entropy 86
Entropy, entropy 90
Entropy, decision entropy 96
Entropy, monotonic entropy 96
Entropy, prefix entropy 96
Entropy, priori entropy 96
Entropy, simple entropy 96
Equivalent, many-one equivalent 27
Equivalent, Turing equivalent 27
Extension function 13
Fast set 57
Frequentist's approach 67
Full range test see Statistical test
Global value 49
hard 48
High 36
High, extended high 37
High, high hierarchy 36
Honest function 11
Immune, immune predicate 7 16
Immune, immune set 18
Incompressible by -reductions 60
Infinitely often (i.o.) 47
Invariance Theorem 71
Invertible function 10 12
Kolmogorov 27
Kolmogorov complexity, complexity measure 6
Kolmogorov complexity, conditional Kolmogorov complexity 71
Kolmogorov complexity, generalized Kolmogorov class 27
Kolmogorov complexity, Kolmogorov complexity 85
Kolmogorov complexity, Kt-complexity 5
| Kolmogorov complexity, small generalized Kolmogorov complexity 28
Kolmogorov complexity, space-bounded Kolmogorov complexity 45 51
Low 36
Low, exponentially low 37
Low, extended low 37
Low, low hierarchy 36
Martin - L f 68 69 72 74
Measure 0 in ESPACE 50
Measure 1 in ESPACE 50
Modulus 50
NE predicate 7 10 12 16 18
Nonreduced image 60
Null cover 49
One-way function 10 12
Optimal 86
Optimal machine 51
Oracle 9 12 13 18 26
Oracle, generic oracle 13
Oracle, oracle set 26
Oracle, random oracle 12
P-convergent 50
P-printable set 9 18
Polynomial-time hierarchy, polynomial-time hierarchy 27
Polynomial-time hierarchy, polynomial-time hierarchy, relative to 27
Predictors 80
Pspace, pspace computation of an - DS 49
Pspace, pspace-measure 0 50
Pspace, pspace-measure 1 50
Pspace, pspace-null cover 50
Pspace, quantitative probability 66
Random 87
Random, algorithmically random 34
Random, levels of randomness 69
Random, perfect pseudo-random number generator 81
Random, pseudo-random number generator 79
Random, random place selection 68
Random, random sequence 68
Random, random source 80
Random, SBK-random 69 76
Ranking functions 9
Reduction, reducibility, -truth-table reducible 33
Reduction, reducibility, bounded truth-table reducible 33
Reduction, reducibility, many-one reducible 27
Reduction, reducibility, reduction 48
Reduction, reducibility, truth-table reducible 33
Reduction, reducibility, Turing reducible 26
Relativized computation 9 12 13 18
Resource-bounded measure 45 49
Search problem 7
Self-p-printable 28
Set covered by a density function 49
Shannon effect 52
Solomonoff - Kolmogorov Theorem 87
Space constructible 76
sparse 25 47
Sparse, co-sparse 47
Sparse, sparse set 9 12
Statistical test 11 69 72 80
Statistical test, full range test 73
Statistical test, Martin - L f statistical test 81
Statistical test, universal test 69 74 75 76
Statistical test, Yao statistical test 81
tally 25
Tally, tally set 9 17 19
Tangible set 9
Typical sequences 87
Unambiguous context-free language 10
Universal test see Statistical test
Upward measure separation theorem 53
Ville 68
Von Mises 67 68
Wald 68
Weakly invertible function 11
Yao 80 (see also Statistical test)
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