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Blumenthal R.K., Getoor R.M. — Markov processes and potential theory |
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-system 5
Accessible stopping time 172
Adapted to 11
Additive functional 147 148
Additive functional of (X,M) 148
Additive functional of X 149
Additive functional of(X,T) 149
Additive functional, continuous 152
Additive functional, equivalence of 149
Additive functional, natural 153
Additive functional, perfect 149 169 205
Additive functional, strong 151
Almost surely 27
Balayage 136
Balayage of additive functionals 229
Brownian motion 18 51 71 73 83 84 88 94 146 227
Canonical subprocess 107
Capacitary measure 285
Capacity 53
Capacity, capacitable 54
Capacity, natural capacity 285
Characteristic of an additive functional 159
co- (as a prefix) 259
Completion (with respect to a family of measures) 26
d-system 5
Doob’s theorem 81
Entry time 52
Exactly subordinate 117
Excessive function 72
Excessive function, excessive 115 252
Excessive function, (X,M) excessive 125
Excessive function, admissible 277
Excessive function, regular 187 287
Excessive function, uniformly 169
Excessive function, uniformly integrable 187
Excessive measure 257
Excessive regularization 78 116
Exit set 235
Exit set, strong 240
Exponent of a subordinator 219
Feller process (strong) 77
Fine topology 85
Fine topology, closure 87 199
Fine topology, support of a continuous additive functional 204 213
Fine topology, support of a measure 204
Gauss kernel 18
Harmonic function 187
Harmonic measure 61
Hitting distribution 61
Hitting distribution, time 52
Holding point 91
Hunt process 45
Independent increments 17 51 52 219 264 290
Initial distribution 15
Instantaneous point 91
Inverse of an additive functional 208
Inverse of an increasing function 207
Irregular 61 80 199
Levy measure 219
Lifetime 22
Local time 216 293 294
Local time on a set 232
Locally integrable 266
Markov kernel 63
Markov process 11
Markov process in duality 259
Markov process of function space type 24
Markov process with transition function 15
Markov process with translation operators 20
Markov process, equivalence of 24
Markov process, right continuous 41
Markov process, temporally homogeneous 15
Measurable stochastic process 34
Measurable stochastic process, progressively 34
Monotone class theorem 5 6 7
Multiplicative functional 97
Multiplicative functional, equivalence of 98
Multiplicative functional, exact 120
| Multiplicative functional, normalized 124
Multiplicative functional, perfect 149
Multiplicative functional, regular 119
Multiplicative functional, right continuous 98
Multiplicative functional, strong 110
Nearly Borel set 59
Nearly supermedian 267
Normal Markov process 30
Null set 79
Path 21
Permanent point for a multiplicative functional 98
Permanent point for a semigroup 102
Poisson process 19 20
Polar set 79
Potential natural 178
Potential Newtonian 71
Potential of a function 41 69
Potential of a measure 254 257
Potential of an additive functional 154
Potential, pseudo 187
Potential, regular 161
Potential, Riesz 71
Potential, theory (classical) 94
Potential, zero (set of) 79
Projective system 16
Projective system, set 229
Quasi-left-continuous 45
Quasi-left-continuous on 45
Quasi-left-continuous on 45
Recurrence 88 89
Reduite 136
Reference measure 196
Regular point 61 199
Regular point, step process 63 91 264
Resolvent 41 252
Resolvent in duality 253
Resolvent, equation 41
Resolvent, exactly subordinate 117
Resolvent, subordinate 115
Riesz decomposition 272 279
Right continuous family of -algebras 31
Semigroup generated by a multiplicative functional 100
Semigroup generated by a multiplicative functional, subordinate 101
Semipolar set 79
Special set 133
Stable process 293
Stable process, one-sided 19 71 227 264 294
Stable process, symmetric 19 71 83 264
Standard process 45
State space 20
Stochastic process 11
Stochastic process, adapted to a family of -algebras 11
Stopping time 31
Stopping time for X 36
Strong Markov property 37 38
Strong Markov property for an additive functional 151
Strong order 190
Subordinator 219
Subprocess 105
Super-mean-valued 77 81
Superharmonic 96
Supermartingale 4
Supermedian 115 252
Support of a continuous additive functional 213
Terminal time 78 98
Terminal time, complete 173
Terminal time, exact 124
Terminal time, perfect 153
Terminal time, strong 124
Thin set 79
Thin set at a point 79
Time changed process 212 228 232 233
Transition function 14
Transition function, sub-Markov 22
Transition function, temporally homogeneous 14
Translation operators 21
Uniform motion 23
Zero-one law 30
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