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Lutkepohl H. — Handbook of Matrices |
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Matrix, negative 262
Matrix, negative definite 10 150 262
Matrix, negative semidefinite 10 150 263
Matrix, nilpotent 121 263
Matrix, nonderogatory 263
Matrix, nonnegative 10 139 263
Matrix, nonnegative definite 263
Matrix, nonpositive 263
Matrix, nonpositive definite 263
Matrix, nonsingular 10 263
Matrix, norm 263
Matrix, normal 10 114 132 143 264
Matrix, normal form of 264
Matrix, null 10 264
Matrix, numerical range of 264
Matrix, order of 264
Matrix, orthogonal 10 142 265
Matrix, orthogonal complement 265
Matrix, orthostochastic 265
Matrix, orthosymmetric 265
Matrix, oscillatory 265
Matrix, parity check 265
Matrix, partitioned 2 29 33 36 49 144 265
Matrix, partitioned generalized inverse 148
Matrix, partitioned inverse 147
Matrix, permanent of 266
Matrix, permutation 116 140 143 266
Matrix, persymmetric 266
Matrix, polynomial 217 266
Matrix, positive 11 139 267
Matrix, positive definite 10 150 267
Matrix, positive semidefinite 10 150 267
Matrix, power 7 37 267
Matrix, primitive 268
Matrix, principal diagonal of 268
Matrix, principal vector of 269
Matrix, product 260 269
Matrix, projection 269
Matrix, pseudo-inverse 269
Matrix, quadratic 2 269
Matrix, rank of 269
Matrix, rational 269
Matrix, real 1 269
Matrix, real, negative definite 151
Matrix, real, negative semidefinite 151
Matrix, real, positive definite 150
Matrix, real, positive semidefinite 151
Matrix, rectangular 270
Matrix, reducible 270
Matrix, reflexive generalized inverse 270
Matrix, regular 10 263 270
Matrix, resultant 270
Matrix, reverse unit 270
Matrix, right inverse 271
Matrix, rotation 272
Matrix, Routh 272
Matrix, row dimension of 272
Matrix, row rank of 272
Matrix, row regular 272
Matrix, row stochastic 272
Matrix, scalar 273
Matrix, Schur complement of 273
Matrix, Schur-stochastic 273 282
Matrix, selfadjoint 273
Matrix, semicirculant 274
Matrix, semidefinite 274
Matrix, seminegative 274
Matrix, semiorthogonal 274
Matrix, semipositive 274
Matrix, shift 274
Matrix, simple 114 138 275
Matrix, sine 275
Matrix, singular 275
Matrix, skew-circulant 275
Matrix, skew-Hermitian 131 276
Matrix, skew-symmetric 156 276
Matrix, sparse 276
Matrix, spectrum of 276
Matrix, square 2 276
Matrix, square root 8 276
Matrix, stable 119 277
Matrix, Stieltjes 277
Matrix, stochastic 139 277
Matrix, strictly lower triangular 164 277
Matrix, strictly triangular 164 167 277
Matrix, strictly upper triangular 164 277
Matrix, striped 277
Matrix, subtraction 278
Matrix, Sylvester 213 278
Matrix, symmetric 11 156 278
Matrix, symmetric r-Tocplitz 279
Matrix, symmetric Toeplitz 279
Matrix, totally noimegative 280
Matrix, totally positive 280
Matrix, trace of 280
Matrix, transition 280
Matrix, transpose 280
Matrix, transposition 281
Matrix, triangular 11 164 281
Matrix, tridiagonal 140 281
Matrix, tripotent 281
Matrix, unimodular integer 281
Matrix, unipotent 281
Matrix, unit 2 282
Matrix, unit lower triangular 282
Matrix, unit triangular 282
Matrix, unit upper triangular 282
Matrix, unitary 11 167 282
Matrix, unitary stochastic 282
Matrix, upper block triangular 283
Matrix, upper Hessenberg 283
Matrix, upper triangular 11 164 283
Matrix, Vandermonde 284
Matrix, vectorization 233 285
Matrix, zero 10 286
Maximum norm 103
Maximum norm, properties of 109
Maximum singular value norm 104
Metzler matrix 260
Minimal matrix norm 102
Minimal polynomial of a matrix 215 261
Minkowski matrix 259 261
Minkowski norm 103
Minkowski — Metzler matrix 261
Minkowski's inequality 44 55
Minor of a matrix 6 261
Minor of a matrix, principal 268
Minor of an element of a matrix 6 261
Modal matrix 261
Modulus of a matrix 5 39
Modulus of a vector 257 261
Monic polynomial 212
Monic polynomial matrix 218 261
Monomial matrix 261
Monotone norm 102
Moore — Penrose inverse 7 34 262
MP-inverse of a matrix 262
Multiple of a polynomial matrix, left 257
Multiple of a polynomial matrix, right 271
Multiplication by a scalar 3 18 262
Multiplication of matrices 3 16 260
Multiplicative norm 102 262
Multiplicity of an eigenvalue 63 262
Multiplicity of an eigenvalue, algebraic 63
Multiplicity of an eigenvalue, geometric 63
Negative definite Hermitian form 262
Negative definite matrix 10 262
Negative definite matrix, properties of 150
Negative definite quadratic form 262
Negative matrix 262
| Negative semidefinite Hermitian form 262
Negative semidefinite matrix 10 263
Negative semidefinite matrix, properties of 150
Negative semidefinite quadratic form 263
Nilpotent matrix 121 263
Nonderogatory matrix 263
Nonnegative definite matrix 263
Nonnegative matrix 10 139 263
Nonnegative matrix, dominating 239
Nonnegative matrix, properties of 139
Nonpositive definite matrix 263
Nonpositive matrix 263
Nonsingular matrix 10 253 263 270
Norm 101 263
Norm inequalities 111
Norm, 109
Norm, 103
Norm, 103
Norm, absolute 102
Norm, column-sum 103 110
Norm, compatible 101 235
Norm, derived from an inner product 103 237
Norm, Euclidean 103 109
Norm, Frobenius 103
Norm, Hilbert — Schmidt 103
Norm, induced 102
Norm, isometry for 101 254
Norm, least upper bound 102 256
Norm, lub 102
Norm, Mahalanobis 103
Norm, matrix 101 102
Norm, maximum 103 109
Norm, maximum singular value 104
Norm, minimal 102
Norm, Minkowski 103
Norm, monotone 102
Norm, multiplicative 102 262
Norm, of a matrix 260
Norm, operator 102 104 264
Norm, over the complex numbers 101
Norm, over the real numbers 101
Norm, row-sum 103 110
Norm, Schur 103
Norm, self-adjoint 102
Norm, spectral 104 110
Norm, submultiplicative 102 278
Norm, sup 102
Norm, unitarily invariant 102
Norm, vector 101 285
Normal form of a matrix 264
Normal matrix 10 114 132 143 264
Null matrix 10 264
Null vector 264
Numerical range of a matrix 264
Operator norm 102 104 264
Oppenheim's inequality 56
Order of a matrix 1 264
Orthogonal complement matrix 265
Orthogonal matrix 10 265
Orthogonal matrix, decomposition of 144
Orthogonal matrix, properties of 142
Orthogonal projector 265
Orthogonal vectors 265
Orthogonally equivalent matrices 265
Orthogonally similar matrices 265
Orthonormal vectors 265
Orthostochastic matrix 265
Orthosymmetric matrix 265
Oscillatory matrix 265
Ostrowski — Taussky inequality 56
Parallelogram identity 104
Parity check matrix 265
Partitioned generalized inverse, properties of 148
Partitioned inverse 29
Partitioned inverse, properties of 147
Partitioned matrix 2 29 33 36 49 265
Partitioned matrix, determinant of 146
Partitioned matrix, properties of 144
Permanent of a matrix 266
Permutation equivalent matrices 266
Permutation matrix 116 140 143 266
Permutation matrix, generalized 245
Persymmetric matrix 266
Poincare's separation theorem for eigenvalues 74 136 161
Polar decomposition 61 88
Polarization identity 104
Polynomial 211
Polynomial matrices, common left divisor of 219 234
Polynomial matrices, common right divisor of 219 234
Polynomial matrices, equivalent 220 243
Polynomial matrices, greatest common left divisor of 219
Polynomial matrices, greatest common right divisor of 219
Polynomial matrices, left coprime 219 256 270
Polynomial matrices, left quotient of 218 257
Polynomial matrices, left remainder of 218 257
Polynomial matrices, relatively left prime 219 256 270
Polynomial matrices, relatively right prime 219 270 271
Polynomial matrices, right coprime 219 270 271
Polynomial matrices, right quotient of 218 271
Polynomial matrices, right remainder of 219 271
Polynomial matrices, skew prime 219 276
Polynomial matrix 217 266
Polynomial matrix operations 217
Polynomial matrix, block companion matrix of 220
Polynomial matrix, complex 217
Polynomial matrix, degree of 217 237
Polynomial matrix, eigenvalue of 218 241
Polynomial matrix, elementary 219 242
Polynomial matrix, elementary divisors of 220 242
Polynomial matrix, elementary operations for 219 242
Polynomial matrix, invariant factors of 220 253
Polynomial matrix, invariant polynomials of 220 253
Polynomial matrix, invertible 218 254
Polynomial matrix, latent root of 218
Polynomial matrix, latent vector of 218 256
Polynomial matrix, left divisibility of 218 256
Polynomial matrix, left divisor of 218 256
Polynomial matrix, left multiple of 218 257
Polynomial matrix, monic 218 261
Polynomial matrix, operations for 217
Polynomial matrix, rank of 217 269
Polynomial matrix, real 217 269
Polynomial matrix, regular 218 270
Polynomial matrix, right divisibility of 219 271
Polynomial matrix, right divisor of 219 271
Polynomial matrix, right multiple of 218 271
Polynomial matrix, unimodular 218 281
Polynomial of a matrix, characteristic 231
Polynomial of a matrix, minimal 261
Polynomial, annihilating 214
Polynomial, asymptotically stable 212
Polynomial, characteristic 214
Polynomial, complex 211
Polynomial, convergent 211
Polynomial, degree of 211
Polynomial, divergent 211
Polynomial, dividing 212
Polynomial, divisor of 212
Polynomial, factor of 212
Polynomial, linear 212
Polynomial, matrix 215
Polynomial, minimal 215
Polynomial, monic 212
Polynomial, multiplicity of a root of 211
Polynomial, real 211
Polynomial, root of 211
Polynomial, unstable 212
Polynomials, common divisor of 212
Polynomials, common factor of 212
Polynomials, coprime 212
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