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Lee W.C.Y. — Mobile Communications Engineering
Lee W.C.Y. — Mobile Communications Engineering

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Íàçâàíèå: Mobile Communications Engineering

Àâòîð: Lee W.C.Y.


From one of the field's foremost educators, here is the classic guide to mobile communication—fully revised for the 1990s and beyond. It is unique because it shows readers how to understand the differences in applying technologies between wireline communications and wireless communications. The new second edition extensively updates the basics. It also coves traffic and capacity analysis on mobile communications networks and addresses rapidly expanding new technologies, such as digital cellular, PCS, and multiple access techniques not only including FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, and SDMA, but also applying the techniques on the virtual channels.

ßçûê: en

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Èçäàíèå: second edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1997

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 689

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.05.2006

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OrbComm, little LEO satellite system      543 544
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modem      306—309
Out-of-band adjacent-channel interference, problem of      436
Packet data transmission for data, long-length transmission      540
Packet data transmission for data, short-length transmission      540
Packet data transmission for voice      540
packet radio      2
Packet reservation multiple $access^{++}$ ($PRMA^{++}$)      538
Packet reservation multiple access (PRMA)      537—538
Parity-check matrix      453—454
Path loss prediction, effect of human-made structures      567—568
Path loss prediction, generation of path loss curve      566
Path loss prediction, intercept, 1-mile      568—569
Path loss prediction, pathloss slope      158 568—569
Path loss prediction, relates to human-made effect      567—569
Path loss prediction, standard deviation of path loss      566
Path loss prediction, vs.local mean prediction      566—567
Path-clearance criteria      149
Personal access communication system (PACS)      3
Personal Communication Network (PCN)      541
Personal communication service (PCS)      2 541
Personal communication service (PCS), broadband, standards of      17
Personal communication service (PCS), capacity of      17—18
Personal communication service (PCS), narrowband, standards of      17
Personal digital phone (PDC), digital cellular in Japan      2
Personal handy-phone system (PHS)      2
Phase-shift keying (PSK) detection      see “Coherent binary AM (PSK)”
Pilot signal, use of, in feed-forward combining technology      383—384
Ping-pong handoff, dropped call rate for      619—621 622
Poisson distribution      76
Polarization diversity      335
Polarization diversity, at base station      336
Polarization diversity, horizontal and vertical signals      335
Polarization division multiple access (PDMA)      511
Polarization waves      195—199
Polarization waves, 45-degree tilting      336
Polarization waves, vertical and horizontal      105—106 148 196—197 335—336
Portable coverage      583
Postdetection combining      351
Power spectral density      84—85
Power spectrum, of speech      496—497
Power-limited systems      581
Predetection combining      350
Prediction methods/models, inbuilding model      157—159
Prediction methods/models, Lee’s macrocell model      149—153
Prediction methods/models, Lee’s microcell model      153—155
Prediction methods/models, local mean prediction      153 163 566—567
Prediction methods/models, simplified method      156—157
Pretraining equalizer      96
Probability density function (PDF), calculation of, in equal-gain combining      369—370
Probability density function (pdf), conditional      68—70
Probability density function (PDF), joint characteristic functions      67—68
Probability density function (PDF), joint, of two variables      65—66
Probability density function (pdf), marginal      67
Probability density function (PDF), of single variable      64—65
Processing gain (PC)      523—524
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of      123—124
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, for UHF      124—126
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, general formula (accounting for different environments)      128—130
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, method of Okumura et al.      127—128
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, over rough terrain      108—111
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, over rough terrain, analysis of active scattering region      115—116
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, over rough terrain, normally distributed surface characteristics      111—113
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, over rough terrain, resolution interval      114
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, over rough terrain, surface roughness as function of distance      113—114
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, over smooth terrain, reflection coefficient factor in      105—108
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, prediction of, factors to be considered in, effect of surface waves      104
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, prediction of, factors to be considered in, mobile-unit antenna height      104
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, prediction of, factors to be considered in, radio horizon      102—103
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, prediction of, factors to be considered in, signal averaging      103
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, prediction of, factors to be considered in, sky reflections      103
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, prediction of, factors to be considered in, terminal in motion      103
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, primary causes of      26—31
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, rules for calculating average signal strength (local mean), mean approach      121
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, rules for calculating average signal strength (local mean), median approach      121
Propagation-path loss, models for prediction of, two-wave model, calculations for      116—120 (see also “Field strength”)
Pulse-FM (or “chirp”) modulation system      310
Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), nonconstant envelope modulation scheme      304—306
Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), constant envelope modulation scheme      295—296
Radio capacity      540 637—638
Radio Common Carrier (RCC)      4
Radio enhancement, techniques of, channel distribution/assignments      7—10
Radio enhancement, techniques of, macroscopic and microscopic diversity      10—11
Radio horizon      102—103
Radio paging systems      1
Radio-wave polarization, effects of      195—199
Radiophones (walkie-talkies)      1
Radiotelephones (mobile phones), types of      2
Raised-cosine-waveform pulse, in waveform shaping      404 405
Rake receivers, in spread spectrum modulation      323
Ray tracing, technique for finding signal strength through wave propagation      584—585
Rayleigh distribution      72—74
Rayleigh fading      410
Rayleigh fading, adjacent-channel interference      434—435
Rayleigh fading, cochannel interference      428—430
Rayleigh signals      327
Real-time running average      610 611
Real-time running average, off-line average, in nonstationary environment      612—613
Real-time running average, off-line average, in stationary environment      612
Real-time running average, real-time averages, in nonstationary environments      614 615 616
Real-time running average, real-time averages, in stationary environment      613—614 615 616
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of average duration of fades, calculation of      224—226
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of coherent bandwidth      231—234 253
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of cumulative probability distribution (CPD)      208—215
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of envelope correlation of base-station received signal, based on space separation      234—237
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of envelope correlation of mobile received signal, based on, frequency and time separation      231—234
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of envelope correlation of mobile received signal, based on, time and space separation      230—231
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of envelope correlation of mobile received signal, based on, time separation      226—229
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of level-crossing rate (LCR)      215—224
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of model analysis of short-term fading      205—208
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of power-spectrum analysis      237
Received-signal envelope, characteristics of short-term vs.long-term fading      203—205
Received-signal phase, characteristics of click-noise phenomenon      259—263
Received-signal phase, characteristics of coherent bandwidth      231—234 253
Received-signal phase, characteristics of phase correlations      249—253
Received-signal phase, characteristics of random FM, level-crossing rate (LCR) of      257—258
Received-signal phase, characteristics of random FM, power spectrum distribution of      254—257
Received-signal phase, characteristics of random FM, probability distribution of      254
Received-signal phase, characteristics of random variable related to mobile-radio signals      241—242
Received-signal phase, characteristics of random variable related to mobile-radio signals, covariance matrix      248—249
Received-signal phase, characteristics of random variable related to mobile-radio signals, covariance of random variables      242—243
Received-signal phase, characteristics of random variable related to mobile-radio signals, power spectra      243—248
Received-signal phase, characteristics of simulation models, multipath- and selective-fading simulator      268—269
Received-signal phase, characteristics of simulation models, Rayleigh multipath fading simulator      263—268
Reed — Muller code, error-correcting block coding scheme      457 (table)
Reed — Solomon (R — S) code      659—660
Reed — Solomon (R — S) code, binary, fast-fading case      664
Reed — Solomon (R — S) code, binary, slow-fading case      660—663
Reed — Solomon (R — S) code, error-correcting block coding scheme      457 (table)
Reed — Solomon (R — S) code, nonbinary      665—667
Reference Data for Radio Engineers (ITT)      43
Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs)      4
Reservation ALOHA, as combination of Slotted-ALOHA and TDM protocols      536—537
Resolution interval, of terrain data      114
Resource auction multiple access (RAMA)      539
Rician cumulative probability distribution (CPD)      545
Rician Fading      543 545 546
Rough-terrain criterion      562
Rough-terrain criterion, antenna height effect      565—566
Sample averages      61
Scaling function      648
Scaling method, for determination of reflection point on sloping plane      28
Scaling vector      648
Schwarz inequality, application of, in maximal-ratio combining      361
Selective diversity combining      351—353 358
Selective diversity combining, four special cases for      353—357
Self-interference      524
Serving cell, in CDMA cellular system      525—527
Shannon — Hartley theorem      606
Shannon, C.E.      605
Shannon’s channel capacity      530
Signal processes, bit and frame synchronization      409—414
Signal processes, bit-stream waveform analysis, binary PCM waveforms, types of      401
Signal processes, bit-stream waveform analysis, duobinary-waveform signaling      406—409
Signal processes, bit-stream waveform analysis, power spectral density of random data sequence      400—404
Signal processes, bit-stream waveform analysis, time-delay-spread dependency factor      399—400
Signal processes, bit-stream waveform analysis, waveform shaping      404—406
Signal processes, mobile-radio-system functional design, distance-dependency factors      397—398
Signal processes, mobile-radio-system functional design, velocity-dependency factors      399
Signal processes, syllabic companding      414—417
Signal-coverage area, prediction of      164—169
Signal-threshold, prediction of      163—164
Single-active-base-station intracell interference, in FH-DPSK system      314—317
Single-cell system, capacity limit in      532
Single-parity check code      452—453
Single-sideband-frequency/amplitude (SSB-F/A) system      324—325
Slotted ALOHA      535
Slow-fading condition      470—472
Snell’s law, application of      27 29 104—105
Space diversity at base station      330—334
Space diversity at mobile unit      329—330
Space division multiple access (SDMA)      511—512
Spaceway, GEO satellite system      543 544
Spectrum allocation, by FCC      4 5
Spectrum allocation, new channel-numbering scheme      14
Specular reflection      27 28
Speech power, average, distribution of      493—495
Speech power, spectrum of      496—497
Spread spectrum systems, direct-sequence-modulated      309
Spread spectrum systems, for military security applications      19
Spread spectrum systems, frequency-hopping      310
Spread spectrum systems, time-hopping      310
Spread spectrum systems, time/frequency-hopping      310
Spread spectrum systems, “chirp” or pulse-FM modulation      310
Spread-spectrum (SS) modulation      523
Spread-spectrum (SS) modulation, correlators and rake receivers      323
Spread-spectrum (SS) modulation, direct sequence (DS) signals in      321—323
Spread-spectrum (SS) modulation, reduction of interference by      323
Spreading process      321—322
Squared-waveform pulse, in waveform shaping      404 405
Stationary average device      612
Statistical averages      61—62
Statistical communications, theory of, and advantages of statistical approach      59—60
Statistical communications, theory of, averages, biased time      62
Statistical communications, theory of, averages, ensemble      62
Statistical communications, theory of, averages, sample      61
Statistical communications, theory of, averages, statistical      61—62
Statistical communications, theory of, averages, unbiased      62
Statistical communications, theory of, binomial distribution      75—76
Statistical communications, theory of, confidence intervals      89—90
Statistical communications, theory of, continuous spectral density      84—85
Statistical communications, theory of, correlation functions      81—82
Statistical communications, theory of, correlation functions, autocorrelation      82
Statistical communications, theory of, correlation functions, cross-correlation      83—84
Statistical communications, theory of, cumulative probability distribution (CPD)      63
Statistical communications, theory of, duration of fades      80—81
Statistical communications, theory of, equalizers      93—97
Statistical communications, theory of, ergodic processes      62—63
Statistical communications, theory of, error probability      90—92
Statistical communications, theory of, Gaussian distribution      71
Statistical communications, theory of, impulse response measurements      92—93
Statistical communications, theory of, level-crossing rate (LCE)      77—80
Statistical communications, theory of, lognormal distribution      74—75
Statistical communications, theory of, Poisson distribution      76
Statistical communications, theory of, power spectral density      84—85
Statistical communications, theory of, probability density functions (PDFs), conditional      68—70
Statistical communications, theory of, probability density functions (PDFs), joint characteristic functions      67—68
Statistical communications, theory of, probability density functions (PDFs), joint, of two variables      65—66
Statistical communications, theory of, probability density functions (PDFs), marginal      67
Statistical communications, theory of, probability density functions (PDFs), of single variable      64—65
Statistical communications, theory of, Rayleigh distribution      72—74
Statistical communications, theory of, sampling distributions      85—89
Statistical communications, theory of, uniform distribution      70—71
Subcarrier QPSK, constant envelope modulation scheme      299
Switched combining      350 357—359
Syllabic companding      414—417
System block diagram      13
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, bit-error analysis, based on correlated signals      476—479
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, bit-error analysis, based on M-branch maximal-ratio combiner      469 470
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, convolutional code, convolutional encoder      458 459 460
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, convolutional code, tree diagram      460 461
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, convolutional code, trellis diagram      460 462
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, convolutional code, Viterbi convolutional decoding algorithm      462
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, effects of fading on word-error rate      470 472
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, effects of fading on word-error rate, fast-fading condition      471
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, effects of fading on word-error rate, slow-fading condition      471—473
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, error probability, for differentially coherent receivers      486—490
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, error probability, for incoherent matched-filter receivers      483—486
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, error reduction, based on majority-voting processes      473
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, error reduction, based on majority-voting processes, fast-fading condition      473—475
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, error reduction, based on majority-voting processes, slow-fading condition      475—476
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, irreducible error rate, due to frequency-selective fading      481—482
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, irreducible error rate, due to random FM      479—481
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, linear block code, coding gain      454
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, linear block code, coding strength      455
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, linear block code, cyclic redundancy check (CRC)      457—458
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, linear block code, erasure correction      456—457
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, linear block code, error detection/error correction      455—456
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, linear block code, parity-check matrix      453—454
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, linear block code, single-parity check code      452—453
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, system and signaling criteria, equivalent performance      452
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, system and signaling criteria, performance      449—450
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, system and signaling criteria, testing      450—452
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, trellis coded modulation (TCM)      463—464
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, trellis coded modulation (TCM), coding gain for      464 465 466
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, types of signaling errors      467—468
System error analysis, vs.system performance, components of, word (frame) error rate      470 586—587
Telecommunication Reform Act Bill (1996)      4
Teledesic, big LEO satellite system      543 544
Terrain-contour effect      152—153
Thermal noise, characteristics of      40—43
Time diversity      343—344
Time Division Duplexing (TDD) systems, DECT (digital European cordless telephone)      2
Time Division Duplexing (TDD) systems, PACS (personal access communication system)      3
Time Division Duplexing (TDD) systems, PHS (personal handy-phone system)      2
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)      2
Time division multiple access (TDMA), comparison of radio capacity between FDMA, TDMA and CDMA in C/I < 1 systems (CDMA)      521
Time division multiple access (TDMA), comparison of radio capacity between FDMA, TDMA and CDMA in C/I < 1 systems (FDMA and TDMA)      520—521
Time division multiple access (TDMA), comparison of radio capacity between FDMA, TDMA and CDMA where CDMA is greater      521—523
Time-delay distributions      340
Time-delay distributions, models of, approximation      341
Time-delay distributions, models of, exponential-distribution      341
Time-delay distributions, models of, Maxwell-distribution      340
Time-delay spread      562
Time-delay spread $\Delta$      575—578
Time-delay-spread dependency factor, in bit-stream waveform analysis      399—400
Time-delay-spread dependency factor, in bit-stream waveform analysis, reduction by diversity      391—392 569 577—578
Time-hopping system      310
Time/frequency-hopping system      310
Total access communication system (TACS)      2
Transmission diversity      see “Diversity schemes”
Tree diagram      460—461
Trellis coded modulation (TCM)      463—464
Trellis coded modulation (TCM), coding gain for      464 465 466
Trellis diagram      460 462
Triangular-waveform pulse, in waveform shaping      404 405
UHF mobile-radiotelephone systems      6
Unbiased time averages      62
Uniform distribution      70—71
Universal mobile telecommunication systems (UMTS)      4
Van Allen belts      542
Velocity-dependency factors, in mobile radio-system functional design      399
Vertical antenna separation, vs.horizontal antenna separation      574 575 576
VHF mobile-radiotelephone systems      6
Vincent’s device (real-time averages in stationary environment)      613—615 616
Vincent’s device (real-time averages in stationary environment), in calculations of radio communication environment      619
Viterbi convolutional decoding algorithm      462
Voice processing, in FM system, compandor, compressor and expandor      502—503
Voice processing, in FM system, preemphasis and deemphasis      500—501
Voice quality analysis, vs.system performance, components of digital processing of voice signals      508
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