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Lee W.C.Y. — Mobile Communications Engineering
Lee W.C.Y. — Mobile Communications Engineering

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Íàçâàíèå: Mobile Communications Engineering

Àâòîð: Lee W.C.Y.


From one of the field's foremost educators, here is the classic guide to mobile communication—fully revised for the 1990s and beyond. It is unique because it shows readers how to understand the differences in applying technologies between wireline communications and wireless communications. The new second edition extensively updates the basics. It also coves traffic and capacity analysis on mobile communications networks and addresses rapidly expanding new technologies, such as digital cellular, PCS, and multiple access techniques not only including FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, and SDMA, but also applying the techniques on the virtual channels.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: second edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1997

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 689

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.05.2006

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Field strength, effects on prediction of, relationship between path loss and local mean      163
Field strength, effects on prediction of, street orientation      160
Field strength, effects on prediction of, tunnel, loss due to      162
Field-component diversity      334—335
Fire code, error-correcting block coding scheme      457 (table)
FM frequency-reuse system      319
Fourier transform      67
Frame (word) error rate (FEE)      586—587
Frame synchronization      412—414
Free-space path loss      162
Frequency diversity, coherence bandwidth      342
Frequency diversity, correlation vs.frequency      341—342
Frequency diversity, statistical dependence on frequency      339—340
Frequency diversity, statistical dependence on frequency, approximation model of time-delay distribution      341
Frequency diversity, statistical dependence on frequency, exponential-distribution model of time-delay distribution      341
Frequency diversity, statistical dependence on frequency, Maxwell-distribution model of time-delay distribution      340
Frequency diversity, two frequencies with coherent bandwidth      343
Frequency diversity, two frequencies with noncoherent bandwidth      342—343
Frequency division duplexing (FDD)      571 582
Frequency division multiple access (FDMA), comparison of radio capacity between FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, in C/I < 1 systems (CDMA)      521
Frequency division multiple access (FDMA), comparison of radio capacity between FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, in C/I < 1 systems (FDMA and TDMA)      520—521
Frequency division multiple access (FDMA), where CDMA is greater      521—523
Frequency hopping (FH) system      310 653—656
Frequency hopping (FH) system, fast hopping      656
Frequency hopping (FH) system, slow hopping      654
Frequency modulation (FM) with discrimination, nonfading digital modulation system      288—289
Frequency modulation (FM), advantages of, for mobile radio      271—272
Frequency modulation (FM), advantages of, for mobile radio, nonfading case      273—279
Frequency modulation (FM), advantages of, for mobile radio, Rayleigh-fading case      279—286
Frequency reuse factor      319—320
Frequency reuse factor, K factor      319
Frequency-correlation function      482
Frequency-hopped differential phase-shift keying (FH-DPSK) systems      310—312
Frequency-hopped differential phase-shift keying (FH-DPSK) systems, error rate and system efficiency of, with respect to, multipath-fading environments      318—319
Frequency-hopped Frequency-hopped differential phase-shift keying (FH-DPSK) systems, error rate and system efficiency of, differential phase-shift keying (FH-DPSK) systems, error rate and system efficiency of, with respect to, multiple-base-station intercell interference      317—318
Frequency-hopped Frequency-hopped differential phase-shift keying (FH-DPSK) systems, signal and noise representation in      312—313
Frequency-hopped Frequency-hopped differential phase-shift keying (FH-DPSK) systems, spectrum efficiency/number of channels per cell      319—321
Frequency-hopped Frequency-hopped differential phase-shift keying (FH-DPSK) systems, with respect to, single-active-base-station intracell interference      314—317
Frequency-selective fading      481—482
Fresnel integrals      141
Fresnel zone, first, reflections/scattering within      115 116
Fresnel zone, first, reflections/scattering within, microcell prediction formula      154—155
Future public land mobile telecommunication system (FPLMTS)      3
Gain, coding      454
Gain, diversity      569—570 572—575
Gain, nonreal      524
Gain, processing      504 523—524 654
Gain, real      524
Gaussian distribution      71
Gaussian filtered minimum shift keying (GMSK), constant envelope modulated scheme      300—303
Gaussian process      563—564
Gaussian-waveform pulse, in waveform shaping      405 406
Geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) satellites      541 542
Geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) satellites, AMSC      541 543 544
Geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) satellites, Omni TRACS      541
Geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) satellites, Spaceway      543 544
Gilbert, E.N., statistical radio model of      564—565
Global positioning satellites (GPS)      24
Global positioning satellites (GPS), satellite MEO system      541—542
Global System Mobile (GSM), Digital Cellular in Europe      2
Global System Mobile (GSM), Digital Cellular in Europe, handoff      619—622
Globalstar, big LEO satellite system      543 544 545—546 547
Golay code, error-correcting block coding scheme      457 (table)
Granlund combiner, feedback-combining technique      384—386
Ground jammer      651
Hamming code, error-correcting block coding scheme      457 (table)
Handoff      10 13 619—622
Handoff, break before make      622
Handoff, intercell      11
Handoff, intracell      11
Handoff, make before break      621 622
Handoff, mobile-assisted      620
Handoff, soft handoff      619
High-gain antennas, effects of      190 191
Horizontal antenna separation, vs.vertical antenna separation      574 575 576
Human-made effect, and interpretation of path loss      151—152
Human-made noise, at different frequencies      44—46
Human-made noise, categories of      43 44
Human-made noise, characteristics of      43—46
Huygen’s principle, and properties of diffuse reflection      29—30
Idle signal multiple access (ISMA)      538
Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS)      2
Impulse response measurements      92—93
Inbuilding prediction model      157—158
Incoherent matched-filter receiver, error probability for      482 483—486
Inmarsat P, MEO global mobile satellite system      541—543 544
Instantaneous amplitude probability, component of mobile-telephone voice characteristics      495—496
Interference, adjacent-channel      431—432
Interference, adjacent-channel, in nonfading environment      432—433
Interference, adjacent-channel, in Rayleigh-fading environment      434—435
Interference, adjacent-channel, out-of-bound type of      436
Interference, cochannel      422—423
Interference, cochannel, in nonfading environment      423—428
Interference, cochannel, in Rayleigh-fading environment      434—435
Interference, effects of      421
Interference, intermodulation (IM), problem sources of, AM-PM conversion      437—441
Interference, intermodulation (IM), problem sources of, antenna terminal mismatch      441
Interference, intermodulation (IM), problem sources of, colocated transmitting antennas      441—442
Interference, intersymbol, and degradation effects of time-delay spread in signal timing      444—445
Interference, near-end to far-end ratio      436—437
Interference-limited onvironment, and evaluation of spectrum efficiency, in C/I < 1 systems      518—520
Interference-limited onvironment, and evaluation of spectrum efficiency, in C/I > 1 systems      516—518
Interleaving, illustrated      587
Intermodulation (IM) interference, problem sources of      421 592—593
Intermodulation (IM) interference, problem sources of, AM-PM conversion, feed-forward amplification      437—438
Intermodulation (IM) interference, problem sources of, AM-PM conversion, linear amplification with nonlinear components (LINC)      438—440
Intermodulation (IM) interference, problem sources of, antenna terminal mismatch      441
Intermodulation (IM) interference, problem sources of, caused by front-end overload      592 593
Intermodulation (IM) interference, problem sources of, colocated transmitting antennas      441—442
Intermodulation (IM) interference, problem sources of, means of reducing IM      592—593
Intersymbol interference (ISI), problem of      442—444 575
Intersymbol interference (ISI), problem of, and degradation effects of time-delay spread on signal timing      444—445
Iridium, big LEO satellite system      543 544
Irreducible error rate, due to frequency-selective fading      481—482
Irreducible error rate, due to random FM, digital FM (FSK) system      480—481
Irreducible error rate, due to random FM, DPSK system      479—480
IS-136 (TDMA), digital cellular standard      2
IS-95 (CDMA), digital cellular standard      2
Kirchhoff’s theory, on diffraction      140—141
Lee models      147—159
Lee models, inbuilding      157—159
Lee models, macrocell      149—153
Lee models, microcell      153—155
Lee’s device (real-time averages in non-stationary environment)      614—615 616
Lee’s device (real-time averages in non-stationary environment), in calculations of radio communication environment      616—619
Level-crossing rate (LCE)      77—80 373—374
Level-crossing rate (LCE), at base station      373—377
Level-crossing rate (LCE), at mobile site      377—380
Linear amplification with nonlinear components (LINC)      438—440
Linear amplification with nonlinear components (LINC), feed-forward      437—438
Linear amplification with nonlinear components (LINC), inverse-sine modulation      439—440
Linear block code, components of coding gain      454
Linear block code, components of coding strength      455
Linear block code, components of cyclic redundancy check (CRC)      457—458
Linear block code, components of erasure correction      456—457
Linear block code, components of error detection/error correction      455—456
Linear block code, components of parity-check matrix      453—454
Linear block code, components of single-parity check code      452—453
Linear predictive coding (LPC)      508
Linear pulse-code modulation (PCM)      508
Local mean prediction, Lee macrocell model      149—153
Local mean prediction, vs.path loss prediction      566—567
Lognormal distribution      74—75
Long-term fading      561
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites      541 542
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, big LEO systems, Aries      543 544
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, big LEO systems, Ellipso      543 544
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, big LEO systems, Globalstar      543 544
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, big LEO systems, Iridium      543 544
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, big LEO systems, Teledesic      543 544
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, little LEO system, OrbComm      543 544
Low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, operation, description/concept of      543 545—547
M-branch maximal-ratio combiner, in bit-error analysis      469 470
Macrocell model (Lee)      149—151 153
Macroscopic diversity      10
Macroscopic diversity, combining techniques for      349—350
Macroscopic diversity, scheme, applied on different-sited antennas      327—329
Majority-voting processes, in reduction of word-error rate      473
Majority-voting processes, in reduction of word-error rate, fast-fading condition      473—475
Majority-voting processes, in reduction of word-error rate, slow-fading condition      475—476
Manchester-code-waveform signaling      403—404
Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo      3
Mathematical Theory of Communication, The (Shannon and Weaver)      605
Maximal-ratio combining      350 360—369
Maximal-ratio combining, performance curves for      367 368
Maxwell-distribution model, of time-delay distribution      340
Mean opinion score (MOS), evaluation criterion for speech coders/system quality      506
Mean square modulation index      425
Mean-square error (MSE) algorithm      95—96
Metroliner telephone      2
Microcell model (Lee)      153—156
Microscopic diversity      10—11
Microscopic diversity, combining techniques for      347—349
Microscopic diversity, schemes, applied on cosited antennas      329
Midearth orbit (MEO) satellites      541 542
Midearth orbit (MEO) satellites, Inmarsat P      541—543 544
Midearth orbit (MEO) satellites, Odyssey      541—543 544
Military mobile communications, adaptive antenna nulling      668—670
Military mobile communications, coding schemes used in      656—659
Military mobile communications, combining technologies (in jammingv environment) used in      659—670
Military mobile communications, in jamming environment, electronic counter-countermeasure (ECCM) technology      652—653
Military mobile communications, in jamming environment, jammer strategy      651—652
Military mobile communications, use of frequency hopping (FH) spread-spectrum scheme in      653—656
Minimum tone separation      301—302
Mobile Broadband Systems, as FPLMTS (future public land mobile telecommunication system)      3
Mobile coverage      582—583
Mobile location      594
Mobile location, mobile-unit-based finding of, dead-reckoning system      596
Mobile location, mobile-unit-based finding of, GPS (Global Positioning Satellite)      595
Mobile location, mobile-unit-based finding of, Loren C      535
Mobile location, mobile-unit-based finding of, sign posts      596
Mobile location, station (cell-site based) finding      594—595
Mobile location, station (cell-site based) finding, angle arrival      594
Mobile location, station (cell-site based) finding, time arrival      594
Mobile location, station (cell-site based) finding, triangulation      594
Mobile radio environment, causes for      560
Mobile radio environment, causes of signal reception      562
Mobile radio environment, conditions for forming      560
Mobile radio environment, independence of electric and magnetic fields in      191—195
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, antenna height      561
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, area-dependent path loss      561
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, dispersive medium      561—562
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, excessive path loss      561
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, long-term fading      561
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, rough-terrain criterion      562
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, signal fading      561
Mobile radio environment, signal impacted by.factors/phenomena related to, signal strength      561
Mobile radiotelephone, advantages of, over CB radio      6
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), satellite technologies of, compared      542 543 544
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), satellite technologies of, GEO (geosynchronous earth orbit) satellites      541—544
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), satellite technologies of, LEO (low-earth orbit) satellites      541—547
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), satellite technologies of, MEO (midearth orbit) satellites      541—544
Mobile Telephone Service (MTS)      2
Mobile-assisted handoff (MAHO)      620
Mobile-radio communications, cellular network planning, AMPS service features      7—14
Mobile-radio communications, cellular network planning, digital cellular      17
Mobile-radio communications, cellular network planning, extended spectrum      14—16
Mobile-radio communications, cellular network planning, PCS (Personal Communication Service)      17
Mobile-radio communications, commercial vs.military      17—19
Mobile-radio communications, first 100 years of, historical survey of      1—6
Mobile-radio communications, signal environment, factors in, coherence bandwidth      52—53
Mobile-radio communications, signal environment, factors in, communication medium      21—26
Mobile-radio communications, signal environment, factors in, delay spread      47—51
Mobile-radio communications, signal environment, factors in, human-made noise      43—46
Mobile-radio communications, signal environment, factors in, multipath fading      31—40
Mobile-radio communications, signal environment, factors in, propagation-path loss      26—31
Mobile-radio communications, signal environment, factors in, thermal noise      40—43
Mobile-radio systems, Digital Cellular      2 17
Mobile-radio systems, dispatching systems      1
Mobile-radio systems, fading model of      564—565
Mobile-radio systems, FDD system      571 582
Mobile-radio systems, Mobile Broadband Systems      3
Mobile-radio systems, packet radios      2
Mobile-radio systems, PSC (personal communication service)      2 17 541
Mobile-radio systems, radio paging systems      1
Mobile-radio systems, radiophones (walkie-talkies)      1
Mobile-radio systems, radiotelephones (mobile phones)      2
Mobile-radio systems, TDD (Time Division Duplexing) systems      2—3
Mobile-telephone switching office (MTSO)      10 11—14
Model analysis, and prediction of path loss over hilly terrain      133—135
Model analysis, and prediction of path loss over hilly terrain, diffraction loss      140—142 146—147
Model analysis, and prediction of path loss over hilly terrain, double knife-edge diffraction      143 144 145
Model analysis, and prediction of path loss over hilly terrain, first-reflected-wave conditions, absent      138—140
Model analysis, and prediction of path loss over hilly terrain, Lee’s models      147—159
Model analysis, and prediction of path loss over hilly terrain, second-reflected-wave conditions, absent      137—138
Model analysis, and prediction of path loss over hilly terrain, second-reflected-wave conditions, present      135—137
Modified single-sideband (SSB) system      323—325
Multicell system, capacity limit in      532
Multipath dispersive fading phenomenon      559
Multipath fading phenomenon, in 800- to 900-MHz region      54
Multiple access interference (MAI)      633 636
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, comparison of radio capacity between FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA in      520—523
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, impact of ambient noise in cellular and PCS bands, on CDMA system capacity/coverage      524—530
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, in interference-limited environment      515—520
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, in noise-limited environment      512—515
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, limits of interference cancellation for CDMA system      530—533
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, mobile satellite systems in      540—547
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, mobile satellite systems in, comparison of GEO, LEO, and MEO systems      542 543 544
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, mobile satellite systems in, GEO (geosynchronous earth orbit) satellites      541—544
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, mobile satellite systems in, LEO (low-earth orbit) satellites      541—547
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, mobile satellite systems in, MEO (midearth orbit; satellites      541—544
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, nature of cochannel interference in SDMA system in      548—549 550
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on physical channels      511—512
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on physical channels, frequency (F)-time (T)-code (C)-space (S) dimensions of      512
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, $PRMA^{++}$      538
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, ALOHA      533—534
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, BTMA      538
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, CDPA      539
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, CSMA      535—536
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, CSMA/CD      538
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, DSMA      538
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, ISMA      538
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, PRMA      537—538
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, RAMA      539
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, Reservation ALOHA      536—537
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, on virtual channels, protocols of, Slotted ALOHA      535
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, processing gain (P.G.)      523—524
Multiple-access (MA) schemes, requirement of alien-interference tolerance in      550—556
Multiple-base-station diversity      see “Macroscopic diversity”
Multiple-base-station intercell interference, in FH-DPSK systems      317—318
Multiuser detection, for CDMA      633—636
Narrowband PCS (personal communication service), for two-way paging systems      17 18
Near-end to far-end ratio interference, problem of      436—437
New York Police Department, role of, in history of mobile-radio communications      3
New York Telephone Company (NYTC)      5
Noise figure (NF) issues, ambient noise      578
Noise figure (NF) issues, antenna-temperature noise      580—581
Noise figure (NF) issues, receiver noise      578—580
Noise representation      312—313
Noise-limited environment, and evaluation of spectrum efficiency, in C/I< 1 systems      514—515
Noise-limited environment, and evaluation of spectrum efficiency, in C/I> 1 systems      512—514
Noncoherent FSK, nonfading digital modulation system      289—290
Nonconstant envelope modulation schemes      303—304
Nonconstant envelope modulation schemes, QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation)      304—306
Nonpilot signal, use of, in feed-forward combining      381—382
Nonwireline operators (ECC)      4
NRZ baseband signaling, in bit-stream waveform analysis      402 403
Nyquist principle, illustrated      407
Offset quadrature phase-shift keying (OQPSK), constant envelope modulation scheme      296—297
Omni TRACS, GEO satellite system      541
1 2 3 4
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