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HarrisR. — Nonclassical physics: beyond Newton's view |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Absolute future, past, elsewhere 50
Acceptor states/levels 445
Actinide 312
Alpha decay 209—212 487—488 491
Alpha particle 210 305 487
Angular frequency 106 217
Angular momentum operator see "Operator"
Angular momentum quantization see "Quantization"
Angular momentum, addition 318 328
Angular momentum, intrinsic 291 304—318
Angular momentum, orbital 292—318
Antibonding state/orbital 412 413 415
Antineutrino 489
Antiparticles 516—518
Antisymmetric state 300—306
Arbitrary constant 595
Associated Laguerre functions 255
Associated Legendre functions 247
Asymmetry term 482—483
Atom smashers see "Particle accelerators"
Atomic mass 311 312 478 588
Atomic mass unit 40 470
Atomic number 307 469
Atomic radius 255 273
Average, classical 360—361
Average, statistical 358 360 558
Azimuthal angle 241
Balmer series 268
Band see "Energy band"
Barrier penetration 170—171 202—209
Baryon 523
BCS theory 456—458
Beta decay 488—491 532
Beta particle 488 490
big bang 60 540
Binding energy in atom 255 273
Binding energy in nucleus 36 471—481 484
Binding energy per nucleon 475 476 478—481 483 497
Binomial coefficient 343
Black hole 59 61
Blackbody radiation 72 556—564
Bloch function 432
Bohr atom 132—134
Bohr radius 134 255
Boltzmann distribution see "Distribution"
Bonding state/orbital 412 415
Bose — Einstein condensate 397
Bose — Einstein condensation 377—378
Boson 304 306 397
Breeder reactor 500
Bremsstrahlung 76
Brown dwarf 61
Bubble chamber 83 529
Bucky ball 459
Built-in electric field 448 465
Carbon cycle 502
Carbon-14 see "Radioactive dating"
Causality 47—51
Cerenkov detector 529
Chain reaction 499
Chaos 399—400
Charge conjugation 536
chemical potential 582
Classical limit 12 81 117—119 157—159 223—225 251 367 374
Classically forbidden region 148—150 170—171 174 186 204
Coherent light 382
Color-charge 519 521
Communication, quantum-mechanical limitations on 90—91 134
Complex conjugate 593
Complex exponential 110—112 127 155 156 180—181 194 219 593
complex numbers 592—594
Complex wave function 109—110 156
Compton effect 77—81
Compton wavelength 137
Conduction band 437
Conduction electron 375—376 427 428 438—440
Conduction, electrical 433—435
Conductor 391 437
Contact potential 376—377
Continuity of wave function 146—147 154 167—168 178
Control rod 500
Cooper pair 456—458
Correspondence principle 81
Cosmic background radiation 541
Cosmic rays 8
Cosmology 58—60 539
covalent bond 411—416 417 426
CP violation 537 543
CPT theorem 537
Critical assembly 499
Critical density 60
Critical field 454
Critical mass 499
Critical temperature 452
Crystal lattice 425
Current injection see "Pumping"
Curve of stability 479 491
Dark matter 60 61
Daughter nucleus 487
de Broglie wavelength 102
Debye model 393—397
Debye temperature 395—397
Decay constant 494
Decay rate 494
Deep inelastic scattering 521
Degeneracy 238—239 240 255—256 265 295 315 317 321—322 357
Degree of freedom 388
Delta function see "Dirac delta function"
Delta well potential 192 228
Density of states 358—359 372—373 378—379 383 394 438
Depletion Zone 449
Detailed balance, principle of 384
Deuterium 36 82 420 469 474 500 501 503
Deuteron 82 305 474 477 501
Differential equations 594—595
Differential operator 163
Diode 440 447—449
Diode laser 451—452 461
Dipole radiation see "Electric dipole radiation"
Dipole-dipole interaction 428
Dirac delta function 146 161 180 566—567
Dirac equation 517
dispersion 222—223
Dispersion coefficient 222
dispersion relation 218 221 222
Distribution, Boltzmann 352—357 360 365 392 558 583
Distribution, Bose — Einstein 365—369 582—583
Distribution, Fermi — Dirac 365—369 437 438 582—583
Donor states/levels 444
Doping 444—446
Doppler effect 27—29
Duality see "Wave-particle duality"
EDFA 461
effective mass 442—443 446
Eigenfunction, eigenvalue 180—181
Einstein A and B coefficients 383—384
Einstein's postulates 2—8 10 20 51—53
Electric dipole radiation 274—278
Electron affinity 463
Electron beam ion trap 278—279 333
Electron capture 490—491
Electron double-slit interference 97—99
Electron intrinsic angular momentum 291 292
Electron intrinsic mass 37
Electron microscope 138
Electron nature 37 97
Electron screening see "Screening"
Electron spin resonance 337
Electron-positron pair 83
Electronic configuration 309 311 312
| Electroweak force 472 524—525
Elements 311 312 588
Ellipticity of orbit 307 321
Energy band 428
Energy gap 433
Energy level diagram 156 174 255 321
Energy operator see "Operator"
Energy quantization see "Quantization"
Energy, mass 34—37
Energy, total relativistic 34—36 41 47 292
Energy-time uncertainty 121 132
entropy 346—349 352 582
Equilibrium 345 347 558
Equipartition theorem 388
Erbium-doped fiber amplifier 461
Euler formula 593
Exchange of labels 299—300 304 363—365
Exchange symmetry 304—306
Exclusion principle 305—306 314 365 368 474 476—477
expectation value 160—164 266
Extrinsic semiconductor 444
FEL (free electron laser) 399
Femtometer 471
Fermi energy 370—371 374—375 376—377 438
Fermi velocity 405 465
Fermion 305 306 397 474
Feynman diagram 531—535
Fiber-optic communication 461
Field emission 213—214
Field Emission Display 214
Field quantum 514
Filled shell, subshell 307—312
Fine structure 317 321—322
Fine structure constant 322
Finite well 167—171 572—574
Fission 40 492 498—501
Fission fragment 498
Force, quantum-mechanical view of 142 150—151 172 195 198 224
forward bias 447 449
Four dimensions, momentum-energy 46—47
Four dimensions, space-time 43—44 46 50 551—554
Four-vector 44 45—47
Fourier inverse transform 130—132
Fourier transform 130—132 569
Frame of reference, inertial 2
Free particle, dispersion 193 223
Free particle, wave function 110—113
Free-electron laser (FEL) 399
Frustrated total internal reflection 207
Fullerene 459—460
Fulleride 461
Fundamental force 518
Fundamental forces 472
Fundamental forces, range of 472 515—516
Fusion 501—503 506—508
Fusion reactor 503
Galilean relativity 10
Gamma decay 484 492
Gamma particle 484 492 498
Gap see "Energy gap"
Gaussian, function 115 118 127 128 130 166 173 174
Gaussian, integral 128 162 595
Gaussian, wave packet 126
Gaussian, wave pulse 222—223
General relativity 51—60
Gluon 521
Good quantum numbers 319
Gravitational lens 58
Gravitational red-shift 53—56
Gravitational waves 61
Graviton 526
Ground state in atom 270 271 309 310 314
Ground state in hydrogen 255 256
Ground state in nuclei 492
Ground state, definition 157
Ground state, finite well 170
Ground state, harmonic oscillator 174—176
Ground state, infinite well 157 164—166
Group velocity 106 216—222 446
Gut see "Unified theories"
Hadron 520
Half-life 494
Hall effect 441
Halo, nuclear 186
harmonic oscillator 172—176
Hartree model 313—315
Has 135
heat capacity see "Specific heat"
Heavy-fermion superconductor 461—462
Helium atom scattering 135
Hermite polynomial 174
Higgs boson 525
hole 441 443
Hubble's law, constant 60
Hund's rule 309
Hybrid orbitals, states 285 416 464
hydrogen molecule 174—176 410—411 413
Hydrogen, energy levels 255 265
Hydrogen, spectral lines 267—271
Hydrogenlike atom 272—273 278
Hyperdeformed nuclei 506
Identical particles 295—306
Imaginary part of complex quantity 111 592
Impurity 444
Indistinguishability, quantum 299 304 305 363—366 374 583
Individual-particle state 304
Induced fission 498—500
Induced nuclear reaction 497
Inertial confinement 504 507—508
Inertial frame of reference 2
Infinite well 150—159 164—166 169—170 484
Insulator 391 437
Integrals, table of 595
Integrated circuit 451
Interference, electromagnetic waves 87—90
Interference, matter waves 97—99 103—105 123
Internucleon force see "Strong force residual"
Intrinsic angular momentum see "Angular momentum"
Intrinsic mass 292
Intrinsic semiconductor 444
Invariant, relativistic 46—47
Ion trap 278
ionic bond 310 416 426
Ionization energy 255 312
Isobaric nuclei 510
Isospin 535
Isotope 469
Isotope effect 456
Isotopes, natural abundance 470 510 588
j see "Total angular momentum"
Josephson junction 225
Kinetic energy operator see "Operator"
Kinetic energy-mass conversion 41
Klein — Gordon equation 517
Lande g-factor 324
Lanthanide 312
Larmor frequency, precession 289
Laser 278 331 382—388
Laser fusion 504
Laser, Laser cooling 135 333—334
Laser, pulsed versus continuous 385 386
Laser, three-level versus four-level 387—388
Lattice 425
Lattice imperfection 434
Lattice types/geometry 425—426
LED (light-emitting diode) 448 465
Length contraction 6—8 14
Lepton 524
Light cones 50—51
Light-emitting diode (LED) 448 465
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