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Haight F.A. — Handbook of the Poisson Distribution |
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"Burnt fingers model" 63
"Gaussian law of error" 117
"Influence globale" 40
"Snap counts" 90
"Very rare" events 64
Accident proneness 40 104
Accidental telephone cut-offs 103
Accidents 103 104 116 121
Aged, number of deaths per day 102
Agricultural applications 100 101
Albinism 30
Analysis of variance 70 85
Animals, distribution of 100
Anthrax deaths per year 102
Apparent contagion 40
Approximation coefficient 13
Asymptotic normality of estimate 83 98
Asymptotic optimality 96
Asymptotically efficient estimate 92
Asynchronous counting 56 59
bacteria 101 102
Bateman's theoretical formula 120
Bayesian estimate 97
Beet leafhoppers 101
Beetle blood 102
Beetle larvae 101
Bessel function 12 41 43 74
Best asymptotically normal estimate 85 91
Best unbiased estimate 82
Bidders for a contract 104
Binomial limit 15—18 24
Binomial limit, original derivation 113 117 118
Biological applications 60 101 102
Blood cells 102 114 121
Breakdown of computers 100
Breaks in molecular chain 107
Broken segments model 22
Bullets hitting a target 106
Butterflies 101
Cancellation and contraction 80
Cancer deaths per house 102
Carcinogenesis 102
Card matching 22
Cars per mile, per unit time 106
Censoring 56 89 91
Centenarians, deaths per year 103
Chapman — Kolmogoroff equations 24
Chapman — Kolmogoroff equations, for particle counting 58
Chapman — Kolmogoroff equations, for stuttering Poisson 52
Characteristic function 8 13 44
Characteristic function, of amplitude of signal 78
Characteristic function, of Consael process 66
Characteristic function, of infinitely divisible distribution 33 65
Characteristic function, of mixing distribution 37
Characteristic function, of stuttering Poisson 53
Charlier polynomials 65
Charlier type B series 77 117
Chi-square minimum estimate 85
Chi-square test 94 95 103
Children per household 106
Claim, distribution of 49 50 73
Clover seed 101
Coal mine disasters 104
Collective risk theory 40 49—52 73
Collectively at random 52 55 104
comets 107
Commercial applications 104 105
Compounding 45
Confluent hypergeometric function 41 61
Contagion 40
Continuous analog 62 63
Convolution 1
Corn borers 101
Cornish — Fisher transformation 86
Cosmic radiation 107
Covariance 65
Cramer — Rao bound 82
Cramer's theorem 72
Cumulants 8
Cumulants, in collective risk theory 50
Cumulants, of differences of Poisson variables 74
Cumulants, of Poisson mixed 46
Cumulative probability 1
Cumulative probability, as incomplete gamma function 2
Defective items 100
Defective teeth 102
Defective thread, wire, rope 100
Demographic applications 105 106
Derivative of Poisson probability 4
Differences of variables 74 111 112
Differences of Zero 6
Dilution method 83 87 101
Diphtheria 103
Disputed authorship 107
Distance between events 26—28
Distribution, binomial 8 15 18 19 72 73 77 84 92 95 96 97 98 103 121
Distribution, binomial, asynchronous, synchronous 56 67
Distribution, binomial, counting 23
Distribution, binomial, elementary binomial 17
Distribution, binomial, estimation 92 93
Distribution, binomial, nonlattice 29
Distribution, bivariate mixed Poisson 66—68
Distribution, bivariate negative binomial 65
Distribution, bivariate Poisson 64 72
Distribution, bivariate Poisson, accidents 104
Distribution, causal 36 40
Distribution, chain Poisson 40
Distribution, chi-square 86 87 99
Distribution, compound 36
Distribution, compound Poisson 45
Distribution, contagious 48
Distribution, continuous Poisson 62 63
Distribution, displaced Poisson 63 93
Distribution, double 36
Distribution, double Poisson 41
Distribution, doubly truncated 32
Distribution, exponential type 8
Distribution, extended hypergeometric 18
Distribution, extreme value 43
Distribution, Fisher's logarithmic series 45 54
Distribution, gamma 39 86
Distribution, Gaussian 75
Distribution, generalized 36
Distribution, generalized Poisson 45 62 106
Distribution, geometric 45 53
Distribution, Gumbel 43
Distribution, Hermite 46 65
Distribution, Hermite, estimation 93
Distribution, Hofmann 48
Distribution, hyper Poisson 61
Distribution, hypergeometric 18
Distribution, infinitely divisible 33 65
Distribution, Laplace 28
Distribution, lattice 29
Distribution, Lexian 19
Distribution, matching 19 95
Distribution, mixed 36 72
Distribution, mixed Poisson 36 54 65 73
Distribution, mixed Poisson, accidents 104
Distribution, mixed Poisson, estimation 93
Distribution, mixed Poisson, factorial moment 36
Distribution, mixed, generating function 37
Distribution, mixing 36
Distribution, mixing, characteristic function 37
Distribution, multinomial 46 71
Distribution, multinormal 34
Distribution, multiply truncated Poisson 91
Distribution, multivariate negative binomial 65
Distribution, multivariate Poisson 45 64—66
Distribution, negative binomial 39 42 45 47 54 67 93 95 106 121 122
| Distribution, negative exponential 26 27 29 43 51 56 57 78 79 95 97 119
Distribution, Neyman's type A 18 40 47 54 67 93 106
Distribution, Neyman's type B 47
Distribution, Neyman's type C 47
Distribution, noncentral chi-square 75
Distribution, normal 33 34 69—71 73 85 114 115 117 119 121 122
Distribution, Pearson type I 41
Distribution, Pearson type III 39 43 45 50 51 56 57 65 71 86 97 104 116
Distribution, Pearson type V 42
Distribution, Pearson type VI 42
Distribution, Poisson binomial 46 111
Distribution, Poisson doubly truncated 91
Distribution, Poisson median 75
Distribution, Poisson par grappes 52—55
Distribution, Poisson Pascal 47
Distribution, Poisson reciprocal 76
Distribution, Poisson — Lexian 19
Distribution, Polya — Eggenberger 39 95
Distribution, power series 8 41 64 72 87
Distribution, power series, estimation 93
Distribution, purely Poisson type 34 72
Distribution, quasi-Poisson 55
Distribution, ratio of Poisson variables 76
Distribution, rectangular 43 80 83 86 95 110
Distribution, recurrence time 79
Distribution, stuttering Poisson 52—55 61 104
Distribution, sub-Poisson 61 64
Distribution, super-Poisson 61 64
Distribution, truncated Poisson 30—32 54 61 63 72 76
Distribution, truncated Poisson, estimation 87—90 111
Distribution, truncated Poisson, testing 95
Dodder seeds 101
Domain of attraction 35
Domain of definition 1
Domination of one distribution by another 71
Double connections 103
Dummy variable 1
Dust particles 107
Earthquakes 107
Ecology 47 100 101
Efficiency of estimate 82
Enteric fever deaths 121
entropy 29
Eosinophil cells 102
Erlang process 56 57
Erlang's loss formula 31 103 105 109 123
Erroneous counts 60
Errors of first and second kind 97
F test 111
Factorial moment 8
Factorial moment generating function 13 44
Factorial moment generating function, bivariate 65
Factorial moment, of mixed Poisson 36
Factorial moment, of multivariate Poisson 64
Fertility 60
Fire 107
Fish, number caught 101
Flaws in capacitors 100
Flaws in capacitors, in glass rods 100
Floods 107
Flower petals 101
Flying bombs 106
Focal lesions 102
Frequency of war 107
Fruit flies 101
Gall-fly eggs 101
Gaps, distribution of 26—28 55 57 58 59
Gas molecules 121
Geiger — Muller counter 57
Generating function 2 13 14 44
Generating function, of bivariate 65
Generating function, of Consael process 66
Generating function, of hyper-Poisson 61
Generating function, of mixed distribution 37
Generating function, of Neyman types 47
Genetic defect 30
Gini controversy 118 119
Goodness of fit tests 94 95
Group size 53 54 105
Hermite polynomials 46
Horse-kick 115 116
Hospital beds 105
Identifiability 93
Incomplete moments 9—11
Index of dispersion 94 112
Individually at random 52
Industrial applications 100
Information theory 96
Input to a dam 107
Insurance claims 44 49
Intensity function 38
Intensity function, for Consael process 66
Intensity function, for Erlang process 56
Intensity function, for Polya process 39
Interval estimation 85—87
Inventory theory 104
Inverse method 83 86
Kurtosis of Poisson — Pascal 47
Kurtosis of Poisson — Pascal, of mixtures 48
Lagrange series 87
Laguerre polynomial 54
Laplace transformation 14 44 45 58 59
Law of Large Numbers 114 119
Law of rare events 24
Law of small numbers 118 119
Least squares estimate 82
Length of shadows 107
Levy — Khintchine Theorem 33 119
Lexian ratio 116 119 121
Light bulb lifetime 44
Lightning bolt 44
Likelihood ratio test 95
Linear combination of Poisson variables 33—35 73
Locational entropy 29
Logarithmic transformation 98
Lost and found advertisements 107
Machine maintenance 100 105
Mailing letters 52 61
Malaria deaths per year 102
Malaria deaths per year, attacks per individual 121
Markov chain 93
Mass production 105
Maximum disorder process 28 29
Maximum likelihood estimate 82 85 87 88 89 90 91 93 95 99 110
Maximum of n gaps 27
Mean 2
Mean deviation 11
Mean difference 12 109
Median 12
Medical applications 102 103
Military applications 106 107
Minimax estimate 83
Minimax test 96 98
Minimum of n gaps 27
Minimum variance unbiased estimate 84 93 110
Misprints 107
Mixed Poisson distribution 35—39
Mixed Poisson distribution, process 79—81
Mixed strategy 97
Molecular chain 107
Moment about the mean 2 7
Moment about the mean, of Poisson mixed 46
Moment about the origin 2 5 6 8
Moment about the origin, of Poisson mixed 46
Moment-generating function 7 13 74
Moments estimate 82 87 89 92 93
Multiple regression 85
Mutants 102
Neural impulses 102
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