Авторизация |
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Hilton P.J., Stammbach U. — A course in homological algebra |
Предметный указатель |
-Rung 274
-process 269
-process 270
-module 232
-acyclic 320
-acyclic complex 308
-admissible morphism 308
-derived functor 309
-exact 308
-projective 307
-projective complex 308
-satellite 313
Abelian category 74 78
Abelianized 45
Acyclic carrier 129
Acyclic carrier, (co)chain complex 126 129
AD 232
Additive category 75
Additive functor 78
Adjoint functor 64
Adjoint theorem 318
Adjugant equivalence 64
Adjunction 65
Algebra graded 172
Algebra, associative 112
Algebra, augmented 112
Algebra, exterior 239
Algebra, Internally graded 172 251
Algebra, tensor 230
Associated bilinear form 244
Associated bilinear form, graded object 262
Associative law 41
Associativity of product 56
Augmentation ideal of 232
Augmentation ideal of G 187 194
Augmentation of 232
Augmentation of 187
Balanced bifunctor 96 146 161
Bar resolution 214 216 217
Basis of a module 22
Bicartesian square 271
Bifunctor 47
Bigraded module 75
Bilinear function 112
Bimodule 18
Birkhoff — Witt Theorem 74 231
Bockstein spectral sequence 291
Boundary 118
Boundary, operator 117
Buchsbaum 317
Cartan, H. 186
Cartesian product of categories 44
Cartesian product of sets 55
Category 40
Category of abelian groups 42
Category of functors 52
Category of groups 42
Category of left -modules 43
Category of models 329
Category of right -modules 43
Category of sets 42
Category of topological spaces 42
Category with zero object 43
Center of a group 228
Center of a Lie algebra 233
Central extensions 209
Chain 118
Chain complex 117
Chain complex of homomorphisms 169
Chain complex, acyclic 126
Chain complex, Filtered 263
Chain complex, First total 167
Chain complex, Flat 172
Chain complex, Positive 126
Chain complex, projective 126
Chain complex, Second total 167
Chain map 117
Chain map of degree n 177
Change of rings 163 190 318
Characteristic class 210
Closed class of epimorphisms 307
Coboundary 118
Coboundary operator 118
Cochain 118
Cochain complex 118
Cochain complex, Acyclic 129
Cochain complex, Injective 129
Cochain complex, Positive 129
Cochain map 118
Cocycle 118
Codomain 41
Coequalizer 50
Cofiltering category 326
Cofiltration 264 292
Cofinal functor 323 326
Cofree module 33 35
Cogroup 59
Cohomological dimension 223
Cohomologous 118
Cohomology class 118
Cohomology functor 118
Cohomology module 118
Cohomology of a coproduct 219
Cohomology of a group 188
Cohomology of a Lie algebra 234
Cohomology ring of a group 219
Coinduced 211
Coinitial 43
Cokernel 13 17 50
Colimit 276
Commutative diagram 14
Commutative K-algebras 329
Commutativity of product 56
Comparison theorem 268
Complementary degree 264
Completely reducible representation 227
Completing a filtration 294
Composition of morphisms 40
Conjugation 225
Connected category 71
Connected sequence of functors 312
Connecting homomorphism 99 121 136 137
Constant functor 69 276
Contavariant functor 46
Contracting homotopy 125
Coproduct 58
Corestriction 225
Counit 65
Covariant functor 46
Crossed homomorphism 194
Cup-product 219
Cyclic groups, (co)homology of 200
Deficiency 205
Degenerate 215
Derivation of a group 194
Derivation of a Lie algebra 234
Derivation, f- 196
Derived couple 258
Derived functor 130 134
Derived length 250
Derived series 249
Derived system of a Rees system 284
Diagonal action 212
Diagonal functor 69 276
Diagonal homomorphism 212
diff 329
Differential 117 118
Differential module with involution 172
Differential object 256
| Dimension, Cohomological 223
Dimension, global 147 251
Dimension, injective 147
Dimension, projective 142
Direct factor 36
Direct limit 72 280
Direct product 20
Direct sum 18 19
Direct summand 24
Discrete category 72
Divisible module 31
Domain (of a morphism) 41
Double complex 167 169
Dual 29
Duality 46 48
Dualization 28
Eckmann 5 185
Eilenberg 185
Eilenberg — Zilber theorem 166
Embedding of a subcategory 45
Enough injectives 129
Enough projectives 128
Epimorphic 29 48
Epimorphism 29 48
Equalizer 50
Equivalent categories 51
Equivalent extensions of groups 206
Equivalent extensions of Lie algebras 238
Equivalent extensions of modules 84
Essential extension 36
Essential monomorphism 36
Exact coproducts 326
Exact couple 257
Exact functor, Left 134
Exact functor, Right 132
Exact on projectives 137
Exact sequence 14 80
Exact sequence, 5-term 202
Exact square 80
Ext 89 94 139 143
Extension of groups 206
Extension of Lie algebras 238
Extension of modules 84
Exterior power 239
Factor set 210
Faithful functor 47
Faithful representation of a Lie algebra 245
Fibre map 147
Fibre product 62
Filtered chain complex 263 281
Filtered differential object 261
Filtered object 262
Filtration of a double complex, First 297
Filtration of a double complex, Second 297
Filtration, Complete 292
Filtration, finite 267
Filtration, Homologically finite 267
Finite convergence 265 267
Finitely presentable group 205
Five lemma 15
Flat module 111
Free functor 45 63
Free Lie algebra 236
Free module (on the set S) 22
Free object in a category 81
Free product of groups 58
Free product with amalgamated subgroup 62 221
Freudenthal 185
Full embedding 47
Full embedding theorem 74
Full functor 47
Full subcategory 43
functor 44
Functor category 52
Functor represented by A 46
G-acyclic object 299
G-module 186
Generator of a category 44
Generator of a group 205
Generator of a module 22
Global dimension 147 251
Graded algebra 172
Graded algebra, Differential 172
Graded algebra, Internally 172 251
Graded module 75
Graded module, Internally 251
Graded object, Associated 262
Graded, Negatively 266
Graded, Positively 266
Grothendieck group 72 74
Grothendieck spectral sequence 299
Group algebra over K 12 165
Group in a category 58
Group of homomorphisms 16
Group presentation 205
Group representation 13 227
Group ring 186
Group ring over 188
Gruenberg resolution 218
Hilton 5
Hochschild — Serre spectral sequence 305
Hom-Ext-sequence 100 102
Homologous 118
Homology class 118
Homology functor 118
Homology module 118
Homology module of a complex 118
Homology module of a coproduct 219
Homology module of a functor 324
Homology module of a group 188
Homology module of a Lie algebra 237
Homology module of a product 221
Homology module of a small category 327
Homology module of an augmented algebra 330
Homology module of cyclic groups 200
Homomorphic relation 290
Homomorphism of modules 13
Homotopic 124
Homotopic morphisms of double complexes 305
Homotopy 124
Homotopy category 126
Homotopy class 43
Homotopy equivalence 126
Homotopy type 126
Homotopy, Contracting 125
Hopf 185
Hopf algebra 212
Hopf's formula 204
Hurewicz 185
Identity functor 45
Identity functor, morphism 41
Image 13 75
Induced module 210
Inflation 224
Initial 43
Injection 19 58
Injective class of monomorphisms 308
Injective dimension 147
Injective envelope 38
Injective homomorphism 13
Injective module 30 36
Injective object 81
Injective resolution 129
Invariant element 191 234
Inverse homomorphism 13
Inverse homomorphism, limit 72
Invertible functor 45
Invertible functor, morphism 42
Isomorphic 42
Isomorphic category 45
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