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Muir T. — Theory of determinants, vol. 4. 1880 to 1900
Muir T. — Theory of determinants, vol. 4. 1880 to 1900

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Название: Theory of determinants, vol. 4. 1880 to 1900

Автор: Muir T.


One of the few comprehensive treatments of determinants in a single volume, this compilation features nearly all the known facts about determinants up to the early 1930s. In addition to its value as a reference, its 485 problems and scores of numerical examples make it an excellent graduate-level teaching tool. Unabridged republication of the revised 1933 edition.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Линейная алгебра/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1923

Количество страниц: 540

Добавлена в каталог: 19.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
(Anon.) (1888), Miscellaneous      475
(Anon.) (1890), Continuant      406
A.C. (1897), General      67
A.C. (1897), Miscellaneous      491
Ahrens (1895, -97), General      61
Albuquerque (1884), Text-book      84
Almeida (1893), General      53—54
Amanzio (1883), Becurrent      228
Amigues (1892), Linear Equations      106—107
Amigues (1895), General      62—63
Amoretti (1888), Text-book      89
Andre (1896), Circulant      382
Andreief (1883), Miscellaneous      464
Anglin (1886), Alternant      165—166
Anglin (1887), Alternant      170
Anglin (1888), Alternant      173—175
Anissimoff (1898), General      69
Antonelli (1883), General      18—19
Appell (1884), Multilineant      414—415
Arant (1896), Compound      220
Arnaldi (1896), Bordered      432—433
Autonne (1897), Jacobian      258
Bacas (1883), Text-book      82
Baehr (1880), Alternant      142—143
Bagnera (1886), General      33—34
Baker (1897), Skew      282
Ball (1890), Skew      273
Baltzer (1881), Text-book      78
Baltzer (1887), Miscellanous      472—473
Bang (1893), General      53
Bang (1893), Orthogonant      301
Barbier (1883), Compound      211
Bardey (1880, 1882), Text-book      77
Bauer (1883), Hessian      353
Baur (1898), Persymmetric      331
Beke (1898), Alternant      197
Berry (1898), Jacobian      258
Bes (1899), General      75—76
Besso (1882), Alternant      155
Bhut (1882), Circulant      371
Bickmore (1898), Circulant      382—384
Bickmore (1898), Continuant      413
Biehler (1880), Bigradient      332
Biehler (1880), Linear Equations      98
Biermann (1891), Bigradient      341
Bitale (1898), General      71
Bonolis (1882), General      17—18
Bonolis (1896), Bordered      434
Bonolis (1896), General      64
Booth (1895), Miscellaneous      488
Borini (1899), Continuant      413
Bortolotti (1896), Wronskian      248—249
Bortolotti (1898), Wronskian      250
Bourlet (1897), Recurrent      240
Brambilla (1898), Alternate      195—196
Brand (1896), General      64
Brand (1896), Miscellaneous      490
Brisse (1890), Orthogonant      297
Brown (1892, 1894), Multilineant      423
Brunei (1884), General      25
Brunn (1892), Per symmetric      324—325
Bruno (1880), Jacobian      251—252
Bruno (1880), Miscellaneous      454—455
Bruno (1881), Text-book      79
Bruno (1883), Becurrent      229
Buchheim (1884), Axisymmetric      116
Buchheim (1884), Orthogonant      289
Budisavljevic (1898), Text-book      95
Bunkofer (1883), Text-book      83
Burnside, W. (1893), Circulant      393
Burnside, W.S. (1881), Alternant      147—148
Burnside, W.S. (1881), Axisymmetric      111
Burnside, W.S. (1881), Bordered      429
Burnside, W.S. (1881), Linear Equations      99
Burnside, W.S. (1881), Text-book      80
Burnside, W.S. (1881), Wronshian      243
Burnside, W.S. (1889), Text-book      95—96
Burnside, W.S. (1899), Alternant      200—201
Busche (1891), Linear Equations      105
Caldarera (1893), Recurrent      238
Caldarera (1897), Continuant      412—3
Candioti (1898), Continuant      413
Capelli (1882, 1886), Miscellanous      462—463
Capelli (1886), Linear Equations      102—103
Capelli (1886), Miscellanous      470
Capelli (1886), Text-book      87
Capelli (1888, 1889, 1892, 1895, 1898), Linear Equations      104—105
Capelli (1889), Miscellanous      476—477
Capelli (1895), Miscellanous      488—489
Capelli (1895, 1898), Text-book      94
Cardenas (1878), Text-book      78
Carnoy (1892), Text-book      91
Caro (1897), Miscellaneous      491
Carr (1886), Text-book      86
Carvallo (1891), General      48
Casorati (1880), Wronshian      242—243
Casorati (1881), Miscellaneous      456
Caspary (1880, 1881), Compound      206
Caspary (1889), General      43
Catalan (1881), Miscellaneous      456
Catalan (1888), Skew      272
Cauchy (1885), General      26
Cayley (1854), Invariant Factors      437—468
Cayley (1885), Miscellaneous      466
Cayley (1888), Axisymmetric      125—126
Cayley (1891), Miscellaneous      480
Cayley (1893), Alternant      186
Cayley (1894), Axisymmetric      131
Cayley (1894), General      51—52
Cazzaniga (1896), Miscellanous      488—489
Cazzaniga (1897), Persymmetric      329—330
Cazzaniga (1897), Skew      280—281
Cazzaniga (1898), Recurrent      240
Cesaro (1880), Recurrent      225
Cesaro (1883), Circulant      371
Cesaro (1885), Axisymmetric      118—119
Cesaro (1885), Miscellaneous      467
Cesaro (1892), Continuant      406—408
Cesaro (1894), Axisymmetric      132—133
Cesaro (1894), Text-book      93
Cherriman (1882), Recurrent      227
Christie (1899), Continuant      413
Chrystal (1881), Continuant      399
Chrystal (1881), Per symmetric      316
Ciamberlini (1895), Axisymmetric      136
Clasen (1888), Linear Equations      103—104
Collet (1893), Linear Equations      107
Craig (1883), Alternant      158
Crawford, G.E., (1895), Miscellanous      487—488
Crawford, L. (1899), Jacobian      258
Crocchi (1882), Bigradient      336—337
Crocchi (1885), Recurrent      232
d'Avillez (1897), Miscellaneous      491
d'Ovidio (1890), Compound      213
David (1882), Recurrent      226—227
Davis (1882), General      18
Davis (1897), General      62
Dedekind (1886), Circulant      390—391
del Re (1881), Alternant      145
Dellae (1895), Alternant      188—189
Demoulin (1889, 1897), Wronskian      246
Deruyts (1881), General      13
Deruyts (1882), General      15—16
Deruyts (1884), General      25—26
Deruyts (1889), Skew      273
Deruyts (1892), General      50
Deruyts (1896), General      64
Desplanques (1887), General      37
Dickstein (1886), Recurrent      232
Dickstein (1888, 1897), Wronskian      245
Dickstein (1892) General      50
Diekmann (1889), Text-book      90
Dittmar (1892), General      50
Djekmann (1880, 1882), Text-book      77
Doelp (1887), Text-book      86
Doelp (1893), Text-book      93
Doelp (1899), Text-book      94
Doetsch (1880), Text-book      77
Dostor (1883), Text-book      82—83
Drude (1887), Miscellanous      472—473
Duporcq (1890), Recurrent      234
Dupuis (1889), Recurrent      233—234
Echols (1892), Alternant      181
Echols (1893), Alternant      186—187
Echols (1893), Miscellanous      482—483
Echols (1893), Wronskian      247
Eddy (1882), General      14
Edwardes (1884), Alternant      158—59
Edwardes (1886), Axisymmetric      119—120
Egidi (1883), Text-book      83
Elfrinkhof (1897), Orthogonant      306—307
Elliott (1899), Orthogonant      309—310
Emmerich (1888), Symmetric      139
Erler (1880, 1882), Text-book      77
Escandon (1883), Text-book      82
Escherich (1892), General      49
Escherich (1892), Persymmetric      323
Escherich (1892), Recurrent      235—236
Falk (1885), General      23
Farkas (1880), Bigradient      334—335
Farkas (1880), Recurrent      225
Farkas (1881), Bigradient      335—336
Fehr (1895), General      61
Ferber (1899), Miscellans      459—460
Fiske (1889), General      43—44
Fontene (1896), Skew      279
Fontene (1898), Circulant      384
Forsyth (1884), Circulant      372
Fouret (1884), Alternant      159
Fouret (1886, 1887), General      36
Fouret (1889), Skeiv      272
Franklin (1883), Recurrent      230
Franklin (1890), Hessian      353—354
Frascara (1880), Text-book      78
Frobenius (1878), Invariant Factors      444—445
Frobenius (1879), Invariant Factors      445—446
Frobenius (1894), Axisymmetric      135
Frobenius (1894), Compound      217
Frobenius (1894), General      57
Frobenius (1894), Invariant Factors      447—448
Frobenius (1894), Persymmetric      325—326
Gambioli (1889, 1890), Continuant      406
Gambioli (1891), Recurrent      235
Garbieri (1882), Alternant      155—157
Garbieri (1886), Linear Equations      102—103
Garbieri (1886), Text-book      87
Garbieri (1891), Linear Equations      105—106
Garbieri (1893), Text-book      93
Gasco (1882), Text-book      82
Gasco (1896), General      63
Gasco (1897), Linear Equations      106—107
Gavrilovitch (1899), Text-book      95
Gegenbaur (1887), Miscellanous      473
Gegenbaur (1888), Circulant      391—392
Gegenbaur (1888), Continuant      405
Genese (1882), Miscellaneous      461
Gerbaldi (1889), Hessian      353
Gerhardt (1891), General      48—49
Gerlach (1880, -82), Text-book      77
Gibbs (1886), General      36
Giinther (1880), Skew      260
Gilbert (1880), Jacobian      252
Gillet (1894), Symmetric      139
Giudice (1883), Linear Equations      99—100
Glaisher (1880), Circulant      357—358
Glaisher (1884), Recurrent      231
Glashan (1880), Recurrent      224
Gordan (1884), Alternant      159
Gordan (1885), Bigradient      338—339
Gordan (1885), Linear Equations      101
Gordan (1885), Text-book      85—86
Gordan (1893, 1894), Bigradient      343
Gordon (1887), Recurrent      233
Goursat (1896, 1897), Bigradient      346
Gram (1881), Miscellaneous      457
Grante (1896), Miscellaneous      489
Grassmann (1891), General      48
Grevy (1894), Wronskian      248
Groll (1881), Text-book      80
Grusintzeff (1891), Compaund      213—215
Gubler (1890), Recurrent      234
Guimaraes (1897), General      63
Hadamard (1893), Miscellanous      483—484
Haebler (1888), General      35
Hagen (1883), Recurrent      229
Hagen (1891), Text-book      86
Hamburger (1885), Compound      212
Hamburger (1885), General      31
Hammond (1881), General      2
Hammond (1882), Circulant      389—390
Hanus (1886), Text-book      87
Haskell (1892), Bigradient      341
Hathaway (1897), General      66
Hattendorf (1887), Text-book      86
Hausgner (1894), Recurrent      238
Hazzidakis (1880), Axisymmetric      110
Hazzidakis (1880), Orthogonant      284
Hazzidakis (1898), General      71
Heal (1886), Bigradient      339
Henry (1881), General      6
Hensel (1889), General      42
Hensel (1894), Invariant Factors      448—449
Hermes (1888), Axisymmetric      123—124
Hermite (1889), General      42
Hesse (1880), Text-book      79
Heun (1881), Persymmetric      312—315
Hill (1895), Skew      274
Hoffmann (1880, -82), Text-book      77
Hoppe (1880), Text-book      78
Hoppe (1885), General      26
Hoppe (1885), Orthogonant      289
Horta (1889), Text-book      90
Horta (1890), Axisymmetric      129
Horta (1890), General      45—46
Howse (1889, 1890), Symmetric      139
Humbert (1885), General      26
Hunyady (1880), Compound      202—205
Hunyady (1881)      207—208
Hunyady (1882), Compound      209
Hurwitz (1894), General      57
Igel (1880), Alternant      144
Igel (1880), General      6
Igel (1892), General      49
Igel (1892), Orthogonant      300
Igel (1898), Compound      222
Jacobi (1884), Alternant      159
Jacobi (1884), Jacobian      254
Jacobi (1896), Alternant      189
Jacobi (1896), General      63
Jacobi (1896), Jacobian      257
Jadanza (1882, -84), Continuant      400
Jahnke (1897), Orthogonant      307
Jairochenko (1894), Compound      218
Jamet (1898), Recurrent      239
Janisch (1890), Circulant      392
Janni (1886), Text-book      86
Jenkins (1895), General      62
Jenrich (1882), Text-book      77
Jezek (1884), Recurrent      231
Johnson (1885), Alternant      160—163
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